Create ABS2PDDL transformation plugin
initiate plugin code for ABS 2 PDDL
also add the initial manual transformation agence.abs -> agence.pddl as a documentation/spec of this transfo
ABS Concept to transform :
DefinitionGroup -
AssetType -
GuardedActions -
Some Instructions
Goals -
Static Method -
Some Instructions
AssetGroup -
Asset -
PDDL Concept to Translate :
Domain -
Types -
Predicates -
Problem -
Objects -
Init -
Improve Transformation (in order) :
Multiplicity of References -
Unassigner optimization -
Default value -
ForAll/Filter/LambdaExpression -
AssetType Attributes of Enumerated Types and Boolean type -
Code Docs -
Global Optimization -
TESTS, Tests, tests (Larger, more complex examples, ...) -
Multiple Inheritance support
Edited by THOMAS Adrien