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  • Andrei Paskevich's avatar
    whyml: keep track of pvsymbols and psymbols in expressions · dce120fa
    Andrei Paskevich authored
    this commit changes the way of tracking occurrences of regions
    and type variables for the purposes of generalization, effect
    filtering, and effect checks. It restricts the previous
    implementation in two aspects:
    - a psymbol p can be monomorphic (= non-generalizable) in an effect
      only if p depends (= is defined via) a pvsymbol whose type contains
      the affected region. See bench/programs/bad-typing/recfun.mlw
      for an example. This restriction is required for soundness.
    - an argument of a psymbol cannot contain a region shared with
      another argument or an external pvsymbol. However, we do not
      require (so far) that the argument's type doesn't contain the same
      region twice and we allow the result type to contain known regions.
      This restriction is not necessary for soundness, and is introduced
      only to avoid some unintentional user errors and reduce the gap
      between the types that can be implemented in a "let" and the types
      that can be declared in a "val".