diff --git a/spm.c b/spm.c
index e6e3c25daaf7d08f0d75d69d219016a8e4b084a6..78cb2da66a58cb5158a4c27d40d3ef9973ecff00 100644
--- a/spm.c
+++ b/spm.c
@@ -108,6 +108,82 @@ spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm )
     spm->values   = NULL;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup pastix_spm
+ *
+ * @brief Update all the computed fields based on the static values stored
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] spm
+ *          The sparse matrix to init.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+spmUpdateFields( pastix_spm_t *spm )
+    /**
+     * Compute the local expended field for multi-dofs
+     */
+    if ( spm->dof > 0 ) {
+        spm->nexp   = spm->n   * spm->dof;
+        spm->nnzexp = spm->nnz * spm->dof * spm->dof;
+    }
+    else {
+        pastix_int_t i, j, k, dofi, dofj, baseval;
+        pastix_int_t *dofptr, *colptr, *rowptr;
+        baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
+        colptr = spm->colptr;
+        rowptr = spm->rowptr;
+        dofptr = spm->dofs;
+        spm->nexp = dofptr[ spm->n ] - baseval;
+        spm->nnzexp = 0;
+        switch(spm->fmttype)
+        {
+        case PastixCSR:
+            /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
+            colptr = spm->rowptr;
+            rowptr = spm->colptr;
+        case PastixCSC:
+            for(j=0; j<spm->n; j++, colptr++) {
+                dofj = dofptr[j+1] - dofptr[j];
+                for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++) {
+                    i = *rowptr - baseval;
+                    dofi = dofptr[i+1] - dofptr[i];
+                    spm->nnzexp += dofi * dofj;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case PastixIJV:
+            for(k=0; k<spm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
+            {
+                i = *rowptr - baseval;
+                j = *colptr - baseval;
+                dofi = dofptr[i+1] - dofptr[i];
+                dofj = dofptr[j+1] - dofptr[j];
+                spm->nnzexp += dofi * dofj;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* TODO: add communicator */
+    spm->gN      = spm->n;
+    spm->gnnz    = spm->nnz;
+    spm->gNexp   = spm->nexp;
+    spm->gnnzexp = spm->nnzexp;
diff --git a/spm.h b/spm.h
index 9e0e0d1ed8ddae235e656e66f11816a0fdce87dd..c4dd0416ab7c4944730dcdb1007ba6b991d9c27b 100644
--- a/spm.h
+++ b/spm.h
@@ -61,32 +61,32 @@ typedef enum pastix_driver_e {
 struct pastix_spm_s {
     int               mtxtype; /**< Matrix structure: PastixGeneral, PastixSymmetric
-                                    or PastixHermitian.                                         */
+                                    or PastixHermitian.                                            */
     pastix_coeftype_t flttype; /**< avals datatype: PastixPattern, PastixFloat, PastixDouble,
-                                    PastixComplex32 or PastixComplex64                          */
-    pastix_fmttype_t  fmttype; /**< Matrix storage format: PastixCSC, PastixCSR, PastixIJV      */
+                                    PastixComplex32 or PastixComplex64                             */
+    pastix_fmttype_t  fmttype; /**< Matrix storage format: PastixCSC, PastixCSR, PastixIJV         */
-    pastix_int_t      gN;      /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph           */
-    pastix_int_t      n;       /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph            */
-    pastix_int_t      gnnz;    /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph         */
-    pastix_int_t      nnz;     /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph          */
+    pastix_int_t      gN;      /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)   */
+    pastix_int_t      n;       /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph               */
+    pastix_int_t      gnnz;    /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
+    pastix_int_t      nnz;     /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph             */
-    pastix_int_t      gNexp;   /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph           */
-    pastix_int_t      nexp;    /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph            */
-    pastix_int_t      gnnzexp; /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph         */
-    pastix_int_t      nnzexp;  /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph          */
+    pastix_int_t      gNexp;   /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)   */
+    pastix_int_t      nexp;    /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed)    */
+    pastix_int_t      gnnzexp; /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
+    pastix_int_t      nnzexp;  /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed)  */
     pastix_int_t      dof;     /**< Number of degrees of freedom per unknown,
                                     if > 0, constant degree of freedom
-                                    otherwise, irregular degree of freedom (refer to dofs)      */
+                                    otherwise, irregular degree of freedom (refer to dofs)         */
     pastix_int_t     *dofs;    /**< Array of the first column of each element in the
-                                    expanded matrix [+baseval]                                  */
-    pastix_order_t    layout;  /**< PastixColMajor, or PastixRowMajor                           */
+                                    expanded matrix [+baseval]                                     */
+    pastix_order_t    layout;  /**< PastixColMajor, or PastixRowMajor                              */
-    pastix_int_t     *colptr;  /**< List of indirections to rows for each vertex [+baseval]     */
-    pastix_int_t     *rowptr;  /**< List of edges for each vertex [+baseval]                    */
-    pastix_int_t     *loc2glob;/**< Corresponding numbering from local to global [+baseval]     */
-    void             *values;  /**< Values stored in the matrix                                 */
+    pastix_int_t     *colptr;  /**< List of indirections to rows for each vertex [+baseval]        */
+    pastix_int_t     *rowptr;  /**< List of edges for each vertex [+baseval]                       */
+    pastix_int_t     *loc2glob;/**< Corresponding numbering from local to global [+baseval]        */
+    void             *values;  /**< Values stored in the matrix                                    */
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ void          spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm );
 void          spmExit( pastix_spm_t *spm );
 pastix_spm_t *spmCopy( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
 void          spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm, int baseval );
+void          spmUpdateFields( pastix_spm_t *spm );
 int           spmConvert( int ofmttype, pastix_spm_t *ospm );
 void *        spm2Dense( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
 pastix_int_t  spmFindBase( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
diff --git a/spm_dofs.c b/spm_dofs.c
index d75f839c5ec3e74d454b83aa555bb47f23c962ba..69b504efb3f257aa49da3913801954011cf8d935 100644
--- a/spm_dofs.c
+++ b/spm_dofs.c
@@ -44,15 +44,11 @@ spmDofExtend( const int type,
      * Generate constant dof
     if (type == 0) {
-        newspm->dof     = dof;
-        newspm->nexp    = spm->n  * dof;
-        newspm->gNexp   = spm->gN * dof;
-        newspm->nnzexp  = spm->nnz  * dof * dof;
-        newspm->gnnzexp = spm->gnnz * dof * dof;
+        newspm->dof = dof;
     else {
-        pastix_int_t i, j, k, dofi, dofj, baseval;
-        pastix_int_t *dofptr, *colptr, *rowptr;
+        pastix_int_t i, dofi, baseval;
+        pastix_int_t *dofptr;
         baseval = spmFindBase( spm );
@@ -69,51 +65,10 @@ spmDofExtend( const int type,
             dofi = 1 + ( rand() % dof );
             dofptr[1] = dofptr[0] + dofi;
-        newspm->nexp  = *dofptr - baseval;
-        newspm->gNexp = newspm->nexp;
-        /**
-         * Count the number of non zeroes
-         */
-        newspm->nnzexp = 0;
-        colptr = newspm->colptr;
-        rowptr = newspm->rowptr;
-        dofptr = newspm->dofs;
-        switch(spm->fmttype)
-        {
-        case PastixCSR:
-            /* Swap pointers to call CSC */
-            colptr = newspm->rowptr;
-            rowptr = newspm->colptr;
-        case PastixCSC:
-            for(j=0; j<newspm->n; j++, colptr++) {
-                dofj = dofptr[j+1] - dofptr[j];
-                for(k=colptr[0]; k<colptr[1]; k++, rowptr++) {
-                    i = *rowptr - baseval;
-                    dofi = dofptr[i+1] - dofptr[i];
-                    newspm->nnzexp += dofi * dofj;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case PastixIJV:
-            for(k=0; k<newspm->nnz; k++, rowptr++, colptr++)
-            {
-                i = *rowptr - baseval;
-                j = *colptr - baseval;
-                dofi = dofptr[i+1] - dofptr[i];
-                dofj = dofptr[j+1] - dofptr[j];
-                newspm->nnzexp += dofi * dofj;
-            }
-        }
-        newspm->gnnzexp = newspm->nnzexp;
+    spmUpdateFields( newspm );
     switch (spm->flttype) {
     case PastixFloat:
         s_spmDofExtend( newspm );