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This is the Graphical Interface described in the paper

Interaction Fields enables users to sketch how neighbors of a certain virtual character, called a source, will react around it. This is possible by sketching fields around such source that define the velocity and orienation of others agents (virtual characters) around it. This interface only allows to sketch the fields, to run a simulation using such fields, you would need to use a simulation system. Inria and the Virtus teams suggest to use Umans ( for the 2D and CrowdMP for the 3D (where you can also sketch and experience the fields in VR).

A detailed explanation of how the method Interaction Fields work is available in the PhD manuscrit of Adèle COLAS: "Interaction Field : A New Intuitive Method to Sketch Collective Behaviors", avalaible on thè To see some example, you can refer to video example: