Mentions légales du service

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Needs ThirdPartyCompilationFactory [v21.27.2]( - as Scotch is now expected in place of Parmetis.

## ThirdParty

- __Support #1634__: Replace Parmetis by PT-Scotch.
- Design #1661: Remove reference to Openmpi C++ binding.
- Design #1662: Put back librt dependency.

## FormulationSolver

- __Design #1658__: VariationalFormulation: SupplInit() should take a MoReFEMData rather than an InputData

## Operators

- Support #1654: Add a test about UpdateCauchyGreenTensor operator.
- Design #1659: Passing the list of `Unknown` by a const reference was dangerous.

## Miscellaneous

- Support #1655: Extend UpdateLuaFile so that it may now work even if in the first read the fields present in the file do not match the tuple (previously you had to put them there manually, and the program would add the adequate comments).
- Support #1656: More renaming for `input_parameter_data`.