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  • Léon Gondelman's avatar
    Coercions · 87b4ad35
    Léon Gondelman authored
    1. The equality symbol is now bidirectionally compatible with coercions.
    That is, in the  module Binary below (see bench/typing/good/coercions.mlw),
    goal G is well-typed, with coercion [to_int] being applied to variable [x]
    both in [x=y] and in [y=x] :
    module Binary
      use import int.Int
      use import
      goal G: forall x: int63, y: int. x = y /\ y = x
    2. Each coercion is still uniquely defined by type symbols [Ts, Ts']
       [ ls: Ts1 ty_1,1 ... ty_1,n -> Ts2 ty_2,1 ... ty_2,m ],
    but searching for a possible coercion is now taking into account
    types [ ty_1,1 ... ty_1,n ] and [ ty_2,1 ... ty_2,m ] in order to
    compare them with the actual type of a term [t] on which coercion may
    apply as well as the actual expected type.
    (That is, now the signature of find is [t -> ty -> ty -> lsymbol list])
    This is done to anticipate in a heurstic way a situation when
    a coercion can be technically applied but will eventually fail, because
    type mismatch between types in coercion signature and the types of
    a term on which coercion applies. For instance, given a coercion
      function to_list bool : list bool
      meta coercion function to_list
    the following goal is rejected by typing:
      goal G: forall x: list int, y: bool.  x = y
    Indeed, [y] is expected to be of type [list int].
    Since [y] is of type [bool], one may try to apply a coercion [to_list]
    in order to get a term [to_list y] of type [list bool].
    However, this would not help, since a [list bool] mismatch with [list int].
    The error message is now better:
    "This term (i.e. [y]) has type bool, but is expected to have type list int"
    compared to old version:
    "This term  (i.e. [y])  has type list bool, but is expected to have type list int"