Mentions légales du service

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## Utilities

- Bug #1359: Leak in Singletons: thery were not properly destroyed on exit following a recent change.
- Bug #1353: the resolution for bug #1340 was not applied to Seldon exceptions.

## Parameters

- Support #1347: Improve the error message when a Parameter per domain is ill-defined

## Operators

- Bug #1352: Operator MixedSolidIncompressibilitywas not correctly updated in #1189.

## InputData

- Support #1350: Remove minimum_time_step input data in most cases.

## Miscellaneous

- Support #1371: Really remove input_parameter_data throughout the code: lots were remaining after #1304...

## Scripts

- Bug #1372: Commit hook script didn't work as intended with Python3 for the special branches which are allowed to accept commits without indexes.
- Support #1366: Update init_morefem script.

## Post processing

- Feature #1344: Extend the scope of OutputDeformedMesh: so far only Medit format was supported for no strong reason.
- Bug #1345: Nasty bug found in OutputDeformedMesh.
- Support #1355: Speed-up post-processing

## Build

- Support #1365: Propose Docker build for Ubuntu, Fedora in debug and release mode.
- Support #1362: CMake: upgrade to minimum 3.9 to get rid of LTO related CMake warnings.

## Developer tools

- Feature #1358: Introduce proper Valgrind suppression file.
- Support #1349: Update Catch to v2.4.0.

## XCode

- Support #1367: Update some XCode templates.
- Support #1364: Update XCode to the new separation of debug and release mode in third party library.
- Support #1356: Update warnings: XCode 10 introduced new clang warnings.