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  • Augustin Degomme's avatar
    Features : · b8bdfff3
    Augustin Degomme authored
    - add a second thread to separate OTF file operations and trace operations : not as much parallelism as in Paje as file operations are more efficient for OTF (as for Paje parsing, flag MT_PARSING)
    - multithreaded loading of serialized files : moves loading from the main thread to multiple threads, as for serialization.
    - beginning of the work with MPI : work can now be distributed and several intervals loaded from several machines and displayed there. 
    How to use: the flag USE_MPI must be set, links  -lboost_mpi -lmpi -lmpi_cxx must be added in
    mpicc and mpic++ have to be used instead of gcc and g++. This can be set manually in src/makefile, but will be reseted by the global makefile. Another solution is to add
    QMAKESPEC = mpicc
    QMAKE_CXX = mpic++
    to the file.
    To launch on a single machine :
    mpirun -np nprocess vite path/to/file.vite2/configure
    on several machines with separated screens and a machinefile to list them :
    - allow ssh authentification without password (by key)
    - allow display on each distant machine with "xhost +"
    - have a split folder in a folder accessible with the same path for each machine (nfs or local)
    - have vite in the path for each machine
    - use mpirun -np nprocess -hostfile machinefile -mca orte_rsh_agent "ssh -X" -xDISPLAY=:0.0 vite -tInterval path/to/file.vite
    This will split the given interval in nprocess parts and send them for display to the various nodes described, displaying on their local display