Clean up API for v0.3
Improve the API to better match the CCMC manuscript
Adhere to PEP-621 and change from setuptools+tox to hatch #8 (closed) -
Encapsulate communities (G in the MS) in an object, rather than a JSON file that needs to be read each time #17 (closed). The object needs to have an accessor for each function in the MS - limiting
- exchanged
- P
- C
- scope
Define feature tests for each of the above #16 (closed) -
Modify the example to better illustrate limiting and exchanged #19 (closed) -
Wrap CoCoMiCo as a CWL Command Line Tool for use in workflows #20 (closed) -
Unit test the above using Planemo #20 (closed) -
Package to source code as an RO Crate #21 (closed)
Since these changes should be backward compatible, according to the rules of semantic versioning we keep the major version and increment the minor version. Thus, this milestone targets version 0.3
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.