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4 - Dist/SpmNorm

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@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
* @author Pierre Ramet
* @author Xavier Lacoste
* @author Theophile Terraz
* @date 2015-06-01
* @author Tony Delarue
* @date 2020-05-19
* @precisions normal z -> c d s
* @addtogroup spm_dev_norm
@@ -22,11 +24,295 @@
#include "z_spm.h"
#include "frobeniusupdate.h"
#if defined(SPM_WITH_MPI)
z_spm_frobenius_merge( double *dist,
double *loc,
int *len,
MPI_Datatype *dtype )
assert( *len == 2 );
frobenius_merge( dist[0], dist[1], loc, loc+1 );
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of a diagonal element within a
* symmetric/hermitian matrix with column/row major storage
* Note that column major is using the low triangular part only of the diagonal
* element matrices, and row major, by symmetry, is using only the upper
* triangular part.
* The comments in the code are made for column major storage.
static inline void
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym_diag( const spm_int_t dofs,
const double *valptr,
double *data )
spm_int_t ii, jj;
for(jj=0; jj<dofs; jj++)
/* Skip unused upper triangular part */
for(ii=0; ii<jj; ii++) {
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
/* Diagonal element */
frobenius_update( 1, data, data + 1, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( 1, data, data + 1, valptr );
for(ii=jj+1; ii<dofs; ii++, valptr++)
frobenius_update( 2, data, data + 1, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( 2, data, data + 1, valptr );
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of an off-diagonal element matrix in the
* symmetric/hermitian case
static inline void
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym_offd( const spm_int_t nbelts,
const double *valptr,
double *data )
spm_int_t ii;
for(ii=0; ii<nbelts; ii++, valptr++)
frobenius_update( 2, data, data + 1, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( 2, data, data + 1, valptr );
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of any element matrix in the
* symmetric/hermitian case
static inline void
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym( const spm_int_t row,
const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t col,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
double *data )
if ( row == col ) {
assert( dofi == dofj );
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym_diag( dofi, (const double*)valptr, data );
else {
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym_offd( dofi * dofj, (const double*)valptr, data );
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of a symmetrix/hermitian CSC matrix
* @param[in] spm
* The spm from which the norm need to be computed.
* @param[in,out] data
static inline void
z_spmFrobeniusNorm_csc( const spmatrix_t *spm,
double *data )
spm_int_t j, k, baseval;
spm_int_t ig, dofi, row;
spm_int_t jg, dofj, col;
const spm_int_t *colptr;
const spm_int_t *rowptr;
const spm_int_t *dofs;
const spm_int_t *loc2glob;
const spm_complex64_t *valptr;
assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC );
assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
colptr = spm->colptr;
rowptr = spm->rowptr;
valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
dofs = spm->dofs;
loc2glob = spm->loc2glob;
for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++, loc2glob++)
jg = (spm->loc2glob == NULL) ? j : (*loc2glob) - baseval;
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofj = spm->dof;
col = spm->dof * jg;
else {
dofj = dofs[jg+1] - dofs[jg];
col = dofs[jg] - baseval;
for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++)
ig = (*rowptr - baseval);
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofi = spm->dof;
row = spm->dof * ig;
else {
dofi = dofs[ig+1] - dofs[ig];
row = dofs[ig] - baseval;
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym( row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr, data );
valptr += dofi * dofj;
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of a symmetrix/hermitian CSR matrix
* @param[in] spm
* The spm from which the norm need to be computed.
* @param[in,out] data
static inline void
z_spmFrobeniusNorm_csr( const spmatrix_t *spm,
double *data )
spm_int_t i, k, baseval;
spm_int_t ig, dofi, row;
spm_int_t jg, dofj, col;
const spm_int_t *colptr;
const spm_int_t *rowptr;
const spm_int_t *dofs;
const spm_int_t *loc2glob;
const spm_complex64_t *valptr;
assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSR );
assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
colptr = spm->colptr;
rowptr = spm->rowptr;
valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
dofs = spm->dofs;
loc2glob = spm->loc2glob;
for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++, loc2glob++)
ig = (spm->loc2glob == NULL) ? i : (*loc2glob) - baseval;
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofi = spm->dof;
row = spm->dof * ig;
else {
dofi = dofs[ig+1] - dofs[ig];
row = dofs[ig] - baseval;
for(k=rowptr[0]; k<rowptr[1]; k++, colptr++)
jg = (*colptr - baseval);
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofj = spm->dof;
col = spm->dof * jg;
else {
dofj = dofs[jg+1] - dofs[jg];
col = dofs[jg] - baseval;
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym( row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr, data );
valptr += dofi * dofj;
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of a symmetrix/hermitian IJV matrix
* @param[in] spm
* The spm from which the norm need to be computed.
* @param[in,out] data
static inline void
z_spmFrobeniusNorm_ijv( const spmatrix_t *spm,
double *data )
spm_int_t k, baseval;
spm_int_t i, dofi, row;
spm_int_t j, dofj, col;
const spm_int_t *colptr;
const spm_int_t *rowptr;
const spm_int_t *dofs;
const spm_complex64_t *valptr;
assert( spm->fmttype == SpmIJV );
assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
colptr = spm->colptr;
rowptr = spm->rowptr;
valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
dofs = spm->dofs;
for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
i = *rowptr - baseval;
j = *colptr - baseval;
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofi = spm->dof;
row = spm->dof * i;
dofj = spm->dof;
col = spm->dof * j;
else {
dofi = dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
row = dofs[i] - baseval;
dofj = dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
col = dofs[j] - baseval;
z_spm_frobenius_elt_sym( row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr, data );
valptr += dofi * dofj;
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of the non distributed given
* spm structure.
* @brief Compute the Frobenius norm of the given spm structure.
* ||A|| = sqrt( sum( a_ij ^ 2 ) )
@@ -43,78 +329,52 @@
z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
spm_int_t i, j, baseval;
double *valptr = (double*)spm->values;
double scale = 1.;
double sumsq = 0.;
double data[] = { 0., 1. }; /* Scale, Sum */
if (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) {
const double *valptr = (double*)spm->values;
spm_int_t i;
for(i=0; i <spm->nnzexp; i++, valptr++) {
frobenius_update( 1, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
frobenius_update( 1, data, data + 1, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( 1, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
frobenius_update( 1, data, data + 1, valptr );
else {
spm_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
spm_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
int nb;
baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
switch( spm->fmttype ){
case SpmCSC:
for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, colptr++) {
for(j=colptr[0]; j<colptr[1]; j++, rowptr++, valptr++) {
nb = ( i == (*rowptr-baseval) ) ? 1 : 2;
frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
z_spmFrobeniusNorm_csc( spm, data );
case SpmCSR:
for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++) {
for(j=rowptr[0]; j<rowptr[1]; j++, colptr++, valptr++) {
nb = ( i == (*colptr-baseval) ) ? 1 : 2;
frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
case SpmCSR:
z_spmFrobeniusNorm_csr( spm, data );
case SpmIJV:
for(i=0; i <spm->nnz; i++, valptr++, colptr++, rowptr++) {
nb = ( *rowptr == *colptr ) ? 1 : 2;
frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
fprintf(stderr, "z_spmFrobeniusNorm: Unknown Format\n");
case SpmIJV:
z_spmFrobeniusNorm_ijv( spm, data );
return scale * sqrt( sumsq );
#if defined(SPM_WITH_MPI)
if ( spm->loc2glob != NULL ) {
MPI_Op merge;
MPI_Op_create( (MPI_User_function *)z_spm_frobenius_merge, 1, &merge );
MPI_Allreduce( MPI_IN_PLACE, data, 2, SPM_MPI_DOUBLE, merge, spm->comm );
MPI_Op_free( &merge );
return data[0] * sqrt( data[1] );
* @brief Compute the Max norm of the non distributed given spm
* structure.
* @brief Compute the Max norm of the given spm structure.
* ||A|| = max( abs(a_ij) )
@@ -132,139 +392,249 @@ double
z_spmMaxNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
spm_int_t i;
spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
const spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
double tmp, norm = 0.;
for(i=0; i <spm->nnzexp; i++, valptr++) {
tmp = cabs( *valptr );
norm = norm > tmp ? norm : tmp;
norm = (norm > tmp) ? norm : tmp;
#if defined(SPM_WITH_MPI)
if ( spm->loc2glob != NULL ) {
MPI_Allreduce( MPI_IN_PLACE, &norm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, spm->comm );
return norm;
* @brief Compute the Infinity norm of the non distributed given spm
* structure given by the maximum column sum.
* @brief Compute the sum array for the one/inf norms of a diagonal element
* within a symmetric/hermitian matrix with column/row major storage.
* ||A|| = max_i( sum_j(|a_ij|) )
* Note that column major is using the low triangular part only of the diagonal
* element matrices, and row major, by symmetry, is using only the upper
* triangular part.
* The comments in the code are made for column major storage.
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt_sym_diag( const spm_int_t row,
const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
double *sumtab )
spm_int_t ii, jj;
sumtab += row;
for(jj=0; jj<dofi; jj++)
/* Skip unused upper triangular part */
for(ii=0; ii<jj; ii++) {
/* Diagonal element */
sumtab[jj] += cabs( *valptr );
for(ii=jj+1; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
/* Lower part */
sumtab[ii] += cabs( *valptr );
/* Upper part */
sumtab[jj] += cabs( *valptr );
* @brief Compute the sum array for the one/inf norms of a general element.
* @param[in] spm
* The spm from which the norm need to be computed.
* We can observe two cases A and B;
* ________ _ ________ _
* | | | | | | |________| | |
* | | | | |A| OR |________| |B|
* |__|__|__| |_| |________| |_|
* ________ ________
* |___B____| |___A____|
* | One Norm | Inf norm |
* -------------+----------+----------+
* Column Major | B | A |
* -------------+----------+----------+
* Row Major | A | B |
* -------------+----------+----------+
* @return The computed infinity norm
* @warning: The sumtab must be shifted at the right place on input
z_spmInfNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_A( const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
double *sumtab )
spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
double norm = 0.;
double *sumrow;
spm_int_t ii, jj;
sumrow = malloc( spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
memset( sumrow, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
switch( spm->fmttype ){
case SpmCSC:
for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
for( i=spm->colptr[col]-baseval; i<spm->colptr[col+1]-baseval; i++ )
row = spm->rowptr[i] - baseval;
sumrow[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
/* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
if ( ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral ) &&
( row != col ) )
sumrow[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
sumtab[ii] += cabs( *valptr );
case SpmCSR:
for( row=0; row < spm->gN; row++ )
for( i=spm->rowptr[row]-baseval; i<spm->rowptr[row+1]-baseval; i++ )
sumrow[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
* @brief Compute the sum array for the one/inf norms of a general element.
* See z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_A()
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_B( const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
double *sumtab )
spm_int_t ii, jj;
/* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++, sumtab++)
for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
for( row=0; row < spm->gN; row++ )
for( i=spm->rowptr[row]-baseval; i<spm->rowptr[row+1]-baseval; i++ )
col = spm->colptr[i] - baseval;
if ( row != col ) {
sumrow[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
*sumtab += cabs( *valptr );
case SpmIJV:
for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
* @brief Compute the sum array for both the one and inf norms for the
* off-diagonal elements of symmetric/hermitian element matrices.
* See z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_A()
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_AB( const spm_int_t row,
const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t col,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
double *sumtab )
double *sumrow = sumtab + row;
double *sumcol = sumtab + col;
spm_int_t ii, jj;
for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++, sumcol++)
for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
row = spm->rowptr[i]-baseval;
sumrow[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
double v = cabs( *valptr );
sumrow[ii] += v;
*sumcol += v;
/* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
row = spm->rowptr[i]-baseval;
col = spm->colptr[i]-baseval;
if( row != col ) {
sumrow[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
* @brief Compute the sum array for the one and inf norms of a general element.
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen( const spm_layout_t layout,
const spm_int_t row,
const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t col,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
const spm_normtype_t ntype,
double *sumtab )
if ( layout == SpmColMajor ) {
if ( ntype == SpmInfNorm ) {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_A( dofi, dofj, valptr, sumtab + row );
else {
assert( ntype == SpmOneNorm );
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_B( dofi, dofj, valptr, sumtab + col );
else {
if ( ntype == SpmInfNorm ) {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_B( dofj, dofi, valptr, sumtab + row );
else {
assert( ntype == SpmOneNorm );
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_A( dofj, dofi, valptr, sumtab + col );
free( sumrow );
* @brief Compute the sum array for both the one and inf norms for the
* off-diagonal elements of symmetric/hermitian element matrices in either
* column or row major layout.
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt_sym_offd( const spm_layout_t layout,
const spm_int_t row,
const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t col,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
double *sumtab )
if ( layout == SpmColMajor ) {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_AB( row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr, sumtab );
else {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen_AB( col, dofj, row, dofi, valptr, sumtab );
for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++)
if(norm < sumrow[i])
norm = sumrow[i];
* @brief Compute the sum array for the one/inf norm for an element matrix.
static inline void
z_spm_oneinf_elt( const spm_mtxtype_t mtxtype,
const spm_layout_t layout,
const spm_int_t row,
const spm_int_t dofi,
const spm_int_t col,
const spm_int_t dofj,
const spm_complex64_t *valptr,
const spm_normtype_t ntype,
double *sumtab )
if ( mtxtype == SpmGeneral ) {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_gen( layout, row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr, ntype, sumtab );
else {
if(row == col) {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_sym_diag( row, dofi, valptr, sumtab );
else {
z_spm_oneinf_elt_sym_offd( layout, row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr, sumtab );
free( sumrow );
return norm;
* @brief Compute the one norm of the non distributed given spm
* structure fiven by the maximum row sum
* @brief Compute the one/inf norm of the given spm structure given by
* the maximum row sum
* ||A|| = max_j( sum_i(|a_ij|) )
* * SpmOneNorm: ||A|| = max_j( sum_i(|a_ij|) )
* * SpmInfNorm: ||A|| = max_i( sum_j(|a_ij|) )
* @param[in] ntype
* The type of norm to compute.
* @param[in] spm
* The spm from which the norm need to be computed.
@@ -273,94 +643,144 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
* @return The computed one norm
z_spmOneNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
static inline double
z_spmOneInfNorm( spm_normtype_t ntype,
const spmatrix_t *spm )
spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
double norm = 0.;
double *sumcol;
spm_int_t i, j, k, baseval;
spm_int_t ig, dofi, row;
spm_int_t jg, dofj, col;
const spm_int_t *colptr;
const spm_int_t *rowptr;
const spm_int_t *dofs;
const spm_int_t *loc2glob;
const spm_complex64_t *valptr;
double *sumtab = calloc( spm->gNexp, sizeof(double) );
double norm = 0.;
sumcol = malloc( spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
memset( sumcol, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
colptr = spm->colptr;
rowptr = spm->rowptr;
valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
dofs = spm->dofs;
loc2glob = spm->loc2glob;
switch( spm->fmttype ){
case SpmCSC:
for( col=0; col<spm->gN; col++ )
for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++, loc2glob++)
for( i=spm->colptr[col]-baseval; i<spm->colptr[col+1]-baseval; i++ )
sumcol[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
jg = (spm->loc2glob == NULL) ? j : (*loc2glob) - baseval;
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofj = spm->dof;
col = spm->dof * jg;
else {
dofj = dofs[jg+1] - dofs[jg];
col = dofs[jg] - baseval;
/* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++)
for( i=spm->colptr[col]-baseval; i<spm->colptr[col+1]-baseval; i++ )
row = spm->rowptr[i] - baseval;
if (row != col) {
sumcol[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
ig = (*rowptr - baseval);
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofi = spm->dof;
row = spm->dof * ig;
else {
dofi = dofs[ig+1] - dofs[ig];
row = dofs[ig] - baseval;
z_spm_oneinf_elt( spm->mtxtype, spm->layout,
row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr,
ntype, sumtab );
valptr += dofi * dofj;
case SpmCSR:
for( row=0; row < spm->gN; row++ )
for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++, loc2glob++)
for( i=spm->rowptr[row]-baseval; i<spm->rowptr[row+1]-baseval; i++ )
ig = (spm->loc2glob == NULL) ? i : (*loc2glob) - baseval;
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofi = spm->dof;
row = spm->dof * ig;
else {
dofi = dofs[ig+1] - dofs[ig];
row = dofs[ig] - baseval;
for(k=rowptr[0]; k<rowptr[1]; k++, colptr++)
col = spm->colptr[i] - baseval;
sumcol[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
/* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
if ( ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral ) &&
( row != col ) )
sumcol[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
jg = (*colptr - baseval);
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofj = spm->dof;
col = spm->dof * jg;
else {
dofj = dofs[jg+1] - dofs[jg];
col = dofs[jg] - baseval;
z_spm_oneinf_elt( spm->mtxtype, spm->layout,
row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr,
ntype, sumtab );
valptr += dofi * dofj;
case SpmIJV:
for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
sumcol[spm->colptr[i]-baseval] += cabs( valptr[i] );
/* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
if( spm->rowptr[i] != spm->colptr[i] ) {
sumcol[spm->rowptr[i]-baseval] += cabs( valptr[i] );
ig = *rowptr - baseval;
jg = *colptr - baseval;
if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
dofi = spm->dof;
row = spm->dof * ig;
dofj = spm->dof;
col = spm->dof * jg;
else {
dofi = dofs[ig+1] - dofs[ig];
row = dofs[ig] - baseval;
dofj = dofs[jg+1] - dofs[jg];
col = dofs[jg] - baseval;
z_spm_oneinf_elt( spm->mtxtype, spm->layout,
row, dofi, col, dofj, valptr,
ntype, sumtab );
valptr += dofi * dofj;
free( sumcol );
for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++)
#if defined(SPM_WITH_MPI)
if ( spm->loc2glob != NULL ) {
MPI_Allreduce( MPI_IN_PLACE, sumtab, spm->gNexp, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, spm->comm );
/* Look for the maximum */
if(norm < sumcol[i])
const double *sumtmp = sumtab;
for( i=0; i<spm->gNexp; i++, sumtmp++ )
norm = sumcol[i];
if( norm < *sumtmp ) {
norm = *sumtmp;
free( sumcol );
free( sumtab );
return norm;
@@ -383,6 +803,7 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
* @return The norm of the spm matrix
* -1 when error occurs or with pattern only
@@ -391,7 +812,7 @@ z_spmNorm( spm_normtype_t ntype,
double norm = 0.;
if(spm == NULL)
if( spm == NULL )
return -1.;
@@ -402,11 +823,10 @@ z_spmNorm( spm_normtype_t ntype,
case SpmInfNorm:
norm = z_spmInfNorm( spm );
case SpmOneNorm:
norm = z_spmOneNorm( spm );
norm = z_spmOneInfNorm( ntype, spm );
case SpmFrobeniusNorm: