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  • Mikaël Salson's avatar
    windows: read must be sampled depending on the score · 3dacebba
    Mikaël Salson authored and Mathieu Giraud's avatar Mathieu Giraud committed
    The sample was constituted only on the sequence length which made sense
    when the reads were stored depending on their length. But now the scoring
    function changed and we focus on quality. It does not make sense anymore
    to retrieve the longest reads then. We just want to have a sample of the
    best reads (ie. those of better quality).
    Using that, if we change our scoring function again, no modification
    will be needed.
    Note that the second parameter of getBestReads() is not used yet.
    It may be useful to prevent too bad sequences to be sampled.
    SequenceSampler is not used anymore. It will be removed in a future release.