From f9e52bed20f23f79c84355842151db5ce304b488 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mathieu Faverge <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 19:24:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add the python wrapper

 CMakeLists.txt                  |   4 +
 wrappers/CMakeLists.txt         |  20 +++
 wrappers/python/CMakeLists.txt  |  50 +++++++
 wrappers/python/spm/ |  48 +++++++
 wrappers/python/spm/  | 200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 wrappers/python/spm/  | 155 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 wrappers/python/spm/      | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 wrappers/python/   |  42 ++++++
 wrappers/python/    |  36 +++++
 9 files changed, 782 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 wrappers/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 wrappers/python/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 wrappers/python/spm/
 create mode 100644 wrappers/python/spm/
 create mode 100644 wrappers/python/spm/
 create mode 100644 wrappers/python/spm/
 create mode 100755 wrappers/python/
 create mode 100755 wrappers/python/

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index fdcd443e..577e96c4 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -267,3 +267,7 @@ add_documented_files(
 # Testing executables
+### Wrappers
diff --git a/wrappers/CMakeLists.txt b/wrappers/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf763161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#  @copyright 2017-2018 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+#                       Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+#  @version 6.0.0
+#  @author Mathieu Faverge
+#  @date 2017-05-22
+  add_subdirectory( fortran90 )
+  add_subdirectory( python )
+  message(STATUS "--- Python wrapper is disabled with static libraries")
diff --git a/wrappers/python/CMakeLists.txt b/wrappers/python/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4b59201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#  @copyright 2017      Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+#                       Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+#  @version 6.0.0
+#  @author Mathieu Faverge
+#  @date 2017-05-22
+# Configure
+if (SPM_INT64)
+  set(SPM_PYTHON_INTEGER c_int64)
+  set(SPM_PYTHON_INTEGER c_int)
+# Install python package
+  DESTINATION lib/python/spm )
+# # Install python examples
+# install(FILES
+#   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/
+#   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/
+#   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/
+#   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/
+#   DESTINATION examples
+#   )
+# ## CTest execution
+# find_package(PythonInterp QUIET)
+#   set( PYTHON_TESTS
+#     simple step-by-step schur simple_obj schur_obj)
+#   foreach(example ${PYTHON_TESTS} )
+#     add_test(python_${example} ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${example}.py)
+#   endforeach()
+# endif()
diff --git a/wrappers/python/spm/ b/wrappers/python/spm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..caf07917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/spm/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# @file
+# SParse Matrix package python module intialization
+# @copyright 2017-2018 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+#                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+# @version 6.0.0
+# @author Pierre Ramet
+# @author Mathieu Faverge
+# @author Louis Poirel
+# @date 2017-05-04
+  1. A sparse matrix structure
+  2. Mathematical operations over this sparse matrix structure
+  3. Driver to read from different file formats and to convert from Scipy package
+import ctypes
+import ctypes.util
+# Load the SPM library
+libspm_name = ctypes.util.find_library('spm')
+if libspm_name == None:
+    raise EnvironmentError("Could not find shared library: spm."
+                           "The path to should be in "
+                           "$LIBRARY_PATH")
+    libspm = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libspm_name)
+    raise EnvironmentError("Could not load shared library: spm."
+                           "The path to should be in "
+                           "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on MacOS");
+__all__ = [ 'libspm' ]
+from .enum   import *
+from .spm    import *
diff --git a/wrappers/python/spm/ b/wrappers/python/spm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02e151fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/spm/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ @file
+ SPM python wrapper
+ @copyright 2017-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ @version 6.0.0
+ @author Pierre Ramet
+ @author Mathieu Faverge
+ @author Louis Poirel
+ @date 2017-05-04
+This file has been automatically generated with
+from ctypes import *
+import numpy as np
+from . import libspm
+from .enum import __spm_int__
+class pyspm_spmatrix_t(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [("mtxtype",   c_int               ),
+                ("flttype",   c_int               ),
+                ("fmttype",   c_int               ),
+                ("gN",        __spm_int__         ),
+                ("n",         __spm_int__         ),
+                ("gnnz",      __spm_int__         ),
+                ("nnz",       __spm_int__         ),
+                ("gNexp",     __spm_int__         ),
+                ("nexp",      __spm_int__         ),
+                ("gnnzexp",   __spm_int__         ),
+                ("nnzexp",    __spm_int__         ),
+                ("dof",       __spm_int__         ),
+                ("dofs",      POINTER(__spm_int__)),
+                ("layout",    c_int               ),
+                ("colptr",    POINTER(__spm_int__)),
+                ("rowptr",    POINTER(__spm_int__)),
+                ("loc2glob",  POINTER(__spm_int__)),
+                ("values",    c_void_p            ) ]
+def pyspm_spmInit( spm ):
+    libspm.spmInit.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmInit( spm )
+def pyspm_spmExit( spm ):
+    libspm.spmExit.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmExit( spm )
+def pyspm_spmCopy( spm ):
+    libspm.spmCopy.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmCopy.restype = POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t)
+    return libspm.spmCopy( spm )
+def pyspm_spmBase( spm, baseval ):
+    libspm.spmBase.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_int ]
+    libspm.spmBase( spm, baseval )
+def pyspm_spmFindBase( spm ):
+    libspm.spmFindBase.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmFindBase.restype = __spm_int__
+    return libspm.spmFindBase( spm )
+def pyspm_spmConvert( ofmttype, ospm ):
+    libspm.spmConvert.argtypes = [ c_int, POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmConvert.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmConvert( ofmttype, ospm )
+def pyspm_spmUpdateComputedFields( spm ):
+    libspm.spmUpdateComputedFields.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmUpdateComputedFields( spm )
+def pyspm_spmGenFakeValues( spm ):
+    libspm.spmGenFakeValues.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmGenFakeValues( spm )
+def pyspm_spmNorm( ntype, spm ):
+    libspm.spmNorm.argtypes = [ c_int, POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmNorm.restype = c_double
+    return libspm.spmNorm( ntype, spm )
+def pyspm_spmMatVec( trans, alpha, spm, x, beta, y ):
+    libspm.spmMatVec.argtypes = [ c_int, c_void_p, POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t),
+                                  c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p ]
+    libspm.spmMatVec.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmMatVec( trans, alpha, spm, x, beta, y )
+def pyspm_spmMatMat( trans, n, alpha, A, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc ):
+    libspm.spmMatMat.argtypes = [ c_int, __spm_int__, c_void_p,
+                                  POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_void_p,
+                                  __spm_int__, c_void_p, c_void_p, __spm_int__ ]
+    libspm.spmMatMat.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmMatMat( trans, n, alpha, A, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc )
+def pyspm_spmScalMatrix( alpha, spm ):
+    libspm.spmScalMatrix.argtypes = [ c_double, POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmScalMatrix( alpha, spm )
+def pyspm_spmScalVector( flt, alpha, n, x, incx ):
+    libspm.spmScalVector.argtypes = [ c_int, c_double, __spm_int__, c_void_p,
+                                      __spm_int__ ]
+    libspm.spmScalVector( flt, alpha, n, x, incx )
+def pyspm_spmSort( spm ):
+    libspm.spmSort.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmSort.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmSort( spm )
+def pyspm_spmMergeDuplicate( spm ):
+    libspm.spmMergeDuplicate.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmMergeDuplicate.restype = __spm_int__
+    return libspm.spmMergeDuplicate( spm )
+def pyspm_spmSymmetrize( spm ):
+    libspm.spmSymmetrize.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmSymmetrize.restype = __spm_int__
+    return libspm.spmSymmetrize( spm )
+def pyspm_spmCheckAndCorrect( spm ):
+    libspm.spmCheckAndCorrect.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmCheckAndCorrect.restype = POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t)
+    return libspm.spmCheckAndCorrect( spm )
+def pyspm_spmGenRHS( type, nrhs, spm, x, ldx, b, ldb ):
+    libspm.spmGenRHS.argtypes = [ c_int, __spm_int__, POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t),
+                                  c_void_p, __spm_int__, c_void_p, __spm_int__ ]
+    libspm.spmGenRHS.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmGenRHS( type, nrhs, spm, x, ldx, b, ldb )
+def pyspm_spmCheckAxb( eps, nrhs, spm, x0, ldx0, b, ldb, x, ldx ):
+    libspm.spmCheckAxb.argtypes = [ c_double, __spm_int__,
+                                    POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_void_p,
+                                    __spm_int__, c_void_p, __spm_int__,
+                                    c_void_p, __spm_int__ ]
+    libspm.spmCheckAxb.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmCheckAxb( eps, nrhs, spm, x0, ldx0, b, ldb, x, ldx )
+def pyspm_spmIntConvert( n, input ):
+    libspm.spmIntConvert.argtypes = [ __spm_int__, c_int_p ]
+    libspm.spmIntConvert.restype = POINTER(__spm_int__)
+    return libspm.spmIntConvert( n, input )
+def pyspm_spmIntMSortIntAsc( pbase, n ):
+    libspm.spmIntMSortIntAsc.argtypes = [ c_void_p, __spm_int__ ]
+    libspm.spmIntMSortIntAsc( pointer( pbase ), n )
+def pyspm_spmLoad( spm ):
+    libspm.spmLoad.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_void_p ]
+    libspm.spmLoad.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmLoad( spm, None )
+def pyspm_spmSave( spm ):
+    libspm.spmSave.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_void_p ]
+    libspm.spmSave.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmSave( spm, None )
+def pyspm_spmReadDriver( driver, filename, spm ):
+    libspm.spmReadDriver.argtypes = [ c_int, c_char_p,
+                                      POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmReadDriver.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmReadDriver( driver, filename, spm )
+def pyspm_spmParseLaplacianInfo( filename, flttype, dim1, dim2, dim3, alpha,
+                                 beta ):
+    libspm.spmParseLaplacianInfo.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_int_p,
+                                              POINTER(__spm_int__),
+                                              POINTER(__spm_int__),
+                                              POINTER(__spm_int__),
+                                              POINTER(c_double),
+                                              POINTER(c_double) ]
+    libspm.spmParseLaplacianInfo.restype = c_int
+    return libspm.spmParseLaplacianInfo( filename, flttype, dim1, dim2, dim3,
+                                         alpha, beta )
+def pyspm_spm2Dense( spm ):
+    libspm.spm2Dense.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spm2Dense( spm )
+def pyspm_spmPrint( spm ):
+    libspm.spmPrint.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_void_p ]
+    libspm.spmPrint( spm, None )
+def pyspm_spmPrintInfo( spm ):
+    libspm.spmPrintInfo.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_void_p ]
+    libspm.spmPrintInfo( spm, None )
+def pyspm_spmExpand( spm ):
+    libspm.spmExpand.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ]
+    libspm.spmExpand.restype = POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t)
+    return libspm.spmExpand( spm )
+def pyspm_spmDofExtend( spm, type, dof ):
+    libspm.spmDofExtend.argtypes = [ POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t), c_int, c_int ]
+    libspm.spmDofExtend.restype = POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t)
+    return libspm.spmDofExtend( spm, type, dof )
diff --git a/wrappers/python/spm/ b/wrappers/python/spm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b73be1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/spm/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ @file
+ SPM python wrapper to define enums and datatypes
+ @copyright 2017-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ @version 6.0.0
+ @author Pierre Ramet
+ @author Mathieu Faverge
+ @author Louis Poirel
+ @date 2017-05-04
+This file has been automatically generated with
+from ctypes import *
+import numpy as np
+# Start with __ to prevent broadcast to file importing enum
+__spm_int__ = @SPM_PYTHON_INTEGER@
+class verbose:
+    Not = 0
+    No  = 1
+    Yes = 2
+class coeftype:
+    Pattern   = 0
+    Float     = 2
+    Double    = 3
+    Complex32 = 4
+    Complex64 = 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def getptype ( dtype ):
+        np_dict = {
+            np.dtype('float32')    : coeftype.Float,
+            np.dtype('float64')    : coeftype.Double,
+            np.dtype('complex64')  : coeftype.Complex32,
+            np.dtype('complex128') : coeftype.Complex64,
+        }
+        if dtype in np_dict:
+            return np_dict[dtype]
+        else:
+            return -1
+    @staticmethod
+    def getctype ( flttype ):
+        class c_float_complex(Structure):
+            _fields_ = [("r",c_float),("i", c_float)]
+        class c_double_complex(Structure):
+            _fields_ = [("r",c_double),("i", c_double)]
+        np_dict = {
+            coeftype.Float     : c_float,
+            coeftype.Double    : c_double,
+            coeftype.Complex32 : c_float_complex,
+            coeftype.Complex64 : c_double_complex
+        }
+        if flttype in np_dict:
+            return np_dict[flttype]
+        else:
+            return -1
+    @staticmethod
+    def getnptype ( flttype ):
+        np_dict = {
+            coeftype.Float     : np.dtype('float32'),
+            coeftype.Double    : np.dtype('float64'),
+            coeftype.Complex32 : np.dtype('complex64'),
+            coeftype.Complex64 : np.dtype('complex128')
+        }
+        if flttype in np_dict:
+            return np_dict[flttype]
+        else:
+            return -1
+class fmttype:
+    CSC = 0
+    CSR = 1
+    IJV = 2
+class error:
+    SUCCESS        = 0
+    UNKNOWN        = 1
+    ALLOC          = 2
+    OUTOFMEMORY    = 4
+    THREAD         = 5
+    INTERNAL       = 6
+    FILE           = 8
+    INTEGER_TYPE   = 9
+    IO             = 10
+    MPI            = 11
+class driver:
+    RSA        = 0
+    HB         = 1
+    IJV        = 2
+    MM         = 3
+    Laplacian  = 4
+    XLaplacian = 5
+    Graph      = 6
+    SPM        = 7
+class rhstype:
+    One  = 0
+    I    = 1
+    RndX = 2
+    RndB = 3
+class layout:
+    RowMajor = 101
+    ColMajor = 102
+class trans:
+    NoTrans   = 111
+    Trans     = 112
+    ConjTrans = 113
+class mtxtype:
+    General   = trans.NoTrans
+    Symmetric = trans.Trans
+    Hermitian = trans.ConjTrans
+    SymPosDef = trans.ConjTrans + 1
+    HerPosDef = trans.ConjTrans + 2
+class uplo:
+    Upper      = 121
+    Lower      = 122
+    UpperLower = 123
+class diag:
+    NonUnit = 131
+    Unit    = 132
+class side:
+    Left  = 141
+    Right = 142
+class normtype:
+    One       = 171
+    Frobenius = 174
+    Inf       = 175
+    Max       = 177
+class dir:
+    Forward  = 391
+    Backward = 392
diff --git a/wrappers/python/spm/ b/wrappers/python/spm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..875d9763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/spm/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ @file
+ SPM python wrapper
+ @copyright 2017-2018 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ @version 6.0.0
+ @author Pierre Ramet
+ @author Mathieu Faverge
+ @date 2017-05-04
+from ctypes import *
+import numpy as np
+__use_sps__ = True
+    import scipy.sparse as sps
+except ImportError:
+    __use_sps__ = False
+from .enum    import *
+from .enum    import __spm_int__
+from .__spm__ import *
+class spmatrix():
+    dtype = None
+    def __init__( self, A=None, mtxtype_=mtxtype.General, driver=None, filename="" ):
+        """
+        Initialize the SPM wrapper by loading the libraries
+        """
+        if mtxtype_ == mtxtype.SymPosDef:
+            mtxtype_ = mtxtype.Symmetric
+        if mtxtype_ == mtxtype.HerPosDef:
+            mtxtype_ = mtxtype.Hermitian
+        self.spm_c = pyspm_spmatrix_t( mtxtype_,
+                                     coeftype.Double,
+                                     fmttype.CSC,
+                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                     1, None,
+                                     layout.ColMajor,
+                                     None, None, None, None )
+        self.id_ptr = pointer( self.spm_c )
+        if A is not None:
+            self.fromsps( A, mtxtype_ )
+        elif driver is not None:
+            self.fromdriver( driver, filename )
+    if __use_sps__:
+        def fromsps( self, A, mtxtype_=mtxtype.General ):
+            """
+            Initialize the SPM wrapper by loading the libraries
+            """
+            if not sps.isspmatrix(A):
+                raise TypeError( "A must be of type scipy.sparse matrix" )
+            # Assume A is already in Scipy sparse format
+            self.dtype = A.dtype
+            flttype = coeftype.getptype( A.dtype )
+            if flttype == -1:
+                raise TypeError( "Invalid data type. Must be part of (f4, f8, c8 or c16)" )
+            A = sps.csc_matrix( A )
+            A.sort_indices()
+            # Pointer variables
+            self.py_colptr = np.array( A.indptr[:],  dtype=__spm_int__ )
+            self.py_rowptr = np.array( A.indices[:], dtype=__spm_int__ )
+            self.py_values = np.array([:] )
+            if mtxtype_ == mtxtype.SymPosDef:
+                mtxtype_ = mtxtype.Symmetric
+            if mtxtype_ == mtxtype.HerPosDef:
+                mtxtype_ = mtxtype.Hermitian
+            self.spm_c.mtxtype  = mtxtype_
+            self.spm_c.flttype  = flttype
+            self.spm_c.fmttype  = fmttype.CSC
+            self.spm_c.n        = A.shape[0]
+            self.spm_c.nnz      = A.getnnz()
+            self.spm_c.dof      = 1
+            self.spm_c.dofs     = None
+            self.spm_c.layout   = layout.ColMajor
+            self.spm_c.colptr   = self.py_colptr.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(__spm_int__))
+            self.spm_c.rowptr   = self.py_rowptr.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(__spm_int__))
+            self.spm_c.loc2glob = None
+            self.spm_c.values   = self.py_values.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
+            self.id_ptr = pointer( self.spm_c )
+            self.updateComputedField()
+            self.checkAndCorrect()
+        def tosps( self ):
+            """
+            Return a Scipy sparse matrix
+            """
+            n      = int( self.spm_c.n )
+            nnz    = int( self.spm_c.nnz )
+            cflt   = coeftype.getctype(  self.spm_c.flttype )
+            nflt   = coeftype.getnptype( self.spm_c.flttype )
+            colptr = self.py_colptr.copy()
+            rowptr = self.py_rowptr.copy()
+            values = self.py_values.copy()
+            baseval = colptr[0]
+            colptr = colptr - baseval
+            rowptr = rowptr - baseval
+            return sps.csc_matrix((values, rowptr, colptr), shape=(n, n))
+    def fromdriver( self, driver=driver.Laplacian, filename="10:10:10" ):
+        """
+        Initialize the SPM wrapper by loading the libraries
+        """
+        if filename == "":
+            raise ValueError("filename must be prodived")
+        pyspm_spmReadDriver( driver, filename.encode('utf-8'), self.id_ptr )
+        self.dtype = coeftype.getnptype( self.spm_c.flttype )
+        self.checkAndCorrect()
+    def scale( self, alpha ):
+        return pyspm_spmScalMatrix( float(alpha), self.id_ptr )
+    def norm( self, ntype=normtype.Frobenius ):
+        return pyspm_spmNorm( ntype, self.id_ptr )
+    def base( self, baseval ):
+        pyspm_spmBase( self.id_ptr, baseval )
+    def findBase( self ):
+        return pyspm_spmFindBase( self.id_ptr )
+    def updateComputedField( self ):
+        pyspm_spmUpdateComputedFields( self.id_ptr )
+    def printInfo( self ):
+        pyspm_spmPrintInfo( self.id_ptr )
+    def printSpm( self ):
+        pyspm_spmPrint( self.id_ptr )
+    def checkAndCorrect( self ):
+        spm1 = self.id_ptr
+        spm2 = pyspm_spmCheckAndCorrect( self.id_ptr )
+        if (( spm1.contents.fmttype == spm2.contents.fmttype ) and
+            ( spm1.contents.nnzexp  == spm2.contents.nnzexp  ) ):
+            return
+        self.spm_c = cast( spm2, POINTER(pyspm_spmatrix_t) ).contents
+        self.id_ptr = pointer( self.spm_c )
+        self.py_colptr = np.frombuffer( (__spm_int__ * (n+1)).from_address( cast(self.spm_c.colptr, c_void_p).value ), __spm_int__ ).copy()
+        self.py_rowptr = np.frombuffer( (__spm_int__ *  nnz ).from_address( cast(self.spm_c.rowptr, c_void_p).value ), __spm_int__ ).copy()
+        self.py_values = np.frombuffer( (cflt       *  nnz ).from_address( self.spm_c.values ), nflt ).copy()
+    def __checkVector( self, n, nrhs, x ):
+        if x.dtype != self.dtype:
+            raise TypeError( "Vectors must use the same arithmetic as the spm" )
+        if x.ndim > 2:
+            raise TypeError( "Vectors must be of dimension 1 or 2" )
+        if x.shape[0] < n:
+            raise TypeError( "Vectors must be of size at least ", n )
+        if (x.ndim == 1 and nrhs > 1) or (x.ndim>1 and x.shape[1] < nrhs):
+            raise TypeError( "At least nrhs vectors must be stored in the vector" )
+    def checkAxb( self, x0, b, x, nrhs=-1 ):
+        # if libspm == None:
+        #     raise EnvironmentError( "SPM Instance badly instanciated" )
+        b = np.array(b, self.dtype)
+        x = np.asarray(x, self.dtype)
+        n = self.spm_c.n
+        if nrhs == -1:
+            if x.ndim == 1:
+                nrhs = 1
+            else:
+                nrhs = x.shape[1]
+        if x0 is not None:
+            x0 = np.asarray(x0, self.dtype)
+            self.__checkVector( n, nrhs, x0 )
+            ldx0 = x0.shape[0]
+            x0ptr = x0.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
+        else:
+            ldx0 = 1
+            x0ptr = None
+        self.__checkVector( n, nrhs, b )
+        self.__checkVector( n, nrhs, x )
+        ldb  = b.shape[0]
+        ldx  = x.shape[0]
+        pyspm_spmCheckAxb( -1., nrhs, self.id_ptr,
+                           x0ptr, ldx0,
+                           b.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p), ldb,
+                           x.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p), ldx )
+    def genRHS( self, rhstype=rhstype.One, nrhs=1 ):
+        # if libspm == None:
+        #     raise EnvironmentError( "SPM Instance badly instanciated" )
+        n = self.spm_c.n
+        b = np.zeros((n, nrhs), self.dtype)
+        x = np.zeros((n, nrhs), self.dtype)
+        ldb = b.shape[0]
+        ldx = x.shape[0]
+        self.__checkVector( n, nrhs, x )
+        self.__checkVector( n, nrhs, b )
+        pyspm_spmGenRHS( rhstype, nrhs, self.id_ptr,
+                         x.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p), ldx,
+                         b.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p), ldb )
+        return x, b
diff --git a/wrappers/python/ b/wrappers/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fa88e594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+ @file
+ SPM example to generate a sparse matrix from the spm drivers
+ @copyright 2017-2018 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ @version 6.0.0
+ @author Pierre Ramet
+ @author Mathieu Faverge
+ @author Louis Poirel
+ @date 2017-05-04
+import spm
+import numpy as np
+# Hack to make sure that the mkl is loaded
+tmp = np.eye(2).dot(np.ones(2))
+# Load a sparse matrix from the Laplacian driver
+A = spm.spmatrix( None, driver=spm.driver.Laplacian, filename="10:10:10:2.:1." )
+# Example from a RSA file
+#A = spm( None, driver=driver.RSA, filename="$PASTIX_DIR/test/matrix/oilpan.rsa" )
+# Scale A for low-rank: A / ||A||_f
+norm = A.norm()
+A.scale( 1. / norm )
+# Generate b and x0 vectors such that A * x0 = b
+nrhs = 10
+x0, b = A.genRHS( spm.rhstype.RndX, nrhs )
+# Check that A * x = b
+x = x0.copy()
+A.checkAxb( x0, b, x )
diff --git a/wrappers/python/ b/wrappers/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6a574b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+ @file
+ SPM example to geneate a sparse matrix from Scipy to SPM
+ @copyright 2017-2018 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ @version 6.0.0
+ @author Pierre Ramet
+ @author Mathieu Faverge
+ @author Louis Poirel
+ @date 2017-05-04
+import spm
+import scipy.sparse as sps
+import numpy as np
+# Hack to make sure that the mkl is loaded
+tmp = np.eye(2).dot(np.ones(2))
+# Set the problem
+n = 9
+A = sps.spdiags([np.ones(n)*i for i in [4, -1, -1, -1, -1]],
+                [0, 1, 3, -1, -3], n, n)
+x0 = np.arange(n)
+b  =
+spmA = spm.spmatrix( A )
+# Check that A * x = b
+x = x0.copy()
+spmA.checkAxb( x0, b, x )