diff --git a/spm.c b/spm.c
index 673c229ae8d4829508d6bd2654d2acab0972cdea..ff7cdbfaab771463a7ad86c9129dd9504c889f55 100644
--- a/spm.c
+++ b/spm.c
@@ -1311,95 +1311,50 @@ spmScalMatrix(double alpha, pastix_spm_t* spm)
- * @param[in] alpha
- *           The scaling parameter.
- *
- * @param[in] spm
- *          The spm structure to know the type of the vector.
- *
- * @param[inout] x
- *          The vector to scal.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-spmScalVector(double alpha, pastix_spm_t* spm, void *x)
-    switch(spm->flttype)
-    {
-    case PastixPattern:
-        break;
-    case PastixFloat:
-        cblas_sscal(spm->n, (float)alpha, x, 1);
-        break;
-    case PastixComplex32:
-        cblas_csscal(spm->n, (float)alpha, x, 1);
-        break;
-    case PastixComplex64:
-        cblas_zdscal(spm->n, alpha, x, 1);
-        break;
-    case PastixDouble:
-    default:
-        cblas_dscal(spm->n, alpha, x, 1);
-    }
- *******************************************************************************
- *
- * @brief Scale a dense matrix corresponding to a set of RHS (wrapper to
- * LAPACKE_xlascl)
- *
- * A = alpha * A
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- *
  * @param[in] flt
- *          Datatype of the matrix that must be:
+ *          Datatype of the elements in the vector that must be:
  *          @arg PastixFloat
  *          @arg PastixDouble
  *          @arg PastixComplex32
  *          @arg PastixComplex64
- * @param[in] m
- *          Number of rows of the matrix A.
- *
  * @param[in] n
- *          Number of columns of the matrix A.
+ *          Number of elements in the input vectors
  * @param[in] alpha
- *          The scaling parameter.
+ *           The scaling parameter.
- * @param[inout] A
- *          The dense matrix to scale of size lda-by-n
+ * @param[inout] x
+ *          The vector to scal of size ( 1 + (n-1) * abs(incx) ), and of type
+ *          defined by flt.
- * @param[in] lda
- *          Defines the leading dimension of A. lda >= m.
+ * @param[in] inc
+ *          Storage spacing between elements of x.
-spmScalRHS( pastix_coeftype_t flt,
-            double            alpha,
-            pastix_int_t      m,
-            pastix_int_t      n,
-            void             *A,
-            pastix_int_t      lda )
+spmScalVector( pastix_coeftype_t flt,
+               double            alpha,
+               pastix_int_t      n,
+               void             *x,
+               pastix_int_t      inc )
-    switch(flt)
+    switch(spm->flttype)
     case PastixPattern:
     case PastixFloat:
-        LAPACKE_slascl_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'G', 0, 0, 1., alpha, m, n, A, lda);
+        cblas_sscal( n, (float)alpha, x, incx );
     case PastixComplex32:
-        LAPACKE_clascl_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'G', 0, 0, 1., alpha, m, n, A, lda);
+        cblas_csscal( n, (float)alpha, x, incx );
     case PastixComplex64:
-        LAPACKE_zlascl_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'G', 0, 0, 1., alpha, m, n, A, lda);
+        cblas_zdscal( n, alpha, x, incx );
     case PastixDouble:
-        LAPACKE_dlascl_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'G', 0, 0, 1., alpha, m, n, A, lda);
+        cblas_dscal( n, alpha, x, incx );
diff --git a/spm.h b/spm.h
index 9686a79fba312694e650a6de164dd32740a62d7e..a677e6b8322bf683369f08e972b2abb224da5ecf 100644
--- a/spm.h
+++ b/spm.h
@@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ int           spmMatMat( pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_int_t n,
                                             const void *B, pastix_int_t ldb,
                          const void *beta,        void *C, pastix_int_t ldc );
 void          spmScalMatrix( double alpha, pastix_spm_t *spm );
-void          spmScalVector( double alpha, pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x );
-void          spmScalRHS( pastix_coeftype_t flt, double alpha, pastix_int_t m, pastix_int_t n, void *A, pastix_int_t lda );
+void          spmScalVector( pastix_coeftype_t flt, double alpha, pastix_int_t n, void *x, pastix_int_t incx );
  * @}