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Archived 0Updated
grid5000 / megaraid_sas
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymegaraid_sas linux driver, out-of-tree module source
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Archived 0Updated
WARNING: this repository is not maintained. The project has moved to https://github.com/surfacesyntacticud/tools/tree/master/converter
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DE-MOURA-DONASSOLO Bruno / rsd-hackathon
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Julien Wintz / elpi
OtherArchived 0Updated -
OBSOLETE: The Grew-match tool is now based on a new backend called grew_match_back (https://gitlab.inria.fr/grew/grew_match_back)
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Former repository for the DBL LaTeX thesis template. Moved to https://gitlab.com/ed-matisse/latex-template.
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Project moved to https://gitlab.com/ed-matisse/latex-template.
Former repository for the PhD thesis LaTeX template for the 13 doctoral schools of Collège doctoral de Bretagne. Project initiated by former PhD students of the MATISSE doctoral school (formerly MathSTIC) in collaboration with the doctoral school.
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This repository moved to https://framagit.org/simgrid/platform-calibration/
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This repositiry have moved to https://github.com/grew-nlp/grew_doc
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CHARGUERAUD Arthur / cfml2
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalSeparation Logic with Characteristic Formulae Entirely within Coq
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