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**Status of CROCO hosting**
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Until October 23th 2017, the sources of CROCO_TOOLS have been hosted on a dedicated server using gforge software https://gforge.inria.fr/projects/croco_tools.
It has now migrated on this server https://gitlab.inria.fr hosted by INRIA to benefit from enhanced functionalities. Thus by extracting the code from gitlab you will recover an exact copy of the code hosted previously on gforge. If you previously extracted CROCO from gforge and want to follow the updates of the code, you'll have to migrate your local repository, see below
Please follow the following instruction for extraction or migration of an existing clone.
**New user**
To extract in read only mode (simple user), use http protocol, you won't be able to proceed to a _push_
`git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/croco-ocean/croco_tools.git`
To extract with read/write mode (developer), use shh protocol
`git clone git@gitlab.inria.fr:croco-ocean/croco.git`
**Previous user on gforge**
In case you already have a clone of CROCO_TOOLS, backup your code first.
`cd croco_tools`
To know which protocol you used to extract from gforge
`git config --get remote.origin.url`
To target the new repository on gitlab if you were in http
`git remote set-url origin https://gitlab.inria.fr/croco-ocean/croco_tools.git`
To target the new repository on gitlab if you were using ssh
`git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.inria.fr:croco-ocean/croco_tools.git` |
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