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  • Léon Gondelman's avatar
    Coercions: · 8ebc05d2
    Léon Gondelman authored
    This commit fixes some bugs for coercions.
    1. Applying coercion should work correctly w.r.t. unification
    (see  modules TrickyPolymorphic(Alpha|Beta) in bench/typing/good/coercions.mlw).
    2. Union of two coercion maps now works correctly w.r.t. adding the same coercion twice
    even if it is transitive closure
    (see module SameTransitivityCheck in bench/typing/good/coercions.mlw).
    3. Coercion error printing is now listing all components of conflicting coercion
    (see bench/typing/bad/coercion_cycle3.mlw for example).
    In this version, we still just lookup at head tysymbols to decide whether a coercion
    can be applied. This can be improved by taking into account also the types of arguments
    to decide earlier that a coercion cannot be applied.
    For instance, given
    type t 'a
    function f (t int) : int
    meta coercion function f
    goal G: forall x: t bool. x = 42
    results now in an error message
    This term has type t bool, but is expected to have type t int
    We can do better, detecting that a coercion f cannot be applied to [x] at all.
    To be done.