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  • Andrei Paskevich's avatar
    whyml: reimplement verification of the ghost writes · 30c225b4
    Andrei Paskevich authored
    This fixes one bug and several deficiencies in the previous
    implementation, which was based on read effects. One caveat
    about the current version is that we treat all type variables
    in a polymorphic type as visible (= non-ghost) even if they
    only occur in the ghost fields. For example, the following
    code is rejected:
      type strange 'a = { ghost contents : 'a }
      let test () =
        let x = { contents = ref 0 } in
        x.contents := 42
    Even though the field [contents] is ghost and cannot be reached
    from the real-world code, the type of x is [strange (ref int)]
    and the region of the reference is considered to be visible.
    Thus the last assignment is seen as an illicit ghost write.
    On the other hand,
      type strange 'a = { ghost contents : ref 'a }
      type strange 'a = { ghost mutable contents : 'a }
    permit ghost writes into [contents] without problem.
    Ghost writes into ghost variables are also okay.