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  • Paul Patault's avatar
    Micro Python : syntax improvements & added functions · 2cc29e89
    Paul Patault authored
    - added break and continue
    - added range with one, two or three argument(s)
    - added slice (`list[i1:i2]`)
    - added negative index (`list[n], with -len(list) ≤ n < len(list)`)
    - added lists methods:
      - `list.append(n)`
      - `list.pop()`
      - `list.clear()`
      - `list.sort()`
      - `list.reverse()`
    - added `is_permutation(list1, list2)` predicate
    - added assignment operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `//=`, `%=`
    - functions can now return `bool` and `list`
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