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  • SIMONIN Matthieu's avatar
    Support for 2 qemus · 004b22ac
    SIMONIN Matthieu authored
    `qemu_sink` example has been renamed `qemus` and modified as follows:
    - `` starts 2 VMs
    - The script is instantiated in the deployment file and
    - at start-up each VMs will start:
      - an UDP server listening on (resp.
      - an UDP client connecting to (resp.
    - We use netcat in the VMs (using cloud-init) to achieve the above, and
    it's usable through a tmux inside each VM (root account)
    This example validates the initial implementation of Tansiv using Slirp
    and UDP traffic between two VMs.
    Lessons learnt:
    - How VM are identified by the coordinator ?
    Until now, we use a logical name (sets in the deployment.xml) which must
    be built by the information in the VSG packet. We use the IPs of the
    source and destination as logical name. Unfortunately here the traffic
    originating from both VMs uses as ip source. Out of the box
    this causes some troubles in the coordinator. I could have used the
    ip+port for this logical name but I've followed another path: I gave the
    knowledge of the logical identifier to each qemu process and slirp is
    using it to set the source of the VSG packet accordingly. This way we
    ensure that this logical name is unique in the coordinator and refers to
    the right VM.