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Merge branch 'feature-c/4541-boucle-infinie-samples-caches' into 'prod-client-lille'

Mikaël Salson requested to merge cherry-pick-83160213-2 into prod-client-lille

Resolve "Boucle infinie au chargement d'un fichier avec des samples cachés"

Closes #4619 (closed) and #4541 (closed)

See merge request !838 (merged)

(cherry picked from commit 83160213)

74cd7e22 tools.js; add a function to clean an array of duplicates e7231026 Add a condition to use calculateOrder function 8f4e88db qunit, add test for tools script and removeDuplicate function 0cb094b4 tools; add a function to remove position from array and decrease upper values 50ae1a2f model_loader; refactor copySampleFields function 82d39914 Apply path change 3f27ec73 functional tests; refactor tooltip container close db18d827 model_loader; fix jshint quality ae3236b8 model_loader; fix error if analysis.order field is undefined 84386a8b model_loader; update test on order/stock_order at analysis loading 1e6681ac doc/vidjil-format; remove useless field 959fdaa0 model_loader; remove dead code 1140d331 model_loader; fix error if an loaded analysis haven't id field 3af09d41 model_test.js; remove a test on a deleted function 667ef5b1 model_loader; refactor function that allow to keep consistant order even with added/deleted sampels 0aee6311 model_test.js; update a test on analysis order field ec9c2ee3 model_loader; add a fix for first analisys file that not include order field fbc74bfe tools.js; add a function to clean an array of duplicates de17b2ae Add a condition to use calculateOrder function 86e98e42 qunit, add test for tools script and removeDuplicate function 1dd096b3 tools; add a function to remove position from array and decrease upper values c988b9e1 model_loader; refactor copySampleFields function 7cb951c9 Apply path change c4e2c08e functional tests; refactor tooltip container close bcdefeda model_loader; fix jshint quality fc7f86b0 model_loader; fix error if analysis.order field is undefined 8601a782 model_loader; update test on order/stock_order at analysis loading 2006114d doc/vidjil-format; remove useless field 96761b0b model_loader; remove dead code a3b077a5 model_loader; fix error if an loaded analysis haven't id field 3ae87eb0 model_test.js; remove a test on a deleted function 1791cd51 model_loader; refactor function that allow to keep consistant order even with added/deleted sampels 22d27789 model_test.js; update a test on analysis order field a4a4bc8c model_loader; add a fix for first analisys file that not include order field 8897426d Merge branch 'feature-c/4541-boucle-infinie-samples-caches' of... 74925998 test_scatterplot; add a log on failure test bed6f130 test_scatterplot; adda wait-until on a test 147f4c89 Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)

Merge request reports