Mentions légales du service

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- Feature #905: Test functions now appear explicitly in all operators. This broaden considerably what we can do with
an operator.
- Feature #1188: Add Laplacian model.
- Feature #1170: Add I4 in InvariantHolder.

- Support #1192: Rebrand the project! HappyHeart was a codename; the definite name has now been chosen and applied almost everywhere (except Documentation and the present TAGS file)
- Support #1175: Lower encapsulation status of some Model methods (for Verdandi usage).
- Support #1167: Add back a feature first added in #1135 for Seldon matrix and vectors, which was wrongly perceived in the review as a duplicate.
- Support #1165: Add ResetTimeAtPreviousTimeStep function in TimeManager.
- Support #1187: Add some infos on display regarding MUMPS solving.
- Support #1186: Update Petsc version to 3.8. A Petsc macro has been used to still accept Petsc 3.7.
- Support #1184: Modify the integration scripts so that number of processors to use in a parallel test are customizable.
- Support #1183: Update SConstruct and SConscript so that they run with Python 3 (new version of SCons is finally compatible with it). It keeps working with Python 2.7.
- Support #1180: Obsolete compilation flag SELDON_WITH_CBLAS has been replaced by SELDON_WITH_BLAS. WARNING: Make sure to use the last Seldon from ThirdPartyCompilationFactory which adds a required include for this new flag.
- Support #1176: ResetTimeManager at beginning of simulation
- Support #1171 / Bug #1173: Automate the new tests related to the test functions feature introduced in #905.
- Support/Bug #1194 / Bug #1172: Add 1D support for elastic operators.
- Support #1168: DistanceFromMesh parameter must now be a SpatialPoint, not a Coord.
- Support #1166: Implement wrappers over MPI_Send and MPI_Recv,
- Support #1164: Update to XCode 9.
- Support #1163: DomainManager::GetDomain() now yields an exception if unique_id does not exist.
- Support #1162: Update header guards script to Python 3
- Support #1160: Add a new library including tools for integration tests.
- Support #1158: Replace Yuni by Boost. I was hoping STL filesystem that is still not recognized by all our compilers; so I figured Boost would be an interesting step as API is rather close. Issues with exception handling makes me think I might have been misguided here; anyway STL filesystem should be there anytime soon.

- Bug #1182: Finite elements PointP0 and PointP1 were pointless (sorry for the pun...); moreover they were poorly defined. Now a unique Point is available.
- Bug #1185: Fix param_at_dof test.
- Bug #1179: Now domain and domain in felt space used to create FiberList must be the same.
- Bug #1177: Finite element SegmentP2 was ill-defined.
- Bug #1174: In State operator a binary_search was wrong.
- Bug #1161: NcoordsInDomain<MpiScale::program_wise> implementation was incorrect...
- Bug #1159: SCons issue: Post-processing library was not installed in the Build directory. Fix is pretty bad; we really need to use something else than unwieldy SCons.
- Bug #1147: Make GeometricMeshRegion objects account for all the Coords in parallel.