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  • Andrei Paskevich's avatar
    Ity: "spoil" effect on type variables · 330bd7e5
    Andrei Paskevich authored
    Type variables that appear in the result types of "pure"
    or logical functions are "spoiled" and cannot be instantiated
    with mutable types. Abstract program functions ("val") are assumed
    to not spoil type variables, and no explicit effect annotation is
    provided for this effect. Constructors, projections, and function
    application do not spoil type variables.
    This effect prevent unsoundness that results from instantiating
    [constant magic : 'a] with a mutable type in a program. It is,
    however, less precise than tracking of magic values using
    pure type variables. For example, the following program
    does typecheck with pure type variables but not with the
    spoil effects.
      use seq.Seq
      type ref_hist 'a = {
              mutable contents : 'a;
        ghost mutable history  : Seq.seq {'a}
      let (:=) (r : ref_hist 'a) (v : 'a) =
        r.history <- Seq.cons (pure { r.contents }) r.history;
        r.contents <- v
      let test (r : ref_hist (ref_hist unit)) =
        r := r.contents
    Indeed, (:=) spoils 'a, and precludes it from being instantiated
    with a mutable type in "test".