diff --git a/src/z_spm.c b/src/z_spm.c
index 34e59f5a9116e2ae6feabe883d5fd46a14ad7388..090e5bdf51a56a455342583880330c0932427736 100644
--- a/src/z_spm.c
+++ b/src/z_spm.c
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ z_spmSort( spmatrix_t *spm )
             sortptr[0] = rowptr;
             sortptr[1] = values;
-            z_spmIntSortAsc( sortptr, size );
+            z_spmIntFltSortAsc( sortptr, size );
             rowptr += size;
             values += size;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ z_spmSort( spmatrix_t *spm )
             sortptr[0] = colptr;
             sortptr[1] = values;
-            z_spmIntSortAsc( sortptr, size );
+            z_spmIntFltSortAsc( sortptr, size );
             colptr += size;
             values += size;
diff --git a/src/z_spm.h b/src/z_spm.h
index de270d3113d990ea12d39fb5f37d093def9e9ff2..27254c73f878723153392807c2053289aac3d90e 100644
--- a/src/z_spm.h
+++ b/src/z_spm.h
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
  * Integer routines
-void z_spmIntSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
+void z_spmIntFltSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
+void z_spmIntIntFltSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * Conversion routines
diff --git a/src/z_spm_integer.c b/src/z_spm_integer.c
index cfe6513714f945e8ce1cc34ae247c22635bb06af..e3a863ceb7833a2c5df2d4615d2f438ad695d10f 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_integer.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_integer.c
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- * @fn      void z_spmIntSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n)
+ * @fn      void z_spmIntFltSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n)
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * @brief Sort 2 arrays simultaneously, the first array is an array of
  * spm_int_t and used as key for sorting.  The second array is an array of
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
-static size_t intsortsize[2] = { sizeof(spm_int_t), sizeof(spm_complex64_t) };
-#define INTSORTNAME            z_spmIntSortAsc
-#define INTSORTSIZE(x)         (intsortsize[x])
+static size_t intsortsize_if[2] = { sizeof(spm_int_t), sizeof(spm_complex64_t) };
+#define INTSORTNAME            z_spmIntFltSortAsc
+#define INTSORTSIZE(x)         (intsortsize_if[x])
 #define INTSORTNTAB            2
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)       do {					\
     spm_int_t     t;								\
@@ -68,3 +68,64 @@ static size_t intsortsize[2] = { sizeof(spm_int_t), sizeof(spm_complex64_t) };
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @fn      void z_spmIntIntFltSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n)
+ * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
+ * @brief Sort 2 arrays simultaneously, the first array is an array of
+ * spm_int_t and used as key for sorting.  The second array is an array of
+ * spm_complex64_t.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[inout] pbase
+ *          Couple of pointers to an array of integers and to an array of
+ *          spm_complex64_t to sort.
+ *
+ * @param[in] n
+ *          The number of elements in the array.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static size_t intsortsize_iif[3] = { sizeof(spm_int_t), sizeof(spm_int_t), sizeof(spm_complex64_t) };
+#define INTSORTNAME            z_spmIntIntFltSortAsc
+#define INTSORTSIZE(x)         (intsortsize_iif[x])
+#define INTSORTNTAB            3
+#define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)       do {					\
+	spm_int_t     t;						\
+	long    disp_p   = (((spm_int_t*)p)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr));	\
+	long    disp_q   = (((spm_int_t*)q)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr));	\
+	spm_int_t       * intptr = *(pbase+1);				\
+	spm_complex64_t * fltptr = *(pbase+2);				\
+	spm_complex64_t   f;						\
+	/* swap integers */						\
+	t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));					\
+	*((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));			\
+	*((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
+	/* swap on second integer array */				\
+	t = intptr[disp_p];						\
+	intptr[disp_p] = intptr[disp_q];				\
+	intptr[disp_q] = t;			 			\
+	/* swap corresponding values */					\
+	f = fltptr[disp_p];						\
+	fltptr[disp_p] = fltptr[disp_q];				\
+	fltptr[disp_q] = f;						\
+    } while (0)
+static inline int
+intsortcmp_iif( void ** const pbase, spm_int_t *p, spm_int_t *q ) {
+    spm_int_t *int1ptr = pbase[0];
+    spm_int_t *int2ptr = pbase[1];   
+    return ( ( *p < *q ) || (( *p == *q ) && ( int2ptr[ p - int1ptr ] < int2ptr[ q - int1ptr ] )) );
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q) intsortcmp_iif( pbase, (spm_int_t*)p, (spm_int_t*)q )
+#include "integer_sort_mtypes.c"