@@ -25,29 +25,22 @@ In today's tutorial, you will be launching one researcher and two node component
@@ -25,29 +25,22 @@ In today's tutorial, you will be launching one researcher and two node component
### The Fed-BioMed node
### The Fed-BioMed node
Open a terminal in Jupyterhub and navigate to the fedbiomed folder
We have prepare two nodes for you, called `site_1.ini` and `site_2.ini`.
To run them, open two terminals in Jupyterhub and navigate to the fedbiomed folder in both of them
Now, choose a name for your node. In this example, we will use the name `node-name`. Remember that whenever you execute a command for a node, you must specify `config node-name` to tell Fed-BioMed that you are referring to this node specifically.
Then, in the first terminal execute
First, we initialize the node by creating a configuration:
Note that after this command, the terminal is fully dedicated to running the node, and you may not execute other commands on that terminal unless you stop the node's execution beforehand.
Note that after this command, this terminal is fully dedicated to running the node, and you may note execute other commands on it unless you stop the node's execution.