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  • Jean-Christophe Filliâtre's avatar
    fixed inconsistencies in theory MapPermut/ArrayPermut · e79e9a4f
    Jean-Christophe Filliâtre authored
    predicates permut over maps and arrays are given new semantics, as follows:
    - MapPermut: permut m1 m2 l u means that m1[l..u[ is a permutation of
      m2[l..u[ and values outside the interval [l..u[ are *ignored*.
    - ArrayPermut: permut_sub a1 a2 l u means that a1[l..u[ is a permutation
      of a2[l..u[ and other meaningful values are *identical*.
    - ArrayPermut: another predicate map_permut_sub has the same semantics as
      MapPermut.permut_sub, that is values outside of the interval [l..u[
      are ignored