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skeletons / Necro Transformers
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
BERTOT Yves / ProgrammezCoq
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUne description de la programmation en Coq pour un magazine grand public.
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This project contains resources and instructions on how to perform a FIT IoT-LAB like deployment including TurtleBot2 robots
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Gazelle / Library / gazelle-geoip
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe Gazelle GeoIP is a tool using Country / City database lookup per IP.
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Human mobility simulator based on an enhanced realistic statistical model of the Working Day Mobility Model (WDM). En-WDM can also generates SIMBox fraudulent mobility if properly configured.
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DYLISS / cadbiom
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Cadbiom is an open source modeling software. Based on Guarded transition semantic, it gives a formal framework to help the modeling of biological systems such as cell signaling network.
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Jens Gustedt / Modular C
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseModular C is an extension of the C programming language
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Jens Gustedt / orwl
Q Public License 1.0Updated -
ROUVOY Romain / Async Profiler for PowerAPI
Apache License 2.0A JVM agent to profile the execution of applications.
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BERNARD Samuel / odexp
Othernumerical solver for population-based systems with gnuplot graphical output
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Adaptation of NewsProcess to setup a linguistic pipeline on TEI formatted documents in the context of ANR TimeUs Project
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Eye-movement analysis with hidden semi-Markov models to segment phases in reading tasks
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LEMERCIER Francois / 802.11ad-ay_RTS_DMG-CTS
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterns-3 implementation of IEEE Standard 802.11ad/ay for RTS/DMG CTS access control under CBAP