Mentions légales du service

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- Feature #119: GlobalVariationalOperators are now able to support several associated matrices or vectors.
- Feature #105/#117: Global matrices and vectors are now held by an external structure rather than by the GlobalVariationalOperators themselves.
- Feature #91: LocalVariationalOperators now access only local informations; the extraction from global Vectors occurs earlier.
- Feature #100: Some responsibilities of FiniteElement have been given to LocalOperator, following what was decided in code meeting. This was a good decision: much memory is now spared as each FiniteElement no longer need an additional pointer.
- Feature #43-#110: there is now a working compilation with Scons; only remaining defect is that I managed to do it only for shared libraries. Linux compilation is foreseen but not yet activated (some options must be determined beforehand with a Linux system handy).
- Support #101:  Rename GlobalOperator GlobalVariationalOperator.