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Samifier is a decision support tool as a web service to help biologists to normalize metabolic identifiers. This repository contains the Docker Image to easily deploy the Samifier platform.
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Make Inkscape available from Docker image.
The macOS version is rather crappy-looking and running it from a Docker container which embeds an Ubuntu is actually much better.
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A container to enable Laby access.
Laby is not foreseen to run on macos but may be run from a Docker instance running an Ubuntu.
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Implementation of the procedure described at https://denibertovic.com/posts/handling-permissions-with-docker-volumes/ to run Docker containers without being root.
The only change is that I replaced Debian by Ubuntu.
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Mimoza combines the model generalization method with the zooming user interface (ZUI) paradigm and allows a human expert to explore metabolic network models in a semantically zoomable manner.
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we aim to measure the energy consumption due to using different optimisation tools such as transpilers , JIT libraries and custom interpreters
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measuring the energy effect of different alternatives of the default interpreter (CPython)
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