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Un projet public pour déposer en ligne des cahiers d'experience Jupyter A public project to put on line some Jupyter notebooks
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Collaboration: MAASAI. Goal: development application with python code. (internal project)
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GERMANI Elodie / analytic_variability_fmri
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Formations / Cpp / GettingStartedWithModernCpp
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalA tutorial to provide a solid basis to start writing proper C++ code with the latest versions of the standard.
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The necessary components to run the decentralizepy framework on Grid5000
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Gitlab for the course Foundational Principles of Machine Learning (FPML) in the CS Masters (M1 year), in the track Artificial Intelligence of the Paris Saclay University
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MOSAIC / bvpy
OtherBvpy is a python library, based on FEniCS, Gmsh & Meshio, to easily implement and study numerically Boundary Value Problems and Initial Boundary Value Problems through the Finite Element Method.
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Seed_detection / seed2lp
OtherSeed detection in metabolic networks using both logic programming and linear programming.
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potential energy and gradients of potential energy of a set of springs
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PEDRAZZI Matteo / HandsOnDocker
Apache License 2.0An introduction level training course on Docker and Docker-compose.
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SIRI Enrico / PyLate
MIT LicenseUpdated -
SHPAKOVYCH Maksym / axb
MIT LicenseUpdated -
MIT LicensePAX2GRAPHML :A python library for large-scale regulation network analysis using BIOPAX