## Outputs - Feature #1422: Offers the possibility to write results in binary. Petsc vector has been extended to enable reload of those values (see ThirdParty tickets below). - __Feature #1421__: Changing the output directory so that each processor writes in its own folder and add an optional timestamp. _Note:_ the compatibility break here concerns tests and Ensight outputs. ## Utilities / ThirdParty - Feature #1453 PetscVector: enrich the way a vector can be built with more reloading from files. - Bug #1455: Vector::InitFromSequentialFile didn't work due to filler lines in Matlab format. - Bug #1452: Reloading Petsc Vector didn't work as expected. - Support #1451: PetscVector::AreEqual now also investigates the ghosts. - __Design #1454__: PetscVector: modify the API of some methods to be more in line with the rest of the library. ## Core - __Design #1456__: MoReFEMData: remove the awkward option to provide an additional subdirectory. ## Geometry: - Bug #1445: Bug corrected in WriteMedit: ghosts were also required in the conversion array! - Bug #1448: Mesh::AreVolumesBuilt() implementation was faulty. - Bug #1449: Way of computing number of vertices, edges, faces and volume after processor reduction has been improved. - Bug #1450: Exception about interface not built was not properly handled. ## FiniteElement - Design #1458: GodOfDof: modifying the underlying structure behind GetOutputDirectoryForNumberingSubset(). ## Test - Support #1272: Convert the FromVertexMatching test to activate it in the test suite. - Support #1457: Set the timeout for each test. - Bug #1442: Gitlab-CI: the warning check for macOS failed as an alpine Docker image was assumed and a shell runner was actually used ## Scripts - Bug #1447: init_morefem.py script didn't work in macOS due to bad module path. ## XCode - Support #1446: XCode class template: use C++ 17 namespace liberality to avoid many indenting stages.