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BATY Matthieu's avatar
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# heRVé
BATY Matthieu's avatar
BATY Matthieu committed
A Kôika implementation of a pipelined RISC-V processor with interruptions and exceptions.
BATY Matthieu's avatar
BATY Matthieu committed
This design is based on [our fork of Kôika](
The initial version of the processor is the work of Gabriel Desfrene.
This processor is based on the RISC-V _Kôika_ processor provided as a demonstration of the possibilities of this language.
## Build Instructions
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BATY Matthieu committed
Start by building and installing [our fork of Kôika]( Follow the instructions there first.
Then, running `make core` or `make` in the root directory builds the core in the Verilog file in `src/_objects/priv_rv/rv32.v`.

A pipeline schematic can be compiled with `make doc`. This target requires `latexmk`. The produced file is in `/src/doc/Pipeline.pdf`.

## Tests Instructions
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BATY Matthieu committed
Tests have the following dependencies:
- A C++17 `gcc` compiler (tested on 13.3.0),
- [The Boost libraries]( (tested with version 1.83),
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- A RISC-V compiler (you can use [this one](,
- `bat`/`batcat`
- The [Verilator]( suite (tested with version 5.024).

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BATY Matthieu committed
These simulations execute the processor, cycle by cycle, on custom programs found in the `src/test` directory.

To build the tests program, please adapt the `RISCVCC32` variable in the `Makefile` found in the `src/test` directory.
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BATY Matthieu committed
Next, you can use:

- `make binaries` to build all the tests.
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- `make build-file FILE=test-prog` to build the test program `test-prog`. This should be a path relative the test directory without the file extension, example: `FILE=integ/tiny` is valid.
- `make dump-file FILE=test-prog` dumps the program on stdout with `objdump`.

When creating your own tests, you can append `-int` to your file name to add an interrupt manager or `-opt` to activate
compilation optimizations with the `-O2` flag.

BATY Matthieu's avatar
BATY Matthieu committed
Two simulations are available to test the processor:
- A high-level simulation with _cuttlesim_. The following commands are available:
    - `make cuttlesim` to build the processor simulator,
    - `make cuttlesim-trace` to build a processor simulator with debug output on stdout,
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DESFRENE Gabriel committed
    - `make cuttlesim-debug` build a processor simulator that you can debug with `gdb`,
    - `make cuttlesim-tests` to run all the tests on the simulator.

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BATY Matthieu committed
    You can use the following command to simulate on test programs:
    - `make run-file FILE=test-prog STEPS=...` to simulate the processor on the program `test-prog`. The `STEPS` variable controls the number of cycle of the simulation,
    - `make trace-file FILE=test-prog STEPS=...` to simulate and output the trace of the processor on the program `test-prog`,
    - `make debug-file FILE=test-prog STEPS=...` to debug the `cuttlesim` simulator on the program `test-prog` with `gdb`.
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BATY Matthieu committed
- A low-level simulation with _Verilator_. The following commands are available:
    - `make verilator` to build the processor simulator,
    - `make verilator-tests` to run all the tests on the simulator.

More option are available on the `Makefile` in the `src/_objects/priv_rv`, use `make help` to describe them. The `NCYCLES` and `MEM_NAME` controls what file is simulated and for how long.

## Proof Instructions

To checks the proofs you will need the [z3]( SMT solver (tested with version 4.13.0).

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BATY Matthieu committed
Proof checking is done in two steps:
- Proof extraction with `make proofs-export`,
- Proof checking with `make proofs-check`.

## Synthesis Instructions

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BATY Matthieu committed
Synthesis can be done for various targets, see the `Makefile` in `src/_objects/priv_rv`. For synthesis on the ECPIX5 platform, you will need:
- [YoSys]( (tested with version 0.43),
- [nextpnr]( (tested with version 0.7),
- [Project Trellis]( (tested with version 1.4),
- [openFPGALoader]( (tested with version v0.12.0).

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BATY Matthieu committed
Synthesis of the bitstream:
make core
make -C src/_objects/priv_rv.v/ top_ecpix5.bit MEM_NAME=...

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BATY Matthieu committed
The bitstream file is produced at `src/_objects/priv_rv.v/top_ecpix5.bit`. You can use the following command to flash the FPGA:
openFPGALoader -b ecpix5 src/_objects/priv_rv.v/top_ecpix5.bit
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BATY Matthieu committed

Happy hacking !