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  • Andrei Paskevich's avatar
    accept untyped variables under quantifiers · 02fcd207
    Andrei Paskevich authored
    It is a matter of ongoing discussion how much type information we
    require from the user for the sake of readability of specification.
    Since types of quantified variables are important part of axioms
    and lemmas, we required them for the same reason we require the
    full prototypes for functions and predicates. However, when we
    typecheck program annotations, explicit types in quantifiers may
    quickly become an annoyance. Let's say, we define a polymorphic
    function "fn":
      let fn x y
        requires { forall z:'a. ... -> z = x }
      = ...
    Since in programs we [are going to] accept implicit type variables,
    the user may omit the types of "x" and "y", and they will be inferred
    by the typechecker. Now, if we are obliged to write the type of "z"
    in the postcondition, we cannot simply write 'a, because it will not
    unify with the implicit type of "x" (remember that programs are typed
    independently of specs). So, if we write the type of "z", we also have
    to write the type of "x". This is annoying and may even lead to errors
    if, by mistake, the user chooses 'a for the type of "x" and thus
    freezes 'a in all function definitions in "fn" while they were
    polymorphic in 'a till then.
    For this reason, it seems reasonable to accept untyped variables
    under quantifiers (DISCUSS: should we accept them only in specs?).
    However, we still require type variables in logic to be explicitly
    named (unless they come from the program, then they are accepted),
    and thus polymorphic axioms and lemmas would still have to have
    the explicitly typed quantified variables.