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  • CAMPION Sebastien's avatar
    Token route for docker registry authorisation · 05768a7e
    CAMPION Sebastien authored
    The following are a list of environment variables that has to be set for the oauth_server container to work properly.
    Specifies the path to the private key used to sign tokens. Must be a valid path inside the container.
    Specifies the type of key used to sign tokens. Can be either RSA or EC, defaults to RSA
    Specifies the algorithm used to sign tokens. For RSA keys this should be set to RS256. For EC keys this should be set to ES256
    Identifies who signed the token to the registry. Usually the FQDN of the OAuth Server is used. This configuration should match the REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER variable used to configure the registry.
    Specifies the expiration time in seconds for tokens signed by this server. Defaults to 3600 seconds.
    Specifies the type of tokens signed by this server. Defaults to JWT