From fb5753a9158f0bb458406848faf2e3900c6a5bd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alban Bellot <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 11:52:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add expended values to the spm structure

 spm.h | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/spm.h b/spm.h
index 95653c65..b2c0e36e 100644
--- a/spm.h
+++ b/spm.h
@@ -26,10 +26,17 @@ struct pastix_spm_s {
     int           flttype;   /*< avals datatype: PastixPattern, PastixFloat, PastixDouble,
                                  PastixComplex32 or PastixComplex64                          */
     int           fmttype;   /*< Matrix storage format: PastixCSC, PastixCSR, PastixIJV      */
     pastix_int_t  gN;        /*< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph           */
     pastix_int_t  n;         /*< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph            */
     pastix_int_t  gnnz;      /*< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph         */
     pastix_int_t  nnz;       /*< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph          */
+    pastix_int_t  gNexp;     /*< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph           */
+    pastix_int_t  nexp;      /*< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph            */
+    pastix_int_t  gnnzexp;   /*< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph         */
+    pastix_int_t  nnzexp;    /*< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph          */
     pastix_int_t  dof;       /*< Number of degrees of freedom per unknown,
                                  if > 0, constant degree of freedom
                                  otherwise, irregular degree of freedom (refer to dofs)      */