Mentions légales du service

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- Support #606: Create a method InitializeVectorSolution in VariationalFormulation.
- Feature #631: Add a TransientSource to the current ReactionDiffusion model.
- Bug #642: Heat failed in parallel due to a missing call to Assembly() in the method in charge of boundary conditions. ONly heat was affected as it is the only model with two different Dirichlet condition (FSI also but it was not tested at the time).
- Bug #641: Replace jacobian determinant by absolute value of jacobian determinant in all operators. Get rid of unused functions that were relics from FELiScE.
- Feature #611: Remove the tuples defined in Model: it was cumbersome and somewhat redundant with the input parameter file. Now meshes, god of dofs, domains and so on are created by looking on their instances in the input parameter tuple.
- Support #629: Now hyperelastic laws are in their own namespace.
- Support #628: Hyperelasticity is now compiled as a library.