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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • tests
    2bfe8620 · Add a set of tests ·
  • v1.3
    478e1912 · Update for release ·
    New features:
    * Add possibility to build a P(X,Y) model in two steps, i.e. a
      specific model for forecasting where a difference is made between
      internal links X-X or Y-Y and cross links X-Y.
      Ny is the number of variables Y out of Nv= NvX+NvY.
      k_XY is the target connectivity contribution of links X-X and Y-Y
      before switching to X-Y.
    * Add new parameter links_selection for pre-selecting a short list of
      possible links to chose in for building the model.
    * when the requested connectivity is attained, the couplings are
      output in file `couplings.dat'.
    * New options -allcouplings added to output also
      the intermediary files.
    * Code optimization: due to code re-ordering and auto-vectorization by
      the compiler, execution is now 2.85 times faster on an example with
      2740 variables.
    * better formatting and organization of the options in -h output.
  • v1.2 Release: v1.2
    Tag release 1.2
  • v1.1
    774f36e6 · Update NEWS and README ·
    Release: v1.1
  • v1.0 Release: v1.0