Add invariant contract language support
In order to support various use cases, we need to support the definition of contracts:
Dynamic contracts will be useful for:
- defining valid initial states in goals (used on start of the model checker)
- help testing of GuardedAction (used for testing that the GuardedActions are semantically correct)
Static contracts will be useful for:
- validating the user model (assets and links)
- validating standard conformance/requirements ... (mitre, iso, ...)
contracts {
// check dynamic
dynamic contract itemAreInASingleLocation(item : Item, zone1 : Zone, zone2 : Zone)
description = " "
guard = (zone1.itemsInZone.contains(item) && zone2.itemsInZone.contains(item) ) implies (zone1 == zone2)
guard = ! (zone1.itemsInZone.contains(item) && zone2.itemsInZone.contains(item) && (zone1 != zone2) )
dynamic contract itemAreOwnedByASingle(item : Item, attacker1 : Attacker, attacker2 : Attacker)
description = " "
guard = (attacker1.ownedItems.contains(item) && attacker2.ownedItems.contains(item) ) implies (attacker1 == attacker2)
dynamic contract pickedItemAreInZoneOrOwned (item : Item, zone : Zone, attacker : Attacker) {
guard = ! (attacker.ownedItems.contains(item) && zone.itemsInZone.contains(item))
static contract insideIsDifferentFromOutSide (access : Access) {
guard = access.inside != access.outside
static warning contract BadgeDoorMustHaveAkey( badgeDoor : BadgeDoor) {
annotations {
"mitre.ID" = "ISO27001"
guard = ! badgeDoor.keys.isEmpty