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dynres / dyn-procs / openpmix
BSD 3-Clause Open MPI variantUpdated -
dynres / dyn-procs / prrte
BSD 3-Clause Open MPI variantUpdated -
skeletons / Necro Library
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPrimary library for necro with standard tools (parse, type check, print, and transform Skeletal Semantics)
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MoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.
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Gabarits / LaTeX beamer 2024
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseGabarit de style pour les présentations beamer adapté pour la charte graphique Inria 2024.
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Gabarits / LaTeX Inria fonts
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePaquet LaTeX pour l'utilisation des fontes InriaSans et InriaSerif dans les documents générés.
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skeletons / Necro Transformers
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
grid5000 / kadeploy
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0Kadeploy is a scalable, efficient and reliable deployment system (cluster provisioning solution) for cluster and grid computing
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erable / KisSplice
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0Updated -
dynres / applications / DynPetsc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Tool to generate a graphical representation of disk/partitions of a machine
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POTTIER Francois / inferno
MIT LicenseA library for constraint-based Hindley-Milner type inference.
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POTTIER Francois / visitors
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyAn OCaml syntax extension (technically, a ppx_deriving plugin) which generates object-oriented visitors for traversing and transforming data structures.
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SCHERER Gabriel / inferno
MIT LicenseA library for constraint-based Hindley-Milner type inference.
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HCL / DeCovA
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated