/** * * @file codelet_zlacpy.c * * @copyright 2009-2015 The University of Tennessee and The University of * Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights reserved. * @copyright 2012-2016 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria, * Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved. * *** * * @brief Chameleon zlacpy PaRSEC codelet * * @version 1.0.0 * @author Reazul Hoque * @precisions normal z -> c d s * */ #include "chameleon_parsec.h" #include "chameleon/morse_tasks_z.h" #include "coreblas/coreblas_z.h" /** * * @ingroup CORE_MORSE_Complex64_t * */ static inline int CORE_zlacpyx_parsec( parsec_execution_stream_t *context, parsec_task_t *this_task ) { MORSE_enum uplo; int M; int N; int displA; MORSE_Complex64_t *A; int LDA; int displB; MORSE_Complex64_t *B; int LDB; parsec_dtd_unpack_args( this_task, &uplo, &M, &N, &displA, &A, &LDA, &displB, &B, &LDB ); CORE_zlacpy( uplo, M, N, A + (displA), LDA, B + (displB), LDB ); (void)context; return PARSEC_HOOK_RETURN_DONE; } void MORSE_TASK_zlacpyx( const MORSE_option_t *options, MORSE_enum uplo, int m, int n, int nb, int displA, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda, int displB, const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb ) { parsec_taskpool_t* PARSEC_dtd_taskpool = (parsec_taskpool_t *)(options->sequence->schedopt); parsec_dtd_taskpool_insert_task( PARSEC_dtd_taskpool, CORE_zlacpyx_parsec, options->priority, "lacpy", sizeof(MORSE_enum), &uplo, VALUE, sizeof(int), &m, VALUE, sizeof(int), &n, VALUE, sizeof(int), &displA, VALUE, PASSED_BY_REF, RTBLKADDR( A, MORSE_Complex64_t, Am, An ), INPUT, sizeof(int), &lda, VALUE, sizeof(int), &displB, VALUE, PASSED_BY_REF, RTBLKADDR( B, MORSE_Complex64_t, Bm, Bn ), OUTPUT | AFFINITY, sizeof(int), &ldb, VALUE, PARSEC_DTD_ARG_END ); (void)nb; } void MORSE_TASK_zlacpy(const MORSE_option_t *options, MORSE_enum uplo, int m, int n, int nb, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda, const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb) { MORSE_TASK_zlacpyx( options, uplo, m, n, nb, 0, A, Am, An, lda, 0, B, Bm, Bn, ldb ); }