From 90ff2baf2e5bcb9927a9ec926c3d6fc634c800ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mathieu Faverge <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 23:05:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] It now compiles

 CMakeLists.txt                  |  25 +-
 cmake_modules/CheckSystem.cmake | 257 +++++++++++++++++++
 include/spm.h                   | 151 +++++------
 include/         |  74 ++++++
 include/spm_const.h             | 351 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/spm_datatypes.h         | 134 ++++++++++
 src/common.h                    | 116 +++++++++
 src/drivers/iohb.c              |   4 -
 src/drivers/laplacian.c         | 103 ++++----
 src/drivers/laplacian.h         |  38 +--
 src/drivers/mmio.c              |   6 +-
 src/drivers/readhb.c            |  37 ++-
 src/drivers/readijv.c           |  66 +++--
 src/drivers/readmm.c            | 118 ++++-----
 src/drivers/readrsa.c           |  30 +--
 src/frobeniusupdate.h           |  80 ++++++
 src/integer_sort.c              |   4 +-
 src/integer_sort_mtypes.c       |   4 +-
 src/spm.c                       | 441 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/spm_dof_extend.c            |  31 ++-
 src/spm_drivers.h               |  26 +-
 src/spm_gen_fake_values.c       | 109 ++++----
 src/spm_integers.c              | 152 ++++++-----
 src/spm_io.c                    | 321 ++++++++++++-----------
 src/spm_read_driver.c           | 138 +++++-----
 src/z_spm.c                     | 108 ++++----
 src/z_spm.h                     |  42 +--
 src/z_spm_2dense.c              | 130 +++++-----
 src/z_spm_convert_to_csc.c      |  89 ++++---
 src/z_spm_convert_to_csr.c      |  69 +++--
 src/z_spm_convert_to_ijv.c      |  33 ++-
 src/z_spm_dof_extend.c          |  23 +-
 src/z_spm_expand.c              | 151 ++++++-----
 src/z_spm_genrhs.c              | 105 ++++----
 src/z_spm_integer.c             |  31 +--
 src/z_spm_laplacian.c           | 154 ++++++-----
 src/z_spm_matrixvector.c        | 195 +++++++-------
 src/z_spm_norm.c                |  93 ++++---
 src/z_spm_print.c               | 100 ++++----
 src/z_spm_scal.c                |   7 +-
 40 files changed, 2569 insertions(+), 1577 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cmake_modules/CheckSystem.cmake
 create mode 100644 include/
 create mode 100644 include/spm_const.h
 create mode 100644 include/spm_datatypes.h
 create mode 100644 src/common.h
 create mode 100644 src/frobeniusupdate.h

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index e2f9ff2d..63061c76 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,17 @@ else()
+if ( PASTIX_INT64 )
+  set( SPM_INT64 ${PASTIX_INT64} )
+  option(SPM_INT64
+    "Choose between int32 and int64 for integer representation" ON)
 # The current version number
@@ -49,8 +58,8 @@ set( RP_SPM_DICTIONNARY ${MORSE_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/precision_generator/ )
 set( RP_SPM_PRECISIONS  "s;d;c;z" )
+### System parameter detection
 # PaStiX depends on CBLAS
@@ -66,7 +75,15 @@ if(LAPACKE_FOUND)
+#Configuration header
+configure_file (
+  "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/spm_config.h")
+install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/spm_config.h" DESTINATION include)
@@ -81,12 +98,13 @@ set(HEADERS
   PRECISIONS "p;s;d;c;z")
-  include/spm_drivers.h
+  src/spm_drivers.h
@@ -113,6 +131,7 @@ set(SOURCES
   PRECISIONS "p;s;d;c;z")
diff --git a/cmake_modules/CheckSystem.cmake b/cmake_modules/CheckSystem.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50e8a6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake_modules/CheckSystem.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# cmake modules setup
+cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.7)
+include (CMakeDetermineSystem)
+include (CheckCCompilerFlag)
+include (CheckFunctionExists)
+include (CheckSymbolExists)
+include (CheckIncludeFiles)
+include (CMakePushCheckState)
+# Fix the building system for 32 or 64 bits.
+# On MAC OS X there is an easy solution, by setting the
+# CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES to a subset of the following values:
+# ppc;ppc64;i386;x86_64.
+# On Linux this is a little bit tricky. We have to check that the
+# compiler supports the -m32/-m64 flags as well as the linker.
+# Once this issue is resolved the CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_LDFLAGS
+# have to be updated accordingly.
+# TODO: Same trick for the Fortran compiler...
+#       no idea how to correctly detect if the required/optional
+#          libraries are in the correct format.
+if (BUILD_64bits)
+  if( _match_xlc)
+    set( ARCH_BUILD "-q64" )
+  else (_match_xlc)
+    if( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "sparc64fx" )
+      set ( ARCH_BUILD " " )
+    else()
+      set( ARCH_BUILD "-m64" )
+    endif()
+  endif(_match_xlc)
+else (BUILD_64bits)
+  if( _match_xlc)
+    set( ARCH_BUILD "-q32" )
+  else (_match_xlc)
+    set( ARCH_BUILD "-m32" )
+  endif(_match_xlc)
+endif (BUILD_64bits)
+check_c_compiler_flag( ${ARCH_BUILD} C_M32or64 )
+if( C_M32or64 )
+endif( C_M32or64 )
+# Set warnings for debug builds
+check_c_compiler_flag( "-Wall" HAVE_WALL )
+if( HAVE_WALL )
+    set( C_WFLAGS "${C_WFLAGS} -Wall" )
+endif( HAVE_WALL )
+check_c_compiler_flag( "-Wextra" HAVE_WEXTRA )
+    set( C_WFLAGS "${C_WFLAGS} -Wextra" )
+endif( HAVE_WEXTRA )
+# flags for Intel icc
+string(REGEX MATCH ".*icc$" _match_icc ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER})
+  # Silence annoying warnings
+  check_c_compiler_flag( "-wd424" HAVE_WD )
+  if( HAVE_WD )
+    # 424: checks for duplicate ";"
+    # 981: every volatile triggers a "unspecified evaluation order", obnoxious
+    #      but might be useful for some debugging sessions.
+    # 1419: warning about extern functions being declared in .c
+    #       files
+    # 1572: cuda compares floats with 0.0f.
+    set( C_WFLAGS "${C_WFLAGS} -wd424 -wd981 -wd1419 -wd1572" )
+  endif( HAVE_WD )
+# add gdb symbols in debug and relwithdebinfo
+check_c_compiler_flag( "-g3" HAVE_G3 )
+if( HAVE_G3 )
+endif( HAVE_G3 )
+# Remove all duplicates from the CFLAGS.
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "")
+foreach( ITEM ${TMP_LIST})
+# Check for attribute fallthrough
+# -------------------------------
+#include <stdarg.h>
+int main(void) {
+  int a = 2;
+  switch( a ){
+  case 0:
+     __attribute__((fallthrough));
+  default:
+      ;
+  }
+  return 0;
+  )
+# Check for Thread library
+# ------------------------
+  check_function_exists(pthread_create HAVE_PTHREAD)
+  endif(HAVE_PTHREAD)
+check_function_exists(sched_setaffinity HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY)
+  check_library_exists(rt sched_setaffinity "" HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY)
+# timeval, timespec, realtime clocks, etc
+check_struct_has_member("struct timespec" tv_nsec time.h HAVE_TIMESPEC_TV_NSEC)
+  add_definitions(-D_GNU_SOURCE)
+  check_struct_has_member("struct timespec" tv_nsec time.h HAVE_TIMESPEC_TV_NSEC)
+check_library_exists(rt clock_gettime "" HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME)
+# stdlib, stdio, string, getopt, etc
+check_include_files(stdarg.h HAVE_STDARG_H)
+# va_copy is special as it is not required to be a function.
+  check_c_source_compiles("
+      #include <stdarg.h>
+      int main(void) {
+          va_list a, b;
+          va_copy(a, b);
+          return 0;
+      }"
+      )
+    check_c_source_compiles("
+        #include <stdarg.h>
+        int main(void) {
+            va_list a, b;
+            __va_copy(a, b);
+            return 0;
+        }"
+        )
+  endif (NOT HAVE_VA_COPY)
+endif (HAVE_STDARG_H)
+check_function_exists(asprintf HAVE_ASPRINTF)
+check_function_exists(vasprintf HAVE_VASPRINTF)
+check_include_files(getopt.h HAVE_GETOPT_H)
+check_include_files(unistd.h HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+check_function_exists(getopt_long HAVE_GETOPT_LONG)
+check_include_files(errno.h HAVE_ERRNO_H)
+check_include_files(stddef.h HAVE_STDDEF_H)
+check_include_files(stdbool.h HAVE_STDBOOL_H)
+check_function_exists(getrusage HAVE_GETRUSAGE)
+check_symbol_exists(RUSAGE_THREAD sys/resource.h HAVE_RUSAGE_THREAD)
+check_include_files(limits.h HAVE_LIMITS_H)
+check_include_files(string.h HAVE_STRING_H)
+check_include_files(libgen.h HAVE_GEN_H)
+check_include_files(complex.h HAVE_COMPLEX_H)
+check_include_files(sys/param.h HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H)
+check_include_files(sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
+check_include_files(syslog.h HAVE_SYSLOG_H)
+# Fortran tricks
+  STRING(REGEX MATCH "Intel" _match_intel ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID})
+  IF (_match_intel)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Add -nofor_main to the Fortran linker.")
+  ENDIF (_match_intel)
+  IF (_match_pgi)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Add -Mnomain to the Fortran linker.")
+  ENDIF (_match_pgi)
+  STRING(REGEX MATCH ".*xlc$" _match_xlc ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER})
+  IF (_match_xlc)
+    MESSAGE(ERROR "Please use the thread-safe version of the xlc compiler (xlc_r)")
+  ENDIF (_match_xlc)
+  IF (_match_xlc AND BUILD_64bits)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Add -q64 to the C compiler/linker.")
+  ENDIF (_match_xlc AND BUILD_64bits)
+  STRING(REGEX MATCH ".*xlf$" _match_xlf ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER})
+  IF (_match_xlf)
+    MESSAGE(ERROR "Please use the thread-safe version of the xlf compiler (xlf_r)")
+  ENDIF (_match_xlf)
+  STRING(REGEX MATCH "XL$" _match_xlf ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID})
+  IF (_match_xlf)
+    SET(arch_flags "-q32")
+    IF(BUILD_64bits)
+      SET(arch_flags "-q64")
+    ENDIF(BUILD_64bits)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Add ${arch_flags} and -nofor_main to the Fortran linker.")
+    SET(LOCAL_FORTRAN_LINK_FLAGS "${LOCAL_FORTRAN_LINK_FLAGS} ${arch_flags} -nofor_main")
+  ENDIF (_match_xlf)
+# Even more Fortran tricks.
+# FFLAGS depend on the compiler
+    # gfortran
+    set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-funroll-all-loops -fno-f2c -O3")
+    set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG   "-fno-f2c -O0 -g")
+    list(APPEND EXTRA_LIBS gfortran)
+  elseif(${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL "Intel")
+    # ifort
+    set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-f77rtl -O3")
+    set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG   "-f77rtl -O0 -g")
+    get_filename_component (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER} NAME)
+    message ("CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER full path: " ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER})
+    message ("Fortran compiler: " ${Fortran_COMPILER_NAME})
+    message ("No optimized Fortran compiler flags are known, we just try -O2...")
+    set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2")
+    set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG   "-O0 -g")
+  endif (${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL "GNU")
diff --git a/include/spm.h b/include/spm.h
index 9ec6ccf1..dfd5ad14 100644
--- a/include/spm.h
+++ b/include/spm.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  * @author Mathieu Faverge
  * @date 2013-06-24
- * @addtogroup pastix_spm
+ * @addtogroup spm
  * @{
  *   @brief Describe all the internals routines of the SParse Matrix package.
@@ -27,133 +27,138 @@
 #ifndef _spm_h_
 #define _spm_h_
-#include "pastix/api.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "spm_config.h"
+#include "spm_const.h"
+#include "spm_datatypes.h"
  * @brief The sparse matrix data structure
  * This structure describes matrices with different characteristics that can be useful to any solver:
- *     - the storage format (PastixCSC, PastixCSR or PastixIJV)
- *     - the properties (PastixGeneral, PastixHermitian, PastixSymmetric)
+ *     - the storage format (SpmCSC, SpmCSR or SpmIJV)
+ *     - the properties (SpmGeneral, SpmHermitian, SpmSymmetric)
  *     - the base value (0 in C or 1 in Fortran)
  * It is also possible to describe a matrix with constant or variable degrees of freedom.
-typedef struct pastix_spm_s {
-    pastix_mtxtype_t  mtxtype; /**< Matrix structure: PastixGeneral, PastixSymmetric
-                                    or PastixHermitian.                                            */
-    pastix_coeftype_t flttype; /**< values datatype: PastixPattern, PastixFloat, PastixDouble,
-                                    PastixComplex32 or PastixComplex64                             */
-    pastix_fmttype_t  fmttype; /**< Matrix storage format: PastixCSC, PastixCSR, PastixIJV         */
-    pastix_int_t      gN;      /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)   */
-    pastix_int_t      n;       /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph               */
-    pastix_int_t      gnnz;    /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
-    pastix_int_t      nnz;     /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph             */
-    pastix_int_t      gNexp;   /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)   */
-    pastix_int_t      nexp;    /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)    */
-    pastix_int_t      gnnzexp; /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
-    pastix_int_t      nnzexp;  /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed)  */
-    pastix_int_t      dof;     /**< Number of degrees of freedom per unknown,
-                                    if > 0, constant degree of freedom
-                                    otherwise, irregular degree of freedom (refer to dofs)         */
-    pastix_int_t     *dofs;    /**< Array of the first column of each element in the
-                                    expanded matrix [+baseval]                                     */
-    pastix_layout_t   layout;  /**< PastixColMajor, or PastixRowMajor                              */
-    pastix_int_t     *colptr;  /**< List of indirections to rows for each vertex [+baseval]        */
-    pastix_int_t     *rowptr;  /**< List of edges for each vertex [+baseval]                       */
-    pastix_int_t     *loc2glob;/**< Corresponding numbering from local to global [+baseval]        */
+typedef struct spmatrix_s {
+    spm_mtxtype_t  mtxtype; /**< Matrix structure: SpmGeneral, SpmSymmetric
+			       or SpmHermitian.                                            */
+    spm_coeftype_t flttype; /**< values datatype: SpmPattern, SpmFloat, SpmDouble,
+			       SpmComplex32 or SpmComplex64                             */
+    spm_fmttype_t  fmttype; /**< Matrix storage format: SpmCSC, SpmCSR, SpmIJV         */
+    spm_int_t      gN;      /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)   */
+    spm_int_t      n;       /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph               */
+    spm_int_t      gnnz;    /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
+    spm_int_t      nnz;     /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph             */
+    spm_int_t      gNexp;   /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)   */
+    spm_int_t      nexp;    /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)    */
+    spm_int_t      gnnzexp; /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
+    spm_int_t      nnzexp;  /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed)  */
+    spm_int_t      dof;     /**< Number of degrees of freedom per unknown,
+			       if > 0, constant degree of freedom
+			       otherwise, irregular degree of freedom (refer to dofs)         */
+    spm_int_t     *dofs;    /**< Array of the first column of each element in the
+			       expanded matrix [+baseval]                                     */
+    spm_layout_t   layout;  /**< SpmColMajor, or SpmRowMajor                              */
+    spm_int_t     *colptr;  /**< List of indirections to rows for each vertex [+baseval]        */
+    spm_int_t     *rowptr;  /**< List of edges for each vertex [+baseval]                       */
+    spm_int_t     *loc2glob;/**< Corresponding numbering from local to global [+baseval]        */
     void             *values;  /**< Values stored in the matrix                                    */
-} pastix_spm_t;
+} spmatrix_t;
  * @name SPM basic subroutines
  * @{
-void          spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-void          spmExit( pastix_spm_t *spm );
+void        spmInit( spmatrix_t *spm );
+void        spmExit( spmatrix_t *spm );
-pastix_spm_t *spmCopy( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
-void          spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm, int baseval );
-pastix_int_t  spmFindBase( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int           spmConvert( int ofmttype, pastix_spm_t *ospm );
-void          spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-void          spmGenFakeValues( pastix_spm_t *spm );
+spmatrix_t *spmCopy( const spmatrix_t *spm );
+void        spmBase( spmatrix_t *spm, int baseval );
+spm_int_t   spmFindBase( const spmatrix_t *spm );
+int         spmConvert( int ofmttype, spmatrix_t *ospm );
+void        spmUpdateComputedFields( spmatrix_t *spm );
+void        spmGenFakeValues( spmatrix_t *spm );
  * @}
  * @name SPM BLAS subroutines
  * @{
-double        spmNorm( pastix_normtype_t ntype, const pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int           spmMatVec( pastix_trans_t trans, const void *alpha, const pastix_spm_t *spm, const void *x, const void *beta, void *y );
-int           spmMatMat( pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_int_t n,
-                         const void *alpha, const pastix_spm_t *A,
-                                            const void *B, pastix_int_t ldb,
-                         const void *beta,        void *C, pastix_int_t ldc );
-void          spmScalMatrix( double alpha, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-void          spmScalVector( pastix_coeftype_t flt, double alpha, pastix_int_t n, void *x, pastix_int_t incx );
+double      spmNorm( spm_normtype_t ntype, const spmatrix_t *spm );
+int         spmMatVec( spm_trans_t trans, const void *alpha, const spmatrix_t *spm, const void *x, const void *beta, void *y );
+int         spmMatMat( spm_trans_t trans, spm_int_t n,
+		       const void *alpha, const spmatrix_t *A,
+		       const void *B, spm_int_t ldb,
+		       const void *beta,        void *C, spm_int_t ldc );
+void        spmScalMatrix( double alpha, spmatrix_t *spm );
+void        spmScalVector( spm_coeftype_t flt, double alpha, spm_int_t n, void *x, spm_int_t incx );
  * @}
  * @name SPM subroutines to check format
  * @{
-int           spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-pastix_int_t  spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-pastix_int_t  spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-pastix_spm_t *spmCheckAndCorrect( pastix_spm_t *spm );
+int         spmSort( spmatrix_t *spm );
+spm_int_t   spmMergeDuplicate( spmatrix_t *spm );
+spm_int_t   spmSymmetrize( spmatrix_t *spm );
+spmatrix_t *spmCheckAndCorrect( spmatrix_t *spm );
  * @}
  * @name SPM subroutines to check factorization/solve
  * @{
-int           spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, pastix_int_t nrhs, const pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x, pastix_int_t ldx, void *b, pastix_int_t ldb );
-int           spmCheckAxb( double eps, pastix_int_t nrhs, const pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x0, pastix_int_t ldx0, void *b, pastix_int_t ldb, const void *x, pastix_int_t ldx );
+int         spmGenRHS( spm_rhstype_t type, spm_int_t nrhs, const spmatrix_t *spm, void *x, spm_int_t ldx, void *b, spm_int_t ldb );
+int         spmCheckAxb( double eps, spm_int_t nrhs, const spmatrix_t *spm, void *x0, spm_int_t ldx0, void *b, spm_int_t ldb, const void *x, spm_int_t ldx );
  * @}
  * @name SPM subroutines to manipulate integers arrays
  * @{
-pastix_int_t *spmIntConvert(   pastix_int_t n, int *input );
-void          spmIntSort1Asc1( void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n );
-void          spmIntSort2Asc1( void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n );
-void          spmIntSort2Asc2( void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n );
+spm_int_t * spmIntConvert(   spm_int_t n, int *input );
+void        spmIntSort1Asc1( void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n );
+void        spmIntSort2Asc1( void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n );
+void        spmIntSort2Asc2( void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n );
  * @}
  * @name SPM IO subroutines
  * @{
-int           spmLoad(       pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *infile );
-int           spmSave( const pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *outfile );
+int         spmLoad(       spmatrix_t *spm, FILE *infile );
+int         spmSave( const spmatrix_t *spm, FILE *outfile );
  * @}
  * @name SPM driver
  * @{
-int           spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
-                             const char      *filename,
-                             pastix_spm_t    *spm,
-                             MPI_Comm         pastix_comm );
+int         spmReadDriver( spm_driver_t  driver,
+			   const char      *filename,
+			   spmatrix_t    *spm,
+			   MPI_Comm         spm_comm );
  * @}
  * @name SPM debug subroutines
  * @{
-void *        spm2Dense   ( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
-void          spmPrint    ( const pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *f );
-void          spmPrintInfo( const pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *f );
-pastix_spm_t *spmExpand   ( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
-pastix_spm_t *spmDofExtend( const pastix_spm_t *spm, const int type, const int dof );
+void *       spm2Dense   ( const spmatrix_t *spm );
+void         spmPrint    ( const spmatrix_t *spm, FILE *f );
+void         spmPrintInfo( const spmatrix_t *spm, FILE *f );
+spmatrix_t * spmExpand   ( const spmatrix_t *spm );
+spmatrix_t * spmDofExtend( const spmatrix_t *spm, const int type, const int dof );
  * @}
@@ -181,7 +186,7 @@ pastix_spm_t *spmDofExtend( const pastix_spm_t *spm, const int type, const int d
  * Double complex case
-static inline void z_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, pastix_complex64_t A ){
+static inline void z_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, spm_int_t i, spm_int_t j, spm_complex64_t A ){
     fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, creal(A), cimag(A) );
@@ -189,21 +194,21 @@ static inline void z_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, pasti
  * @copydoc z_spmPrintElt
  * @details Single complex case
-static inline void c_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, pastix_complex32_t A ){
+static inline void c_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, spm_int_t i, spm_int_t j, spm_complex32_t A ){
     fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, crealf(A), cimagf(A) );
  * @copydoc z_spmPrintElt
  * @details Double real case
-static inline void d_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, double A ){
+static inline void d_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, spm_int_t i, spm_int_t j, double A ){
     fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, A );
  * @copydoc z_spmPrintElt
  * @details Single real case
-static inline void s_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, float A ){
+static inline void s_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, spm_int_t i, spm_int_t j, float A ){
     fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, A );
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25c7c00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ *
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Spm configuration parameters
+ *
+ * @copyright 2016-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @version 6.0.0
+ * @author Pierre Ramet
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2017-09-28
+ *
+ **/
+#ifndef _spm_config_h_
+#define _spm_config_h_
+#cmakedefine SPM_WITH_FORTRAN
+#cmakedefine SPM_WITH_MPI
+/* system */
+#cmakedefine HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME
+#cmakedefine HAVE_ASPRINTF
+#cmakedefine HAVE_VASPRINTF
+#cmakedefine HAVE_STDARG_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_UNISTD_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_VA_COPY
+#cmakedefine HAVE_GETOPT_LONG
+#cmakedefine HAVE_GETRUSAGE
+#cmakedefine HAVE_GETOPT_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_ERRNO_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_STDDEF_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_LIMITS_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_STRING_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_COMPLEX_H
+#cmakedefine HAVE_FALLTHROUGH
+/* Datatypes used */
+#cmakedefine SPM_INT64
+#if defined(SPM_WITH_MPI)
+#define HAVE_MPI
+#undef  HAVE_MPI
+#if defined(HAVE_FALLTHROUGH)
+#define spm_attr_fallthrough __attribute__((fallthrough))
+#define spm_attr_fallthrough do {} while(0)
+ * BEGIN_C_DECLS should be used at the beginning of your declarations,
+ * so that C++ compilers don't mangle their names.  Use END_C_DECLS at
+ * the end of C declarations.
+ */
+#undef END_C_DECLS
+#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
+# define BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" {
+# define END_C_DECLS }
+#define BEGIN_C_DECLS          /* empty */
+#define END_C_DECLS            /* empty */
+#endif /* _spm_config_h_ */
diff --git a/include/spm_const.h b/include/spm_const.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9732c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/spm_const.h
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ *
+ * @file spm/api.h
+ *
+ * Spm API enums parameters.
+ *
+ * @copyright 2004-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @version 6.0.0
+ * @author Xavier Lacoste
+ * @author Pierre Ramet
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2013-06-24
+ *
+ * @addtogroup spm_api
+ * @{
+ *
+ **/
+#ifndef _spm_api_h_
+#define _spm_api_h_
+ * CBLAS value address
+ */
+#ifndef CBLAS_SADDR
+#define CBLAS_SADDR( a_ ) (&(a_))
+ * @brief Verbose modes
+ */
+typedef enum spm_verbose_e {
+    SpmVerboseNot = 0, /**< Nothing  */
+    SpmVerboseNo  = 1, /**< Default  */
+    SpmVerboseYes = 2  /**< Extended */
+} spm_verbose_t;
+ * @brief IO strategy for graph and ordering
+ */
+typedef enum spm_io_e {
+    SpmIONo         = 0, /**< No output or input */
+    SpmIOLoad       = 1, /**< Load ordering and symbol matrix instead of applying symbolic factorisation step */
+    SpmIOSave       = 2, /**< Save ordering and symbol matrix after symbolic factorisation step */
+    SpmIOLoadGraph  = 4, /**< Load graph  during ordering step */
+    SpmIOSaveGraph  = 8, /**< Save graph  during ordering step */
+    SpmIOLoadCSC    = 16,/**< Load CSC(d) during ordering step */
+    SpmIOSaveCSC    = 32 /**< Save CSC(d) during ordering step */
+} spm_io_t;
+ * @brief Factorization Schur modes
+ *
+ * Describe which part of the matrix is factorized or not
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum spm_fact_mode_e {
+    SpmFactModeLocal   = 0,
+    SpmFactModeSchur   = 1,
+    SpmFactModeBoth    = 2
+} spm_fact_mode_t;
+ * @brief Solve Schur modes
+ *
+ * Describe which part of the solve is applied with the matrix
+ *
+ * \f[ A = \left( \begin{array}{cc}
+ *             L_{11}U_{11} & U_{12} \\
+ *             L_{21}       & S_{22} \end{array} \right) \f]
+ *
+ * For the lower part (and symmetrically for upper part):
+ *   -# Solve \f[ L_{11} * x_{11} = b_{11} \f]
+ *   -# Apply the update \f[ b_{22} = b_{22} - L_{21} * b_{11} \f]
+ *   -# Solve the lower part of \f[ S_{22} * x_{22} = b_{22} \f] if S22 has been previously factorized.
+ *
+ * SpmSolvModeLocal applies only the step 1.
+ * SpmSolvModeInterface applies steps 1 and 2.
+ * SpmSolvModeSchur applies all steps.
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum spm_solv_mode_e {
+    SpmSolvModeLocal     = 0,
+    SpmSolvModeInterface = 1,
+    SpmSolvModeSchur     = 2
+} spm_solv_mode_t;
+ * @brief Iterative refinement algorithms
+ */
+typedef enum spm_refine_e {
+    SpmRefineGMRES,   /**< GMRES              */
+    SpmRefineCG,      /**< Conjugate Gradiant */
+    SpmRefineSR,      /**< Simple refinement  */
+    SpmRefineBiCGSTAB /**< BiCGStab           */
+} spm_refine_t;
+ * @brief Arithmetic types.
+ *
+ * This describes the different arithmetics that can be stored in a sparse matrix.
+ * @remark The values start at 2 for compatibility purpose with PLASMA and
+ * DPLASMA libraries.
+ */
+typedef enum spm_coeftype_e {
+    SpmPattern   = 0, /**< Pattern only, no values are stored */
+    SpmFloat     = 2, /**< Single precision real              */
+    SpmDouble    = 3, /**< Double precision real              */
+    SpmComplex32 = 4, /**< Single precision complex           */
+    SpmComplex64 = 5  /**< Double precision complex           */
+} spm_coeftype_t;
+ * @brief Sparse matrix format
+ */
+typedef enum spm_fmttype_e {
+    SpmCSC, /**< Compressed sparse column */
+    SpmCSR, /**< Compressed sparse row    */
+    SpmIJV  /**< Coordinates              */
+} spm_fmttype_t;
+ * @brief Factorization algorithms available for IPARM_FACTORIZATION parameter
+ */
+typedef enum spm_factotype_e {
+    SpmFactPOTRF = 0, /**< Cholesky factorization                   */
+    SpmFactSYTRF = 1, /**< LDL^t factorization                      */
+    SpmFactGETRF = 2, /**< LU factorization                         */
+    SpmFactPXTRF = 3, /**< LL^t factorization for complex matrices  */
+    SpmFactHETRF = 4, /**< LDL^h factorization for complex matrices */
+    SpmFactLLH  = 0, /**< LL^h factorization for complex matrices  */
+    SpmFactLDLT = 1, /**< LDL^t factorization                      */
+    SpmFactLU   = 2, /**< LU factorization                         */
+    SpmFactLLT  = 3, /**< LL^t factorization                       */
+    SpmFactLDLH = 4, /**< LDL^h factorization for complex matrices */
+} spm_factotype_t;
+ * @brief Scheduler
+ */
+typedef enum spm_scheduler_e {
+    SpmSchedSequential = 0, /**< Sequential                           */
+    SpmSchedStatic     = 1, /**< Shared memory with static scheduler  */
+    SpmSchedParsec     = 2, /**< PaRSEC scheduler                     */
+    SpmSchedStarPU     = 3, /**< StarPU scheduler                     */
+    SpmSchedDynamic    = 4, /**< Shared memory with dynamic scheduler */
+} spm_scheduler_t;
+ * @brief Ordering strategy
+ */
+enum spm_order_e {
+    SpmOrderScotch,   /**< Use Scotch ordering                         */
+    SpmOrderMetis,    /**< Use Metis ordering                          */
+    SpmOrderPersonal, /**< Apply user's permutation, or load from file */
+    SpmOrderPtScotch, /**< Use Pt-Scotch ordering                      */
+    SpmOrderParMetis  /**< Use ParMetis ordering                       */
+#if defined(SPM_WITH_MPI)
+ * @brief MPI thread mode
+ */
+typedef enum spm_threadmode_e {
+    SpmThreadMultiple = 1, /**< All threads communicate              */
+    SpmThreadFunneled = 2  /**< One thread perform all the MPI Calls */
+} spm_threadmode_t;
+#endif /* defined(SPM_WITH_MPI) */
+ * @brief Error codes
+ */
+typedef enum spm_error_e {
+    SPM_SUCCESS            = 0,  /**< No error                     */
+    SPM_ERR_UNKNOWN        = 1,  /**< Unknown error                */
+    SPM_ERR_ALLOC          = 2,  /**< Allocation error             */
+    SPM_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED = 3,  /**< Not implemented feature      */
+    SPM_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY    = 4,  /**< Not enough memory            */
+    SPM_ERR_THREAD         = 5,  /**< Error with threads           */
+    SPM_ERR_INTERNAL       = 6,  /**< Internal error               */
+    SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER   = 7,  /**< Bad parameters given         */
+    SPM_ERR_FILE           = 8,  /**< Error in In/Out operations   */
+    SPM_ERR_INTEGER_TYPE   = 9,  /**< Error with integer types     */
+    SPM_ERR_IO             = 10, /**< Error with input/output      */
+    SPM_ERR_MPI            = 11  /**< Error with MPI calls         */
+} spm_error_t;
+ * @brief Compression strategy available for IPARM_COMPRESS_WHEN parameter
+ */
+typedef enum spm_compress_when_e {
+    SpmCompressNever,
+    SpmCompressWhenBegin,
+    SpmCompressWhenEnd,
+    SpmCompressWhenDuring
+} spm_compress_when_t;
+ * @brief Compression method available for IPARM_COMPRESS_METHOD parameter
+ */
+typedef enum spm_compress_method_e {
+    SpmCompressMethodSVD,
+    SpmCompressMethodRRQR
+} spm_compress_method_t;
+ * @brief Orthogonalization method available for IPARM_COMPRESS_ORTHO parameter
+ */
+typedef enum spm_compress_ortho_e {
+    SpmCompressOrthoCGS,
+    SpmCompressOrthoQR,
+    SpmCompressOrthoPartialQR,
+} spm_compress_ortho_t;
+ * @brief The list of matrix driver readers and generators
+ */
+typedef enum spm_driver_e {
+    SpmDriverRSA,        /**< RSA Fortran driver                              */
+    SpmDriverHB,         /**< Harwell Boeing driver                           */
+    SpmDriverIJV,        /**< IJV Coordinate driver                           */
+    SpmDriverMM,         /**< Matrix Market C driver                          */
+    SpmDriverLaplacian,  /**< 3, 5, or 7 points Laplacian stencil generator   */
+    SpmDriverXLaplacian, /**< 15-points Laplacian stencil generator           */
+    SpmDriverGraph,      /**< Scotch Graph driver                             */
+    SpmDriverSPM,        /**< SPM matrix driver                               */
+    /* SpmDriverDMM,        /\**< Distributed Matrix Market driver                *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverCSCD,       /\**< CSC distributed driver                          *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverPetscS,     /\**< Petsc Symmetric driver                          *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverPetscU,     /\**< Pestc Unssymmetric driver                       *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverPetscH,     /\**< Pestc Hermitian driver                          *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverCCC,        /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverRCC,        /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverOlaf,       /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverPeer,       /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverBRGM,       /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
+    /* SpmDriverBRGMD,      /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
+} spm_driver_t;
+ * @brief How to generate RHS
+ */
+typedef enum spm_rhstype_e {
+    SpmRhsOne,
+    SpmRhsI,
+    SpmRhsRndX,
+    SpmRhsRndB
+} spm_rhstype_t;
+ *
+ * @name Constants compatible with CBLAS & LAPACK & PLASMA
+ * @{
+ *    The naming and numbering of the following constants is consistent with:
+ *
+ *       - CBLAS from Netlib (
+ *       - C Interface to LAPACK from Netlib (
+ *       - Plasma (
+ *
+ */
+ * @brief Direction of the matrix storage
+ */
+typedef enum spm_layout_e {
+    SpmRowMajor  = 101, /**< Storage in row major order    */
+    SpmColMajor  = 102  /**< Storage in column major order */
+} spm_layout_t;
+ * @brief Transpostion
+ */
+typedef enum spm_trans_e {
+    SpmNoTrans   = 111, /**< Use A         */
+    SpmTrans     = 112, /**< Use A^t       */
+    SpmConjTrans = 113  /**< Use conj(A^t) */
+} spm_trans_t;
+ * @brief Matrix symmetry type property.
+ * @remark Must match transposition.
+ */
+typedef enum spm_mtxtype_e {
+    SpmGeneral   = SpmNoTrans,    /**< The matrix is general   */
+    SpmSymmetric = SpmTrans,      /**< The matrix is symmetric */
+    SpmHermitian = SpmConjTrans   /**< The matrix is hermitian */
+} spm_mtxtype_t;
+ * @brief Upper/Lower part
+ */
+typedef enum spm_uplo_e {
+    SpmUpper      = 121, /**< Use lower triangle of A */
+    SpmLower      = 122, /**< Use upper triangle of A */
+    SpmUpperLower = 123  /**< Use the full A          */
+} spm_uplo_t;
+ * @brief Data blocks used in the kernel
+ */
+typedef enum spm_coefside_e {
+    SpmLCoef  = 0, /**< Coefficients of the lower triangular L are used         */
+    SpmUCoef  = 1, /**< Coefficients of the upper triangular U are used         */
+    SpmLUCoef = 2  /**< Coefficients of the upper/lower triangular U/L are used */
+} spm_coefside_t;
+ * @brief Diagonal
+ */
+typedef enum spm_diag_e {
+    SpmNonUnit = 131, /**< Diagonal is non unitary */
+    SpmUnit    = 132  /**< Diagonal is unitary     */
+} spm_diag_t;
+ * @brief Side of the operation
+ */
+typedef enum spm_side_e {
+    SpmLeft  = 141, /**< Apply operator on the left  */
+    SpmRight = 142  /**< Apply operator on the right */
+} spm_side_t;
+ * @brief Norms
+ */
+typedef enum spm_normtype_e {
+    SpmOneNorm       = 171, /**< One norm:       max_j( sum_i( |a_{ij}| ) )   */
+    SpmFrobeniusNorm = 174, /**< Frobenius norm: sqrt( sum_{i,j} (a_{ij}^2) ) */
+    SpmInfNorm       = 175, /**< Inifinite norm: max_i( sum_j( |a_{ij}| ) )   */
+    SpmMaxNorm       = 177  /**< Inifinite norm: max_{i,j}( | a_{ij} | )      */
+} spm_normtype_t;
+ * @brief Direction
+ */
+typedef enum spm_dir_e {
+    SpmDirForward  = 391, /**< Forward direction   */
+    SpmDirBackward = 392, /**< Backward direction  */
+} spm_dir_t;
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* _spm_api_h_ */
+ * @}
+ */
diff --git a/include/spm_datatypes.h b/include/spm_datatypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bd988eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/spm_datatypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ *
+ * @file spm_datatypes.h
+ *
+ * @copyright 2013-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Definitions of the datatypes used in SPM
+ *
+ * @version 6.0.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @author Xavier Lacoste
+ * @author Pierre Ramet
+ * @date 2017-01-17
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _spm_datatypes_h_
+#define _spm_datatypes_h_
+#include <inttypes.h>
+/** ****************************************************************************
+ * Integers
+ */
+#if defined(SPM_INT64)
+typedef int64_t  spm_int_t;
+typedef uint64_t spm_uint_t;
+#define SPM_INT_MAX INT64_MAX
+#elif defined(SPM_INT32)
+typedef int32_t  spm_int_t;
+typedef uint32_t spm_uint_t;
+#define SPM_INT_MAX INT32_MAX
+#elif defined(SPM_LONG)
+typedef long          spm_int_t;
+typedef unsigned long spm_uint_t;
+typedef int          spm_int_t;
+typedef unsigned int spm_uint_t;
+static inline spm_int_t spm_imin( spm_int_t a, spm_int_t b) {
+    return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+static inline spm_int_t spm_imax( spm_int_t a, spm_int_t b) {
+    return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+static inline spm_int_t spm_iceil( spm_int_t a, spm_int_t b) {
+    return ( a + b - 1 ) / b;
+/** ****************************************************************************
+ * Double that are not converted through precision generator functions
+ **/
+typedef double spm_fixdbl_t;
+/** ****************************************************************************
+ * Complex numbers (Extracted from PaRSEC project)
+ **/
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+/* Windows and non-Intel compiler */
+#include <complex>
+typedef std::complex<float>  spm_complex32_t;
+typedef std::complex<double> spm_complex64_t;
+typedef float  _Complex      spm_complex32_t;
+typedef double _Complex      spm_complex64_t;
+#if !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(HAVE_COMPLEX_H)
+#include <complex.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* These declarations will not clash with what C++ provides because
+ * the names in C++ are name-mangled. */
+extern double cabs     (spm_complex64_t z);
+extern double creal    (spm_complex64_t z);
+extern double cimag    (spm_complex64_t z);
+extern float  cabsf    (spm_complex32_t z);
+extern float  crealf   (spm_complex32_t z);
+extern float  cimagf   (spm_complex32_t z);
+extern spm_complex64_t conj  (spm_complex64_t z);
+extern spm_complex64_t csqrt (spm_complex64_t z);
+extern spm_complex32_t conjf (spm_complex32_t z);
+extern spm_complex32_t csqrtf(spm_complex32_t z);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HAVE_COMPLEX_H */
+static inline size_t
+spm_size_of(spm_coeftype_t type)
+    switch(type) {
+    case SpmFloat:     return   sizeof(float);
+    case SpmDouble:    return   sizeof(double);
+    case SpmComplex32: return 2*sizeof(float);
+    case SpmComplex64: return 2*sizeof(double);
+    default:
+        fprintf(stderr, "spm_size_of: invalid type parameter\n");
+        assert(0);
+        return sizeof(double);
+    }
+typedef int MPI_Comm;
+#endif /* _spm_datatypes_h_ */
diff --git a/src/common.h b/src/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76c22ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ *
+ * @file common.h
+ *
+ * @copyright 2004-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @version 6.0.0
+ * @author David Goudin
+ * @author François Pellegrini
+ * @author Gregoire Pichon
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @author Pascal Henon
+ * @author Pierre Ramet
+ * @author Xavier Lacoste
+ * @date 2011-11-11
+ *
+ **/
+#ifndef _spm_common_h_
+#define _spm_common_h_
+#include "spm.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <math.h>
+ * Errors functions
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+static inline void spm_print_error  ( const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2)));
+static inline void spm_print_warning( const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2)));
+static inline void
+spm_print_error( const char *fmt, ... )
+    va_list arglist;
+    va_start(arglist, fmt);
+    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, arglist);
+    va_end(arglist);
+static inline void
+spm_print_warning( const char *fmt, ... )
+    va_list arglist;
+    va_start(arglist, fmt);
+    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ");
+    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, arglist);
+    va_end(arglist);
+ * CBLAS value address
+ */
+#ifndef CBLAS_SADDR
+#define CBLAS_SADDR( a_ ) (&(a_))
+ * Get environment variable
+ */
+#if defined SPM_OS_WINDOWS
+static inline int
+spm_setenv( const char *var, const char *value, int overwrite ) {
+    return !(SetEnvironmentVariable( var, value ));
+static inline char *
+spm_getenv( const char *var ) {
+    char *str;
+    int len = 512;
+    int rc;
+    str = (char*)malloc(len * sizeof(char));
+    rc = GetEnvironmentVariable(var, str, len);
+    if (rc == 0) {
+        free(str);
+        str = NULL;
+    }
+    return str;
+static inline void
+spm_cleanenv( char *str ) {
+    if (str != NULL) free(str);
+#else /* Other OS systems */
+static inline int
+spm_setenv( const char *var, const char *value, int overwrite ) {
+    return setenv( var, value, overwrite );
+static inline char *
+spm_getenv( const char *var ) {
+    return getenv( var );
+static inline void
+spm_cleanenv( char *str ) {
+    (void)str;
+#endif /* _spm_common_h_ */
diff --git a/src/drivers/iohb.c b/src/drivers/iohb.c
index ebc84951..d6bfd90d 100644
--- a/src/drivers/iohb.c
+++ b/src/drivers/iohb.c
@@ -213,10 +213,6 @@
 #define _SP_base 1
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "spm_drivers.h"
 #include "drivers/iohb.h"
diff --git a/src/drivers/laplacian.c b/src/drivers/laplacian.c
index b49b8558..602d55ba 100644
--- a/src/drivers/laplacian.c
+++ b/src/drivers/laplacian.c
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@
  * @date 2011-11-11
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "spm_drivers.h"
 #include "drivers/laplacian.h"
@@ -23,7 +20,7 @@
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * laplacian_usage - Print the usage information to generate correct Laplacian
  * matrices.
@@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ laplacian_usage(void)
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Parse information given through the filename string to configure the
  * laplacian matrix to generate.
@@ -90,16 +87,16 @@ laplacian_usage(void)
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been generated successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the configuration string is incorrect
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been generated successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the configuration string is incorrect
 laplacian_parse_info( const char        *filename,
-                      pastix_coeftype_t *flttype,
-                      pastix_int_t      *dim1,
-                      pastix_int_t      *dim2,
-                      pastix_int_t      *dim3,
+                      spm_coeftype_t *flttype,
+                      spm_int_t      *dim1,
+                      spm_int_t      *dim2,
+                      spm_int_t      *dim3,
                       double            *alpha,
                       double            *beta )
@@ -119,27 +116,27 @@ laplacian_parse_info( const char        *filename,
             switch( flt ){
             case 'Z':
             case 'z':
-                *flttype = PastixComplex64;
+                *flttype = SpmComplex64;
             case 'C':
             case 'c':
-                *flttype = PastixComplex32;
+                *flttype = SpmComplex32;
             case 'D':
             case 'd':
-                *flttype = PastixDouble;
+                *flttype = SpmDouble;
             case 'S':
             case 's':
-                *flttype = PastixFloat;
+                *flttype = SpmFloat;
             case 'P':
             case 'p':
-                *flttype = PastixPattern;
+                *flttype = SpmPattern;
             case '1':
@@ -151,7 +148,7 @@ laplacian_parse_info( const char        *filename,
             case '7':
             case '8':
             case '9':
-                *flttype = PastixDouble;
+                *flttype = SpmDouble;
                  * The first dimension is only one character long so we come
                  * back to the beginning of the string
@@ -161,11 +158,11 @@ laplacian_parse_info( const char        *filename,
-                return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+                return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
         else {
-            *flttype = PastixDouble;
+            *flttype = SpmDouble;
@@ -175,45 +172,45 @@ laplacian_parse_info( const char        *filename,
     *dim1 = *dim2 = *dim3 = 1;
     if ( sscanf( filename, "%ld:%ld:%ld:%lf:%lf", &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &val1, &val2 ) == 5 ) {
-        *dim1 = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        *dim2 = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
-        *dim3 = (pastix_int_t)tmp3;
+        *dim1 = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        *dim2 = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
+        *dim3 = (spm_int_t)tmp3;
         *alpha = val1;
         *beta  = val2;
     else if ( sscanf( filename, "%ld:%ld:%ld:%lf", &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &val1 ) == 4 ) {
-        *dim1 = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        *dim2 = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
-        *dim3 = (pastix_int_t)tmp3;
+        *dim1 = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        *dim2 = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
+        *dim3 = (spm_int_t)tmp3;
         *alpha = val1;
     else if ( sscanf( filename, "%ld:%ld:%ld", &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3 ) == 3 ) {
-        *dim1 = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        *dim2 = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
-        *dim3 = (pastix_int_t)tmp3;
+        *dim1 = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        *dim2 = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
+        *dim3 = (spm_int_t)tmp3;
     else if ( sscanf( filename, "%ld:%ld", &tmp1, &tmp2 ) == 2 ) {
-        *dim1 = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        *dim2 = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
+        *dim1 = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        *dim2 = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
     else if ( sscanf( filename, "%ld", &tmp1 ) == 1 ) {
-        *dim1 = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
+        *dim1 = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
     else {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     /* One of the dimension was set to 0 */
     if ( (*dim1 == 0) || (*dim2 == 0) || (*dim3 == 0) ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
-static void (*laplacian_7points[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pastix_int_t, pastix_int_t, pastix_fixdbl_t, pastix_fixdbl_t) =
+static void (*laplacian_7points[6])(spmatrix_t *, spm_int_t, spm_int_t, spm_int_t, spm_fixdbl_t, spm_fixdbl_t) =
@@ -223,7 +220,7 @@ static void (*laplacian_7points[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pastix_int_t,
-static void (*extended_laplacian_table2D[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pastix_int_t) =
+static void (*extended_laplacian_table2D[6])(spmatrix_t *, spm_int_t, spm_int_t) =
@@ -233,7 +230,7 @@ static void (*extended_laplacian_table2D[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pasti
-static void (*extended_laplacian_table3D[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pastix_int_t, pastix_int_t) =
+static void (*extended_laplacian_table3D[6])(spmatrix_t *, spm_int_t, spm_int_t, spm_int_t) =
@@ -246,7 +243,7 @@ static void (*extended_laplacian_table3D[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pasti
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * genLaplacian - Generate a Laplacian of size spm->n
@@ -271,22 +268,22 @@ static void (*extended_laplacian_table3D[6])(pastix_spm_t *, pastix_int_t, pasti
  * @return
- *      \retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been generated successfully
- *      \retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the configuration string is incorrect
+ *      \retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been generated successfully
+ *      \retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the configuration string is incorrect
 genLaplacian( const char    *filename,
-              pastix_spm_t  *spm )
+              spmatrix_t  *spm )
-    pastix_coeftype_t flttype;
-    pastix_int_t dim1, dim2, dim3;
+    spm_coeftype_t flttype;
+    spm_int_t dim1, dim2, dim3;
     double alpha = 1.;
     double beta = 1.;
     int rc;
     rc = laplacian_parse_info(filename, &flttype, &dim1, &dim2, &dim3, &alpha, &beta );
-    if (rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS)
+    if (rc != SPM_SUCCESS)
         return rc;
     spm->flttype = flttype;
@@ -294,13 +291,13 @@ genLaplacian( const char    *filename,
     laplacian_7points[spm->flttype](spm, dim1, dim2, dim3, alpha, beta);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * genExtendedLaplacian - Generate a extended Laplacian of size spm->n
@@ -325,22 +322,22 @@ genLaplacian( const char    *filename,
  * @return
- *      \retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been generated successfully
- *      \retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the configuration string is incorrect
+ *      \retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been generated successfully
+ *      \retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the configuration string is incorrect
 genExtendedLaplacian( const char    *filename,
-                      pastix_spm_t  *spm )
+                      spmatrix_t  *spm )
-    pastix_coeftype_t flttype;
-    pastix_int_t dim1, dim2, dim3;
+    spm_coeftype_t flttype;
+    spm_int_t dim1, dim2, dim3;
     double alpha = 1.;
     double beta = 1.;
     int rc;
     rc = laplacian_parse_info(filename, &flttype, &dim1, &dim2, &dim3, &alpha, &beta);
-    if (rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS)
+    if (rc != SPM_SUCCESS)
         return rc;
     spm->flttype = flttype;
@@ -353,5 +350,5 @@ genExtendedLaplacian( const char    *filename,
         extended_laplacian_table2D[spm->flttype](spm, dim1, dim2);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/drivers/laplacian.h b/src/drivers/laplacian.h
index 29d8395e..423cb496 100644
--- a/src/drivers/laplacian.h
+++ b/src/drivers/laplacian.h
@@ -14,29 +14,29 @@
 #ifndef _laplacian_h_
 #define _laplacian_h_
-void z_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3, pastix_fixdbl_t alpha, pastix_fixdbl_t beta );
-void c_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3, pastix_fixdbl_t alpha, pastix_fixdbl_t beta );
-void d_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3, pastix_fixdbl_t alpha, pastix_fixdbl_t beta );
-void s_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3, pastix_fixdbl_t alpha, pastix_fixdbl_t beta );
-void p_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3, pastix_fixdbl_t alpha, pastix_fixdbl_t beta );
+void z_spmLaplacian_7points( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3, spm_fixdbl_t alpha, spm_fixdbl_t beta );
+void c_spmLaplacian_7points( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3, spm_fixdbl_t alpha, spm_fixdbl_t beta );
+void d_spmLaplacian_7points( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3, spm_fixdbl_t alpha, spm_fixdbl_t beta );
+void s_spmLaplacian_7points( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3, spm_fixdbl_t alpha, spm_fixdbl_t beta );
+void p_spmLaplacian_7points( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3, spm_fixdbl_t alpha, spm_fixdbl_t beta );
-void z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2 );
-void c_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2 );
-void d_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2 );
-void s_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2 );
-void p_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2 );
+void z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2 );
+void c_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2 );
+void d_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2 );
+void s_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2 );
+void p_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2 );
-void z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3 );
-void c_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3 );
-void d_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3 );
-void s_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3 );
-void p_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t *spm, pastix_int_t dim1, pastix_int_t dim2, pastix_int_t dim3 );
+void z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3 );
+void c_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3 );
+void d_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3 );
+void s_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3 );
+void p_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( spmatrix_t *spm, spm_int_t dim1, spm_int_t dim2, spm_int_t dim3 );
 int laplacian_parse_info( const char        *filename,
-                          pastix_coeftype_t *flttype,
-                          pastix_int_t      *dim1,
-                          pastix_int_t      *dim2,
-                          pastix_int_t      *dim3,
+                          spm_coeftype_t *flttype,
+                          spm_int_t      *dim1,
+                          spm_int_t      *dim2,
+                          spm_int_t      *dim3,
                           double            *alpha,
                           double            *beta );
diff --git a/src/drivers/mmio.c b/src/drivers/mmio.c
index a966218f..4c61a2eb 100644
--- a/src/drivers/mmio.c
+++ b/src/drivers/mmio.c
@@ -5,14 +5,10 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "spm_drivers.h"
 #include "drivers/mmio.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
 int mm_read_unsymmetric_sparse(const char *fname, int *M_, int *N_, int *nz_,
                                double **val_, int **row_, int **col_)
diff --git a/src/drivers/readhb.c b/src/drivers/readhb.c
index baae93da..7baaf355 100644
--- a/src/drivers/readhb.c
+++ b/src/drivers/readhb.c
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
  * @date 2011-11-11
-#include <stdio.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "spm_drivers.h"
 #include "drivers/iohb.h"
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Interface to the Harwell-Boeing C driver (iohb.c)
@@ -34,19 +33,19 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the Harwell Boeing driver
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the matrix is no in a supported format
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the Harwell Boeing driver
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the matrix is no in a supported format
 readHB( const char   *filename,
-        pastix_spm_t *spm )
+        spmatrix_t *spm )
     int M, N, nz, nrhs;
     /* Harwell Boeing is a variant of RSA */
-    spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
     spm->dof     = 1;
     spm->loc2glob= NULL;
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ readHB( const char   *filename,
         if ( M != N ) {
             fprintf(stderr, "readHB: PaStiX does not support non square matrices (m=%d, N=%d\n", M, N);
-            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+            return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
         spm->gN   = M;
@@ -72,36 +71,36 @@ readHB( const char   *filename,
         switch( Type[0] ) {
         case 'C':
         case 'c':
-            spm->flttype = PastixComplex64;
+            spm->flttype = SpmComplex64;
         case 'R':
         case 'r':
-            spm->flttype = PastixDouble;
+            spm->flttype = SpmDouble;
         case 'P':
         case 'p':
-            spm->flttype = PastixPattern;
+            spm->flttype = SpmPattern;
             fprintf(stderr, "readhb: Floating type unknown (%c)\n", Type[0]);
-            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+            return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
         /* Check Symmetry */
         switch( Type[1] ) {
         case 'S':
         case 's':
-            spm->mtxtype = PastixSymmetric;
+            spm->mtxtype = SpmSymmetric;
         case 'H':
         case 'h':
-            spm->mtxtype = PastixHermitian;
-            assert( spm->flttype == PastixDouble );
+            spm->mtxtype = SpmHermitian;
+            assert( spm->flttype == SpmDouble );
         case 'U':
         case 'u':
-            spm->mtxtype = PastixGeneral;
+            spm->mtxtype = SpmGeneral;
@@ -116,12 +115,12 @@ readHB( const char   *filename,
         if (rc == 0) {
             fprintf(stderr, "readhb: Error in reading the HB matrix values\n");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+            return SPM_ERR_IO;
-        /* Move the colptr/rowind from int to pastix_int_t if different sizes */
+        /* Move the colptr/rowind from int to spm_int_t if different sizes */
         spm->colptr = spmIntConvert(spm->n+1, colptr);
         spm->rowptr = spmIntConvert(spm->nnz, rowind);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/drivers/readijv.c b/src/drivers/readijv.c
index 807ceecb..d8566f81 100644
--- a/src/drivers/readijv.c
+++ b/src/drivers/readijv.c
@@ -12,15 +12,13 @@
  * @date 2011-11-11
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "spm_drivers.h"
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read header from three file IJV format.
@@ -40,15 +38,15 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the information has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the header has a wrong format
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the information has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the header has a wrong format
 threeFilesReadHeader(FILE         *infile,
-                     pastix_int_t *Nrow,
-                     pastix_int_t *Ncol,
-                     pastix_int_t *Nnzero)
+                     spm_int_t *Nrow,
+                     spm_int_t *Ncol,
+                     spm_int_t *Nnzero)
     long temp1,temp2,temp3;
@@ -56,19 +54,19 @@ threeFilesReadHeader(FILE         *infile,
     if (fscanf(infile, "%ld %ld %ld\n", &temp1, &temp2, &temp3) != 3) {
         Nrow = Ncol = Nnzero = 0;
         fprintf(stderr, "readijv: Wrong format in header file\n");
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    *Nrow   = (pastix_int_t)temp1;
-    *Ncol   = (pastix_int_t)temp2;
-    *Nnzero = (pastix_int_t)temp3;
+    *Nrow   = (spm_int_t)temp1;
+    *Ncol   = (spm_int_t)temp2;
+    *Nnzero = (spm_int_t)temp3;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
  * ******************************************************************************
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read matrix from three files IJV
@@ -87,29 +85,29 @@ threeFilesReadHeader(FILE         *infile,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occurs while reading the files
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if a problem occurs while opening the files
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occurs while reading the files
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if a problem occurs while opening the files
 readIJV( const char   *dirname,
-         pastix_spm_t *spm )
+         spmatrix_t *spm )
     FILE *iafile, *jafile, *rafile;
     FILE *hdrfile;
     char *filename;
-    pastix_int_t *tempcol;
-    pastix_int_t *temprow;
+    spm_int_t *tempcol;
+    spm_int_t *temprow;
     double       *tempval;
-    pastix_int_t  i, Nrow, Ncol, Nnzero;
+    spm_int_t  i, Nrow, Ncol, Nnzero;
     filename = malloc(strlen(dirname)+10);
-    spm->flttype = PastixDouble;
-    spm->mtxtype = PastixGeneral;
-    spm->fmttype = PastixIJV;
+    spm->flttype = SpmDouble;
+    spm->mtxtype = SpmGeneral;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmIJV;
     spm->dof     = 1;
     spm->loc2glob= NULL;
@@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ readIJV( const char   *dirname,
             fprintf(stderr,"readijv: Cannot open the header file (%s)\n", filename);
-            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+            return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
         threeFilesReadHeader(hdrfile, &Nrow, &Ncol, &Nnzero);
@@ -131,8 +129,8 @@ readIJV( const char   *dirname,
     spm->n       = Ncol;
     spm->gnnz    = Nnzero;
     spm->nnz     = Nnzero;
-    spm->colptr = (pastix_int_t *) malloc(Nnzero*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-    spm->rowptr = (pastix_int_t *) malloc(Nnzero*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr = (spm_int_t *) malloc(Nnzero*sizeof(spm_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = (spm_int_t *) malloc(Nnzero*sizeof(spm_int_t));
     spm->values = (double *)       malloc(Nnzero*sizeof(double));
     /* Open the 3 files */
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ readIJV( const char   *dirname,
         fprintf(stderr,"readijv: Cannot open the ia file (%s)\n", filename);
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
@@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ readIJV( const char   *dirname,
         fprintf(stderr,"readijv: Cannot open the ja file (%s)\n", filename);
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ readIJV( const char   *dirname,
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     /* Read the files */
@@ -185,15 +183,15 @@ readIJV( const char   *dirname,
-            return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+            return SPM_ERR_IO;
-        *temprow = (pastix_int_t)temp1;
-        *tempcol = (pastix_int_t)temp2;
+        *temprow = (spm_int_t)temp1;
+        *tempcol = (spm_int_t)temp2;
         *tempval = temp3;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/drivers/readmm.c b/src/drivers/readmm.c
index b811cd9f..642cd90e 100644
--- a/src/drivers/readmm.c
+++ b/src/drivers/readmm.c
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read the data part of a complex matrix in Matrix Market file.
@@ -37,47 +37,47 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
 z_readMM( FILE *file,
-          pastix_spm_t *spm )
+          spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr;
-    pastix_int_t *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr;
+    spm_int_t *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i;
     long row, col;
     double re, im;
-    spm->values = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+    spm->values = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     for (i=0; i<spm->nnz; i++, colptr++, rowptr++, valptr++)
         if (4 != fscanf(file,"%ld %ld %lg %lg\n", &row, &col, &re, &im))
             fprintf(stderr, "readmm: erro while reading matrix file (line %ld)\n", (long)i);
-            return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+            return SPM_ERR_IO;
-        *rowptr = (pastix_int_t)row;
-        *colptr = (pastix_int_t)col;
-        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)(re + im * I);
+        *rowptr = (spm_int_t)row;
+        *colptr = (spm_int_t)col;
+        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)(re + im * I);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read the data part of a real matrix in Matrix Market file.
  * For more information about matrix market format see mmio.c/mmio.h
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ z_readMM( FILE *file,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
 d_readMM( FILE *file,
-          pastix_spm_t *spm )
+          spmatrix_t *spm )
     double       *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr;
-    pastix_int_t *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t *colptr;
+    spm_int_t *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i;
     long row, col;
     double re;
@@ -119,21 +119,21 @@ d_readMM( FILE *file,
         if (3 != fscanf(file,"%ld %ld %lg\n", &row, &col, &re))
             fprintf(stderr, "readmm: erro while reading matrix file (line %ld)\n", (long)i);
-            return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+            return SPM_ERR_IO;
-        *rowptr = (pastix_int_t)row;
-        *colptr = (pastix_int_t)col;
+        *rowptr = (spm_int_t)row;
+        *colptr = (spm_int_t)col;
         *valptr = re;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read the data part of a pattern matrix in Matrix Market file.
  * For more information about matrix market format see mmio.c/mmio.h
@@ -149,17 +149,17 @@ d_readMM( FILE *file,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
 p_readMM( FILE *file,
-          pastix_spm_t *spm )
+          spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t *colptr;
-    pastix_int_t *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t *colptr;
+    spm_int_t *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i;
     long row, col;
     spm->values = NULL;
@@ -172,20 +172,20 @@ p_readMM( FILE *file,
         if (2 != fscanf(file,"%ld %ld\n", &row, &col))
             fprintf(stderr, "readmm: erro while reading matrix file (line %ld)\n", (long)i);
-            return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+            return SPM_ERR_IO;
-        *rowptr = (pastix_int_t)row;
-        *colptr = (pastix_int_t)col;
+        *rowptr = (spm_int_t)row;
+        *colptr = (spm_int_t)col;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read a matrix in Matrix Market fill. This corresponds to
  * IJV format with (%d %d[ %lf[ %lf]]) format per line.
@@ -201,14 +201,14 @@ p_readMM( FILE *file,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the matrix is no in a supported format
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the matrix is no in a supported format
 readMM( const char   *filename,
-        pastix_spm_t *spm )
+        spmatrix_t *spm )
     MM_typecode matcode;
     FILE *file;
@@ -218,47 +218,47 @@ readMM( const char   *filename,
     if (file == NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"readmm: Cannot open the file (%s)\n", filename);
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if (mm_read_banner(file, &matcode) != 0)
         fprintf(stderr,"readmm: Could not process Matrix Market banner.\n");
-        return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+        return SPM_ERR_IO;
     /* Float values type */
     if (mm_is_complex(matcode)) {
-        spm->flttype = PastixComplex64;
+        spm->flttype = SpmComplex64;
     else if (mm_is_real(matcode)) {
-        spm->flttype = PastixDouble;
+        spm->flttype = SpmDouble;
     else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode)) {
-        spm->flttype = PastixPattern;
+        spm->flttype = SpmPattern;
     else {
         fprintf(stderr,"readmm: Unsupported type of matrix.\n");
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     /* Matrix structure */
     if (mm_is_general(matcode)) {
-        spm->mtxtype = PastixGeneral;
+        spm->mtxtype = SpmGeneral;
     else if (mm_is_symmetric(matcode)) {
-        spm->mtxtype = PastixSymmetric;
+        spm->mtxtype = SpmSymmetric;
     else if (mm_is_hermitian(matcode)) {
-        spm->mtxtype = PastixHermitian;
+        spm->mtxtype = SpmHermitian;
     else {
         fprintf(stderr,"readmm: Unsupported type of matrix.\n");
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    spm->fmttype = PastixIJV;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmIJV;
     spm->dof     = 1;
     spm->loc2glob= NULL;
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ readMM( const char   *filename,
         int m, n, nnz;
         if (mm_read_mtx_crd_size(file, &m, &n, &nnz) != 0) {
             fprintf(stderr, "readmm: error while reading matrix sizes\n");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+            return SPM_ERR_IO;
         spm->gN   = n;
@@ -276,19 +276,19 @@ readMM( const char   *filename,
         spm->nnz  = nnz;
-    spm->colptr = (pastix_int_t*)malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-    spm->rowptr = (pastix_int_t*)malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr = (spm_int_t*)malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = (spm_int_t*)malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t));
     switch( spm->flttype ) {
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         rc = z_readMM(file, spm);
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         rc = d_readMM(file, spm);
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
         rc = p_readMM(file, spm);
diff --git a/src/drivers/readrsa.c b/src/drivers/readrsa.c
index 188f88eb..ae92280f 100644
--- a/src/drivers/readrsa.c
+++ b/src/drivers/readrsa.c
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ FC_GLOBAL(wreadmtc,WREADMTC)(int        *tmp1,
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read the header structure of a RSA file
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ readRSAHeader( const char *filename,
- * @ingroup pastix_spm_driver
+ * @ingroup spm_spm_driver
  * @brief Read a RSA matrix file. This driver reads only real matrices, and
  * does not support complex matrices.
@@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ readRSAHeader( const char *filename,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the matrix is no in a supported format
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the matrix has been read successfully
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_IO if a problem occured in the RSA driver
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the matrix is no in a supported format
 readRSA( const char   *filename,
-         pastix_spm_t *spm )
+         spmatrix_t *spm )
     char    Type[4];
     char    RhsType[4];
@@ -177,28 +177,28 @@ readRSA( const char   *filename,
     switch( Type[1] ){
     case 'S':
     case 's':
-        spm->mtxtype = PastixSymmetric;
+        spm->mtxtype = SpmSymmetric;
     case 'H':
     case 'h':
-        spm->mtxtype = PastixHermitian;
+        spm->mtxtype = SpmHermitian;
          * We should not arrive here, since the fortran driver is not able to
          * read complex matrices
         fprintf(stderr,"readrsa: Unsupported Complex.\n");
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     case 'U':
     case 'u':
-        spm->mtxtype = PastixGeneral;
+        spm->mtxtype = SpmGeneral;
         fprintf(stderr,"readrsa: Unsupported type of matrix.\n");
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    spm->flttype = PastixDouble;
-    spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+    spm->flttype = SpmDouble;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
     spm->gN      = N;
     spm->n       = N;
     spm->gnnz    = Nnz;
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ readRSA( const char   *filename,
     RhsType[0] = '\0';
     if(ierr != 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "cannot read matrix (job=2)\n");
-        return PASTIX_ERR_IO;
+        return SPM_ERR_IO;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/frobeniusupdate.h b/src/frobeniusupdate.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90cbdad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frobeniusupdate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *
+ * @file frobeniusupdate.h
+ *
+ * Formula to update frobenius norm computation in a safe manner.
+ *
+ * @copyright 2004-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @version 6.0.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2017-04-26
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _frobeniusupdate_h_
+#define _frobeniusupdate_h_
+#include <math.h>
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup pastix_internal
+ *
+ * frobenius_update - Update the couple (scale, sumsq) with one element when
+ * computing the Froebnius norm.
+ *
+ * The frobenius norm is equal to scale * sqrt( sumsq ), this method allows to
+ * avoid overflow in the sum square computation.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[inout] scale
+ *           On entry, the former scale
+ *           On exit, the update scale to take into account the value
+ *
+ * @param[inout] sumsq
+ *           On entry, the former sumsq
+ *           On exit, the update sumsq to take into account the value
+ *
+ * @param[in] value
+ *          The value to integrate into the couple (scale, sumsq)
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+static inline void
+#if defined(PRECISION_d) || defined(PRECISION_z)
+frobenius_update( int nb, double *scale, double *sumsq, double *value )
+    double absval = fabs(*value);
+    double ratio;
+    if ( absval != 0. ){
+        if ( (*scale) < absval ) {
+            ratio = (*scale) / absval;
+            *sumsq = (double)nb + (*sumsq) * ratio * ratio;
+            *scale = absval;
+        } else {
+            ratio = absval / (*scale);
+            *sumsq = (*sumsq) + (double)nb * ratio * ratio;
+        }
+    }
+#elif defined(PRECISION_s) || defined(PRECISION_c)
+frobenius_update( int nb, float *scale, float *sumsq, float *value )
+    float absval = fabs(*value);
+    float ratio;
+    if ( absval != 0. ){
+        if ( (*scale) < absval ) {
+            ratio = (*scale) / absval;
+            *sumsq = (float)nb + (*sumsq) * ratio * ratio;
+            *scale = absval;
+        } else {
+            ratio = absval / (*scale);
+            *sumsq = (*sumsq) + (float)nb * ratio * ratio;
+        }
+    }
+#endif /* _frobeniusupdate_h_ */
diff --git a/src/integer_sort.c b/src/integer_sort.c
index cd79798a..838b6065 100644
--- a/src/integer_sort.c
+++ b/src/integer_sort.c
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ typedef struct
    log(MAX_THRESH)).  Since total_elements has type size_t, we get as
    upper bound for log (total_elements):
    bits per byte (CHAR_BIT) * sizeof(size_t).  */
-#define STACK_SIZE	(CHAR_BIT * sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define STACK_SIZE	(CHAR_BIT * sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define PUSH(low, high)	((void) ((top->lo = (low)), (top->hi = (high)), ++top))
 #define	POP(low, high)	((void) (--top, (low = top->lo), (high = top->hi)))
 #define	STACK_NOT_EMPTY	(stack < top)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ typedef struct
 void * const                pbase,                /*+ Array to sort             +*/
-const pastix_int_t          total_elems)          /*+ Number of entries to sort +*/
+const spm_int_t          total_elems)          /*+ Number of entries to sort +*/
   register char *base_ptr = (char *) pbase;
diff --git a/src/integer_sort_mtypes.c b/src/integer_sort_mtypes.c
index ed46b9d9..b1662a00 100644
--- a/src/integer_sort_mtypes.c
+++ b/src/integer_sort_mtypes.c
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ typedef struct
    log(MAX_THRESH_2)).  Since total_elements has type size_t, we get as
    upper bound for log (total_elements):
    bits per unsigned char (CHAR_BIT) * sizeof(size_t).  */
-#define STACK_SIZE_2	(CHAR_BIT * sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define STACK_SIZE_2	(CHAR_BIT * sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define PUSH_2(low, high)	((void) ((top->lo = (low)), (top->hi = (high)), ++top))
 #define	POP_2(low, high)	((void) (--top, (low = top->lo), (high = top->hi)))
 #define	STACK_NOT_EMPTY_2	(stack < top)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ typedef struct
 void ** const               pbase,                /*+ Array of arrays to sort   +*/
-const pastix_int_t                   total_elems)          /*+ Number of entries to sort +*/
+const spm_int_t                   total_elems)          /*+ Number of entries to sort +*/
   register char *base_ptr = (char *) (*pbase);
diff --git a/src/spm.c b/src/spm.c
index 571b3780..c6a1c4f1 100644
--- a/src/spm.c
+++ b/src/spm.c
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
  * @author Mathieu Faverge
  * @date 2013-06-24
- * @addtogroup pastix_spm
+ * @addtogroup spm_spm
  * @{
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
 #include "c_spm.h"
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@
-static int (*conversionTable[3][3][6])(pastix_spm_t*) = {
+static int (*conversionTable[3][3][6])(spmatrix_t*) = {
     /* From CSC */
      { p_spmConvertCSC2CSR,
@@ -89,11 +88,11 @@ static int (*conversionTable[3][3][6])(pastix_spm_t*) = {
-spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmInit( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    spm->mtxtype = PastixGeneral;
-    spm->flttype = PastixDouble;
-    spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+    spm->mtxtype = SpmGeneral;
+    spm->flttype = SpmDouble;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
     spm->gN   = 0;
     spm->n    = 0;
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     spm->dof      = 1;
     spm->dofs     = NULL;
-    spm->layout   = PastixColMajor;
+    spm->layout   = SpmColMajor;
     spm->colptr   = NULL;
     spm->rowptr   = NULL;
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmUpdateComputedFields( spmatrix_t *spm )
@@ -138,8 +137,8 @@ spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm )
         spm->nnzexp = spm->nnz * spm->dof * spm->dof;
     else {
-        pastix_int_t i, j, k, dofi, dofj, baseval;
-        pastix_int_t *dofptr, *colptr, *rowptr;
+        spm_int_t i, j, k, dofi, dofj, baseval;
+        spm_int_t *dofptr, *colptr, *rowptr;
         baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
@@ -152,14 +151,14 @@ spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm )
         spm->nnzexp = 0;
-        case PastixCSR:
+        case SpmCSR:
             /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
             colptr = spm->rowptr;
             rowptr = spm->colptr;
-            pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+            spm_attr_fallthrough;
-        case PastixCSC:
+        case SpmCSC:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++) {
                 dofj = dofptr[j+1] - dofptr[j];
@@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixIJV:
+        case SpmIJV:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -203,18 +202,28 @@ spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-spmExit( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmExit( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    if(spm->colptr != NULL)
-        memFree_null(spm->colptr);
-    if(spm->rowptr != NULL)
-        memFree_null(spm->rowptr);
-    if(spm->loc2glob != NULL)
-        memFree_null(spm->loc2glob);
-    if(spm->values != NULL)
-        memFree_null(spm->values);
-    if(spm->dofs != NULL)
-        memFree_null(spm->dofs);
+    if(spm->colptr != NULL) {
+        free(spm->colptr);
+	spm->colptr = NULL;
+    }
+    if(spm->rowptr != NULL) {
+        free(spm->rowptr);
+	spm->rowptr = NULL;
+    }
+    if(spm->loc2glob != NULL) {
+        free(spm->loc2glob);
+	spm->loc2glob = NULL;
+    }
+    if(spm->values != NULL) {
+        free(spm->values);
+	spm->values = NULL;
+    }
+    if(spm->dofs != NULL) {
+        free(spm->dofs);
+	spm->dofs = NULL;
+    }
@@ -234,27 +243,27 @@ spmExit( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm,
+spmBase( spmatrix_t *spm,
          int           baseval )
-    pastix_int_t baseadj;
-    pastix_int_t i, n, nnz;
+    spm_int_t baseadj;
+    spm_int_t i, n, nnz;
     /* Parameter checks */
     if ( spm == NULL ) {
-        pastix_print_error("spmBase: spm pointer is NULL");
+        fprintf( stderr,"spmBase: spm pointer is NULL");
     if ( (spm->colptr == NULL) ||
          (spm->rowptr == NULL) )
-        pastix_print_error("spmBase: spm pointer is not correctly initialized");
+        fprintf( stderr,"spmBase: spm pointer is not correctly initialized");
     if ( (baseval != 0) &&
          (baseval != 1) )
-        pastix_print_error("spmBase: baseval is incorrect, must be 0 or 1");
+        fprintf( stderr,"spmBase: baseval is incorrect, must be 0 or 1");
@@ -267,7 +276,7 @@ spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         assert( nnz == (spm->colptr[n] - spm->colptr[0]) );
         for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
@@ -278,7 +287,7 @@ spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         assert( nnz == (spm->rowptr[n] - spm->rowptr[0]) );
         for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
             spm->rowptr[i] += baseadj;
@@ -287,7 +296,7 @@ spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm,
             spm->colptr[i] += baseadj;
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         for (i = 0; i < nnz; i++) {
             spm->rowptr[i] += baseadj;
             spm->colptr[i] += baseadj;
@@ -322,16 +331,16 @@ spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm,
  * @return  The baseval used in the given sparse matrix structure.
-spmFindBase( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmFindBase( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, *tmp, baseval;
+    spm_int_t i, *tmp, baseval;
      * Check the baseval, we consider that arrays are sorted by columns or rows
-    baseval = pastix_imin( *(spm->colptr), *(spm->rowptr) );
+    baseval = spm_imin( *(spm->colptr), *(spm->rowptr) );
      * if not:
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@ spmFindBase( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
         baseval = spm->n;
         tmp = spm->colptr;
         for(i=0; i<spm->nnz; i++, tmp++){
-            baseval = pastix_imin( *tmp, baseval );
+            baseval = spm_imin( *tmp, baseval );
@@ -357,32 +366,32 @@ spmFindBase( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @param[in] ofmttype
  *          The output format of the sparse matrix. It must be:
- *          - PastixCSC
- *          - PastixCSR
- *          - PastixIJV
+ *          - SpmCSC
+ *          - SpmCSR
+ *          - SpmIJV
  * @param[inout] spm
  *          The sparse matrix structure to convert.
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the conversion happened successfully.
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one the parameter is incorrect.
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED if the case is not yet implemented.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the conversion happened successfully.
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one the parameter is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED if the case is not yet implemented.
-spmConvert( int ofmttype, pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmConvert( int ofmttype, spmatrix_t *spm )
     if ( conversionTable[spm->fmttype][ofmttype][spm->flttype] ) {
         if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
-            //pastix_print_error( "spmConvert: Conversion of non unique dof not yet implemented\n");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED;
+            //fprintf( stderr, "spmConvert: Conversion of non unique dof not yet implemented\n");
+            return SPM_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED;
         return conversionTable[spm->fmttype][ofmttype][spm->flttype]( spm );
     else {
-        return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+        return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -406,16 +415,16 @@ spmConvert( int ofmttype, pastix_spm_t *spm )
 void *
-spm2Dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spm2Dense( const spmatrix_t *spm )
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         return s_spm2dense( spm );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         return c_spm2dense( spm );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         return z_spm2dense( spm );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         return d_spm2dense( spm );
         return NULL;
@@ -429,13 +438,13 @@ spm2Dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * Return the ntype norm of the sparse matrix spm.
- *     spmNorm = ( max(abs(spm(i,j))), NORM = PastixMaxNorm
+ *     spmNorm = ( max(abs(spm(i,j))), NORM = SpmMaxNorm
  *               (
- *               ( norm1(spm),         NORM = PastixOneNorm
+ *               ( norm1(spm),         NORM = SpmOneNorm
  *               (
- *               ( normI(spm),         NORM = PastixInfNorm
+ *               ( normI(spm),         NORM = SpmInfNorm
  *               (
- *               ( normF(spm),         NORM = PastixFrobeniusNorm
+ *               ( normF(spm),         NORM = SpmFrobeniusNorm
  *  where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum),
  *  normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and
@@ -446,10 +455,10 @@ spm2Dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @param[in] ntype
- *          - PastixMaxNorm
- *          - PastixOneNorm
- *          - PastixInfNorm
- *          - PastixFrobeniusNorm
+ *          - SpmMaxNorm
+ *          - SpmOneNorm
+ *          - SpmInfNorm
+ *          - SpmFrobeniusNorm
  * @param[in] spm
  *          The sparse matrix structure.
@@ -464,10 +473,10 @@ spm2Dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-spmNorm( pastix_normtype_t   ntype,
-         const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmNorm( spm_normtype_t   ntype,
+         const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_spm_t *spmtmp = (pastix_spm_t*)spm;
+    spmatrix_t *spmtmp = (spmatrix_t*)spm;
     double norm = -1.;
     if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
@@ -475,23 +484,23 @@ spmNorm( pastix_normtype_t   ntype,
         spmtmp = spmExpand( spm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         norm = (double)s_spmNorm( ntype, spmtmp );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         norm = d_spmNorm( ntype, spmtmp );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         norm = (double)c_spmNorm( ntype, spmtmp );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         norm = z_spmNorm( ntype, spmtmp );
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
@@ -521,37 +530,37 @@ spmNorm( pastix_normtype_t   ntype,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the sort was called
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the given spm was incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the sort was called
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the given spm was incorrect.
-spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmSort( spmatrix_t *spm )
     if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: spm expanded due to non implemented sort for non-expanded spm\n");
         spm = spmExpand( spm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
         p_spmSort( spm );
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         s_spmSort( spm );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         d_spmSort( spm );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         c_spmSort( spm );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         z_spmSort( spm );
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -573,34 +582,34 @@ spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @retval >=0 the number of vertices that were merged,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the given spm was incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the given spm was incorrect.
-spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmMergeDuplicate( spmatrix_t *spm )
     if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: spm expanded due to non implemented merge for non-expanded spm\n");
         spm = spmExpand( spm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
         return p_spmMergeDuplicate( spm );
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         return s_spmMergeDuplicate( spm );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         return d_spmMergeDuplicate( spm );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         return c_spmMergeDuplicate( spm );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         return z_spmMergeDuplicate( spm );
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
@@ -623,34 +632,34 @@ spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @retval >=0 the number of entries added to the matrix,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the given spm was incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the given spm was incorrect.
-spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmSymmetrize( spmatrix_t *spm )
     if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: spm expanded due to non implemented symmetrize for non-expanded spm\n");
         spm = spmExpand( spm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
         return p_spmSymmetrize( spm );
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         return s_spmSymmetrize( spm );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         return d_spmSymmetrize( spm );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         return c_spmSymmetrize( spm );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         return z_spmSymmetrize( spm );
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
@@ -677,17 +686,17 @@ spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * is returned.
-pastix_spm_t *
-spmCheckAndCorrect( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmatrix_t *
+spmCheckAndCorrect( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_spm_t *newspm = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t count;
+    spmatrix_t *newspm = NULL;
+    spm_int_t count;
     /* Let's work on a copy */
     newspm = spmCopy( spm );
     /* PaStiX works on CSC matrices */
-    spmConvert( PastixCSC, newspm );
+    spmConvert( SpmCSC, newspm );
     if ( newspm->dof != 1 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: newspm expanded due to missing check functions implementations\n");
@@ -708,7 +717,7 @@ spmCheckAndCorrect( pastix_spm_t *spm )
      * part, otherwise, we symmetrize the graph to get A+A^t, new values are set
      * to 0.
-    if ( newspm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral ) {
+    if ( newspm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral ) {
         count = spmSymmetrize( newspm );
         if ( count > 0 ) {
             fprintf(stderr, "spmCheckAndCorrect: %ld entries have been added for symmetry\n", (long)count );
@@ -732,7 +741,7 @@ spmCheckAndCorrect( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     else {
         spmExit( newspm );
-        return (pastix_spm_t*)spm;
+        return (spmatrix_t*)spm;
@@ -756,28 +765,28 @@ spmCheckAndCorrect( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  *          The copy of the sparse matrix.
-pastix_spm_t *
-spmCopy( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmatrix_t *
+spmCopy( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_spm_t *newspm = (pastix_spm_t*)malloc(sizeof(pastix_spm_t));
-    pastix_int_t colsize, rowsize, valsize, dofsize;
+    spmatrix_t *newspm = (spmatrix_t*)malloc(sizeof(spmatrix_t));
+    spm_int_t colsize, rowsize, valsize, dofsize;
-    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t));
+    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t));
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         colsize = spm->n + 1;
         rowsize = spm->nnz;
         valsize = spm->nnzexp;
         dofsize = spm->n + 1;
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         colsize = spm->nnz;
         rowsize = spm->n + 1;
         valsize = spm->nnzexp;
         dofsize = spm->n + 1;
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         colsize = spm->nnz;
         rowsize = spm->nnz;
@@ -786,23 +795,23 @@ spmCopy( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
     if(spm->colptr != NULL) {
-        newspm->colptr = (pastix_int_t*)malloc( colsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-        memcpy( newspm->colptr, spm->colptr, colsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+        newspm->colptr = (spm_int_t*)malloc( colsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
+        memcpy( newspm->colptr, spm->colptr, colsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
     if(spm->rowptr != NULL) {
-        newspm->rowptr = (pastix_int_t*)malloc(rowsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-        memcpy( newspm->rowptr, spm->rowptr, rowsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+        newspm->rowptr = (spm_int_t*)malloc(rowsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
+        memcpy( newspm->rowptr, spm->rowptr, rowsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
     if(spm->loc2glob != NULL) {
-        newspm->loc2glob = (pastix_int_t*)malloc(dofsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-        memcpy( newspm->loc2glob, spm->loc2glob, dofsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+        newspm->loc2glob = (spm_int_t*)malloc(dofsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
+        memcpy( newspm->loc2glob, spm->loc2glob, dofsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
     if(spm->dofs != NULL) {
-        newspm->dofs = (pastix_int_t*)malloc(dofsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-        memcpy( newspm->dofs, spm->dofs, dofsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+        newspm->dofs = (spm_int_t*)malloc(dofsize * sizeof(spm_int_t));
+        memcpy( newspm->dofs, spm->dofs, dofsize * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
     if(spm->values != NULL) {
-        valsize = valsize * pastix_size_of( spm->flttype );
+        valsize = valsize * spm_size_of( spm->flttype );
         newspm->values = malloc(valsize);
         memcpy( newspm->values, spm->values, valsize );
@@ -824,14 +833,14 @@ spmCopy( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-spmPrintInfo( const pastix_spm_t* spm, FILE *stream )
+spmPrintInfo( const spmatrix_t* spm, FILE *stream )
     char *mtxtypestr[4] = { "General", "Symmetric", "Hermitian", "Incorrect" };
     char *flttypestr[7] = { "Pattern", "", "Float", "Double", "Complex32", "Complex64", "Incorrect" };
     char *fmttypestr[4] = { "CSC", "CSR", "IJV", "Incorrect" };
-    int mtxtype = spm->mtxtype - PastixGeneral;
-    int flttype = spm->flttype - PastixPattern;
-    int fmttype = spm->fmttype - PastixCSC;
+    int mtxtype = spm->mtxtype - SpmGeneral;
+    int flttype = spm->flttype - SpmPattern;
+    int fmttype = spm->fmttype - SpmCSC;
     if (stream == NULL) {
         stream = stdout;
@@ -885,7 +894,7 @@ spmPrintInfo( const pastix_spm_t* spm, FILE *stream )
-spmPrint( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
+spmPrint( const spmatrix_t *spm,
           FILE               *stream )
     if (stream == NULL) {
@@ -894,19 +903,19 @@ spmPrint( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
         //return p_f, spmPrint(f, spm);
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         s_spmPrint(stream, spm);
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         c_spmPrint(stream, spm);
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         z_spmPrint(stream, spm);
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         d_spmPrint(stream, spm);
@@ -932,24 +941,24 @@ spmPrint( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
  *          The copy of the sparse matrix.
-pastix_spm_t *
-spmExpand( const pastix_spm_t* spm )
+spmatrix_t *
+spmExpand( const spmatrix_t* spm )
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
         return p_spmExpand(spm);
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         return s_spmExpand(spm);
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         return c_spmExpand(spm);
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         return z_spmExpand(spm);
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         return d_spmExpand(spm);
@@ -970,15 +979,15 @@ spmExpand( const pastix_spm_t* spm )
  * @param[in] trans
  *          Specifies whether the matrix spm is transposed, not transposed or conjugate transposed:
- *          - PastixTrans
- *          - PastixNoTrans
- *          - PastixConjTrans
+ *          - SpmTrans
+ *          - SpmNoTrans
+ *          - SpmConjTrans
  * @param[in] alpha
  *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha.
  * @param[in] spm
- *          The PastixGeneral spm.
+ *          The SpmGeneral spm.
  * @param[in] x
  *          The vector x.
@@ -991,39 +1000,39 @@ spmExpand( const pastix_spm_t* spm )
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-spmMatVec(       pastix_trans_t trans,
+spmMatVec(       spm_trans_t trans,
            const void          *alpha,
-           const pastix_spm_t  *spm,
+           const spmatrix_t  *spm,
            const void          *x,
            const void          *beta,
                  void          *y )
-    pastix_spm_t *espm = (pastix_spm_t*)spm;
-    int rc = PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    spmatrix_t *espm = (spmatrix_t*)spm;
+    int rc = SPM_SUCCESS;
-    if ( spm->fmttype != PastixCSC ) {
+    if ( spm->fmttype != SpmCSC ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
         espm = spmExpand( spm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         rc = s_spmCSCMatVec( trans, alpha, espm, x, beta, y );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         rc = c_spmCSCMatVec( trans, alpha, espm, x, beta, y );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         rc = z_spmCSCMatVec( trans, alpha, espm, x, beta, y );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         rc = d_spmCSCMatVec( trans, alpha, espm, x, beta, y );
@@ -1052,9 +1061,9 @@ spmMatVec(       pastix_trans_t trans,
  * @param[in] trans
  *          Specifies whether the matrix spm is transposed, not transposed or conjugate transposed:
- *          - PastixTrans
- *          - PastixNoTrans
- *          - PastixConjTrans
+ *          - SpmTrans
+ *          - SpmNoTrans
+ *          - SpmConjTrans
  * @param[in] n
  *          The number of columns of the matrices B and C.
@@ -1082,42 +1091,42 @@ spmMatVec(       pastix_trans_t trans,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-spmMatMat(       pastix_trans_t trans,
-                 pastix_int_t   n,
+spmMatMat(       spm_trans_t trans,
+                 spm_int_t   n,
            const void          *alpha,
-           const pastix_spm_t  *A,
+           const spmatrix_t  *A,
            const void          *B,
-                 pastix_int_t   ldb,
+                 spm_int_t   ldb,
            const void          *beta,
                  void          *C,
-                 pastix_int_t   ldc )
+                 spm_int_t   ldc )
-    pastix_spm_t *espm = (pastix_spm_t*)A;
-    int rc = PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    spmatrix_t *espm = (spmatrix_t*)A;
+    int rc = SPM_SUCCESS;
-    if ( A->fmttype != PastixCSC ) {
+    if ( A->fmttype != SpmCSC ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if ( A->dof != 1 ) {
         espm = spmExpand( A );
     switch (A->flttype) {
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         rc = s_spmCSCMatMat( trans, n, alpha, espm, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         rc = c_spmCSCMatMat( trans, n, alpha, espm, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         rc = z_spmCSCMatMat( trans, n, alpha, espm, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         rc = d_spmCSCMatMat( trans, n, alpha, espm, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc );
@@ -1141,11 +1150,11 @@ spmMatMat(       pastix_trans_t trans,
  * @param[in] type
  *          Defines how to compute the vector b.
- *          - PastixRhsOne:  b is computed such that x = 1 [ + I ]
- *          - PastixRhsI:    b is computed such that x = i [ + i * I ]
- *          - PastixRhsRndX: b is computed by matrix-vector product, such that
+ *          - SpmRhsOne:  b is computed such that x = 1 [ + I ]
+ *          - SpmRhsI:    b is computed such that x = i [ + i * I ]
+ *          - SpmRhsRndX: b is computed by matrix-vector product, such that
  *            is a random vector in the range [-0.5, 0.5]
- *          - PastixRhsRndB: b is computed randomly and x is not computed.
+ *          - SpmRhsRndB: b is computed randomly and x is not computed.
  * @param[in] nrhs
  *          Defines the number of right hand side that must be generated.
@@ -1172,26 +1181,26 @@ spmMatMat(       pastix_trans_t trans,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the b vector has been computed successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the b vector has been computed successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, pastix_int_t nrhs,
-           const pastix_spm_t  *spm,
-           void                *x, pastix_int_t ldx,
-           void                *b, pastix_int_t ldb )
+spmGenRHS( spm_rhstype_t type, spm_int_t nrhs,
+           const spmatrix_t  *spm,
+           void                *x, spm_int_t ldx,
+           void                *b, spm_int_t ldb )
-    static int (*ptrfunc[4])(pastix_rhstype_t, int,
-                             const pastix_spm_t *,
+    static int (*ptrfunc[4])(spm_rhstype_t, int,
+                             const spmatrix_t *,
                              void *, int, void *, int) =
             s_spmGenRHS, d_spmGenRHS, c_spmGenRHS, z_spmGenRHS
-    int id = spm->flttype - PastixFloat;
+    int id = spm->flttype - SpmFloat;
     if ( (id < 0) || (id > 3) ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     else {
         return ptrfunc[id](type, nrhs, spm, x, ldx, b, ldb );
@@ -1241,27 +1250,27 @@ spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, pastix_int_t nrhs,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the tests are succesfull
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the input matrix is incorrect
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the tests are succesfull
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if the input matrix is incorrect
  * @retval 1, if one of the test failed
-spmCheckAxb( double eps, pastix_int_t nrhs,
-             const pastix_spm_t  *spm,
-                   void *x0, pastix_int_t ldx0,
-                   void *b,  pastix_int_t ldb,
-             const void *x,  pastix_int_t ldx )
+spmCheckAxb( double eps, spm_int_t nrhs,
+             const spmatrix_t  *spm,
+                   void *x0, spm_int_t ldx0,
+                   void *b,  spm_int_t ldb,
+             const void *x,  spm_int_t ldx )
-    static int (*ptrfunc[4])( double, int, const pastix_spm_t *,
+    static int (*ptrfunc[4])( double, int, const spmatrix_t *,
                               void *, int, void *, int, const void *, int ) =
             s_spmCheckAxb, d_spmCheckAxb, c_spmCheckAxb, z_spmCheckAxb
-    int id = spm->flttype - PastixFloat;
+    int id = spm->flttype - SpmFloat;
     if ( (id < 0) || (id > 3) ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     else {
         return ptrfunc[id]( eps, nrhs, spm, x0, ldx0, b, ldb, x, ldx );
@@ -1285,22 +1294,22 @@ spmCheckAxb( double eps, pastix_int_t nrhs,
-spmScalMatrix(double alpha, pastix_spm_t* spm)
+spmScalMatrix(double alpha, spmatrix_t* spm)
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         s_spmScal((float)alpha, spm);
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         c_spmScal((float)alpha, spm);
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         z_spmScal(alpha, spm);
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         d_spmScal(alpha, spm);
@@ -1317,10 +1326,10 @@ spmScalMatrix(double alpha, pastix_spm_t* spm)
  * @param[in] flt
  *          Datatype of the elements in the vector that must be:
- *          @arg PastixFloat
- *          @arg PastixDouble
- *          @arg PastixComplex32
- *          @arg PastixComplex64
+ *          @arg SpmFloat
+ *          @arg SpmDouble
+ *          @arg SpmComplex32
+ *          @arg SpmComplex64
  * @param[in] n
  *          Number of elements in the input vectors
@@ -1337,26 +1346,26 @@ spmScalMatrix(double alpha, pastix_spm_t* spm)
-spmScalVector( pastix_coeftype_t flt,
+spmScalVector( spm_coeftype_t flt,
                double            alpha,
-               pastix_int_t      n,
+               spm_int_t      n,
                void             *x,
-               pastix_int_t      incx )
+               spm_int_t      incx )
     switch( flt )
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         cblas_sscal( n, (float)alpha, x, incx );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         cblas_csscal( n, (float)alpha, x, incx );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         cblas_zdscal( n, alpha, x, incx );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         cblas_dscal( n, alpha, x, incx );
diff --git a/src/spm_dof_extend.c b/src/spm_dof_extend.c
index 51510ec3..88fd4152 100644
--- a/src/spm_dof_extend.c
+++ b/src/spm_dof_extend.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
 #include "c_spm.h"
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@
- * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ * @ingroup spm_spm
  * @brief Generate a random multidof spm from a given spm (with dof=1).
@@ -48,20 +47,20 @@
  * @return the new multidof spm.
-pastix_spm_t *
-spmDofExtend( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
+spmatrix_t *
+spmDofExtend( const spmatrix_t *spm,
               const int           type,
               const int           dof )
-    pastix_spm_t *newspm;
+    spmatrix_t *newspm;
     /* Quick return */
     if ( dof == 1 )
-        return (pastix_spm_t *)spm;
+        return (spmatrix_t *)spm;
     if ( spm->dof != 1 ) {
-        pastix_print_error( "Cannot extend spm including dofs already\n" );
-        return (pastix_spm_t *)spm;
+        spm_print_error( "Cannot extend spm including dofs already\n" );
+        return (spmatrix_t *)spm;
     newspm = spmCopy( spm );
@@ -73,13 +72,13 @@ spmDofExtend( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
         newspm->dof = dof;
     else {
-        pastix_int_t i, dofi, baseval;
-        pastix_int_t *dofptr;
+        spm_int_t i, dofi, baseval;
+        spm_int_t *dofptr;
         baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
         newspm->dof  = -1;
-        newspm->dofs = malloc( (spm->n+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+        newspm->dofs = malloc( (spm->n+1) * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
         dofptr = newspm->dofs;
@@ -96,23 +95,23 @@ spmDofExtend( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
     spmUpdateComputedFields( newspm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         s_spmDofExtend( newspm );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         d_spmDofExtend( newspm );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         c_spmDofExtend( newspm );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         z_spmDofExtend( newspm );
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
diff --git a/src/spm_drivers.h b/src/spm_drivers.h
index 2a3cef11..2343b6f5 100644
--- a/src/spm_drivers.h
+++ b/src/spm_drivers.h
@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@
 #include "spm.h"
-void convertArrayToComplex64( pastix_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
-void convertArrayToComplex32( pastix_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
-void convertArrayToDouble(    pastix_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
-void convertArrayToFloat(     pastix_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
+void convertArrayToComplex64( spm_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
+void convertArrayToComplex32( spm_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
+void convertArrayToDouble(    spm_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
+void convertArrayToFloat(     spm_int_t n, const double *A, void **B );
-int readHB   ( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int readRSA  ( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int readIJV  ( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int readMM   ( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int readDMM  ( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int readPETSC( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int readCSCD ( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm, void **rhs, MPI_Comm pastix_comm );
-int genLaplacian( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int genExtendedLaplacian( const char *filename, pastix_spm_t *spm );
+int readHB   ( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int readRSA  ( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int readIJV  ( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int readMM   ( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int readDMM  ( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int readPETSC( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int readCSCD ( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm, void **rhs, MPI_Comm spm_comm );
+int genLaplacian( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
+int genExtendedLaplacian( const char *filename, spmatrix_t *spm );
 #endif /* _spm_drivers_h_ */
diff --git a/src/spm_gen_fake_values.c b/src/spm_gen_fake_values.c
index fa01704c..e1560e12 100644
--- a/src/spm_gen_fake_values.c
+++ b/src/spm_gen_fake_values.c
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
@@ -39,36 +38,36 @@
  * @return the number of diagonal elements found during the computation.
-static inline pastix_int_t
-spm_compute_degrees( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
-                     pastix_int_t *degrees )
+static inline spm_int_t
+spm_compute_degrees( const spmatrix_t *spm,
+                     spm_int_t *degrees )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
-    pastix_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t baseval;
-    pastix_int_t diagval = 0;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k;
+    spm_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
+    spm_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+    spm_int_t baseval;
+    spm_int_t diagval = 0;
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
-    memset( degrees, 0, spm->n * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+    memset( degrees, 0, spm->n * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
         colptr = spm->rowptr;
         rowptr = spm->colptr;
-        pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+        spm_attr_fallthrough;
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++) {
             for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++) {
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
                 if ( i != j ) {
                     degrees[j] += 1;
-                    if ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral ) {
+                    if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral ) {
                         degrees[i] += 1;
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ spm_compute_degrees( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
             i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ spm_compute_degrees( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
             if ( i != j ) {
                 degrees[j] += 1;
-                if ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral ) {
+                if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral ) {
                     degrees[i] += 1;
@@ -119,44 +118,44 @@ spm_compute_degrees( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
 static inline void
-spm_add_diag( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-              pastix_int_t  diagval )
+spm_add_diag( spmatrix_t *spm,
+              spm_int_t  diagval )
-    pastix_spm_t oldspm;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k;
-    pastix_int_t *oldcol = spm->colptr;
-    pastix_int_t *oldrow = spm->rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t *newrow, *newcol;
-    pastix_int_t baseval;
+    spmatrix_t oldspm;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k;
+    spm_int_t *oldcol = spm->colptr;
+    spm_int_t *oldrow = spm->rowptr;
+    spm_int_t *newrow, *newcol;
+    spm_int_t baseval;
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
-    memcpy( &oldspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t));
+    memcpy( &oldspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t));
     spm->nnz = oldspm.nnz + (spm->n - diagval);
-    newrow = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+    newrow = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
         oldcol = spm->rowptr;
         oldrow = spm->colptr;
         spm->colptr = newrow;
-        pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+        spm_attr_fallthrough;
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         newcol = oldcol;
-        if ( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC ) {
+        if ( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC ) {
             spm->rowptr = newrow;
         diagval = 0;
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, newcol++) {
-            pastix_int_t nbelt = newcol[1] - newcol[0];
+            spm_int_t nbelt = newcol[1] - newcol[0];
             int diag = 0;
-            memcpy( newrow, oldrow, nbelt * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+            memcpy( newrow, oldrow, nbelt * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
             newrow += nbelt;
             for(k=0; k<nbelt; k++, oldrow++) {
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ spm_add_diag( pastix_spm_t *spm,
         newcol[0] += diagval;
-        if ( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC ) {
+        if ( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC ) {
             free( oldspm.rowptr );
         else {
@@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ spm_add_diag( pastix_spm_t *spm,
         assert( diagval == spm->n );
-    case PastixIJV:
-        newcol = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+    case SpmIJV:
+        newcol = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
         spm->colptr = newcol;
         spm->rowptr = newrow;
@@ -234,15 +233,15 @@ spm_add_diag( pastix_spm_t *spm,
 static inline void
-spm_generate_fake_values( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-                          const pastix_int_t *degrees,
+spm_generate_fake_values( spmatrix_t *spm,
+                          const spm_int_t *degrees,
                           double alpha, double beta )
     double *values;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
-    pastix_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t baseval;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k;
+    spm_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
+    spm_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+    spm_int_t baseval;
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
@@ -251,14 +250,14 @@ spm_generate_fake_values( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
         colptr = spm->rowptr;
         rowptr = spm->colptr;
-        pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+        spm_attr_fallthrough;
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++) {
             for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++, values++) {
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -272,7 +271,7 @@ spm_generate_fake_values( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++, values++)
             i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -287,13 +286,13 @@ spm_generate_fake_values( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-    spm->flttype = PastixDouble;
+    spm->flttype = SpmDouble;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ * @ingroup spm_spm
  * @brief Generate the fake values array such that \[ M =  \alpha * D - \beta * A \]
@@ -307,13 +306,13 @@ spm_generate_fake_values( pastix_spm_t *spm,
-spmGenFakeValues( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmGenFakeValues( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t *degrees, diagval;
+    spm_int_t *degrees, diagval;
     double alpha = 10.;
     double beta  = 1.;
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixPattern );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmPattern );
     assert( spm->values == NULL );
     assert( spm->dof == 1 );
@@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ spmGenFakeValues( pastix_spm_t *spm )
      * Read environment values for alpha/beta
-        char *str = pastix_getenv( "PASTIX_FAKE_ALPHA" );
+        char *str = spm_getenv( "SPM_FAKE_ALPHA" );
         double value;
         if ( str != NULL ) {
@@ -331,10 +330,10 @@ spmGenFakeValues( pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 alpha = value;
-            pastix_cleanenv( str );
+            spm_cleanenv( str );
-        str = pastix_getenv( "PASTIX_FAKE_BETA" );
+        str = spm_getenv( "SPM_FAKE_BETA" );
         if ( str != NULL ) {
             value = strtod( str, NULL );
             if ( (value != HUGE_VAL) && (value != 0.) &&
@@ -342,11 +341,11 @@ spmGenFakeValues( pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 beta = value;
-            pastix_cleanenv( str );
+            spm_cleanenv( str );
-    degrees = malloc( spm->n * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    degrees = malloc( spm->n * sizeof(spm_int_t));
     diagval = spm_compute_degrees( spm, degrees );
     if ( diagval != spm->n ) {
         /* Diagonal elements must be added to the sparse matrix */
diff --git a/src/spm_integers.c b/src/spm_integers.c
index 2f5343dc..ef5b1e6a 100644
--- a/src/spm_integers.c
+++ b/src/spm_integers.c
@@ -15,18 +15,14 @@
  * @date 2013-06-24
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "common.h"
- * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ * @ingroup spm_spm
- * @brief Convert integer array to pastix_int_t format.
+ * @brief Convert integer array to spm_int_t format.
@@ -43,35 +39,35 @@
  *         or the original array if the types are identical.
-pastix_int_t *
-spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input )
+spm_int_t *
+spmIntConvert( spm_int_t n, int *input )
-    if (sizeof(pastix_int_t) != sizeof(int)) {
-        pastix_int_t *output, *tmpo;
+    if (sizeof(spm_int_t) != sizeof(int)) {
+        spm_int_t *output, *tmpo;
         int *tmpi, i;
-        output = malloc( n * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+        output = malloc( n * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
         tmpi = input;
         tmpo = output;
         for(i=0; i<n; i++, tmpi++, tmpo++) {
-            *tmpo = (pastix_int_t)(*tmpi);
+            *tmpo = (spm_int_t)(*tmpi);
         return output;
     else {
-        return (pastix_int_t*)input;
+        return (spm_int_t*)input;
- * @fn      void spmIntSort1Asc1(void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+ * @fn      void spmIntSort1Asc1(void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * Sorts in ascending order array of element composed of one single
- * pastix_int_t with a single key value.
+ * spm_int_t with a single key value.
@@ -85,14 +81,14 @@ spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input )
 #define INTSORTNAME                 spmIntSort1Asc1
-#define INTSORTSIZE                 (sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define INTSORTSIZE                 (sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)            do {			\
-        pastix_int_t t;						\
-        t = *((pastix_int_t *) (p));				\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p)) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q));	\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q)) = t;				\
+        spm_int_t t;						\
+        t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));				\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));	\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;				\
     } while (0)
-#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q)))
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((spm_int_t *) (p)) < *((spm_int_t *) (q)))
 #include "integer_sort.c"
@@ -103,11 +99,11 @@ spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input )
- * @fn      void spmIntSort2Asc1(void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+ * @fn      void spmIntSort2Asc1(void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * Sorts in ascending order array of element composed of two
- * pastix_int_t by ascending order. The first value is used as key.
+ * spm_int_t by ascending order. The first value is used as key.
@@ -121,17 +117,17 @@ spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input )
 #define INTSORTNAME                 spmIntSort2Asc1
-#define INTSORTSIZE                 (2 * sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define INTSORTSIZE                 (2 * sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)            do {				\
-        pastix_int_t t, u;						\
-        t = *((pastix_int_t *) (p));					\
-        u = *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1);				\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p)) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q));		\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1);	\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1) = u;				\
+        spm_int_t t, u;						\
+        t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));					\
+        u = *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1);				\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));		\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1) = *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1);	\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1) = u;				\
     } while (0)
-#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q)))
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((spm_int_t *) (p)) < *((spm_int_t *) (q)))
 #include "integer_sort.c"
@@ -142,11 +138,11 @@ spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input )
- * @fn      void spmIntSort3Asc1(void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+ * @fn      void spmIntSort3Asc1(void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * @brief Sorts in ascending order array of element composed of three
- * pastix_int_t by ascending order. The first value is used as key.
+ * spm_int_t by ascending order. The first value is used as key.
@@ -159,24 +155,24 @@ spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input )
 /* Declare here for now, because unused */
-void spmIntSort3Asc1(void *const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+void spmIntSort3Asc1(void *const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
 #define INTSORTNAME                 spmIntSort3Asc1
-#define INTSORTSIZE                 (3 * sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define INTSORTSIZE                 (3 * sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)            do {				\
-        pastix_int_t t, u, v;						\
-        t = *((pastix_int_t *) (p));					\
-        u = *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1);				\
-        v = *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 2);				\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p)) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q));		\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1);	\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 2) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 2);	\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1) = u;				\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 2) = v;				\
+        spm_int_t t, u, v;						\
+        t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));					\
+        u = *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1);				\
+        v = *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 2);				\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));		\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1) = *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1);	\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 2) = *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 2);	\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1) = u;				\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 2) = v;				\
     } while (0)
-#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q)))
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((spm_int_t *) (p)) < *((spm_int_t *) (q)))
 #include "integer_sort.c"
@@ -187,10 +183,10 @@ void spmIntSort3Asc1(void *const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
- * @fn      void spmIntSort2Asc2(void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+ * @fn      void spmIntSort2Asc2(void * const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * @brief Sorts in ascending order array of element composed of two
- * pastix_int_t by ascending order. Both values are used as key.
+ * spm_int_t by ascending order. Both values are used as key.
@@ -204,17 +200,17 @@ void spmIntSort3Asc1(void *const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
 #define INTSORTNAME                 spmIntSort2Asc2
-#define INTSORTSIZE                 (2 * sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define INTSORTSIZE                 (2 * sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)            do {				\
-        pastix_int_t t, u;						\
-        t = *((pastix_int_t *) (p));					\
-        u = *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1);				\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p)) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q));		\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1);	\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1) = u;				\
+        spm_int_t t, u;						\
+        t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));					\
+        u = *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1);				\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));		\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1) = *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1);	\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;					\
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1) = u;				\
     } while (0)
-#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             ((*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q))) || ((*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) == *((pastix_int_t *) (q))) && (*((pastix_int_t *) (p) + 1) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q) + 1))))
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             ((*((spm_int_t *) (p)) < *((spm_int_t *) (q))) || ((*((spm_int_t *) (p)) == *((spm_int_t *) (q))) && (*((spm_int_t *) (p) + 1) < *((spm_int_t *) (q) + 1))))
 #include "integer_sort.c"
@@ -225,12 +221,12 @@ void spmIntSort3Asc1(void *const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
- * @fn      void spmIntMSortIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+ * @fn      void spmIntMSortIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * @brief Sort 2 arrays simultaneously, the first array is an array of
- * pastix_int_t and used as primary key for sorting.  The second array is an
- * other array of pastix_int_t used as secondary key.
+ * spm_int_t and used as primary key for sorting.  The second array is an
+ * other array of spm_int_t used as secondary key.
@@ -243,30 +239,30 @@ void spmIntSort3Asc1(void *const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
 /* Declare here for now, because unused */
-void spmIntMSortIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+void spmIntMSortIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
 #define INTSORTNAME            spmIntMSortIntAsc
-#define INTSORTSIZE(x)         (sizeof (pastix_int_t))
+#define INTSORTSIZE(x)         (sizeof (spm_int_t))
 #define INTSORTNTAB            2
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)       do {                                     \
-        pastix_int_t     t;                                             \
-        long    disp_p   = (((pastix_int_t*)p)-((pastix_int_t*)base_ptr)); \
-        long    disp_q   = (((pastix_int_t*)q)-((pastix_int_t*)base_ptr)); \
-        pastix_int_t   * int2ptr  = *(pbase+1);                         \
+        spm_int_t     t;                                             \
+        long    disp_p   = (((spm_int_t*)p)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr)); \
+        long    disp_q   = (((spm_int_t*)q)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr)); \
+        spm_int_t   * int2ptr  = *(pbase+1);                         \
         /* swap integers */                                             \
-        t = *((pastix_int_t *) (p));                                    \
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (p)) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q));              \
-        *((pastix_int_t *) (q)) = t;                                    \
+        t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));                                    \
+        *((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));              \
+        *((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;                                    \
         /* swap on second integer array */                              \
         t = int2ptr[disp_p];                                            \
         int2ptr[disp_p] = int2ptr[disp_q];                              \
         int2ptr[disp_q] = t;                                            \
     } while (0)
-#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)  ((*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q))) || \
-                          ((*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) == *((pastix_int_t *) (q))) && \
-                           ((( pastix_int_t *)(*(pbase+1)))[(((pastix_int_t*)p)-((pastix_int_t*)base_ptr))] < \
-                            (( pastix_int_t *)(*(pbase+1)))[(((pastix_int_t*)q)-((pastix_int_t*)base_ptr))])))
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)  ((*((spm_int_t *) (p)) < *((spm_int_t *) (q))) || \
+                          ((*((spm_int_t *) (p)) == *((spm_int_t *) (q))) && \
+                           ((( spm_int_t *)(*(pbase+1)))[(((spm_int_t*)p)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr))] < \
+                            (( spm_int_t *)(*(pbase+1)))[(((spm_int_t*)q)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr))])))
 #include "integer_sort_mtypes.c"
@@ -278,11 +274,11 @@ void spmIntMSortIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
- * @fn      void spmIntMSortSmallIntAsc(void **const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+ * @fn      void spmIntMSortSmallIntAsc(void **const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * @brief Sort 2 arrays simultaneously, the first array is an array of
- * pastix_int_t and used as primary key for sorting.  The second array is an
- * other array of pastix_int_t used as secondary key.
+ * spm_int_t and used as primary key for sorting.  The second array is an
+ * other array of spm_int_t used as secondary key.
@@ -295,7 +291,7 @@ void spmIntMSortIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
 /* Declare here for now, because unused */
-void spmIntMSortSmallIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+void spmIntMSortSmallIntAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
 #define INTSORTNAME            spmIntMSortSmallIntAsc
diff --git a/src/spm_io.c b/src/spm_io.c
index bdd7c774..053e50eb 100644
--- a/src/spm_io.c
+++ b/src/spm_io.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
@@ -37,30 +36,30 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
 static inline int
 readArrayOfInteger( FILE         *stream,
-                    pastix_int_t  n,
-                    pastix_int_t *array )
+                    spm_int_t  n,
+                    spm_int_t *array )
     long tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Read 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<(n-3); i+=4)
         if (4 != fscanf(stream, "%ld %ld %ld %ld", &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
-        array[i+2] = (pastix_int_t)tmp3;
-        array[i+3] = (pastix_int_t)tmp4;
+        array[i  ] = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        array[i+1] = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
+        array[i+2] = (spm_int_t)tmp3;
+        array[i+3] = (spm_int_t)tmp4;
     assert( n-i < 4 );
@@ -68,34 +67,34 @@ readArrayOfInteger( FILE         *stream,
     case 3:
         if (3 != fscanf(stream, "%ld %ld %ld", &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
-        array[i+2] = (pastix_int_t)tmp3;
+        array[i  ] = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        array[i+1] = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
+        array[i+2] = (spm_int_t)tmp3;
     case 2:
         if (2 != fscanf(stream, "%ld %ld", &tmp1, &tmp2)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_int_t)tmp2;
+        array[i  ] = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
+        array[i+1] = (spm_int_t)tmp2;
     case 1:
         if (1 != fscanf(stream, "%ld", &tmp1)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_int_t)tmp1;
+        array[i  ] = (spm_int_t)tmp1;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -118,18 +117,18 @@ readArrayOfInteger( FILE         *stream,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
 static inline int
 readArrayOfComplex64( FILE               *stream,
-                      pastix_int_t        n,
-                      pastix_complex64_t *array )
+                      spm_int_t        n,
+                      spm_complex64_t *array )
     double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
     double tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Read 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<(n-3); i+=4)
@@ -137,13 +136,13 @@ readArrayOfComplex64( FILE               *stream,
         if (8 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4,
                         &tmp5, &tmp6, &tmp7, &tmp8)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
-        array[i+2] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
-        array[i+3] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp7 + I * tmp8);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i+1] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
+        array[i+2] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
+        array[i+3] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp7 + I * tmp8);
     assert( n-i < 4 );
@@ -153,35 +152,35 @@ readArrayOfComplex64( FILE               *stream,
         if (6 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4,
                         &tmp5, &tmp6)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
-        array[i+2] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i+1] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
+        array[i+2] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
     case 2:
         if (4 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg %lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i+1] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
     case 1:
         if (2 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex64_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -204,18 +203,18 @@ readArrayOfComplex64( FILE               *stream,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
 static inline int
 readArrayOfComplex32( FILE               *stream,
-                      pastix_int_t        n,
-                      pastix_complex32_t *array )
+                      spm_int_t        n,
+                      spm_complex32_t *array )
     float tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
     float tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Read 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<(n-3); i+=4)
@@ -223,13 +222,13 @@ readArrayOfComplex32( FILE               *stream,
         if (8 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4,
                         &tmp5, &tmp6, &tmp7, &tmp8)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
-        array[i+2] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
-        array[i+3] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp7 + I * tmp8);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i+1] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
+        array[i+2] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
+        array[i+3] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp7 + I * tmp8);
     assert( n-i < 4 );
@@ -239,35 +238,35 @@ readArrayOfComplex32( FILE               *stream,
         if (6 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g %g %g %g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4,
                         &tmp5, &tmp6)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
-        array[i+2] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i+1] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
+        array[i+2] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp5 + I * tmp6);
     case 2:
         if (4 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g %g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-        array[i+1] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i+1] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp3 + I * tmp4);
     case 1:
         if (2 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-        array[i  ] = (pastix_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
+        array[i  ] = (spm_complex32_t)(tmp1 + I * tmp2);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -290,25 +289,25 @@ readArrayOfComplex32( FILE               *stream,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
 static inline int
 readArrayOfDouble( FILE         *stream,
-                   pastix_int_t  n,
+                   spm_int_t  n,
                    double       *array )
     double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Read 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<(n-3); i+=4)
         if (4 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg %lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (double)(tmp1);
         array[i+1] = (double)(tmp2);
@@ -322,8 +321,8 @@ readArrayOfDouble( FILE         *stream,
     case 3:
         if (1 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (double)(tmp1);
         array[i+1] = (double)(tmp2);
@@ -333,8 +332,8 @@ readArrayOfDouble( FILE         *stream,
     case 2:
         if (2 != fscanf(stream, "%lg %lg",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (double)(tmp1);
         array[i+1] = (double)(tmp2);
@@ -343,14 +342,14 @@ readArrayOfDouble( FILE         *stream,
     case 1:
         if (1 != fscanf(stream, "%lg",
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (double)(tmp1);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -374,25 +373,25 @@ readArrayOfDouble( FILE         *stream,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the read happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
 static inline int
 readArrayOfFloat( FILE         *stream,
-                  pastix_int_t  n,
+                  spm_int_t  n,
                   float        *array )
     float tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Read 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<(n-3); i+=4)
         if (4 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g %g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (float)(tmp1);
         array[i+1] = (float)(tmp2);
@@ -406,8 +405,8 @@ readArrayOfFloat( FILE         *stream,
     case 3:
         if (3 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (float)(tmp1);
         array[i+1] = (float)(tmp2);
@@ -417,8 +416,8 @@ readArrayOfFloat( FILE         *stream,
     case 2:
         if (2 != fscanf(stream, "%g %g",
                         &tmp1, &tmp2)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (float)(tmp1);
         array[i+1] = (float)(tmp2);
@@ -426,20 +425,20 @@ readArrayOfFloat( FILE         *stream,
     case 1:
         if (1 != fscanf(stream, "%g", &tmp1)){
-            errorPrint("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error("spmLoad: Wrong input format");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         array[i  ] = (float)(tmp1);
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ * @ingroup spm_spm
  * @brief Load the spm structure from a file (internal format).
@@ -456,25 +455,25 @@ readArrayOfFloat( FILE         *stream,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the load happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the load happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_FILE if the input format is incorrect.
-spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
+spmLoad( spmatrix_t  *spm,
          FILE          *infile )
-    pastix_int_t colsize=0, rowsize=0;
+    spm_int_t colsize=0, rowsize=0;
     char line[256], *test;
-    int rc = PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    int rc = SPM_SUCCESS;
     int local_stream = 0;
     if ( infile == NULL ) {
         infile = fopen( "matrix.spm", "r" );
         if ( infile == NULL ) {
-            pastix_print_error( "spmLoad: Impossible to open the file matrix.spm\n");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error( "spmLoad: Impossible to open the file matrix.spm\n");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         local_stream = 1;
@@ -486,7 +485,7 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
     do {
         test = fgets( line, 256, infile );
         if ( test != line ) {
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
     while( line[0] == '#' );
@@ -501,12 +500,12 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
         if ( 10 != sscanf( line, "%d %d %d %d %ld %ld %ld %d %ld %d\n",
                            &version, &mtxtype, &flttype, &fmttype,
                            &gN, &n, &nnz, &dof, &nnzexp, &layout ) ) {
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         /* Handle only version 1 for now */
         if (version != 1) {
-            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+            return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
         spm->mtxtype = mtxtype;
@@ -525,15 +524,15 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         colsize = spm->n + 1;
         rowsize = spm->nnz;
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         colsize = spm->nnz;
         rowsize = spm->n + 1;
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         colsize = spm->nnz;
         rowsize = spm->nnz;
@@ -542,18 +541,18 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
      * Read colptr
-    spm->colptr = malloc( colsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+    spm->colptr = malloc( colsize * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
     rc = readArrayOfInteger( infile, colsize, spm->colptr );
-    if (rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS ) {
+    if (rc != SPM_SUCCESS ) {
         return rc;
      * Read rowptr
-    spm->rowptr = malloc( rowsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+    spm->rowptr = malloc( rowsize * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
     rc = readArrayOfInteger( infile, rowsize, spm->rowptr );
-    if (rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS ) {
+    if (rc != SPM_SUCCESS ) {
         return rc;
@@ -564,9 +563,9 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
         spm->dofs = NULL;
     else {
-        spm->dofs = malloc( (spm->n+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+        spm->dofs = malloc( (spm->n+1) * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
         rc = readArrayOfInteger( infile, spm->n+1, spm->dofs );
-        if (rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS ) {
+        if (rc != SPM_SUCCESS ) {
             return rc;
@@ -578,9 +577,9 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
         spm->loc2glob = NULL;
     else {
-        spm->loc2glob = malloc( spm->n * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+        spm->loc2glob = malloc( spm->n * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
         rc = readArrayOfInteger( infile, spm->n, spm->dofs );
-        if (rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS ) {
+        if (rc != SPM_SUCCESS ) {
             return rc;
@@ -588,26 +587,26 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
      * Read values
-    if (spm->flttype == PastixPattern ) {
+    if (spm->flttype == SpmPattern ) {
         spm->values = NULL;
     else {
-        spm->values = malloc( spm->nnzexp * pastix_size_of( spm->flttype ) );
+        spm->values = malloc( spm->nnzexp * spm_size_of( spm->flttype ) );
     switch( spm->flttype ) {
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         rc = readArrayOfFloat( infile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         rc = readArrayOfDouble( infile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         rc = readArrayOfComplex32( infile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         rc = readArrayOfComplex64( infile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
@@ -639,15 +638,15 @@ spmLoad( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
- * @return   PASTIX_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
+ * @return   SPM_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
 static inline int
 writeArrayOfComplex64( FILE                     *outfile,
-                       pastix_int_t              n,
-                       const pastix_complex64_t *array )
+                       spm_int_t              n,
+                       const spm_complex64_t *array )
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Write 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
@@ -657,7 +656,7 @@ writeArrayOfComplex64( FILE                     *outfile,
     if ((i-1)%4 !=3) fprintf(outfile, "\n");
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -680,15 +679,15 @@ writeArrayOfComplex64( FILE                     *outfile,
- * @return   PASTIX_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
+ * @return   SPM_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
 static inline int
 writeArrayOfComplex32( FILE                     *outfile,
-                       pastix_int_t              n,
-                       const pastix_complex32_t *array )
+                       spm_int_t              n,
+                       const spm_complex32_t *array )
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Write 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
@@ -698,7 +697,7 @@ writeArrayOfComplex32( FILE                     *outfile,
     if ((i-1)%4 !=3) fprintf(outfile, "\n");
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -721,15 +720,15 @@ writeArrayOfComplex32( FILE                     *outfile,
- * @return   PASTIX_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
+ * @return   SPM_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
 static inline int
 writeArrayOfDouble( FILE         *outfile,
-                    pastix_int_t  n,
+                    spm_int_t  n,
                     const double *array )
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Write 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
@@ -739,7 +738,7 @@ writeArrayOfDouble( FILE         *outfile,
     if ((i-1)%4 !=3) fprintf(outfile, "\n");
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -762,16 +761,16 @@ writeArrayOfDouble( FILE         *outfile,
- * @return   PASTIX_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
+ * @return   SPM_SUCCESS if the write happened successfully.
 static inline int
 writeArrayOfFloat( FILE         *outfile,
-                   pastix_int_t  n,
+                   spm_int_t  n,
                    const float  *array )
-    pastix_int_t i;
+    spm_int_t i;
     /* Write 4 by 4 */
     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
@@ -781,13 +780,13 @@ writeArrayOfFloat( FILE         *outfile,
     if ((i-1)%4 !=3) fprintf(outfile, "\n");
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
- * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ * @ingroup spm_spm
  * @brief Save the spm structure into a file (internal format).
@@ -803,21 +802,21 @@ writeArrayOfFloat( FILE         *outfile,
- * @return  PASTIX_SUCCESS if the save happened successfully.
+ * @return  SPM_SUCCESS if the save happened successfully.
-spmSave( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
+spmSave( const spmatrix_t *spm,
          FILE               *outfile )
-    pastix_int_t i, colsize, rowsize;
+    spm_int_t i, colsize, rowsize;
     int local_stream = 0;
     if ( outfile == NULL ) {
         outfile = fopen( "matrix.spm", "w" );
         if ( outfile == NULL ) {
-            pastix_print_error( "spmSave: Impossible to open the file matrix.spm\n");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            spm_print_error( "spmSave: Impossible to open the file matrix.spm\n");
+            return SPM_ERR_FILE;
         local_stream = 1;
@@ -834,15 +833,15 @@ spmSave( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
              (int)spm->dof, (long)spm->nnzexp, spm->layout );
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         colsize = spm->n + 1;
         rowsize = spm->nnz;
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         colsize = spm->nnz;
         rowsize = spm->n + 1;
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         colsize = spm->nnz;
         rowsize = spm->nnz;
@@ -899,18 +898,18 @@ spmSave( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
      * Write values
     switch( spm->flttype ) {
-    case PastixPattern:
+    case SpmPattern:
-    case PastixFloat:
+    case SpmFloat:
         writeArrayOfFloat( outfile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
-    case PastixDouble:
+    case SpmDouble:
         writeArrayOfDouble( outfile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
-    case PastixComplex32:
+    case SpmComplex32:
         writeArrayOfComplex32( outfile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
-    case PastixComplex64:
+    case SpmComplex64:
         writeArrayOfComplex64( outfile, spm->nnzexp, spm->values );
@@ -918,5 +917,5 @@ spmSave( const pastix_spm_t *spm,
     if (local_stream) {
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/spm_read_driver.c b/src/spm_read_driver.c
index f2f1f9d8..1077595c 100644
--- a/src/spm_read_driver.c
+++ b/src/spm_read_driver.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "spm_drivers.h"
 #if defined(HAVE_SCOTCH)
 #include <scotch.h>
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
- * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ * @ingroup spm_spm
  * @brief Import a matrix file into a spm structure.
@@ -36,14 +35,14 @@
  * @param[in] driver
  *          This defines the driver to use to create the spm structure:
- *          - PastixDriverRSA
- *          - PastixDriverHB
- *          - PastixDriverIJV
- *          - PastixDriverMM
- *          - PastixDriverLaplacian
- *          - PastixDriverXLaplacian
- *          - PastixDriverGraph
- *          - PastixDriverSPM
+ *          - SpmDriverRSA
+ *          - SpmDriverHB
+ *          - SpmDriverIJV
+ *          - SpmDriverMM
+ *          - SpmDriverLaplacian
+ *          - SpmDriverXLaplacian
+ *          - SpmDriverGraph
+ *          - SpmDriverSPM
  * @param[in] filename
  *          The name of the file that stores the matrix (see driver).
@@ -59,74 +58,75 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the file reading happened successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one the parameter is incorrect.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the file reading happened successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one the parameter is incorrect.
-spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
+spmReadDriver( spm_driver_t  driver,
                const char      *filename,
-               pastix_spm_t    *spm,
+               spmatrix_t    *spm,
                MPI_Comm         comm )
     int mpirank = 0;
-    int mpiinit;
+    /* int mpiinit; */
-    MPI_Initialized( &mpiinit );
-    if (mpiinit) {
-        MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &mpirank );
-    }
+    /* MPI_Initialized( &mpiinit ); */
+    /* if (mpiinit) { */
+    /*     MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &mpirank ); */
+    /* } */
+    mpirank = 0;
     if ( mpirank == 0 )
-        case PastixDriverRSA:
+#if defined(SPM_WITH_FORTRAN)
+        case SpmDriverRSA:
             readRSA( filename, spm );
-        case PastixDriverHB:
+        case SpmDriverHB:
             /* TODO: Possible to read the RHS, the solution or a guess of the solution */
             readHB( filename, spm );
-        case PastixDriverIJV:
+        case SpmDriverIJV:
             readIJV( filename, spm );
-        case PastixDriverMM:
+        case SpmDriverMM:
             readMM( filename, spm );
-        case PastixDriverLaplacian:
+        case SpmDriverLaplacian:
             genLaplacian( filename, spm );
-        case PastixDriverXLaplacian:
+        case SpmDriverXLaplacian:
             genExtendedLaplacian( filename, spm );
-        case PastixDriverSPM:
+        case SpmDriverSPM:
             FILE *file = fopen( filename, "r" );
             if ( file == NULL ) {
-                pastix_print_error("spmReadDriver: impossible to open the file %s\n", filename );
-                return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+                fprintf( stderr,"spmReadDriver: impossible to open the file %s\n", filename );
+                return SPM_ERR_FILE;
-            if ( spmLoad( spm, file ) != PASTIX_SUCCESS ) {
-                pastix_print_error("spmReadDriver: error while reading the file %s\n", filename );
-                return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+            if ( spmLoad( spm, file ) != SPM_SUCCESS ) {
+                fprintf( stderr,"spmReadDriver: error while reading the file %s\n", filename );
+                return SPM_ERR_FILE;
             fclose( file );
-        case PastixDriverGraph:
+        case SpmDriverGraph:
 #if defined(HAVE_SCOTCH)
             SCOTCH_Graph sgraph;
@@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
             file = fopen( filename, "r" );
             if ( file == NULL ) {
-                pastix_print_error("spmReadDriver: impossible to open the file %s\n", filename );
-                return PASTIX_ERR_FILE;
+                fprintf( stderr,"spmReadDriver: impossible to open the file %s\n", filename );
+                return SPM_ERR_FILE;
             /* Check integer compatibility */
-            if (sizeof(pastix_int_t) != sizeof(SCOTCH_Num)) {
-                pastix_print_error("Inconsistent integer type\n");
+            if (sizeof(spm_int_t) != sizeof(SCOTCH_Num)) {
+                fprintf( stderr,"Inconsistent integer type\n");
-                return PASTIX_ERR_INTEGER_TYPE;
+                return SPM_ERR_INTEGER_TYPE;
             SCOTCH_graphLoad( &sgraph, file, 1, 0 );
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
                               &(spm->nnz), &(spm->rowptr), NULL );
-            spm->mtxtype = PastixGeneral;
-            spm->flttype = PastixPattern;
-            spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+            spm->mtxtype = SpmGeneral;
+            spm->flttype = SpmPattern;
+            spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
             spm->dof = 1;
             spmUpdateComputedFields( spm );
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
             fprintf(stderr, "Scotch driver to read graph file unavailable.\n"
                     "Compile with Scotch support to provide it\n");
-            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+            return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
@@ -170,35 +170,35 @@ spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
-    if ( mpiinit )
-    {
-        pastix_int_t nnz = spm->nnz;
-        MPI_Bcast( spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t), MPI_CHAR, 0, comm );
-        MPI_Bcast( &nnz, 1, PASTIX_MPI_INT, 0, comm );
-        if ( mpirank != 0 )
-        {
-            spm->colptr = (pastix_int_t *) malloc((spm->gN+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-            spm->rowptr = (pastix_int_t *) malloc(nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-            spm->loc2glob = NULL;
-            spm->loc2glob = NULL;
-        }
-        MPI_Bcast( spm->colptr, spm->gN+1, PASTIX_MPI_INT, 0, comm );
-        MPI_Bcast( spm->rowptr, nnz,       PASTIX_MPI_INT, 0, comm );
-        if ( spm->flttype != PastixPattern ) {
-            size_t eltsize = pastix_size_of( spm->flttype );
-            if ( mpirank != 0 ) {
-                spm->values = (void *) malloc(nnz * eltsize);
-            }
-            MPI_Bcast( spm->values, nnz * eltsize, MPI_CHAR, 0, comm );
-        }
-    }
+    /* if ( mpiinit ) */
+    /* { */
+    /*     spm_int_t nnz = spm->nnz; */
+    /*     MPI_Bcast( spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t), MPI_CHAR, 0, comm ); */
+    /*     MPI_Bcast( &nnz, 1, SPM_MPI_INT, 0, comm ); */
+    /*     if ( mpirank != 0 ) */
+    /*     { */
+    /*         spm->colptr = (spm_int_t *) malloc((spm->gN+1) * sizeof(spm_int_t)); */
+    /*         spm->rowptr = (spm_int_t *) malloc(nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t)); */
+    /*         spm->loc2glob = NULL; */
+    /*         spm->loc2glob = NULL; */
+    /*     } */
+    /*     MPI_Bcast( spm->colptr, spm->gN+1, SPM_MPI_INT, 0, comm ); */
+    /*     MPI_Bcast( spm->rowptr, nnz,       SPM_MPI_INT, 0, comm ); */
+    /*     if ( spm->flttype != SpmPattern ) { */
+    /*         size_t eltsize = spm_size_of( spm->flttype ); */
+    /*         if ( mpirank != 0 ) { */
+    /*             spm->values = (void *) malloc(nnz * eltsize); */
+    /*         } */
+    /*         MPI_Bcast( spm->values, nnz * eltsize, MPI_CHAR, 0, comm ); */
+    /*     } */
+    /* } */
     spmUpdateComputedFields( spm );
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/z_spm.c b/src/z_spm.c
index cf1806a4..34e59f5a 100644
--- a/src/z_spm.c
+++ b/src/z_spm.c
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
+#include <string.h>
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
-z_spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmSort( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t       *colptr = spm->colptr;
-    pastix_int_t       *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    pastix_complex64_t *values = spm->values;
+    spm_int_t       *colptr = spm->colptr;
+    spm_int_t       *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+    spm_complex64_t *values = spm->values;
     void *sortptr[2];
-    pastix_int_t n = spm->n;
-    pastix_int_t i, size;
+    spm_int_t n = spm->n;
+    spm_int_t i, size;
     if (spm->dof > 1){
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ z_spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     /* Sort in place each subset */
-    if ( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC ) {
+    if ( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC ) {
         for (i=0; i<n; i++, colptr++)
             size = colptr[1] - colptr[0];
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ z_spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm )
             values += size;
-    else if ( spm->fmttype == PastixCSR ) {
+    else if ( spm->fmttype == SpmCSR ) {
         for (i=0; i<n; i++, rowptr++)
             size = rowptr[1] - rowptr[0];
@@ -113,21 +113,21 @@ z_spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @return The number of vertices that were merged
-z_spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmMergeDuplicate( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t       *colptr = spm->colptr;
-    pastix_int_t       *oldrow = spm->rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t       *newrow = spm->rowptr;
-    pastix_complex64_t *newval = spm->values;
-    pastix_complex64_t *oldval = spm->values;
-    pastix_int_t n       = spm->n;
-    pastix_int_t baseval = spm->colptr[0];
-    pastix_int_t dof2    = spm->dof * spm->dof;
-    pastix_int_t idx, i, j, d, size;
-    pastix_int_t merge = 0;
-    if ( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC ) {
+    spm_int_t       *colptr = spm->colptr;
+    spm_int_t       *oldrow = spm->rowptr;
+    spm_int_t       *newrow = spm->rowptr;
+    spm_complex64_t *newval = spm->values;
+    spm_complex64_t *oldval = spm->values;
+    spm_int_t n       = spm->n;
+    spm_int_t baseval = spm->colptr[0];
+    spm_int_t dof2    = spm->dof * spm->dof;
+    spm_int_t idx, i, j, d, size;
+    spm_int_t merge = 0;
+    if ( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC ) {
         idx = 0;
         for (i=0; i<n; i++, colptr++)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ z_spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 if ( newrow != oldrow ) {
                     newrow[0] = oldrow[0];
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                    memcpy( newval, oldval, dof2 * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+                    memcpy( newval, oldval, dof2 * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ z_spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm )
             spm->nnz = spm->nnz - merge;
             spm->gnnz = spm->nnz;
-            newrow = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
-            memcpy( newrow, spm->rowptr, spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+            newrow = malloc( spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
+            memcpy( newrow, spm->rowptr, spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
             spm->rowptr = newrow;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-            newval = malloc( spm->nnz * dof2 * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
-            memcpy( newval, spm->values, spm->nnz * dof2 * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+            newval = malloc( spm->nnz * dof2 * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
+            memcpy( newval, spm->values, spm->nnz * dof2 * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
             spm->values = newval;
@@ -206,24 +206,24 @@ z_spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @retval Return the number of entries added to the matrix.
-z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmSymmetrize( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_complex64_t *oldval, *valtmp, *newval = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t *oldcol, *coltmp, *newcol = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t *oldrow, *rowtmp, *newrow = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t *toaddtab = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t *toaddtmp, toaddcnt, toaddsze;
-    pastix_int_t  n       = spm->n;
-    pastix_int_t  dof2    = spm->dof * spm->dof;
-    pastix_int_t  i, j, k, r, size;
-    pastix_int_t  baseval;
+    spm_complex64_t *oldval, *valtmp, *newval = NULL;
+    spm_int_t *oldcol, *coltmp, *newcol = NULL;
+    spm_int_t *oldrow, *rowtmp, *newrow = NULL;
+    spm_int_t *toaddtab = NULL;
+    spm_int_t *toaddtmp, toaddcnt, toaddsze;
+    spm_int_t  n       = spm->n;
+    spm_int_t  dof2    = spm->dof * spm->dof;
+    spm_int_t  i, j, k, r, size;
+    spm_int_t  baseval;
     toaddcnt = 0;
     toaddsze = 0;
-    if ( (spm->fmttype == PastixCSC) || (spm->fmttype == PastixCSR) ) {
-        if (spm->fmttype == PastixCSC) {
+    if ( (spm->fmttype == SpmCSC) || (spm->fmttype == SpmCSR) ) {
+        if (spm->fmttype == SpmCSC) {
             oldcol = spm->colptr;
             coltmp = spm->colptr;
             oldrow = spm->rowptr;
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 j = rowtmp[0]-baseval;
                 if ( i != j ) {
                     /* Look for the element (j, i) */
-                    pastix_int_t frow = oldcol[ j ] - baseval;
-                    pastix_int_t lrow = oldcol[ j+1 ] - baseval;
+                    spm_int_t frow = oldcol[ j ] - baseval;
+                    spm_int_t lrow = oldcol[ j+1 ] - baseval;
                     int found = 0;
                     for (k = frow; (k < lrow); k++)
@@ -265,19 +265,19 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
                     if ( !found ) {
                         if ( newcol == NULL ) {
-                            newcol = malloc( (spm->n+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+                            newcol = malloc( (spm->n+1) * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
                             for (k=0; k<spm->n; k++) {
                                 newcol[k] = oldcol[k+1] - oldcol[k];
                             /* Let's start with a buffer that will contain 5% of extra elements */
-                            toaddsze = pastix_imax( 0.05 * (double)spm->nnz, 1 );
-                            MALLOC_INTERN(toaddtab, 2*toaddsze, pastix_int_t);
+                            toaddsze = spm_imax( 0.05 * (double)spm->nnz, 1 );
+                            toaddtab = malloc( 2*toaddsze * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
                         if (toaddcnt >= toaddsze) {
                             toaddsze *= 2;
-                            toaddtab = (pastix_int_t*)memRealloc(toaddtab, 2*toaddsze*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+                            toaddtab = (spm_int_t*)realloc( toaddtab, 2*toaddsze*sizeof(spm_int_t) );
                         /* Newcol stores the number of elements per column */
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
         if (toaddcnt > 0) {
-            pastix_int_t newsize, oldsize;
+            spm_int_t newsize, oldsize;
             /* Sort the array per column */
             spmIntSort2Asc1(toaddtab, toaddcnt);
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
             spm->nnz = spm->nnz + toaddcnt;
             spm->gnnz = spm->nnz;
-            newrow = malloc( spm->nnz        * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+            newrow = malloc( spm->nnz        * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-            newval = malloc( spm->nnz * dof2 * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+            newval = malloc( spm->nnz * dof2 * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
             coltmp = newcol;
             rowtmp = newrow;
@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 /* Copy the existing elements */
                 oldsize = oldcol[1] - oldcol[0];
-                memcpy( rowtmp, oldrow, oldsize * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
+                memcpy( rowtmp, oldrow, oldsize * sizeof(spm_int_t) );
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                memcpy( valtmp, oldval, oldsize * dof2 * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+                memcpy( valtmp, oldval, oldsize * dof2 * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
                 oldrow += oldsize;
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
                     /* Add 0.s for the associated values */
-                    memset( valtmp, 0, added * dof2 * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+                    memset( valtmp, 0, added * dof2 * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
                     valtmp += added * dof2;
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm )
             free( spm->colptr );
             free( spm->rowptr );
             free( spm->values );
-            if (spm->fmttype == PastixCSC) {
+            if (spm->fmttype == SpmCSC) {
                 spm->colptr = newcol;
                 spm->rowptr = newrow;
diff --git a/src/z_spm.h b/src/z_spm.h
index 7143bdde..de270d31 100644
--- a/src/z_spm.h
+++ b/src/z_spm.h
@@ -23,50 +23,50 @@
  * Integer routines
-void z_spmIntSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n);
+void z_spmIntSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n);
  * Conversion routines
-int z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int z_spmConvertCSC2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int z_spmConvertCSR2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-int z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm );
+int z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( spmatrix_t *spm );
+int z_spmConvertCSC2IJV( spmatrix_t *spm );
+int z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( spmatrix_t *spm );
+int z_spmConvertCSR2IJV( spmatrix_t *spm );
+int z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( spmatrix_t *spm );
+int z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( spmatrix_t *spm );
-pastix_complex64_t *z_spm2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
+spm_complex64_t *z_spm2dense( const spmatrix_t *spm );
  * Matrix-Vector and matrix-matrix product routines
-int z_spmCSCMatVec(const pastix_trans_t trans, const void *alpha, const pastix_spm_t *spm, const void *x, const void *beta, void *y);
-int z_spmCSCMatMat(const pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_int_t n, const void *alpha, const pastix_spm_t *A, const void *B, pastix_int_t ldb, const void *beta, void *Cptr, pastix_int_t ldc );
+int z_spmCSCMatVec(const spm_trans_t trans, const void *alpha, const spmatrix_t *spm, const void *x, const void *beta, void *y);
+int z_spmCSCMatMat(const spm_trans_t trans, spm_int_t n, const void *alpha, const spmatrix_t *A, const void *B, spm_int_t ldb, const void *beta, void *Cptr, spm_int_t ldc );
  * Norm computation routines
-double z_spmNorm( int ntype, const pastix_spm_t *spm );
+double z_spmNorm( int ntype, const spmatrix_t *spm );
  * Extra routines
-void         z_spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-pastix_int_t z_spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm );
-pastix_int_t z_spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm );
+void         z_spmSort( spmatrix_t *spm );
+spm_int_t z_spmMergeDuplicate( spmatrix_t *spm );
+spm_int_t z_spmSymmetrize( spmatrix_t *spm );
-int z_spmGenRHS(pastix_rhstype_t type, int nrhs, const pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x, int ldx, void *b, int ldb );
-int z_spmCheckAxb( pastix_fixdbl_t eps, int nrhs, const pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x0, int ldx0, void *b, int ldb, const void *x, int ldx );
+int z_spmGenRHS(spm_rhstype_t type, int nrhs, const spmatrix_t *spm, void *x, int ldx, void *b, int ldb );
+int z_spmCheckAxb( spm_fixdbl_t eps, int nrhs, const spmatrix_t *spm, void *x0, int ldx0, void *b, int ldb, const void *x, int ldx );
  * Output routines
-void z_spmDensePrint( FILE *f, pastix_int_t m, pastix_int_t n, const pastix_complex64_t *A, pastix_int_t lda );
-void z_spmPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm );
+void z_spmDensePrint( FILE *f, spm_int_t m, spm_int_t n, const spm_complex64_t *A, spm_int_t lda );
+void z_spmPrint( FILE *f, const spmatrix_t *spm );
-pastix_spm_t *z_spmExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm);
-void          z_spmDofExtend(pastix_spm_t *spm);
-void          z_spmScal( const double alpha, pastix_spm_t *spm );
+spmatrix_t *z_spmExpand(const spmatrix_t *spm);
+void          z_spmDofExtend(spmatrix_t *spm);
+void          z_spmScal( const double alpha, spmatrix_t *spm );
 #endif /* _z_spm_h_ */
diff --git a/src/z_spm_2dense.c b/src/z_spm_2dense.c
index cbca5947..e236ac62 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_2dense.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_2dense.c
@@ -16,15 +16,7 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pastix.h"
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -48,26 +40,26 @@
  * @return A dense matrix in Lapack layout format
-pastix_complex64_t *
-z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spm_complex64_t *
+z_spmCSC2dense( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k, lda, baseval;
-    pastix_complex64_t *A, *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k, lda, baseval;
+    spm_complex64_t *A, *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     lda = spm->gNexp;
-    A = (pastix_complex64_t*)malloc(lda * lda * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
-    memset( A, 0, lda * lda * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+    A = (spm_complex64_t*)malloc(lda * lda * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
+    memset( A, 0, lda * lda * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     i = 0; j = 0;
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
      * Constant degree of fredom of 1
@@ -75,7 +67,7 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
     if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
         switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-        case PastixHermitian:
+        case SpmHermitian:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
                 for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++, valptr++)
@@ -93,7 +85,7 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixSymmetric:
+        case SpmSymmetric:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
                 for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++, valptr++)
@@ -104,7 +96,7 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixGeneral:
+        case SpmGeneral:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
@@ -120,12 +112,12 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
      * General degree of freedom (constant or variable)
     else {
-        pastix_int_t  k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
-        pastix_int_t *dofs = spm->dofs;
+        spm_int_t  k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
+        spm_int_t *dofs = spm->dofs;
         switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-        case PastixHermitian:
+        case SpmHermitian:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
                 dofj = ( spm->dof > 1 ) ?  spm->dof      : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
@@ -155,7 +147,7 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixSymmetric:
+        case SpmSymmetric:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
                 dofj = ( spm->dof > 1 ) ?  spm->dof      : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
@@ -178,7 +170,7 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixGeneral:
+        case SpmGeneral:
             for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
@@ -226,26 +218,26 @@ z_spmCSC2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @return A dense matrix in Lapack layout format
-pastix_complex64_t *
-z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spm_complex64_t *
+z_spmCSR2dense( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k, lda, baseval;
-    pastix_complex64_t *A, *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k, lda, baseval;
+    spm_complex64_t *A, *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSR );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSR );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     lda = spm->gNexp;
-    A = (pastix_complex64_t*)malloc(lda * lda * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
-    memset( A, 0, lda * lda * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+    A = (spm_complex64_t*)malloc(lda * lda * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
+    memset( A, 0, lda * lda * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     i = 0; j = 0;
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
      * Constant degree of fredom of 1
@@ -253,7 +245,7 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
     if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
         switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-        case PastixHermitian:
+        case SpmHermitian:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
                 for(k=rowptr[0]; k<rowptr[1]; k++, colptr++, valptr++)
@@ -271,7 +263,7 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixSymmetric:
+        case SpmSymmetric:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
                 for(k=rowptr[0]; k<rowptr[1]; k++, colptr++, valptr++)
@@ -282,7 +274,7 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixGeneral:
+        case SpmGeneral:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
@@ -298,12 +290,12 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
      * General degree of freedom (constant or variable)
     else {
-        pastix_int_t  k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
-        pastix_int_t *dofs = spm->dofs;
+        spm_int_t  k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
+        spm_int_t *dofs = spm->dofs;
         switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-        case PastixHermitian:
+        case SpmHermitian:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
                 dofi = ( spm->dof > 1 ) ?  spm->dof      : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
@@ -333,7 +325,7 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixSymmetric:
+        case SpmSymmetric:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
                 dofi = ( spm->dof > 1 ) ?  spm->dof      : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
@@ -356,7 +348,7 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixGeneral:
+        case SpmGeneral:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
@@ -404,26 +396,26 @@ z_spmCSR2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @return A dense matrix in Lapack layout format
-pastix_complex64_t *
-z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spm_complex64_t *
+z_spmIJV2dense( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k, lda, baseval;
-    pastix_complex64_t *A, *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k, lda, baseval;
+    spm_complex64_t *A, *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixIJV );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmIJV );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     lda = spm->gNexp;
-    A = (pastix_complex64_t*)malloc(lda * lda * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
-    memset( A, 0, lda * lda * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+    A = (spm_complex64_t*)malloc(lda * lda * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
+    memset( A, 0, lda * lda * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     i = 0; j = 0;
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
      * Constant degree of fredom of 1
@@ -431,7 +423,7 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
     if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
         switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-        case PastixHermitian:
+        case SpmHermitian:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++, valptr++)
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -448,7 +440,7 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixSymmetric:
+        case SpmSymmetric:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++, valptr++)
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -458,7 +450,7 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 A[ i * lda + j ] = *valptr;
-        case PastixGeneral:
+        case SpmGeneral:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++, valptr++)
@@ -473,12 +465,12 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
      * General degree of freedom (constant or variable)
     else {
-        pastix_int_t  k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
-        pastix_int_t *dofs = spm->dofs;
+        spm_int_t  k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
+        spm_int_t *dofs = spm->dofs;
         switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-        case PastixHermitian:
+        case SpmHermitian:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -514,7 +506,7 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixSymmetric:
+        case SpmSymmetric:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
                 i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -544,7 +536,7 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixGeneral:
+        case SpmGeneral:
             for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
@@ -598,15 +590,15 @@ z_spmIJV2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @return A dense matrix in Lapack layout format
-pastix_complex64_t *
-z_spm2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spm_complex64_t *
+z_spm2dense( const spmatrix_t *spm )
     switch (spm->fmttype) {
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         return z_spmCSC2dense( spm );
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         return z_spmCSR2dense( spm );
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         return z_spmIJV2dense( spm );
     return NULL;
@@ -639,9 +631,9 @@ z_spm2dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmDensePrint( FILE *f, pastix_int_t m, pastix_int_t n, const pastix_complex64_t *A, pastix_int_t lda )
+z_spmDensePrint( FILE *f, spm_int_t m, spm_int_t n, const spm_complex64_t *A, spm_int_t lda )
-    pastix_int_t i, j;
+    spm_int_t i, j;
     for(j=0; j<n; j++)
diff --git a/src/z_spm_convert_to_csc.c b/src/z_spm_convert_to_csc.c
index d6d56196..971ddf0f 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_convert_to_csc.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_convert_to_csc.c
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -35,22 +34,22 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS
-z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( spmatrix_t *spm )
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    pastix_complex64_t *navals = NULL;
-    pastix_complex64_t *oavals = NULL;
+    spm_complex64_t *navals = NULL;
+    spm_complex64_t *oavals = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t       *spmptx, *otmp;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, tmp, baseval, total;
-    pastix_spm_t oldspm;
+    spm_int_t       *spmptx, *otmp;
+    spm_int_t i, j, tmp, baseval, total;
+    spmatrix_t oldspm;
     /* Backup the input */
-    memcpy( &oldspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
+    memcpy( &oldspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
      * Check the baseval, we consider that arrays are sorted by columns or rows
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     /* Compute the new colptr */
-    spm->colptr = (pastix_int_t *) calloc(spm->n+1,sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr = (spm_int_t *) calloc(spm->n+1,sizeof(spm_int_t));
     /* Compute the number of edges per row */
     spmptx = spm->colptr - baseval;
@@ -80,14 +79,14 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     assert( total == spm->nnz );
     /* Sort the rows and avals arrays by column */
-    spm->rowptr = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t));
 #if defined(PRECISION_p)
     spm->values = NULL;
-    spm->values = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
-    navals = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
-    oavals = (pastix_complex64_t*)(oldspm.values);
+    spm->values = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
+    navals = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    oavals = (spm_complex64_t*)(oldspm.values);
     for (j=0; j<spm->nnz; j++)
@@ -119,9 +118,9 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     spmExit( &oldspm );
-    spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @brief  convert a matrix in CSR format to a matrix in CSC
  * format.
- * If the matrix is PastixSymmetric or PastixHermitian, then the
+ * If the matrix is SpmSymmetric or SpmHermitian, then the
  * transpose or respectively the conjugate is returned.
@@ -143,26 +142,26 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS
-z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( spmatrix_t *spm )
     assert( spm->loc2glob == NULL );
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSR );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSR );
-    spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
     switch( spm->mtxtype ) {
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
-        /* Similar to PastixSymmetric case with conjugate of the values */
-        pastix_complex64_t *valptr = spm->values;
-        pastix_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
-        pastix_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-        pastix_int_t  i, j;
+        /* Similar to SpmSymmetric case with conjugate of the values */
+        spm_complex64_t *valptr = spm->values;
+        spm_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
+        spm_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+        spm_int_t  i, j;
         for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++){
             for(j=rowptr[0]; j<rowptr[1]; j++, colptr++, valptr++) {
@@ -172,44 +171,44 @@ z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+    spm_attr_fallthrough;
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
-        pastix_int_t *tmp;
+        spm_int_t *tmp;
         /* Just need to swap the pointers */
         tmp          = spm->rowptr;
         spm->rowptr  = spm->colptr;
         spm->colptr  = tmp;
-        spm->fmttype = PastixCSC;
+        spm->fmttype = SpmCSC;
-        return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+        return SPM_SUCCESS;
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
-        pastix_int_t       *row_csc;
-        pastix_int_t       *col_csc;
+        spm_int_t       *row_csc;
+        spm_int_t       *col_csc;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-        pastix_complex64_t *val_csc;
-        pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+        spm_complex64_t *val_csc;
+        spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
-        pastix_int_t j, k, col, row, nnz, baseval;
+        spm_int_t j, k, col, row, nnz, baseval;
         baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
         nnz = spm->nnz;
-        row_csc = malloc(nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-        col_csc = calloc(spm->n+1,sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+        row_csc = malloc(nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t));
+        col_csc = calloc(spm->n+1,sizeof(spm_int_t));
         assert( row_csc );
         assert( col_csc );
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-        val_csc = malloc(nnz*sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+        val_csc = malloc(nnz*sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
         assert( val_csc );
@@ -229,8 +228,8 @@ z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
         assert( (col_csc[spm->gN]) == nnz );
         for (row=0; row<spm->n; row++) {
-            pastix_int_t fcol = spm->rowptr[row  ] - baseval;
-            pastix_int_t lcol = spm->rowptr[row+1] - baseval;
+            spm_int_t fcol = spm->rowptr[row  ] - baseval;
+            spm_int_t lcol = spm->rowptr[row+1] - baseval;
             for (k=fcol; k<lcol; k++) {
                 col = spm->colptr[k] - baseval;
@@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
         /* Restore the colptr indexes */
-            pastix_int_t tmp, tmp2;
+            spm_int_t tmp, tmp2;
             tmp = col_csc[0];
             col_csc[0] = baseval;
@@ -268,5 +267,5 @@ z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/z_spm_convert_to_csr.c b/src/z_spm_convert_to_csr.c
index 2494461c..9e412ff6 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_convert_to_csr.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_convert_to_csr.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s p
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@
  * @brief convert a matrix in CSC format to a matrix in CSR format.
- * If the matrix is PastixSymmetric or PastixHermitian, then the
+ * If the matrix is SpmSymmetric or SpmHermitian, then the
  * transpose or respectively the conjugate is returned.
@@ -36,24 +35,24 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS
-z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t *tmp;
-    pastix_int_t  result;
+    spm_int_t *tmp;
+    spm_int_t  result;
     switch( spm->mtxtype ) {
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
-        /* Similar to PastixSymmetric case with conjugate of the values */
-        pastix_complex64_t *valptr = spm->values;
-        pastix_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
-        pastix_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-        pastix_int_t  i, j;
+        /* Similar to SpmSymmetric case with conjugate of the values */
+        spm_complex64_t *valptr = spm->values;
+        spm_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
+        spm_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+        spm_int_t  i, j;
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++){
             for(i=colptr[0]; i<colptr[1]; i++, rowptr++, valptr++) {
@@ -63,30 +62,30 @@ z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+    spm_attr_fallthrough;
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
-        pastix_int_t *tmp;
+        spm_int_t *tmp;
         /* Just need to swap the pointers */
         tmp          = spm->rowptr;
         spm->rowptr  = spm->colptr;
         spm->colptr  = tmp;
-        spm->fmttype = PastixCSR;
+        spm->fmttype = SpmCSR;
-        return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+        return SPM_SUCCESS;
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
         /* Transpose the spm in CSC to trans(spm) in CSR */
         tmp          = spm->rowptr;
         spm->rowptr  = spm->colptr;
         spm->colptr  = tmp;
-        spm->fmttype = PastixCSR;
+        spm->fmttype = SpmCSR;
         /* Convert trans(spm) in CSR to trans(spm) in CSC */
         result = z_spmConvertCSR2CSC( spm );
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
         tmp          = spm->rowptr;
         spm->rowptr  = spm->colptr;
         spm->colptr  = tmp;
-        spm->fmttype = PastixCSR;
+        spm->fmttype = SpmCSR;
@@ -118,22 +117,22 @@ z_spmConvertCSC2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS
-z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( spmatrix_t *spm )
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    pastix_complex64_t *navals = NULL;
-    pastix_complex64_t *oavals = NULL;
+    spm_complex64_t *navals = NULL;
+    spm_complex64_t *oavals = NULL;
-    pastix_int_t       *spmptx, *otmp;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, tmp, baseval, total;
-    pastix_spm_t oldspm;
+    spm_int_t       *spmptx, *otmp;
+    spm_int_t i, j, tmp, baseval, total;
+    spmatrix_t oldspm;
     /* Backup the input */
-    memcpy( &oldspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
+    memcpy( &oldspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
      * Check the baseval, we consider that arrays are sorted by columns or rows
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     /* Compute the new rowptr */
-    spm->rowptr = (pastix_int_t *) calloc(spm->n+1,sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = (spm_int_t *) calloc(spm->n+1,sizeof(spm_int_t));
     /* Compute the number of edges per row */
     spmptx = spm->rowptr - baseval;
@@ -163,14 +162,14 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     assert( total == spm->nnz );
     /* Sort the colptr and avals arrays by rows */
-    spm->colptr  = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr  = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_int_t));
 #if defined(PRECISION_p)
     spm->values = NULL;
-    spm->values = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
-    navals = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
-    oavals = (pastix_complex64_t*)(oldspm.values);
+    spm->values = malloc(spm->nnz * sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
+    navals = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    oavals = (spm_complex64_t*)(oldspm.values);
     for (j=0; j<spm->nnz; j++)
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ z_spmConvertIJV2CSR( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     spmExit( &oldspm );
-    spm->fmttype = PastixCSR;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmCSR;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/z_spm_convert_to_ijv.c b/src/z_spm_convert_to_ijv.c
index 07ecc32f..5d370865 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_convert_to_ijv.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_convert_to_ijv.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s p
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -33,23 +32,23 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS
-z_spmConvertCSC2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmConvertCSC2IJV( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t *col_ijv, *colptr;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, baseval, nnz;
+    spm_int_t *col_ijv, *colptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, baseval, nnz;
      * Check the baseval
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     nnz = spm->nnz;
-    spm->fmttype = PastixIJV;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmIJV;
-    col_ijv = malloc(nnz*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    col_ijv = malloc(nnz*sizeof(spm_int_t));
     assert( col_ijv );
     colptr = col_ijv;
@@ -61,10 +60,10 @@ z_spmConvertCSC2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    memFree_null(spm->colptr);
+    free(spm->colptr);
     spm->colptr = col_ijv;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -82,23 +81,23 @@ z_spmConvertCSC2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm )
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS
-z_spmConvertCSR2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmConvertCSR2IJV( spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t *row_ijv, *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, baseval, nnz;
+    spm_int_t *row_ijv, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, baseval, nnz;
      * Check the baseval
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     nnz = spm->nnz;
-    spm->fmttype = PastixIJV;
+    spm->fmttype = SpmIJV;
-    row_ijv = malloc(nnz*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    row_ijv = malloc(nnz*sizeof(spm_int_t));
     assert( row_ijv );
     rowptr = row_ijv;
@@ -110,8 +109,8 @@ z_spmConvertCSR2IJV( pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    memFree_null(spm->rowptr);
+    free(spm->rowptr);
     spm->rowptr = row_ijv;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/z_spm_dof_extend.c b/src/z_spm_dof_extend.c
index 1bce155c..2a397a5b 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_dof_extend.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_dof_extend.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -32,14 +31,14 @@
-z_spmDofExtend(pastix_spm_t *spm)
+z_spmDofExtend(spmatrix_t *spm)
-    pastix_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, baseval;
-    pastix_int_t       *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
-    pastix_complex64_t *newval, *oldval, *oldvalptr;
+    spm_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, baseval;
+    spm_int_t       *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
+    spm_complex64_t *newval, *oldval, *oldvalptr;
-    oldval = oldvalptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
-    newval = spm->values = malloc( spm->nnzexp * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+    oldval = oldvalptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    newval = spm->values = malloc( spm->nnzexp * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     colptr = spm->colptr;
@@ -48,14 +47,14 @@ z_spmDofExtend(pastix_spm_t *spm)
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
         colptr = spm->rowptr;
         rowptr = spm->colptr;
-        pastix_attr_fallthrough;
+        spm_attr_fallthrough;
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
          * Loop on col
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ z_spmDofExtend(pastix_spm_t *spm)
-    /* case PastixCSR: */
+    /* case SpmCSR: */
     /*     /\** */
     /*      * Loop on row */
     /*      *\/ */
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ z_spmDofExtend(pastix_spm_t *spm)
     /*         } */
     /*     } */
     /*     break; */
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
          * Loop on coordinates
diff --git a/src/z_spm_expand.c b/src/z_spm_expand.c
index cde62525..0b3c31ae 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_expand.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_expand.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s p
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -40,40 +39,40 @@
  * set.
-pastix_spm_t *
-z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
+spmatrix_t *
+z_spmCSCExpand(const spmatrix_t *spm)
-    pastix_spm_t       *newspm;
-    pastix_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row, baseval, lda;
-    pastix_int_t        diag, height;
-    pastix_int_t       *newcol, *newrow, *oldcol, *oldrow, *dofs;
-    pastix_complex64_t *newval, *oldval, *oldval2;
+    spmatrix_t       *newspm;
+    spm_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row, baseval, lda;
+    spm_int_t        diag, height;
+    spm_int_t       *newcol, *newrow, *oldcol, *oldrow, *dofs;
+    spm_complex64_t *newval, *oldval, *oldval2;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
-        return (pastix_spm_t*)spm;
+        return (spmatrix_t*)spm;
-    if ( spm->layout != PastixColMajor ) {
-        pastix_print_error( "Unsupported layout\n" );
+    if ( spm->layout != SpmColMajor ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported layout\n" );
         return NULL;
-    newspm = malloc( sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
-    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
+    newspm = malloc( sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
+    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     oldcol = spm->colptr;
     oldrow = spm->rowptr;
     dofs   = spm->dofs;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    oldval = oldval2 = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    oldval = oldval2 = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     newspm->n = spm->nexp;
-    newspm->colptr = newcol = malloc(sizeof(pastix_int_t)*(spm->nexp+1));
+    newspm->colptr = newcol = malloc(sizeof(spm_int_t)*(spm->nexp+1));
      * First loop to compute the new colptr
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
             diag = (diag || (i == j));
-        diag = (diag & (spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral));
+        diag = (diag & (spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral));
         height = newcol[1] - newcol[0];
@@ -109,13 +108,13 @@ z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
-    assert( ((spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) && ((newcol[0]-baseval) == spm->nnzexp)) ||
-            ((spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral) && ((newcol[0]-baseval) <= spm->nnzexp)) );
+    assert( ((spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) && ((newcol[0]-baseval) == spm->nnzexp)) ||
+            ((spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral) && ((newcol[0]-baseval) <= spm->nnzexp)) );
     newspm->nnz = newcol[0] - baseval;
-    newspm->rowptr = newrow = malloc(sizeof(pastix_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->rowptr = newrow = malloc(sizeof(spm_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    newspm->values = newval = malloc(sizeof(pastix_complex64_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->values = newval = malloc(sizeof(spm_complex64_t)*newspm->nnz);
@@ -144,8 +143,8 @@ z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
         for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++, col++, newcol++)
-            assert( ((spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) && (lda == (newcol[1] - newcol[0]))) ||
-                    ((spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral) && (lda >= (newcol[1] - newcol[0]))) );
+            assert( ((spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) && (lda == (newcol[1] - newcol[0]))) ||
+                    ((spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral) && (lda >= (newcol[1] - newcol[0]))) );
             /* Move to the top of the column jj in coming element (i,j) */
             oldval = oldval2;
@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
                 for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, row++)
-                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) ||
+                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) ||
                          (i != j) ||
                          ((i == j) && (row >= col)) )
@@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
     newspm->dof     = 1;
     newspm->dofs    = NULL;
-    newspm->layout  = PastixColMajor;
+    newspm->layout  = SpmColMajor;
     assert(spm->loc2glob == NULL);//to do
@@ -225,40 +224,40 @@ z_spmCSCExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
  * set.
-pastix_spm_t *
-z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
+spmatrix_t *
+z_spmCSRExpand(const spmatrix_t *spm)
-    pastix_spm_t       *newspm;
-    pastix_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row, baseval, lda;
-    pastix_int_t        diag, height;
-    pastix_int_t       *newcol, *newrow, *oldcol, *oldrow, *dofs;
-    pastix_complex64_t *newval, *oldval, *oldval2;
+    spmatrix_t       *newspm;
+    spm_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row, baseval, lda;
+    spm_int_t        diag, height;
+    spm_int_t       *newcol, *newrow, *oldcol, *oldrow, *dofs;
+    spm_complex64_t *newval, *oldval, *oldval2;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSR );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSR );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
-        return (pastix_spm_t*)spm;
+        return (spmatrix_t*)spm;
-    if ( spm->layout != PastixColMajor ) {
-        pastix_print_error( "Unsupported layout\n" );
+    if ( spm->layout != SpmColMajor ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported layout\n" );
         return NULL;
-    newspm = malloc( sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
-    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
+    newspm = malloc( sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
+    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     oldcol = spm->colptr;
     oldrow = spm->rowptr;
     dofs   = spm->dofs;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    oldval = oldval2 = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    oldval = oldval2 = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     newspm->n = spm->nexp;
-    newspm->rowptr = newrow = malloc(sizeof(pastix_int_t)*(spm->nexp+1));
+    newspm->rowptr = newrow = malloc(sizeof(spm_int_t)*(spm->nexp+1));
      * First loop to compute the new rowptr
@@ -280,7 +279,7 @@ z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
             diag = (diag || (i == j));
-        diag = (diag & (spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral));
+        diag = (diag & (spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral));
         height = newrow[1] - newrow[0];
@@ -294,13 +293,13 @@ z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
-    assert( ((spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) && ((newrow[0]-baseval) == spm->nnzexp)) ||
-            ((spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral) && ((newrow[0]-baseval) <= spm->nnzexp)) );
+    assert( ((spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) && ((newrow[0]-baseval) == spm->nnzexp)) ||
+            ((spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral) && ((newrow[0]-baseval) <= spm->nnzexp)) );
     newspm->nnz = newrow[0] - baseval;
-    newspm->colptr = newcol = malloc(sizeof(pastix_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->colptr = newcol = malloc(sizeof(spm_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    newspm->values = newval = malloc(sizeof(pastix_complex64_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->values = newval = malloc(sizeof(spm_complex64_t)*newspm->nnz);
@@ -329,8 +328,8 @@ z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, row++, newrow++)
-            assert( ((spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) && (lda == (newrow[1] - newrow[0]))) ||
-                    ((spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral) && (lda >= (newrow[1] - newrow[0]))) );
+            assert( ((spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) && (lda == (newrow[1] - newrow[0]))) ||
+                    ((spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral) && (lda >= (newrow[1] - newrow[0]))) );
             /* Move to the beginning of the row ii in coming element (i,j) */
             oldval = oldval2 + ii;
@@ -350,7 +349,7 @@ z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
                 for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++, col++)
-                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) ||
+                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) ||
                          (i != j) ||
                          ((i == j) && (row <= col)) )
@@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
     newspm->dof     = 1;
     newspm->dofs    = NULL;
-    newspm->layout  = PastixColMajor;
+    newspm->layout  = SpmColMajor;
     assert(spm->loc2glob == NULL);//to do
@@ -408,37 +407,37 @@ z_spmCSRExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
  * set.
-pastix_spm_t *
-z_spmIJVExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
+spmatrix_t *
+z_spmIJVExpand(const spmatrix_t *spm)
-    pastix_spm_t       *newspm;
-    pastix_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row, baseval;
-    pastix_int_t       *newcol, *newrow, *oldcol, *oldrow, *dofs;
-    pastix_complex64_t *newval, *oldval=NULL;
+    spmatrix_t       *newspm;
+    spm_int_t        i, j, k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row, baseval;
+    spm_int_t       *newcol, *newrow, *oldcol, *oldrow, *dofs;
+    spm_complex64_t *newval, *oldval=NULL;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixIJV );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmIJV );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
-        return (pastix_spm_t*)spm;
+        return (spmatrix_t*)spm;
-    newspm = malloc( sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
-    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t) );
+    newspm = malloc( sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
+    memcpy( newspm, spm, sizeof(spmatrix_t) );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     oldcol = spm->colptr;
     oldrow = spm->rowptr;
     dofs   = spm->dofs;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    oldval = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    oldval = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
      * First loop to compute the size of the vectores
     newspm->n = spm->nexp;
-    if (spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) {
+    if (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) {
         newspm->nnz = spm->nnzexp;
     else {
@@ -468,10 +467,10 @@ z_spmIJVExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
         assert( newspm->nnz <= spm->nnzexp );
-    newspm->rowptr = newrow = malloc(sizeof(pastix_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
-    newspm->colptr = newcol = malloc(sizeof(pastix_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->rowptr = newrow = malloc(sizeof(spm_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->colptr = newcol = malloc(sizeof(spm_int_t)*newspm->nnz);
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    newspm->values = newval = malloc(sizeof(pastix_complex64_t)*newspm->nnz);
+    newspm->values = newval = malloc(sizeof(spm_complex64_t)*newspm->nnz);
@@ -497,12 +496,12 @@ z_spmIJVExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
             col  = dofs[j] - baseval;
-        if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+        if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
             for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                 for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, oldval++)
-                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) ||
+                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) ||
                          (i != j) ||
                          ((i == j) && (row+ii >= col+jj)) )
@@ -522,7 +521,7 @@ z_spmIJVExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
                 for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++, oldval++)
-                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) ||
+                    if ( (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) ||
                          (i != j) ||
                          ((i == j) && (row+ii >= col+jj)) )
@@ -551,7 +550,7 @@ z_spmIJVExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
     newspm->dof     = 1;
     newspm->dofs    = NULL;
-    newspm->layout  = PastixColMajor;
+    newspm->layout  = SpmColMajor;
     assert(spm->loc2glob == NULL);//to do
@@ -580,15 +579,15 @@ z_spmIJVExpand(const pastix_spm_t *spm)
  * @return The expanded matrix according to the dofs properties previously set.
-pastix_spm_t *
-z_spmExpand( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+spmatrix_t *
+z_spmExpand( const spmatrix_t *spm )
     switch (spm->fmttype) {
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         return z_spmCSCExpand( spm );
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         return z_spmCSRExpand( spm );
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         return z_spmIJVExpand( spm );
     return NULL;
diff --git a/src/z_spm_genrhs.c b/src/z_spm_genrhs.c
index 3f0edef7..8e1227a4 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_genrhs.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_genrhs.c
@@ -14,13 +14,10 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c s d
-#include "cblas.h"
-#include "lapacke.h"
 #include "common.h"
-#include "solver.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
-#include "kernels/pastix_zcores.h"
+#include <cblas.h>
+#include <lapacke.h>
 #define Rnd64_A  6364136223846793005ULL
@@ -29,9 +26,9 @@
 #define RndD_Mul 5.4210108624275222e-20
-static pastix_complex64_t mzone = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
-static pastix_complex64_t zone  = (pastix_complex64_t) 1.;
-static pastix_complex64_t zzero = (pastix_complex64_t) 0.;
+static spm_complex64_t mzone = (spm_complex64_t)-1.;
+static spm_complex64_t zone  = (spm_complex64_t) 1.;
+static spm_complex64_t zzero = (spm_complex64_t) 0.;
@@ -120,10 +117,10 @@ Rnd64_jump(unsigned long long int n, unsigned long long int seed ) {
-z_spmRndVect( double scale, int m, int n, pastix_complex64_t *A, int lda,
+z_spmRndVect( double scale, int m, int n, spm_complex64_t *A, int lda,
               int gM, int m0, int n0, unsigned long long int seed )
-    pastix_complex64_t *tmp = A;
+    spm_complex64_t *tmp = A;
     int64_t i, j;
     unsigned long long int ran, jump;
@@ -157,11 +154,11 @@ z_spmRndVect( double scale, int m, int n, pastix_complex64_t *A, int lda,
  * @param[in] type
  *          Defines how to compute the vector b.
- *          - PastixRhsOne:  b is computed such that x = 1 [ + I ]
- *          - PastixRhsI:    b is computed such that x = i [ + i * I ]
- *          - PastixRhsRndX: b is computed by matrix-vector product, such that
+ *          - SpmRhsOne:  b is computed such that x = 1 [ + I ]
+ *          - SpmRhsI:    b is computed such that x = i [ + i * I ]
+ *          - SpmRhsRndX: b is computed by matrix-vector product, such that
  *            is a random vector in the range [-0.5, 0.5]
- *          - PastixRhsRndB: b is computed randomly and x is not computed.
+ *          - SpmRhsRndB: b is computed randomly and x is not computed.
  * @param[in] nrhs
  *          Defines the number of right hand side that must be generated.
@@ -188,49 +185,49 @@ z_spmRndVect( double scale, int m, int n, pastix_complex64_t *A, int lda,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the b vector has been computed succesfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the b vector has been computed succesfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-z_spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, int nrhs,
-             const pastix_spm_t  *spm,
+z_spmGenRHS( spm_rhstype_t type, int nrhs,
+             const spmatrix_t  *spm,
              void                *x, int ldx,
              void                *b, int ldb )
-    pastix_complex64_t *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)x;
-    pastix_complex64_t *bptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)b;
-    pastix_int_t i, j;
+    spm_complex64_t *xptr = (spm_complex64_t*)x;
+    spm_complex64_t *bptr = (spm_complex64_t*)b;
+    spm_int_t i, j;
     int rc;
     if (( spm == NULL ) ||
         ( spm->values == NULL )) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     /* Other format not supported for now */
-    if( spm->fmttype != PastixCSC ) {
+    if( spm->fmttype != SpmCSC ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if( spm->gN <= 0 ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if( nrhs <= 0 ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if( (nrhs > 1) && (ldx < spm->n) ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if( (nrhs > 1) && (ldb < spm->n) ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if( spm->dof != 1 ) {
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     if (nrhs == 1) {
@@ -242,33 +239,33 @@ z_spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, int nrhs,
     assert( spm->n == spm->gN );
     /* If random b, we do it and exit */
-    if ( type == PastixRhsRndB ) {
+    if ( type == SpmRhsRndB ) {
         /* Compute the spm norm to scale the b vector */
-        double norm = z_spmNorm( PastixFrobeniusNorm, spm );
+        double norm = z_spmNorm( SpmFrobeniusNorm, spm );
         z_spmRndVect( norm, spm->n, nrhs, bptr, ldb,
                       spm->gN, 0, 0, 24356 );
-        return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+        return SPM_SUCCESS;
-    if ( (type == PastixRhsOne  ) ||
-         (type == PastixRhsI    ) ||
-         (type == PastixRhsRndX ) )
+    if ( (type == SpmRhsOne  ) ||
+         (type == SpmRhsI    ) ||
+         (type == SpmRhsRndX ) )
         if ( xptr == NULL ) {
-            MALLOC_INTERN( xptr, ldx * nrhs, pastix_complex64_t );
+            xptr = malloc( ldx * nrhs * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
         switch( type ) {
-        case PastixRhsOne:
+        case SpmRhsOne:
             for( j=0; j<nrhs; j++ )
                 for( i=0; i<spm->n; i++, xptr++ )
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)(1.+1.*I);
+                    *xptr = (spm_complex64_t)(1.+1.*I);
-                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)1.;
+                    *xptr = (spm_complex64_t)1.;
                 xptr += ldx-i;
@@ -276,15 +273,15 @@ z_spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, int nrhs,
             xptr -= nrhs * ldx;
-        case PastixRhsI:
+        case SpmRhsI:
             for( j=0; j<nrhs; j++ )
                 for( i=0; i<spm->n; i++, xptr++ )
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)(i + i * I);
+                    *xptr = (spm_complex64_t)(i + i * I);
-                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)i;
+                    *xptr = (spm_complex64_t)i;
                 xptr += ldx-i;
@@ -292,24 +289,24 @@ z_spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, int nrhs,
             xptr -= nrhs * ldx;
-        case PastixRhsRndX:
+        case SpmRhsRndX:
             z_spmRndVect( 1., spm->n, nrhs, xptr, ldx,
                           spm->gN, 0, 0, 24356 );
         /* Compute B */
-        rc = z_spmCSCMatMat( PastixNoTrans, nrhs, &zone, spm, xptr, ldx, &zzero, bptr, ldb );
+        rc = z_spmCSCMatMat( SpmNoTrans, nrhs, &zone, spm, xptr, ldx, &zzero, bptr, ldb );
         if ( x == NULL ) {
-            memFree_null(xptr);
+            free(xptr);
         return rc;
     fprintf(stderr, "z_spmGenRHS: Generator not implemented yet\n");
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -357,20 +354,20 @@ z_spmGenRHS( pastix_rhstype_t type, int nrhs,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the tests are succesfull
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the tests are succesfull
  * @retval 1, if one of the test failed
-z_spmCheckAxb( pastix_fixdbl_t eps, int nrhs,
-               const pastix_spm_t  *spm,
+z_spmCheckAxb( spm_fixdbl_t eps, int nrhs,
+               const spmatrix_t  *spm,
                      void *x0, int ldx0,
                      void *b,  int ldb,
                const void *x,  int ldx )
-    const pastix_complex64_t *zx  = (const pastix_complex64_t *)x;
-    pastix_complex64_t       *zx0 = (pastix_complex64_t *)x0;
-    pastix_complex64_t       *zb  = (pastix_complex64_t *)b;
+    const spm_complex64_t *zx  = (const spm_complex64_t *)x;
+    spm_complex64_t       *zx0 = (spm_complex64_t *)x0;
+    spm_complex64_t       *zb  = (spm_complex64_t *)b;
     double normA, normB, normX, normX0, normR;
     double backward, forward;
     int failure = 0;
@@ -386,7 +383,7 @@ z_spmCheckAxb( pastix_fixdbl_t eps, int nrhs,
      * Compute the starting norms
-    normA = spmNorm( PastixOneNorm, spm );
+    normA = spmNorm( SpmOneNorm, spm );
     normB = 0.;
     normX = 0.;
@@ -406,7 +403,7 @@ z_spmCheckAxb( pastix_fixdbl_t eps, int nrhs,
      * Compute r = b - A * x
-    spmMatMat( PastixNoTrans, nrhs, &mzone, spm, x, ldx, &zone, b, ldb );
+    spmMatMat( SpmNoTrans, nrhs, &mzone, spm, x, ldx, &zone, b, ldb );
     normR    = 0.;
     backward = 0.;
diff --git a/src/z_spm_integer.c b/src/z_spm_integer.c
index 8eb4329a..cfe65137 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_integer.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_integer.c
@@ -17,25 +17,22 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <time.h>
 #include "common.h"
- * @fn      void z_spmIntSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const pastix_int_t n)
+ * @fn      void z_spmIntSortAsc(void ** const pbase, const spm_int_t n)
  * @ingroup spm_dev_integer
  * @brief Sort 2 arrays simultaneously, the first array is an array of
- * pastix_int_t and used as key for sorting.  The second array is an array of
- * pastix_complex64_t.
+ * spm_int_t and used as key for sorting.  The second array is an array of
+ * spm_complex64_t.
  * @param[inout] pbase
  *          Couple of pointers to an array of integers and to an array of
- *          pastix_complex64_t to sort.
+ *          spm_complex64_t to sort.
  * @param[in] n
  *          The number of elements in the array.
@@ -43,26 +40,26 @@
-static size_t intsortsize[2] = { sizeof(pastix_int_t), sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) };
+static size_t intsortsize[2] = { sizeof(spm_int_t), sizeof(spm_complex64_t) };
 #define INTSORTNAME            z_spmIntSortAsc
 #define INTSORTSIZE(x)         (intsortsize[x])
 #define INTSORTNTAB            2
 #define INTSORTSWAP(p,q)       do {					\
-    pastix_int_t     t;								\
-    long    disp_p   = (((pastix_int_t*)p)-((pastix_int_t*)base_ptr));			\
-    long    disp_q   = (((pastix_int_t*)q)-((pastix_int_t*)base_ptr));			\
-    pastix_complex64_t * floatptr = *(pbase+1);					\
-    pastix_complex64_t   f;								\
+    spm_int_t     t;								\
+    long    disp_p   = (((spm_int_t*)p)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr));			\
+    long    disp_q   = (((spm_int_t*)q)-((spm_int_t*)base_ptr));			\
+    spm_complex64_t * floatptr = *(pbase+1);					\
+    spm_complex64_t   f;								\
     /* swap integers */							\
-    t = *((pastix_int_t *) (p));							\
-    *((pastix_int_t *) (p)) = *((pastix_int_t *) (q));					\
-    *((pastix_int_t *) (q)) = t;							\
+    t = *((spm_int_t *) (p));							\
+    *((spm_int_t *) (p)) = *((spm_int_t *) (q));					\
+    *((spm_int_t *) (q)) = t;							\
     /* swap corresponding values */					\
     f = floatptr[disp_p];						\
     floatptr[disp_p] = floatptr[disp_q];				\
     floatptr[disp_q] = f;						\
   } while (0)
-#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((pastix_int_t *) (p)) < *((pastix_int_t *) (q)))
+#define INTSORTCMP(p,q)             (*((spm_int_t *) (p)) < *((spm_int_t *) (q)))
 #include "integer_sort_mtypes.c"
diff --git a/src/z_spm_laplacian.c b/src/z_spm_laplacian.c
index e719f618..c191ef40 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_laplacian.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_laplacian.c
@@ -14,10 +14,8 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s p
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
-#include "laplacian.h"
+#include "drivers/laplacian.h"
@@ -61,42 +59,42 @@
-z_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
-                        pastix_int_t    dim1,
-                        pastix_int_t    dim2,
-                        pastix_int_t    dim3,
-                        pastix_fixdbl_t alpha,
-                        pastix_fixdbl_t beta )
+z_spmLaplacian_7points( spmatrix_t   *spm,
+                        spm_int_t    dim1,
+                        spm_int_t    dim2,
+                        spm_int_t    dim3,
+                        spm_fixdbl_t alpha,
+                        spm_fixdbl_t beta )
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k, l;
-    pastix_int_t nnz = (2*(dim1)-1)*dim2*dim3 + (dim2-1)*dim1*dim3 + dim2*dim1*(dim3-1);
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k, l;
+    spm_int_t nnz = (2*(dim1)-1)*dim2*dim3 + (dim2-1)*dim1*dim3 + dim2*dim1*(dim3-1);
-    spm->mtxtype  = PastixHermitian;
-    spm->flttype  = PastixComplex64;
-    spm->fmttype  = PastixCSC;
+    spm->mtxtype  = SpmHermitian;
+    spm->flttype  = SpmComplex64;
+    spm->fmttype  = SpmCSC;
     spm->nnz      = nnz;
     spm->dof      = 1;
     assert( spm->n == dim1*dim2*dim3 );
     /* Allocating */
-    spm->colptr = malloc((spm->n+1)*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-    spm->rowptr = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr = malloc((spm->n+1)*sizeof(spm_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(spm_int_t));
     assert( spm->colptr );
     assert( spm->rowptr );
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    spm->values = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+    spm->values = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
     assert( spm->values );
     /* Building ia, ja and values*/
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     /* Building ia, ja and values*/
     *colptr = 1;
@@ -186,38 +184,38 @@ z_spmLaplacian_7points( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
-z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
-                          pastix_int_t   dim1,
-                          pastix_int_t   dim2 )
+z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( spmatrix_t  *spm,
+                          spm_int_t   dim1,
+                          spm_int_t   dim2 )
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k;
-    pastix_int_t nnz = (2*(dim1)-1)*dim2 + (dim2-1)*(3*dim1-2);
-    spm->mtxtype  = PastixSymmetric;
-    spm->flttype  = PastixComplex64;
-    spm->fmttype  = PastixCSC;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k;
+    spm_int_t nnz = (2*(dim1)-1)*dim2 + (dim2-1)*(3*dim1-2);
+    spm->mtxtype  = SpmSymmetric;
+    spm->flttype  = SpmComplex64;
+    spm->fmttype  = SpmCSC;
     spm->nnz      = nnz;
     spm->dof      = 1;
     assert( spm->n == dim1*dim2 );
     /* Allocating */
-    spm->colptr = malloc((spm->n+1)*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-    spm->rowptr = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr = malloc((spm->n+1)*sizeof(spm_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(spm_int_t));
     assert( spm->colptr );
     assert( spm->rowptr );
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    spm->values = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+    spm->values = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
     assert( spm->values );
     /* Building ia, ja and values*/
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     /* Building ia, ja and values*/
     *colptr = 1;
@@ -232,11 +230,11 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
             *rowptr = k;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
             if ( (j == dim1 || j == 1) && (i == dim2 || i == 1) )
-                *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 2.5;
+                *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 2.5;
             else if (j == dim1 || j == 1 || i == dim2 || i == 1)
-                *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 4.;
+                *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 4.;
-                *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 6.;
+                *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 6.;
             valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -244,7 +242,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
             if (j < dim1) {
                 *rowptr = k+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
+                *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-1.;
                 valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -256,7 +254,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
                     *rowptr = k+dim1-1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                     valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -264,7 +262,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
                 *rowptr = k+dim1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
+                *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-1.;
                 valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -272,7 +270,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
                     *rowptr = k+dim1+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                     valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -312,42 +310,42 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian2D( pastix_spm_t  *spm,
-z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
-                          pastix_int_t    dim1,
-                          pastix_int_t    dim2,
-                          pastix_int_t    dim3 )
+z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( spmatrix_t   *spm,
+                          spm_int_t    dim1,
+                          spm_int_t    dim2,
+                          spm_int_t    dim3 )
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
-    pastix_int_t i, j, k, l;
-    pastix_int_t nnz = (2*dim1-1) * dim2     * dim3
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr;
+    spm_int_t i, j, k, l;
+    spm_int_t nnz = (2*dim1-1) * dim2     * dim3
         +              (3*dim1-2) * (dim2-1) * dim3
         +             ((3*dim1-2) * dim2 + 2 * (3*dim1-2) *(dim2-1)) * (dim3-1);
-    spm->mtxtype  = PastixSymmetric;
-    spm->flttype  = PastixComplex64;
-    spm->fmttype  = PastixCSC;
+    spm->mtxtype  = SpmSymmetric;
+    spm->flttype  = SpmComplex64;
+    spm->fmttype  = SpmCSC;
     spm->nnz      = nnz;
     spm->dof      = 1;
     assert( spm->n == dim1*dim2*dim3 );
     /* Allocating */
-    spm->colptr = malloc((spm->n+1)*sizeof(pastix_int_t));
-    spm->rowptr = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(pastix_int_t));
+    spm->colptr = malloc((spm->n+1)*sizeof(spm_int_t));
+    spm->rowptr = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(spm_int_t));
     assert( spm->colptr );
     assert( spm->rowptr );
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-    spm->values = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(pastix_complex64_t));
+    spm->values = malloc(nnz       *sizeof(spm_complex64_t));
     assert( spm->values );
     /* Building ia, ja and values*/
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     /* Building ia, ja and values*/
     *colptr = 1;
@@ -364,21 +362,21 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                 *rowptr = l;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
                 if ( (j == dim2 || j == 1) && (i == dim3 || i == 1) && (k == dim1 || i == 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 4.75;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 4.75;
                 else if ( (j != dim2 || j != 1) && (i == dim3 || i == 1) && (k == dim1 || i == 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 10.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 10.;
                 else if ( (j == dim2 || j == 1) && (i != dim3 || i != 1) && (k == dim1 || i == 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 10.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 10.;
                 else if ( (j == dim2 || j == 1) && (i == dim3 || i == 1) && (k != dim1 || i != 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 10.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 10.;
                 else if ( (j != dim2 || j != 1) && (i != dim3 || i != 1) && (k == dim1 || i == 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 7.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 7.;
                 else if ( (j == dim2 || j == 1) && (i != dim3 || i != 1) && (k != dim1 || i != 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 7.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 7.;
                 else if ( (j != dim2 || j != 1) && (i == dim3 || i == 1) && (k != dim1 || i != 1) )
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 7.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 7.;
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t) 14.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t) 14.;
                 valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -386,7 +384,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                 if (k < dim1) {
                     *rowptr = l+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-1.;
                     valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -398,7 +396,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                         *rowptr = l+dim1-1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                         valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -406,7 +404,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                     *rowptr = l+dim1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-1.;
                     valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -414,7 +412,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                         *rowptr = l+dim1+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                         valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -429,7 +427,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                             *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2-dim1-1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                            *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.25;
+                            *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.25;
                             valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -437,7 +435,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                         *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2-dim1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                         valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -445,7 +443,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                             *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2-dim1+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                            *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.25;
+                            *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.25;
                             valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -455,7 +453,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                         *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2-1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                         valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -463,7 +461,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                     *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                    *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
+                    *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-1.;
                     valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -471,7 +469,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                         *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                         valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -483,7 +481,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                             *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2+dim1-1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                            *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.25;
+                            *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.25;
                             valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -491,7 +489,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                         *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2+dim1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                        *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.5;
+                        *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.5;
                         valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
@@ -499,7 +497,7 @@ z_spmExtendedLaplacian3D( pastix_spm_t   *spm,
                             *rowptr = l+dim1*dim2+dim1+1;
 #if !defined(PRECISION_p)
-                            *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t)-0.25;
+                            *valptr = (spm_complex64_t)-0.25;
                             valptr++; rowptr++; colptr[1]++;
diff --git a/src/z_spm_matrixvector.c b/src/z_spm_matrixvector.c
index 133040ca..f0fc6c63 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_matrixvector.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_matrixvector.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@
  * @brief compute the matrix-vector product:
  *          y = alpha * op( A ) * x + beta * y
- * A is a PastixGeneral spm, where op( X ) is one of
+ * A is a SpmGeneral spm, where op( X ) is one of
  *    op( X ) = X  or op( X ) = X' or op( X ) = conjg( X' )
@@ -37,15 +36,15 @@
  * @param[in] trans
  *          Specifies whether the matrix spm is transposed, not transposed or
  *          conjugate transposed:
- *          = PastixNoTrans:   A is not transposed;
- *          = PastixTrans:     A is transposed;
- *          = PastixConjTrans: A is conjugate transposed.
+ *          = SpmNoTrans:   A is not transposed;
+ *          = SpmTrans:     A is transposed;
+ *          = SpmConjTrans: A is conjugate transposed.
  * @param[in] alpha
  *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
  * @param[in] spm
- *          The PastixGeneral spm.
+ *          The SpmGeneral spm.
  * @param[in] x
  *          The vector x.
@@ -58,38 +57,38 @@
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
-                  pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
-            const pastix_spm_t       *spm,
-            const pastix_complex64_t *x,
-                  pastix_complex64_t  beta,
-                  pastix_complex64_t *y )
+z_spmGeCSCv(const spm_trans_t      trans,
+                  spm_complex64_t  alpha,
+            const spmatrix_t       *spm,
+            const spm_complex64_t *x,
+                  spm_complex64_t  beta,
+                  spm_complex64_t *y )
-    const pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
-    const pastix_complex64_t *xptr   = (const pastix_complex64_t*)x;
-    pastix_complex64_t *yptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)y;
-    pastix_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
+    const spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    const spm_complex64_t *xptr   = (const spm_complex64_t*)x;
+    spm_complex64_t *yptr = (spm_complex64_t*)y;
+    spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
     if ( (spm == NULL) || (x == NULL) || (y == NULL ) )
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    if( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral )
+    if( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     /* first, y = beta*y */
     if( beta == 0. ) {
-        memset( yptr, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+        memset( yptr, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
     else {
         for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++, yptr++ ) {
@@ -100,9 +99,9 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
     if( alpha != 0. ) {
-         * PastixNoTrans
+         * SpmNoTrans
-        if( trans == PastixNoTrans )
+        if( trans == SpmNoTrans )
             for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
@@ -114,9 +113,9 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
-         * PastixTrans
+         * SpmTrans
-        else if( trans == PastixTrans )
+        else if( trans == SpmTrans )
             for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
 #if defined(PRECISION_c) || defined(PRECISION_z)
-        else if( trans == PastixConjTrans )
+        else if( trans == SpmConjTrans )
             for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
@@ -142,11 +141,11 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
-            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
+            return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
  * @brief compute the matrix-vector product:
  *          y = alpha * A + beta * y
- * A is a PastixSymmetric spm, alpha and beta are scalars, and x and y are
+ * A is a SpmSymmetric spm, alpha and beta are scalars, and x and y are
  * vectors, and A a symm.
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
  *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
  * @param[in] spm
- *          The PastixSymmetric spm.
+ *          The SpmSymmetric spm.
  * @param[in] x
  *          The vector x.
@@ -179,37 +178,37 @@ z_spmGeCSCv(const pastix_trans_t      trans,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-z_spmSyCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
-            const pastix_spm_t       *spm,
-            const pastix_complex64_t *x,
-                  pastix_complex64_t  beta,
-                  pastix_complex64_t *y )
+z_spmSyCSCv(      spm_complex64_t  alpha,
+            const spmatrix_t       *spm,
+            const spm_complex64_t *x,
+                  spm_complex64_t  beta,
+                  spm_complex64_t *y )
-    const pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)spm->values;
-    const pastix_complex64_t *xptr   = x;
-    pastix_complex64_t *yptr = y;
-    pastix_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
+    const spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
+    const spm_complex64_t *xptr   = x;
+    spm_complex64_t *yptr = y;
+    spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
     if ( (spm == NULL) || (x == NULL) || (y == NULL ) )
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    if( spm->mtxtype != PastixSymmetric )
+    if( spm->mtxtype != SpmSymmetric )
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     /* First, y = beta*y */
     if( beta == 0. ) {
-        memset( yptr, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+        memset( yptr, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
     else {
         for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++, yptr++ ) {
@@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ z_spmSyCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
 #if defined(PRECISION_c) || defined(PRECISION_z)
@@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ z_spmSyCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
  * @brief compute the matrix-vector product:
  *          y = alpha * A + beta * y
- * A is a PastixHermitian spm, alpha and beta are scalars, and x and y are
+ * A is a SpmHermitian spm, alpha and beta are scalars, and x and y are
  * vectors, and A a symm.
@@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ z_spmSyCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
  *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
  * @param[in] spm
- *          The PastixHermitian spm.
+ *          The SpmHermitian spm.
  * @param[in] x
  *          The vector x.
@@ -267,35 +266,35 @@ z_spmSyCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-z_spmHeCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
-            const pastix_spm_t       *spm,
-            const pastix_complex64_t *x,
-                  pastix_complex64_t  beta,
-                  pastix_complex64_t *y )
+z_spmHeCSCv(      spm_complex64_t  alpha,
+            const spmatrix_t       *spm,
+            const spm_complex64_t *x,
+                  spm_complex64_t  beta,
+                  spm_complex64_t *y )
-    const pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)spm->values;
-    const pastix_complex64_t *xptr   = x;
-    pastix_complex64_t *yptr = y;
-    pastix_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
+    const spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
+    const spm_complex64_t *xptr   = x;
+    spm_complex64_t *yptr = y;
+    spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
     if ( (spm == NULL) || (x == NULL) || (y == NULL ) )
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
-    if( spm->mtxtype != PastixHermitian )
+    if( spm->mtxtype != SpmHermitian )
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     /* First, y = beta*y */
     if( beta == 0. ) {
-        memset( yptr, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
+        memset( yptr, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(spm_complex64_t) );
     else {
         for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++, yptr++ ) {
@@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ z_spmHeCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
-    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    return SPM_SUCCESS;
@@ -335,7 +334,7 @@ z_spmHeCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
  * @brief compute the matrix-vector product:
  *          y = alpha * A + beta * y
- * A is a PastixHermitian spm, alpha and beta are scalars, and x and y are
+ * A is a SpmHermitian spm, alpha and beta are scalars, and x and y are
  * vectors, and A a symm.
@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ z_spmHeCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
  *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
  * @param[in] spm
- *          The PastixHermitian spm.
+ *          The SpmHermitian spm.
  * @param[in] xptr
  *          The vector x.
@@ -360,33 +359,33 @@ z_spmHeCSCv(      pastix_complex64_t  alpha,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed succesfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-z_spmCSCMatVec(const pastix_trans_t  trans,
+z_spmCSCMatVec(const spm_trans_t  trans,
                const void           *alphaptr,
-               const pastix_spm_t   *spm,
+               const spmatrix_t   *spm,
                const void           *xptr,
                const void           *betaptr,
                      void           *yptr )
-    const pastix_complex64_t *x = (const pastix_complex64_t*)xptr;
-    pastix_complex64_t *y       = (pastix_complex64_t*)yptr;
-    pastix_complex64_t alpha, beta;
+    const spm_complex64_t *x = (const spm_complex64_t*)xptr;
+    spm_complex64_t *y       = (spm_complex64_t*)yptr;
+    spm_complex64_t alpha, beta;
-    alpha = *((const pastix_complex64_t *)alphaptr);
-    beta  = *((const pastix_complex64_t *)betaptr);
+    alpha = *((const spm_complex64_t *)alphaptr);
+    beta  = *((const spm_complex64_t *)betaptr);
     switch (spm->mtxtype) {
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
         return z_spmHeCSCv( alpha, spm, x, beta, y );
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
         return z_spmSyCSCv( alpha, spm, x, beta, y );
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
         return z_spmGeCSCv( trans, alpha, spm, x, beta, y );
@@ -411,9 +410,9 @@ z_spmCSCMatVec(const pastix_trans_t  trans,
  * @param[in] trans
  *          Specifies whether the matrix spm is transposed, not transposed or conjugate transposed:
- *          - PastixTrans
- *          - PastixNoTrans
- *          - PastixConjTrans
+ *          - SpmTrans
+ *          - SpmNoTrans
+ *          - SpmConjTrans
  * @param[in] n
  *          The number of columns of the matrices B and C.
@@ -441,43 +440,43 @@ z_spmCSCMatVec(const pastix_trans_t  trans,
- * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed successfully,
- * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
+ * @retval SPM_SUCCESS if the y vector has been computed successfully,
+ * @retval SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
-z_spmCSCMatMat(const pastix_trans_t trans,
-                     pastix_int_t   n,
+z_spmCSCMatMat(const spm_trans_t trans,
+                     spm_int_t   n,
                const void          *alphaptr,
-               const pastix_spm_t  *A,
+               const spmatrix_t  *A,
                const void          *Bptr,
-                     pastix_int_t   ldb,
+                     spm_int_t   ldb,
                const void          *betaptr,
                      void          *Cptr,
-                     pastix_int_t   ldc )
+                     spm_int_t   ldc )
-    const pastix_complex64_t *B = (const pastix_complex64_t*)Bptr;
-    pastix_complex64_t *C       = (pastix_complex64_t*)Cptr;
-    pastix_complex64_t alpha, beta;
-    int i, rc = PASTIX_SUCCESS;
+    const spm_complex64_t *B = (const spm_complex64_t*)Bptr;
+    spm_complex64_t *C       = (spm_complex64_t*)Cptr;
+    spm_complex64_t alpha, beta;
+    int i, rc = SPM_SUCCESS;
-    alpha = *((const pastix_complex64_t *)alphaptr);
-    beta  = *((const pastix_complex64_t *)betaptr);
+    alpha = *((const spm_complex64_t *)alphaptr);
+    beta  = *((const spm_complex64_t *)betaptr);
     switch (A->mtxtype) {
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
         for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){
             rc = z_spmHeCSCv( alpha, A, B + i * ldb, beta, C + i *ldc );
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
         for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){
             rc = z_spmSyCSCv( alpha, A, B + i * ldb, beta, C + i *ldc );
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
         for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){
             rc = z_spmGeCSCv( trans, alpha, A, B + i * ldb, beta, C + i *ldc );
diff --git a/src/z_spm_norm.c b/src/z_spm_norm.c
index 72ed9075..14203318 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_norm.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_norm.c
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
 #include "frobeniusupdate.h"
@@ -42,14 +41,14 @@
-z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, baseval;
+    spm_int_t i, j, baseval;
     double *valptr = (double*)spm->values;
     double scale = 1.;
     double sumsq = 0.;
-    if (spm->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) {
+    if (spm->mtxtype == SpmGeneral) {
         for(i=0; i <spm->nnzexp; i++, valptr++) {
             frobenius_update( 1, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
@@ -60,13 +59,13 @@ z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
     else {
-        pastix_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
-        pastix_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+        spm_int_t *colptr = spm->colptr;
+        spm_int_t *rowptr = spm->rowptr;
         int nb;
         baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
         switch( spm->fmttype ){
-        case PastixCSC:
+        case SpmCSC:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, colptr++) {
                 for(j=colptr[0]; j<colptr[1]; j++, rowptr++, valptr++) {
                     nb = ( i == (*rowptr-baseval) ) ? 1 : 2;
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixCSR:
+        case SpmCSR:
             for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++) {
                 for(j=rowptr[0]; j<rowptr[1]; j++, colptr++, valptr++) {
                     nb = ( i == (*colptr-baseval) ) ? 1 : 2;
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        case PastixIJV:
+        case SpmIJV:
             for(i=0; i <spm->nnz; i++, valptr++, colptr++, rowptr++) {
                 nb = ( *rowptr == *colptr ) ? 1 : 2;
                 frobenius_update( nb, &scale, &sumsq, valptr );
@@ -130,10 +129,10 @@ z_spmFrobeniusNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmMaxNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmMaxNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i;
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)spm->values;
+    spm_int_t i;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
     double tmp, norm = 0.;
     for(i=0; i <spm->nnzexp; i++, valptr++) {
@@ -163,19 +162,19 @@ z_spmMaxNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmInfNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)spm->values;
+    spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
     double norm = 0.;
     double *sumrow;
-    MALLOC_INTERN( sumrow, spm->gN, double );
+    sumrow = malloc( spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
     memset( sumrow, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     switch( spm->fmttype ){
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
             for( i=spm->colptr[col]-baseval; i<spm->colptr[col+1]-baseval; i++ )
@@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 sumrow[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
                 /* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
-                if ( ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral ) &&
+                if ( ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral ) &&
                      ( row != col ) )
                     sumrow[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
@@ -193,7 +192,7 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         for( row=0; row < spm->gN; row++ )
             for( i=spm->rowptr[row]-baseval; i<spm->rowptr[row+1]-baseval; i++ )
@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
         /* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
-        if ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral )
+        if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
             for( row=0; row < spm->gN; row++ )
@@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
             row = spm->rowptr[i]-baseval;
@@ -226,7 +225,7 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
         /* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
-        if ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral )
+        if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
             for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
@@ -240,8 +239,8 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        memFree_null( sumrow );
+        free( sumrow );
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++)
@@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
             norm = sumrow[i];
-    memFree_null( sumrow );
+    free( sumrow );
     return norm;
@@ -275,19 +274,19 @@ z_spmInfNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmOneNorm( const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)spm->values;
+    spm_int_t col, row, i, baseval;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)spm->values;
     double norm = 0.;
     double *sumcol;
-    MALLOC_INTERN( sumcol, spm->gN, double );
+    sumcol = malloc( spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
     memset( sumcol, 0, spm->gN * sizeof(double) );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     switch( spm->fmttype ){
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         for( col=0; col<spm->gN; col++ )
             for( i=spm->colptr[col]-baseval; i<spm->colptr[col+1]-baseval; i++ )
@@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
         /* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
-        if ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral )
+        if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
             for( col=0; col < spm->gN; col++ )
@@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         for( row=0; row < spm->gN; row++ )
             for( i=spm->rowptr[row]-baseval; i<spm->rowptr[row+1]-baseval; i++ )
@@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 sumcol[col] += cabs( valptr[i] );
                 /* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
-                if ( ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral ) &&
+                if ( ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral ) &&
                      ( row != col ) )
                     sumcol[row] += cabs( valptr[i] );
@@ -330,14 +329,14 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
             sumcol[spm->colptr[i]-baseval] += cabs( valptr[i] );
         /* Add the symmetric/hermitian part */
-        if ( spm->mtxtype != PastixGeneral )
+        if ( spm->mtxtype != SpmGeneral )
             for(i=0; i < spm->nnz; i++)
@@ -348,8 +347,8 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-        memFree_null( sumcol );
+        free( sumcol );
+        return SPM_ERR_BADPARAMETER;
     for( i=0; i<spm->gN; i++)
@@ -359,7 +358,7 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
             norm = sumcol[i];
-    memFree_null( sumcol );
+    free( sumcol );
     return norm;
@@ -372,10 +371,10 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
  * @param[in] ntype
- *          = PastixMaxNorm: Max norm
- *          = PastixOneNorm: One norm
- *          = PastixInfNorm: Infinity norm
- *          = PastixFrobeniusNorm: Frobenius norm
+ *          = SpmMaxNorm: Max norm
+ *          = SpmOneNorm: One norm
+ *          = SpmInfNorm: Infinity norm
+ *          = SpmFrobeniusNorm: Frobenius norm
  * @param[in] spm
  *          The spm structure describing the matrix.
@@ -387,7 +386,7 @@ z_spmOneNorm( const pastix_spm_t *spm )
 z_spmNorm( int ntype,
-           const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+           const spmatrix_t *spm )
     double norm = 0.;
@@ -397,19 +396,19 @@ z_spmNorm( int ntype,
     switch( ntype ) {
-    case PastixMaxNorm:
+    case SpmMaxNorm:
         norm = z_spmMaxNorm( spm );
-    case PastixInfNorm:
+    case SpmInfNorm:
         norm = z_spmInfNorm( spm );
-    case PastixOneNorm:
+    case SpmOneNorm:
         norm = z_spmOneNorm( spm );
-    case PastixFrobeniusNorm:
+    case SpmFrobeniusNorm:
         norm = z_spmFrobeniusNorm( spm );
diff --git a/src/z_spm_print.c b/src/z_spm_print.c
index 3f72aeb7..502170cf 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_print.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_print.c
@@ -16,15 +16,7 @@
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s p
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pastix.h"
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -44,27 +36,27 @@
-z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, baseval;
-    pastix_int_t k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
+    spm_int_t i, j, baseval;
+    spm_int_t k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSC );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSC );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     i = 0; j = 0;
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     dofs   = spm->dofs;
     switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
             dofj = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
@@ -76,7 +68,7 @@ z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 dofi = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
                 row  = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof * i : dofs[i] - baseval;
-                if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+                if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                     for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -120,7 +112,7 @@ z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
             dofj = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
@@ -132,7 +124,7 @@ z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 dofi = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
                 row  = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof * i : dofs[i] - baseval;
-                if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+                if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                     for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -175,7 +167,7 @@ z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
         for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++)
@@ -188,7 +180,7 @@ z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 dofi = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
                 row  = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof * i : dofs[i] - baseval;
-                if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+                if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                     for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -229,27 +221,27 @@ z_spmCSCPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, baseval;
-    pastix_int_t k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
+    spm_int_t i, j, baseval;
+    spm_int_t k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixCSR );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmCSR );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     i = 0; j = 0;
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     dofs   = spm->dofs;
     switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
         for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
             dofi = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
@@ -261,7 +253,7 @@ z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 dofj = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
                 col  = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof * j : dofs[j] - baseval;
-                if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+                if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                     for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -305,7 +297,7 @@ z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
         for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
             dofi = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[i+1] - dofs[i];
@@ -317,7 +309,7 @@ z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 dofj = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
                 col  = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof * j : dofs[j] - baseval;
-                if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+                if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                     for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -360,7 +352,7 @@ z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
         for(i=0; i<spm->n; i++, rowptr++)
@@ -373,7 +365,7 @@ z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 dofj = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof     : dofs[j+1] - dofs[j];
                 col  = ( spm->dof > 0 ) ? spm->dof * j : dofs[j] - baseval;
-                if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+                if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                     for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                         for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -414,27 +406,27 @@ z_spmCSRPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t i, j, baseval;
-    pastix_int_t k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
-    pastix_complex64_t *valptr;
-    pastix_int_t *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
+    spm_int_t i, j, baseval;
+    spm_int_t k, ii, jj, dofi, dofj, col, row;
+    spm_complex64_t *valptr;
+    spm_int_t *colptr, *rowptr, *dofs;
-    assert( spm->fmttype == PastixIJV );
-    assert( spm->flttype == PastixComplex64 );
+    assert( spm->fmttype == SpmIJV );
+    assert( spm->flttype == SpmComplex64 );
     baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
     i = 0; j = 0;
     colptr = spm->colptr;
     rowptr = spm->rowptr;
-    valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
+    valptr = (spm_complex64_t*)(spm->values);
     dofs   = spm->dofs;
     switch( spm->mtxtype ){
 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
-    case PastixHermitian:
+    case SpmHermitian:
         for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
             i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -453,7 +445,7 @@ z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 col  = dofs[j] - baseval;
-            if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+            if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                 for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                     for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -496,7 +488,7 @@ z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixSymmetric:
+    case SpmSymmetric:
         for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
             i = *rowptr - baseval;
@@ -515,7 +507,7 @@ z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 col  = dofs[j] - baseval;
-            if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+            if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                 for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                     for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -557,7 +549,7 @@ z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-    case PastixGeneral:
+    case SpmGeneral:
         for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
@@ -577,7 +569,7 @@ z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
                 col  = dofs[j] - baseval;
-            if ( spm->layout == PastixColMajor ) {
+            if ( spm->layout == SpmColMajor ) {
                 for(jj=0; jj<dofj; jj++)
                     for(ii=0; ii<dofi; ii++, valptr++)
@@ -617,16 +609,16 @@ z_spmIJVPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
-z_spmPrint( FILE *f, const pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmPrint( FILE *f, const spmatrix_t *spm )
     switch (spm->fmttype) {
-    case PastixCSC:
+    case SpmCSC:
         z_spmCSCPrint( f, spm );
-    case PastixCSR:
+    case SpmCSR:
         z_spmCSRPrint( f, spm );
-    case PastixIJV:
+    case SpmIJV:
         z_spmIJVPrint( f, spm );
diff --git a/src/z_spm_scal.c b/src/z_spm_scal.c
index 1e568bd4..3886729b 100644
--- a/src/z_spm_scal.c
+++ b/src/z_spm_scal.c
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#include "spm.h"
 #include "z_spm.h"
@@ -36,10 +35,10 @@
-z_spmScal( const double alpha, pastix_spm_t *spm )
+z_spmScal( const double alpha, spmatrix_t *spm )
-    pastix_int_t        nnz, i;
-    pastix_complex64_t *values;
+    spm_int_t        nnz, i;
+    spm_complex64_t *values;
     nnz    = spm->nnz;
     values = spm->values;