Mentions légales du service

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- Feature #831: Generalize InitializeVectorSystemSolution to a vectorial unknown; improve its encapsulation.
- Feature #838: Add an input parameter that enables to print outputs only every few iterations.
- Support #836: Introduce as an experimentation libmesh6 in place of libmesh5. The latter has been kept at hand to allow a quick reversal should an issue arise.
- Support #835: Geometry: make much more obvious the fact that single precision is used when a version 1 of a Medit mesh is used. Upgrade all current mesh files to version 2.
- Bug #830: Default values in InputParameter for Petsc not up-to-date.
- Support #829: Add wrappers for norm for Petsc Vector and Matrix.
- Support #826: Adjust the demo lua files for hyperelasticity.
- Feature #822: Broaden movemesh so that a displacement may be applied on initial position rather on current one.
- Bug #824: Correct small bugs related to FSI (Lua file and XCode project.)