v2 TACW et v5 Robert : riskLevel + lastContactDate
We create a v2 TACW and v5 Robert
- riskLevel (0 to 4) : 0 no risk at all, 4 highest risk => this riskLevel is resilient i.e. each time we call it, the backend sends back the status at this given time (on the frontend side, no intelligence whatsoever)
- lastContactDate (NTP) : last contact date (i.e. the contact between the two smartphone with BLE, or the QR code scan in a given place)
- and we remove the atRisk (boolean)
On the app side The app launches the v2/wstatus and v5/status, and based on the responses:
- The app keeps the highest riskLevel
- The app checks if the lastContactDate changed since last time (warning, lastContactDate can be higher or lower, and that's ok in both cases) : if it changed, then the app notifies the end-user with the associated labels, and the app displays the corresponding colors/screens based on the riskLevel value.
- in the JSON files for labels, there are different labels for each riskLevel (e.g. notification.risk.1.title, notification.risk.3.subtitle, widget.risk.2.title etc.) ; will be provided by the Health team.
Planning :
- mocks available Jan 4 (with riskLevel = random(0, 5), and if > 0, the backend sends back a date in the last 5 days for instance)
- launch date in production should be when restaurants reopen (should be Jan 20).
Edited by Thomas Jaussoin