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  • rouzaudc/aevol
  • aevol/aevol
  • tgrohens/aevol
  • mfoley/aevol
  • jluisell/aevol
  • jluisell/aevol-eukaryotes
  • rouzaudc/aevol-asyncgarbage
  • elie.dumont/aevol
8 results
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// ****************************************************************************
// Aevol - An in silico experimental evolution platform
// ****************************************************************************
// Copyright: See the AUTHORS file provided with the package or <>
// Web:
// E-mail: See <>
// Original Authors : Guillaume Beslon, Carole Knibbe, David Parsons
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// =================================================================
// Libraries
// =================================================================
#include <string>
// =================================================================
// Project Files
// =================================================================
#include "Test_ae_list.h"
namespace aevol {
// ===========================================================================
// Declare Used Namespaces
// ===========================================================================
// #
// Class Test_ae_list #
// #
// ===========================================================================
// Static attributes
// ===========================================================================
// Don't change value (hard use in some tests)
const int Test_ae_list::INT_LIST_SIZE = 20;
// ===========================================================================
// Constructors
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Destructors
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Operators
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Public Methods
// ===========================================================================
void Test_ae_list::setUp(void)
printf("Test_ae_list setUp\n");
int_list = new ae_list<int*>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < INT_LIST_SIZE ; i++)
int_list->add(new int(i + 1));
void Test_ae_list::tearDown(void)
delete int_list;
void Test_ae_list::basic_tests1(void)
printf("Test_ae_list basic_tests1\n");
// Manually check the content of int_list (checks add(T*))
ae_list_node<int*>* node = int_list->get_first();
int32_t nb_elts = 0;
while (node != NULL)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(++nb_elts, *node->get_obj());
node = node->get_next();
// Construct the same list using add_front
ae_list<int*>* expected = new ae_list<int*>();
for (int i = INT_LIST_SIZE ; i > 0 ; i--)
expected->add_front(new int(i));
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
delete expected;
// Check erase and is_empty
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, int_list->get_nb_elts());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((void*)NULL, (void*)int_list->get_first());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((void*)NULL, (void*)int_list->get_last());
void Test_ae_list::basic_tests2(void)
// Check get_object(int32_t pos)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((void*)NULL, (void*)int_list->get_object(-1));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((void*)NULL, (void*)int_list->get_object(INT_LIST_SIZE));
for (int i = 0 ; i < INT_LIST_SIZE ; i++)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, *(int_list->get_object(i)));
// Check get_node(int32_t pos)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((void*)NULL, (void*)int_list->get_node(-1));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((void*)NULL, (void*)int_list->get_node(INT_LIST_SIZE));
for (int i = 0 ; i < INT_LIST_SIZE-1 ; i++)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, *(int_list->get_node(i)->get_obj()));
// Check remove(node) (remove first, last and arbitrary elt)
int_list->remove(int_list->get_node(0), true, true);
int_list->remove(int_list->get_node(INT_LIST_SIZE-2), true, true);
int_list->remove(int_list->get_node(INT_LIST_SIZE/2), true, true);
ae_list<int*>* expected = new ae_list<int*>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < INT_LIST_SIZE/2 ; i++)
expected->add(new int(i + 2));
for (int i = INT_LIST_SIZE/2 ; i < INT_LIST_SIZE-3 ; i++)
expected->add(new int(i + 3));
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
delete expected;
void Test_ae_list::test_extract_sublist(void)
// Construct the same list as int_list
ae_list<int*>* expected = new ae_list<int*>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < INT_LIST_SIZE ; i++)
expected->add(new int(i + 1));
// Initial check
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
//printf("HERE %d %d\n", expected->get_nb_elts(), int_list->get_nb_elts());
// **************************************************************************
// Extract the first element
ae_list<int*>* int_list2 = int_list->extract_sublist(0, 1);
ae_list<int*>* expected2 = new ae_list<int*>();
expected->remove(expected->get_first(), true, true);
expected2->add(new int(1));
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
assert_equal(expected2, int_list2, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
delete int_list2;
// **************************************************************************
// Extract elements 10 through 13
int_list2 = int_list->extract_sublist(10, 4);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
expected->remove(expected->get_node(10), true, true);
expected2->add(new int(12 + i));
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
assert_equal(expected2, int_list2, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
delete int_list2;
// **************************************************************************
// Extract last 4 elements
int_list2 = int_list->extract_ending_sublist(4);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
expected->remove(expected->get_last(), true, true);
expected2->add(new int(17 + i));
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
assert_equal(expected2, int_list2, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
delete int_list2;
// **************************************************************************
// Extract first 3 elements
int_list2 = int_list->extract_starting_sublist(3);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
expected2->add(new int(*expected->get_first()->get_obj()));
expected->remove(expected->get_first(), true, true);
assert_equal(expected, int_list, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
assert_equal(expected2, int_list2, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE());
delete int_list2;
// ===========================================================================
// Protected Methods
// ===========================================================================
template <typename T>
void Test_ae_list::assert_equal(const ae_list<T>* expected,
const ae_list<T>* actual,
SourceLine SL)
// Build message string
char* msg = new char[256];
sprintf(msg, "From %s:%d", SL.fileName().c_str(), SL.lineNumber());
ae_list_node<T>* node1 = expected->get_first();
ae_list_node<T>* node2 = actual->get_first();
int32_t nb_elts = 0;
while (node1 != NULL && node2 != NULL)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg, *node1->get_obj(), *node2->get_obj());
node1 = node1->get_next();
node2 = node2->get_next();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg, expected->get_nb_elts(), nb_elts);
delete msg;
void Test_ae_list::testfalse() {
// ===========================================================================
// Non inline accessors
// ===========================================================================
} // namespace aevol
// ****************************************************************************
// Aevol - An in silico experimental evolution platform
// ****************************************************************************
// Copyright: See the AUTHORS file provided with the package or <>
// Web:
// E-mail: See <>
// Original Authors : Guillaume Beslon, Carole Knibbe, David Parsons
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// =================================================================
// Libraries
// =================================================================
#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
#include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
// =================================================================
// Project Files
// =================================================================
#include "Test_JumpingMT.h"
using namespace aevol;
// ===========================================================================
// Declare Used Namespaces
// ===========================================================================
using namespace CppUnit;
// ===========================================================================
// Declare Miscellaneous Functions
// ===========================================================================
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Print message
cout << "Running regression tests";
// Get the top level suite from the registry
Test *suite = TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest();
// Adds the test to the list of test to run
TextUi::TestRunner runner;
// Change the default outputter to a compiler error format outputter
runner.setOutputter(new CompilerOutputter(&runner.result(), cerr));
// Run the tests.
bool wasSucessful =;
// Return error code 1 if the one of test failed.
return wasSucessful ? 0 : 1;
// ===========================================================================
// Define Miscellaneous Functions
// ===========================================================================
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ target_link_libraries(lineage PUBLIC aevol)
add_executable(mutagenesis mutagenesis.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mutagenesis PUBLIC aevol)
add_executable(mutationalrobustness mutationalrobustness.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mutationalrobustness PUBLIC aevol)
# ============================================================================
# Set behaviour on make install
......@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ aevol_misc_ancstats \
aevol_misc_create_eps \
aevol_misc_extract \
aevol_misc_lineage \
# aevol_misc_fixed_mutations
aevol_misc_mutagenesis \
aevol_misc_mutational_robustness \
# aevol_misc_gene_families
# aevol_misc_mutational_robustness
# aevol_misc_robustness
# aevol_misc_transform_plasmid
......@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ CLEANFILES = $(bin_PROGRAMS)
aevol_misc_ancstats_SOURCES = ancstats.cpp
aevol_misc_create_eps_SOURCES = create_eps.cpp
aevol_misc_extract_SOURCES = extract.cpp
# aevol_misc_fixed_mutations_SOURCES = fixed_mutations.cpp
aevol_misc_fixed_mutations_SOURCES = fixed_mutations.cpp
# aevol_misc_gene_families_SOURCES = gene_families.cpp
aevol_misc_lineage_SOURCES = lineage.cpp
aevol_misc_mutagenesis_SOURCES = mutagenesis.cpp
# aevol_misc_mutational_robustness_SOURCES = mutationalrobustness.cpp
aevol_misc_mutational_robustness_SOURCES = mutationalrobustness.cpp
# aevol_misc_robustness_SOURCES = robustness.cpp
# aevol_misc_template_SOURCES = template.cpp
# aevol_misc_transform_plasmid_SOURCES = transform_plasmid.cpp
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
static struct option long_options[] =
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"nocheck", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"fullcheck", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
......@@ -287,13 +287,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Prepare the initial ancestor and write its stats
// ==================================================
GridCell* grid_cell = new GridCell(lineage_file, exp_manager, nullptr);
// Individual*indiv = Individual::CreateIndividual(exp_manager, lineage_file);
auto* indiv = grid_cell->individual();
mystats->write_statistics_of_this_indiv(indiv, nullptr);
// Optional outputs
......@@ -444,7 +443,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
mystats->write_statistics_of_this_indiv(indiv, rep);
// Optional outputs
write_environment_stats(time(), phenotypicTargetHandler, env_output_file);
......@@ -207,9 +207,21 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// =========================
// Open the experiment manager
ae_exp_manager* exp_manager = new ae_exp_manager();
ExpManager* exp_manager = new ExpManager();
exp_manager->load(t0, true, false);
Environment* env = new Environment(*(exp_manager->env())); // independent copy
// The current version doesn't allow for phenotypic variation nor for
// different phenotypic targets among the grid
if (not exp_manager->world()->phenotypic_target_shared())
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("sorry, fixmut has not yet been implemented "
"for per grid-cell phenotypic target");
auto phenotypicTargetHandler =
if (not (phenotypicTargetHandler->var_method() == NO_VAR))
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("sorry,fixmut has not yet been implemented "
"for variable phenotypic targets");
// GB Environment* env = new Environment(*(exp_manager->env())); // independent copy
int64_t backup_step = exp_manager->backup_step();
......@@ -263,9 +275,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Prepare the initial ancestor
// ==============================
ae_individual * indiv = new ae_individual(exp_manager, lineage_file);
GridCell* grid_cell = new GridCell(lineage_file, exp_manager, nullptr);
auto* indiv = grid_cell->individual();
if (verbose)
......@@ -281,29 +295,31 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// time a backup is available)
// ===============================================================================
ae_individual* stored_indiv = NULL;
std::list<GeneticUnit>::const_iterator stored_unit;
Individual* stored_indiv = NULL;
// GB std::list<GeneticUnit>::const_iterator stored_unit;
ReplicationReport* rep = nullptr;
int32_t index, genetic_unit_number, unitlen_before;
int32_t nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment;
double metabolic_error_before, metabolic_error_after, impact_on_metabolic_error;
char mut_descr_string[80];
ae_exp_manager* exp_manager_backup = NULL;
Environment* backup_env = NULL;
ExpManager* exp_manager_backup = NULL;
Habitat* backup_habitat = NULL;
bool check_now = false;
while (time() <= t_end)
ae_replication_report* rep = new ae_replication_report(lineage_file, indiv);
rep = new ReplicationReport(lineage_file, indiv);
index = rep->id(); // who are we building...
//GB indiv->set_replication_report(rep);
// Check now?
check_now = ((check == FULL_CHECK && ae_utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0) ||
(check == ENV_CHECK && ae_utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0) ||
check_now = ((check == FULL_CHECK && Utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0) ||
(check == ENV_CHECK && Utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0) ||
(check == LIGHT_CHECK && time() == t_end));
......@@ -311,104 +327,102 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("Rebuilding ancestor at generation %" PRId64 " (index %" PRId32 ")...",
time(), index);
/* GB env->build();
indiv->reevaluate(env); */
// TODO <> Check for phenotypic variation has to be
// done for all the grid cells, disable checking until coded
// Check, and possibly update, the environment according to the backup files (update necessary if the env. was modified by aevol_modify at some point)
if (ae_utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0)
char env_file_name[255];
sprintf(env_file_name, "./" ENV_FNAME_FORMAT, time());
gzFile env_file = gzopen(env_file_name, "r");
backup_env = new Environment();
if (! env->is_identical_to(*backup_env, tolerance))
printf("Warning: At t=%" PRId64 ", the replayed environment is not the same\n", time());
printf(" as the one saved at generation %" PRId64 "... \n", time());
printf(" with tolerance of %lg\n", tolerance);
printf("Replacing the replayed environment by the one stored in the backup.\n");
delete env;
env = new Environment(*backup_env);
delete backup_env;
// if (Utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0)
// {
// char env_file_name[255];
// sprintf(env_file_name, "./" ENV_FNAME_FORMAT, time());
// gzFile env_file = gzopen(env_file_name, "r");
// backup_habitat = new Habitat();
// backup_habitat->load(env_file);
// if (! env->is_identical_to(*backup_habitat, tolerance))
// {
// printf("Warning: At t=%" PRId64 ", the replayed environment is not the same\n", time());
// printf(" as the one saved at generation %" PRId64 "... \n", time());
// printf(" with tolerance of %lg\n", tolerance);
// printf("Replacing the replayed environment by the one stored in the backup.\n");
// delete env;
// env = new Habitat(*backup_habitat);
// }
// delete backup_habitat;
// }
// Warning: this portion of code won't work if the number of units changes
// during the evolution, or if some translocations occurred between different genetic units
genetic_unit_number = 0;
std::list<DnaReplicReport*>::const_iterator dnareport = rep->dna_replic_reports().begin();
std::list<GeneticUnit>::iterator unit = indiv->genetic_unit_list_nonconst().begin();
// GB genetic_unit_number = 0;
// std::list<DnaReplicationReport*>::const_iterator dnareport = rep->dna_replic_report().begin();
// GB std::list<GeneticUnit>::iterator unit = indiv->genetic_unit_list_nonconst().begin(); */
if (check_now && ae_utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0)
GeneticUnit& gen_unit = indiv->genetic_unit_nonconst(0);
GeneticUnit* stored_gen_unit = nullptr;
Individual* stored_indiv = nullptr;
if (check_now && Utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0)
exp_manager_backup = new ae_exp_manager();
exp_manager_backup = new ExpManager();
exp_manager_backup->load(time(), true, false);
// TODO: disabled tmp
// stored_indiv = new ae_individual(* (ae_individual *)exp_manager_backup->indiv_by_id(index), false);
stored_unit = stored_indiv->genetic_unit_list().begin();
stored_indiv = new Individual(
*(Individual*) exp_manager_backup->indiv_by_id(index));
stored_gen_unit = &(stored_indiv->genetic_unit_nonconst(0));
while (dnareport != rep->dna_replic_reports().end())
assert(unit != indiv->genetic_unit_list().end());
// ***************************************
// Transfer events
// ***************************************
for (const auto& mutation: (*dnareport)->HT()) {
metabolic_error_before = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
unitlen_before = unit->dna()->length();
unit->compute_nb_of_affected_genes(&mutation, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
metabolic_error_after = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
impact_on_metabolic_error = metabolic_error_after - metabolic_error_before;
"%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 " %s %" PRId32 " %.15f %" PRId32
" %" PRId32 " %" PRId32 " \n",
time(), genetic_unit_number, mut_descr_string, unitlen_before,
impact_on_metabolic_error, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
// For each genetic unit, replay the replication (undergo all mutations)
// TODO <> disabled for multiple GUs
const auto& dnarep = rep->dna_replic_report();
// TODO <> compute statistics for HT
// for (const auto& mut: dnarep.HT()) {
// metabolic_error_before = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
// unitlen_before = gen_unit.dna()->length();
// gen_unit.compute_nb_of_affected_genes(*mut, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
// gen_unit.dna()->undergo_this_mutation(*mut);
// indiv->Reevaluate(env);
// metabolic_error_after = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
// impact_on_metabolic_error = metabolic_error_after - metabolic_error_before;
// mutation.generic_description_string(mut_descr_string);
// fprintf(output,
// "%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 " %s %" PRId32 " %.15f %" PRId32
// " %" PRId32 " %" PRId32 " \n",
// time(), genetic_unit_number, mut_descr_string, unitlen_before,
// impact_on_metabolic_error, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
// }
// ***************************************
// Rearrangement events
// ***************************************
for (const auto& mutation: (*dnareport)->rearrangements()) {
for (const auto& mutation: dnarep.rearrangements()) {
metabolic_error_before = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
unitlen_before = unit->dna()->length();
unit->compute_nb_of_affected_genes(&mutation, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
unitlen_before = gen_unit.dna()->length();
//GB gen_unit.compute_nb_of_affected_genes(*mutation, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
metabolic_error_after = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
impact_on_metabolic_error = metabolic_error_after - metabolic_error_before;
"%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 " %s %" PRId32 " %.15f %" PRId32
" %" PRId32 " %" PRId32 " \n",
time(), genetic_unit_number, mut_descr_string, unitlen_before,
impact_on_metabolic_error, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment,
"%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 " %s %" PRId32 " %.15f \n",
time(), 0, mut_descr_string, unitlen_before,
......@@ -416,100 +430,85 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Local events (point mutations & small indels)
// ***************************************
for (const auto& mutation: (*dnareport)->mutations()) {
for (const auto& mutation: dnarep.mutations()) {
metabolic_error_before = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
unitlen_before = unit->dna()->length();
unit->compute_nb_of_affected_genes(&mutation, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
unitlen_before = gen_unit.dna()->length();
// GB gen_unit.compute_nb_of_affected_genes(&mutation, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment, nb_genes_in_replaced_segment);
metabolic_error_after = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
impact_on_metabolic_error = metabolic_error_after - metabolic_error_before;
"%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 " %s %" PRId32 " %.15f %" PRId32
" %" PRId32 " %" PRId32 " \n",
time(), genetic_unit_number, mut_descr_string, unitlen_before,
impact_on_metabolic_error, nb_genes_at_breakpoints, nb_genes_in_segment,
"%" PRId64 " %" PRId32 " %s %" PRId32 " %.15f \n",
time(), 0, mut_descr_string, unitlen_before,
if (check_now && ae_utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0)
if (check_now)
if (verbose)
if (verbose)
printf("Checking the sequence of the unit...");
assert(stored_unit != stored_indiv->genetic_unit_list().end());
printf("Checking the sequence of the unit...");
char * str1 = new char[unit->dna()->length() + 1];
memcpy(str1, unit->dna()->data(), \
str1[unit->dna()->length()] = '\0';
char * str1 = new char[gen_unit.dna()->length() + 1];
memcpy(str1, gen_unit.dna()->data(), \
str1[gen_unit.dna()->length()] = '\0';
char * str2 = new char[(stored_unit->dna())->length() + 1];
memcpy(str2, (stored_unit->dna())->data(), (stored_unit->dna())->length()*sizeof(char));
str2[(stored_unit->dna())->length()] = '\0';
char * str2 = new char[(stored_gen_unit->dna())->length() + 1];
memcpy(str2, (stored_gen_unit->dna())->data(),
str2[(stored_gen_unit->dna())->length()] = '\0';
if(strncmp(str1,str2, (stored_unit->dna())->length())==0)
if (verbose) printf(" OK\n");
if (verbose) printf(" ERROR !\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error: the rebuilt unit is not the same as \n");
fprintf(stderr, "the one saved at generation %" PRId64 "... ", time());
fprintf(stderr, "Rebuilt unit : %zu bp\n %s\n", strlen(str1), str1);
fprintf(stderr, "Stored unit : %zu bp\n %s\n", strlen(str2), str2);
delete [] str1;
delete [] str2;
delete indiv;
delete stored_indiv;
delete exp_manager_backup;
delete exp_manager;
if (strncmp(str1, str2, stored_gen_unit->dna()->length()) == 0) {
if (verbose)
printf(" OK\n");
else {
if (verbose) printf(" ERROR !\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error: the rebuilt genetic unit is not the same as \n");
fprintf(stderr, "the one saved at generation %" PRId64 "... ", time());
fprintf(stderr, "Rebuilt unit : %" PRId32 " bp\n %s\n", (int32_t)strlen(str1), str1);
fprintf(stderr, "Stored unit : %" PRId32 " bp\n %s\n", (int32_t)strlen(str2), str2);
delete [] str1;
delete [] str2;
delete indiv;
delete stored_indiv;
delete exp_manager_backup;
delete exp_manager;
assert(unit == indiv->genetic_unit_list().end());
delete [] str1;
delete [] str2;
if (verbose) printf(" OK\n");
delete rep;
if (check_now && ae_utils::mod(time(), backup_step) == 0)
assert(stored_unit == stored_indiv->genetic_unit_list().end());
delete stored_indiv;
delete exp_manager_backup;
if (check_now)
delete stored_indiv;
delete exp_manager_backup;
delete exp_manager;
delete indiv;
delete env;
......@@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// NB : The list of individuals is sorted according to the index
const Individual* const initial_ancestor = exp_manager->indiv_by_id(indices[0]);
// Write file "header"
gzwrite(lineage_file, &t0, sizeof(t0));
gzwrite(lineage_file, &t_end, sizeof(t_end));
gzwrite(lineage_file, &final_indiv_index, sizeof(final_indiv_index));
......@@ -32,140 +32,314 @@
of a population.
#include <list>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <list>
#include "aevol.h"
using namespace aevol;
enum check_type {
void print_help(char* prog_name);
void analyse_indiv(ae_exp_manager*, ae_individual*, FILE*, int32_t);
void analyze_indiv(Individual* initial_indiv,
FILE* output,
int32_t ndiv,
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng,
bool verbose);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Load parameters from command line
int32_t ndiv = 100000; // Default number of mutants per individual
int32_t gener = -1; // What generation to load
char* output_file_name = NULL;
bool best_only = false; // Treat only the best individual?
// TODO <> version
const char * options_list = "hn:r:o:b";
static struct option long_options_list[] = {
{ "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
{ "number", 1, NULL, 'n' },
{ "generation", 1, NULL, 'r' },
{ "output", 1, NULL, 'o' },
{ "best", 0, NULL, 'b' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
int32_t nb_indiv = 1000; // Default number of mutants per individual
int32_t begin = 0; // Default starting generation
int32_t end = -1; // Default ending generation (-1 for last generation stored in lineage file)
int32_t period = 1; // Period of analyze
char* output_file_name = NULL;
char* lineage_file_name = NULL;
bool verbose = false;
const char* short_options = "hVvn:b:e:p:f:o:l";
static struct option long_options[] =
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"number", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"begin", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"end", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"period", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_list, long_options_list, NULL)) != -1)
switch (option)
case 'h' : print_help(basename(argv[0])); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break;
case 'n' : ndiv = atol(optarg); break;
case 'r' : gener = atol(optarg); break;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
switch (option) {
case 'h' :
case 'V' :
case 'v' :
verbose = true;
case 'n' :
nb_indiv = atol(optarg);
case 'b' :
begin = atol(optarg);
case 'e' :
end = atol(optarg);
case 'p' :
period = atol(optarg);
case 'o' :
output_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(output_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'b' : best_only = true; break;
case 'f' :
lineage_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(lineage_file_name, "%s", optarg);
// Load the population from the backup file
if (gener == -1){
printf("You must specify a generation number. Please use the option -r or --generation.\n");
// =======================
// Open the lineage file
// =======================
gzFile lineage_file = gzopen(lineage_file_name, "r");
if (lineage_file == Z_NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : Could not read lineage file %s\n", lineage_file_name);
ae_exp_manager* exp_manager = new ae_exp_manager();
exp_manager->load(gener, true, false);
// int32_t nb_indivs = exp_manager->nb_indivs();
int64_t t0 = 0;
int64_t t_end = 0;
int32_t final_indiv_index = 0;
int32_t final_indiv_rank = 0;
// Open output file and write the header
FILE * output = fopen(output_file_name, "w");
if (output == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : Could not create the output file %s\n", output_file_name);
gzread(lineage_file, &t0, sizeof(t0));
gzread(lineage_file, &t_end, sizeof(t_end));
gzread(lineage_file, &final_indiv_index, sizeof(final_indiv_index));
gzread(lineage_file, &final_indiv_rank, sizeof(final_indiv_rank));
// Positive impact means
fprintf(output, "# #################################################################\n");
fprintf(output, "# Mutations produced by mutationalrobustness\n");
fprintf(output, "# #################################################################\n");
fprintf(output, "# Number of replicate per individual : %" PRId32 " \n",ndiv);
fprintf(output, "# Impact on metabolism SPACE impact on secretion\n");
fprintf(output, "#\n");
// Parse and treat the individuals
if (!best_only){
for (ae_individual* indiv: exp_manager->world()->indivs())
analyse_indiv(exp_manager, indiv, output, ndiv);
if (verbose) {
printf(" Robustness of the ancestors of indiv. %" PRId32
" (rank %" PRId32 ") from time %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64 "\n",
final_indiv_index, final_indiv_rank, t0, t_end);
ae_individual* indiv = exp_manager->world()->best_indiv();
analyse_indiv(exp_manager, indiv, output, ndiv);
// =============================
// Open the experience manager
// =============================
ExpManager* exp_manager = new ExpManager();
exp_manager->load(t0, true, false);
// The current version doesn't allow for phenotypic variation nor for
// different phenotypic targets among the grid
if (not exp_manager->world()->phenotypic_target_shared())
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("sorry, ancestor stats has not yet been implemented "
"for per grid-cell phenotypic target\n");
auto phenotypicTargetHandler =
if (phenotypicTargetHandler->var_method() != NO_VAR)
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("sorry, ancestor stats has not yet been implemented "
"for variable phenotypic targets\n");
int64_t backup_step = exp_manager->backup_step();
// =========================
// Open the output file(s)
// =========================
// // Create missing directories
// int status;
// status = mkdir("stats/ancstats/", 0755);
// if ((status == -1) && (errno != EEXIST))
// err(EXIT_FAILURE, "stats/ancstats/");
FILE * output_summary = fopen(output_file_name, "w");
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng = std::make_shared<JumpingMT>(9695);
// ==============================
// Prepare the initial ancestor
// ==============================
GridCell* grid_cell = new GridCell(lineage_file, exp_manager, nullptr);
auto* indiv = grid_cell->individual();
// indiv->compute_statistical_data();
// indiv->compute_non_coding();
// ==============================
// Compute robustness of the initial ancestor
// ==============================
if (begin == 0)
// ==========================================================================
// Replay the mutations to get the successive ancestors and analyze them
// ==========================================================================
ReplicationReport* rep = nullptr;
int32_t index;
ExpManager* exp_manager_backup = nullptr;
Habitat *backup_habitat = nullptr;
while ((time() <= t_end) && (((time() < end)||(end == -1))))
rep = new ReplicationReport(lineage_file, indiv);
index = rep->id(); // who we are building...
if (verbose)
printf("Ancestor at generation %" PRId64
" has index %" PRId32 "\n", time(), index);
// 2) Replay replication (create current individual's child)
GeneticUnit& gen_unit = indiv->genetic_unit_nonconst(0);
GeneticUnit* stored_gen_unit = nullptr;
Individual* stored_indiv = nullptr;
// For each genetic unit, replay the replication (undergo all mutations)
// TODO <> disabled for multiple GUs
const auto& dnarep = rep->dna_replic_report();
for (const auto& mut: dnarep.HT())
for (const auto& mut: dnarep.rearrangements())
for (const auto& mut: dnarep.mutations())
// 3) All the mutations have been replayed, we can now evaluate the new individual
// if we are between "begin" and "end" and at the correct period, compute robustness
if ((time() >= begin)&&((time() < end)||(end == -1)))
if (((time() - begin) % period) == 0)
delete rep;
// Clean memory and exit
delete exp_manager;
delete [] output_file_name;
// delete mystats;
delete indiv;
// Treatment of one individual
void analyse_indiv(ae_exp_manager* exp, ae_individual* initial_indiv, FILE* output, int32_t ndiv){
Environment* env = exp->env();
double initial_metabolic_error = initial_indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
double initial_secretion_error = initial_indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(SECRETION);
double final_metabolic_error = 0.0;
double impact_on_metabolic_error = 0.0;
double final_secretion_error = 0.0;
double impact_on_secretion_error = 0.0;
ae_individual* indiv = NULL;
int32_t i;
// Perform ndiv reproductions with mutations
for (i = 0; i < ndiv; i++){
if (i % 1000 == 0){
void analyze_indiv(Individual* indiv,
FILE* output_summary,
int32_t nb_indiv,
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng,
bool verbose)
double fracplus = 0;
double meanplus = 0;
double fracminus = 0;
double meanminus = 0;
double maxplus = 0;
double maxminus = 0;
double fracnull = 0;
int32_t nb_events = 0;
double indiv_metabolic_error = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM); const Habitat& habitat = indiv->habitat();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nb_indiv; i++)
Individual* new_indiv = new Individual(indiv, 0, prng, prng);
// Perform transfer, rearrangements and mutations
if (not new_indiv->allow_plasmids()) {
const GeneticUnit* chromosome = &new_indiv->genetic_unit_list().front();
nb_events = chromosome->dna()->perform_mutations(indiv->id());
else {
printf("WARNING: Mutational Robustness does not handle multiple Genetic Units\n");
if (nb_events == 0)
double new_metabolic_error = new_indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
if (new_metabolic_error == indiv_metabolic_error)
if (new_metabolic_error > indiv_metabolic_error)
if ((new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error) > maxminus) maxminus = new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
meanminus += new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
if (new_metabolic_error < indiv_metabolic_error)
if ((new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error) < maxplus) maxplus = new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
meanplus += new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
delete new_indiv;
indiv = exp->sel()->do_replication(initial_indiv, -1);
final_metabolic_error = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
impact_on_metabolic_error = final_metabolic_error - initial_metabolic_error;
final_secretion_error = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(SECRETION);
impact_on_secretion_error = final_secretion_error - initial_secretion_error;
fprintf(output, "%+.15f %+.15f \n",impact_on_metabolic_error, impact_on_secretion_error);
delete indiv;
if (verbose) printf("f+: %f f0: %f f-:%f\n",fracplus,fracnull,fracminus);
if ( output_summary == NULL ){
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR : Could not create robustness_summary.txt\n");
fprintf(output, "\n");
fprintf(output_summary, "%lld %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f\n",time(),fracplus/nb_indiv,fracnull/nb_indiv,fracminus/nb_indiv, meanplus/fracplus,meanminus/fracminus,maxplus,maxminus);
// Print help
void print_help(char* prog_name){
void print_help(char* prog_name) {
%s is a post-treatment that generates and analyses a large quantity of mutants for all individuals in a backup. For each mutants we record the phenotypic effect on metabolism and on secretion.\n\n\
Usage: %s [-h] -r num_generation -o output_file_name -n num_mutants [-b] \n\
\t-h : display this screen\n\
\t-r num_generation : read the generation num_generation from a full aevol backup\n\
\t-o output_file_name : write the results in file output_file_name\n\
\t-n num_mutants : generate and analyse num_mutants per individual\n\
\t-b : only treat the best individual\n\n\
Example:\n\t%s -r 20000 -n 1000 -o toto.out\n",prog_name,prog_name,prog_name);
%s is a post-treatment that generates and analyses a large quantity of mutants for a lineage of ancestors.\
For each mutant we record the phenotypic effect on metabolism.\n\n\
Usage: %s [-h] -i input_file_name -o output_file_name [-b start_at_generation] [-e end_at_generation] [-p period] [-n num_mutants] [-r] [-h bin_size] [-v verbose] [-s mutation_seed]\n\
\t-h: display this screen\n\
\t-f input_file_name: lineage file to be analyzed\n\
\t-o output_file_name: name of the output file (to be written in ./stats/ancstats). In case of histogram output (-h) one file will be produced for each histogram and output_file_name will be postfixed with the generation number\n\
\t-b start_at_generation: first generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: 0)\n\
\t-e end_at_generation: last generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: last generation stored in the input file)\n\
\t-p period: temporal resolution of the analyze (default: 1)\n\
\t-n nb_mutants : generate and analyse nb_mutants per individual (default: 1000)\n\
Example:\n\t%s -i lineage_file -o toto.out -b 4000 -e 5000 -p 10 -n 100000 -s 19769\n", prog_name, prog_name, prog_name);
// \t-r: raw output; store the difference of metabolic error for each mutant generated (warning: the output file may quickly grow)\n
// \t-h bin_size: store the histogram with a bin_size resolution. One output file is generated for each histogram (postfixed with the generation number)\n
// \t-s mutation_seed: specify the seed to be used for the mutation random generator\n\n
......@@ -357,10 +357,10 @@ void print_help(char* prog_path)
printf(" or : %s -g GENER [-n NBCHILDREN] [-r RANK | -i INDEX]\n", prog_name);
printf("This program computes the replication statistics of all the individuals of a given generation,\n");
printf("like the proportion of neutral, beneficial, deleterious offsprings. This is done by simulating\n");
printf("like the proportion of neutral, beneficial and deleterious offsprings. This is done by simulating\n");
printf("NBCHILDREN replications for each individual, with its mutation, rearrangement and transfer rates.\n");
printf("Depending on those rates and genome size, there can be several events per replication.\n");
printf("Those statistics are written in analysis-generationGENER/robustness-allindivs-gGENER.out, with one \n");
printf("These statistics are written in analysis-generationGENER/robustness-allindivs-gGENER.out, with one \n");
printf("line per individual in the specified generation. \n\n");
printf("The program also outputs detailed statistics for one of the individuals (the best one by default). \n");
printf("The detailed statistics for this individual are written in the file called \n");
# Ignore test binaries
# ignore test log and result files
......@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ using std::list;
// Class IndividualTest #
// #
class IndividualTest : public testing::Test
class IndividualTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp(void);
virtual void TearDown(void);
......@@ -76,123 +75,143 @@ class IndividualTest : public testing::Test
// ===========================================================================
void IndividualTest::SetUp(void)
// Build ad-hoc genomes
// (and reverse to test the same things on the lagging strand.):
// indiv1: (AS + prom + AS + AG + AS + term + AS + prom + AS)
// indiv2: reverse
// indiv3: (AS + AG + AS + term + AS + prom + AS)
// indiv4: reverse
// AS = Arbitrary Sequence
// AG = Arbitrary Gene
// Do not modify the sequences !
ExpSetup* exp_s = new ExpSetup(nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
// Define a few arbitrary sequences
char as[5][10] = {
if (FuzzyFactory::fuzzyFactory == NULL)
FuzzyFactory::fuzzyFactory = new FuzzyFactory(exp_s);
else {
delete FuzzyFactory::fuzzyFactory;
FuzzyFactory::fuzzyFactory = new FuzzyFactory(exp_s);
printf("F %d\n", i);
// Build ad-hoc genomes
// (and reverse to test the same things on the lagging strand.):
// indiv1: (AS + prom + AS + AG + AS + term + AS + prom + AS)
// indiv2: reverse
// indiv3: (AS + AG + AS + term + AS + prom + AS)
// indiv4: reverse
// AS = Arbitrary Sequence
// AG = Arbitrary Gene
// Do not modify the sequences !
// Define an arbitrary gene
char gene[255];
sprintf(gene, "%s0011000100110110010001", SHINE_DAL_SEQ);
// Define a few arbitrary sequences
char as[5][10] = {
// Define an arbitrary terminator
char term[TERM_SIZE+1] = "01000001101";
// Define an arbitrary gene
char gene[255];
sprintf(gene, "%s0011000100110110010001", SHINE_DAL_SEQ);
// Define a few arbitrary promoters
char prom[2][23] = {
"0101010001110110010110", // dist from consensus: 2 => basal level: 0.6
"0101011001110010010010" // dist from consensus: 1 => basal level: 0.8
// Define an arbitrary terminator
char term[TERM_SIZE + 1] = "01000001101";
// Construct a gene with these arbitrary sequences
char* genome = new char[1024];
sprintf(genome, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", as[0], prom[0], as[1], gene, as[2],
term, as[3], prom[1], as[4]);
// Define a few arbitrary promoters
char prom[2][23] = {
"0101010001110110010110", // dist from consensus: 2 => basal level: 0.6
"0101011001110010010010" // dist from consensus: 1 => basal level: 0.8
// Build indiv1
MutationParams params_mut;
indiv1 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0, 10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-1", 0);
indiv1->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Construct a gene with these arbitrary sequences
char* genome = new char[1024];
sprintf(genome, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", as[0], prom[0], as[1], gene, as[2],
term, as[3], prom[1], as[4]);
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv1
MutationParams params_mut;
indiv1 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0,
10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-1", 0);
indiv1->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv2
// Reverse the whole genome
genome = indiv1->get_genetic_unit(0).get_dna()->get_subsequence(0,0,LAGGING);
indiv2 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0, 10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-2", 0);
indiv2->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv2
// Reverse the whole genome
genome = indiv1->genetic_unit(0).dna()->subsequence(0, 0, LAGGING);
indiv2 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0,
10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-2", 0);
indiv2->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv3
genome = new char[1024];
sprintf(genome, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", as[0], gene, as[1], term, as[2], prom[1], as[3]);
indiv3 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0, 10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-3", 0);
indiv3->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv3
genome = new char[1024];
sprintf(genome, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", as[0], gene, as[1], term, as[2], prom[1],
indiv3 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0,
10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-3", 0);
indiv3->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv4
genome = indiv3->get_genetic_unit(0).get_dna()->get_subsequence(0,0,LAGGING);
indiv4 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0, 10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-4", 0);
indiv4->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// Build indiv4
genome = indiv3->genetic_unit(0).dna()->subsequence(0, 0, LAGGING);
indiv4 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0,
10, 1000, false, 1, "anon-strain-4", 0);
indiv4->add_GU(genome, strlen(genome));
genome = NULL;
// Do transcription and translation
// ***************************************************************************
// The following commented code allows to print stuff about rnas and proteins
// printf("%"PRId32" rnas and %"PRId32" prots\n", indiv4->get_rna_list()->size(), indiv4->get_protein_list()->size());
// list_node<Rna*>* rna_node = indiv4->get_rna_list()->get_first();
// printf("%"PRId32" rnas and %"PRId32" prots\n", indiv4->rna_list()->size(), indiv4->protein_list()->size());
// list_node<Rna*>* rna_node = indiv4->rna_list()->first();
// while (rna_node != NULL)
// {
// printf("%s rna at pos %"PRId32" (%f, %"PRId32")\n",
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_promoter_pos(),
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_basal_level(),
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_transcript_length());
// rna_node->obj()->strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// rna_node->obj()->promoter_pos(),
// rna_node->obj()->basal_level(),
// rna_node->obj()->transcript_length());
// rna_node = rna_node->get_next();
// rna_node = rna_node->next();
// }
// list_node<Protein*>* protein_node = indiv4->get_protein_list()->get_first();
// list_node<Protein*>* protein_node = indiv4->protein_list()->first();
// while (protein_node != NULL)
// {
// printf("%s protein at pos %"PRId32" (length: %"PRId32", concentr: %f, nb_rnas: %"PRId32")\n",
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_shine_dal_pos(),
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_length(),
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_concentration(),
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_rna_list()->size());
// protein_node->obj()->strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// protein_node->obj()->shine_dal_pos(),
// protein_node->obj()->length(),
// protein_node->obj()->concentration(),
// protein_node->obj()->rna_list()->size());
ExpSetup* exp_s = new ExpSetup(nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
......@@ -258,7 +277,7 @@ void IndividualTest::SetUp(void)
// Build indiv2
// Reverse the whole genome
genome = indiv1->get_genetic_unit(0).get_dna()->get_subsequence(0, 0,
genome = indiv1->genetic_unit(0).dna()->subsequence(0, 0,
indiv2 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0,
......@@ -291,7 +310,7 @@ void IndividualTest::SetUp(void)
// Build indiv4
genome = indiv3->get_genetic_unit(0).get_dna()->get_subsequence(0, 0,
genome = indiv3->genetic_unit(0).dna()->subsequence(0, 0,
indiv4 = new Individual(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
std::make_shared<MutationParams>(params_mut), 1.0,
......@@ -307,30 +326,30 @@ void IndividualTest::SetUp(void)
// ***************************************************************************
// The following commented code allows to print stuff about rnas and proteins
// printf("%"PRId32" rnas and %"PRId32" prots\n", indiv4->get_rna_list()->size(), indiv4->get_protein_list()->size());
// list_node<Rna*>* rna_node = indiv4->get_rna_list()->get_first();
// printf("%"PRId32" rnas and %"PRId32" prots\n", indiv4->rna_list()->size(), indiv4->protein_list()->size());
// list_node<Rna*>* rna_node = indiv4->rna_list()->first();
// while (rna_node != NULL)
// {
// printf("%s rna at pos %"PRId32" (%f, %"PRId32")\n",
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_promoter_pos(),
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_basal_level(),
// rna_node->get_obj()->get_transcript_length());
// rna_node->obj()->strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// rna_node->obj()->promoter_pos(),
// rna_node->obj()->basal_level(),
// rna_node->obj()->transcript_length());
// rna_node = rna_node->get_next();
// rna_node = rna_node->next();
// }
// list_node<Protein*>* protein_node = indiv4->get_protein_list()->get_first();
// list_node<Protein*>* protein_node = indiv4->protein_list()->first();
// while (protein_node != NULL)
// {
// printf("%s protein at pos %"PRId32" (length: %"PRId32", concentr: %f, nb_rnas: %"PRId32")\n",
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_shine_dal_pos(),
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_length(),
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_concentration(),
// protein_node->get_obj()->get_rna_list()->size());
// protein_node->obj()->strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING":"LAGGING",
// protein_node->obj()->shine_dal_pos(),
// protein_node->obj()->length(),
// protein_node->obj()->concentration(),
// protein_node->obj()->rna_list()->size());
// protein_node = protein_node->get_next();
// protein_node = protein_node->next();
// }
......@@ -351,115 +370,115 @@ TEST_F(IndividualTest, TestIndiv1)
// "right" means those values we have computed by hand
// Check genome size
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv1->get_amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv1->get_genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv1->amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv1->genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
// Check RNA list
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv1->get_rna_list();
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv1->rna_list();
EXPECT_EQ(2, rna_list.size());
const Rna* rna = rna_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, rna->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(4, rna->get_promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.6, rna->get_basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(50, rna->get_transcript_length());
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, rna->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(4, rna->promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.6, rna->basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(50, rna->transcript_length());
rna = rna_list.back();
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, rna->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(81, rna->get_promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->get_basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(82, rna->get_transcript_length());
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, rna->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(81, rna->promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(82, rna->transcript_length());
// Check protein list
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv1->get_protein_list();
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv1->protein_list();
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot_list.size());
Protein* prot = prot_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, prot->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(31, prot->get_shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->get_length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.4, prot->get_concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(2, prot->get_rna_list().size());
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, prot->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(31, prot->shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.4, prot->concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(2, prot->rna_list().size());
TEST_F(IndividualTest, TestIndiv2)
// Check genome size
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv2->get_amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv2->get_genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv2->amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(109, indiv2->genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
// Check RNA list
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv2->get_rna_list();
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv2->rna_list();
EXPECT_EQ(2, rna_list.size());
const Rna* rna = rna_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, rna->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(104, rna->get_promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.6, rna->get_basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(50, rna->get_transcript_length());
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, rna->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(104, rna->promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.6, rna->basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(50, rna->transcript_length());
rna = rna_list.back();
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, rna->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(27, rna->get_promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->get_basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(82, rna->get_transcript_length());
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, rna->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(27, rna->promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(82, rna->transcript_length());
// Check protein list
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv2->get_protein_list();
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv2->protein_list();
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot_list.size());
Protein* prot = prot_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, prot->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(77, prot->get_shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->get_length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.4, prot->get_concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(2, prot->get_rna_list().size());
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, prot->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(77, prot->shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.4, prot->concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(2, prot->rna_list().size());
TEST_F(IndividualTest, TestIndiv3)
// Check genome size
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv3->get_amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv3->get_genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv3->amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv3->genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
// Check RNA list
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv3->get_rna_list();
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv3->rna_list();
EXPECT_EQ(1, rna_list.size());
const Rna* rna = rna_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, rna->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(54, rna->get_promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->get_basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(42, rna->get_transcript_length());
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, rna->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(54, rna->promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(42, rna->transcript_length());
// Check protein list
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv3->get_protein_list();
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv3->protein_list();
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot_list.size());
Protein* prot = prot_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, prot->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->get_shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->get_length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, prot->get_concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot->get_rna_list().size());
EXPECT_EQ(LEADING, prot->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, prot->concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot->rna_list().size());
TEST_F(IndividualTest, TestIndiv4)
// Check genome size
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv4->get_amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv4->get_genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv4->amount_of_dna());
EXPECT_EQ(81, indiv4->genetic_unit_seq_length(0));
// Check RNA list
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv4->get_rna_list();
list<const Rna*> rna_list = indiv4->rna_list();
EXPECT_EQ(1, rna_list.size());
const Rna* rna = rna_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, rna->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(26, rna->get_promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->get_basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(42, rna->get_transcript_length());
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, rna->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(26, rna->promoter_pos());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, rna->basal_level());
EXPECT_EQ(42, rna->transcript_length());
// Check protein list
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv4->get_protein_list();
list<Protein*> prot_list = indiv4->protein_list();
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot_list.size());
Protein* prot = prot_list.front();
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, prot->get_strand());
EXPECT_EQ(76, prot->get_shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->get_length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, prot->get_concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot->get_rna_list().size());
EXPECT_EQ(LAGGING, prot->strand());
EXPECT_EQ(76, prot->shine_dal_pos());
EXPECT_EQ(4, prot->length());
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.8, prot->concentration());
EXPECT_EQ(1, prot->rna_list().size());
// ===========================================================================
......@@ -114,29 +114,29 @@ list<protein_line> analyse_gu(const GeneticUnit& gen_unit, int32_t gen_unit_numb
list<protein_line> proteins;
Promoters2Strands llrnas = gen_unit.get_rna_list();
Promoters2Strands llrnas = gen_unit.rna_list();
for(auto lrnas : llrnas) {
for (auto rna : lrnas) {
for (auto prot : rna.get_transcribed_proteins()) {
double mean = prot->get_mean();
for (auto prot : rna.transcribed_proteins()) {
double mean = prot->mean();
int nfeat = -1;
protein_line prot_line; = gen_unit.get_indiv()->get_id(); = gen_unit.indiv()->id();
prot_line.c_or_p = gen_unit_number != 0 ? "PLASMID" : "CHROM";
prot_line.strand = prot->get_strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING" : "LAGGING";
prot_line.pos = prot->get_first_translated_pos();
prot_line.len = prot->get_length();
prot_line.lpos = prot->get_last_translated_pos();
prot_line.sequence = prot->get_AA_sequence('_');
prot_line.strand = prot->strand() == LEADING ? "LEADING" : "LAGGING";
prot_line.pos = prot->first_translated_pos();
prot_line.len = prot->length();
prot_line.lpos = prot->last_translated_pos();
prot_line.sequence = prot->AA_sequence('_');
prot_line.m = mean;
prot_line.w = prot->get_width();
prot_line.h = prot->get_height();
prot_line.c = prot->get_concentration();
prot_line.w = prot->width();
prot_line.h = prot->height();
prot_line.c = prot->concentration();
prot_line.f = nfeat;
prot_line.prom_pos = rna.get_promoter_pos();
prot_line.rna_len = rna.get_transcript_length();
prot_line.basal_level = rna.get_basal_level();
prot_line.prom_pos = rna.promoter_pos();
prot_line.rna_len = rna.transcript_length();
prot_line.basal_level = rna.basal_level();
......@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ void expect_equal(const list<protein_line> expected_proteins,
void TranscriptionTranslationTest::check_genome(const string& dir, int generation) {
void TranscriptionTranslationTest::check_genome(const string& dir,
int generation) {
ExpSetup* exp_s = new ExpSetup(nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void TranscriptionTranslationTest::check_genome(const string& dir, int generatio
auto actual_proteins = analyse_gu(indiv->get_genetic_unit(0), 0);
auto actual_proteins = analyse_gu(indiv->genetic_unit(0), 0);
// Read the expected results
......@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ void TranscriptionTranslationTest::check_genome(const string& dir, int generatio
// (very dirty) Get rid of last line (added twice)
// cout << "*************** EXPECTED ********************" << endl;
// for (auto prot_line : expected_proteins) {
// cout << prot_line << endl;
......@@ -243,20 +242,6 @@ void TranscriptionTranslationTest::check_genome(const string& dir, int generatio
expect_equal(expected_proteins, actual_proteins);
// (very dirty) Get rid of last line (added twice)
// cout << "*************** EXPECTED ********************" << endl;
// for (auto prot_line : expected_proteins) {
// cout << prot_line << endl;
// }
// cout << "**************** ACTUAL *********************" << endl;
// for (auto prot_line : actual_proteins) {
// cout << prot_line << endl;
// }
expect_equal(expected_proteins, actual_proteins);
TEST_F(TranscriptionTranslationTest, TestIndivVirus6) {