diff --git a/doc/user/chapters/installing.org b/doc/user/chapters/installing.org
index 4640ded4dd70e44dd94dfdf4c931c96ffc6a0318..5e2edd43bf946151d0c15b29c6a0dcc8557e669c 100644
--- a/doc/user/chapters/installing.org
+++ b/doc/user/chapters/installing.org
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ Finally some packages or also available for [[sec:ug:debian][Debian/Ubuntu]] and
       * *CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/your/install/dir*: where headers,
         libraries, executables, etc, will be copied when invoking make
-      * *BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON|OFF*: indicate wether or not CMake has to
+      * *BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON|OFF*: indicates whether or not CMake has to
         build Chameleon static (~OFF~) or shared (~ON~) libraries.
       * *CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc|icc|...*: to choose the C compilers
         if several exist in the environment
diff --git a/runtime/starpu/interface/cham_tile_interface.c b/runtime/starpu/interface/cham_tile_interface.c
index a237d2cfe888e87a3ddbcf88af3dca344afdfc1c..2ff291ff0cb978f19c6f9727c8d7d23beb1d3672 100644
--- a/runtime/starpu/interface/cham_tile_interface.c
+++ b/runtime/starpu/interface/cham_tile_interface.c
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ cti_init( void *data_interface )
 static void
 cti_register_data_handle( starpu_data_handle_t  handle,
-                          int                   home_node,
+                          unsigned int                   home_node,
                           void                 *data_interface )
     starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *cham_tile_interface = (starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *) data_interface;
@@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ cti_compare( void *data_interface_a, void *data_interface_b )
         && ( cham_tile_a->flttype == cham_tile_b->flttype );
-static int
-cti_alloc_compare(void *data_interface_a, void *data_interface_b)
-    starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *cham_tile_a = (starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *) data_interface_a;
-    starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *cham_tile_b = (starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *) data_interface_b;
+/* static int */
+/* cti_alloc_compare(void *data_interface_a, void *data_interface_b) */
+/* { */
+/*     starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *cham_tile_a = (starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *) data_interface_a; */
+/*     starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *cham_tile_b = (starpu_cham_tile_interface_t *) data_interface_b; */
     /* Two matrices are considered compatible if they have the same allocated size */
     return ( cham_tile_a->allocsize == cham_tile_b->allocsize );
diff --git a/testing/input/geadd.in b/testing/input/geadd.in
index 8e6fe98f11e7ec97f464df6a4cbb76f114f22daa..9c15fe75bba07c4526b5ef04428001f2e7bca13d 100644
--- a/testing/input/geadd.in
+++ b/testing/input/geadd.in
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # N: Number of columns of matrix B
 # LDA: Leading dimension of matrix A
 # LDB: Leading dimension of matrix B
-# trans: Wether the matrix A is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
+# trans: Whether the matrix A is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
 # alpha: Scalar alpha
 # beta: Scalar beta
diff --git a/testing/input/gels.in b/testing/input/gels.in
index 93e08d2ddaa1ade9ca2a721b9b1898b1e9ea05b6..b365e0359603f9736c4c957a00bab385f1d24ac1 100644
--- a/testing/input/gels.in
+++ b/testing/input/gels.in
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # K: Number of columns of matrix A and rows of Matrix B
 # LDA: Leading dimension of matrix A
 # LDB: Leading dimension of matrix B
-# trans: Wether the system involves A (ChamNoTrans) or A^H *ChamTransConj)
+# trans: Whether the system involves A (ChamNoTrans) or A^H *ChamTransConj)
 # RH: Size of each subdomain when using RH
 op = gels
diff --git a/testing/input/gels_hqr.in b/testing/input/gels_hqr.in
index c64f87f4e26c86c18a4b6779281a789d90c48635..0cd04553e488bdf588ff708e2bc0fd287855bc49 100644
--- a/testing/input/gels_hqr.in
+++ b/testing/input/gels_hqr.in
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # K: Number of columns of matrix A and rows of Matrix B
 # LDA: Leading dimension of matrix A
 # LDB: Leading dimension of matrix B
-# trans: Wether the system involves A (ChamNoTrans) or A^H *ChamTransConj). Currently only ChamNoTrans is supported.
+# trans: Whether the system involves A (ChamNoTrans) or A^H *ChamTransConj). Currently only ChamNoTrans is supported.
 # qra: Size of TS domain
 # qrp: Size of high level tree for distributed mode
 # llvl: Tree used for low level reduction insides nodes
diff --git a/testing/input/gemm.in b/testing/input/gemm.in
index ae01aee4dc82bcba9d6ebc60584d296dadb4a9e2..f8e2a5b10b91a75a6fd9cc8691660ecf760057c3 100644
--- a/testing/input/gemm.in
+++ b/testing/input/gemm.in
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 # LDA: Leading dimension of matrix A
 # LDB: Leading dimension of matrix B
 # LDC: Leading dimension of matrix C
-# transA: Wether the matrix A is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
-# transB: Wether the matrix B is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
+# transA: Whether the matrix A is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
+# transB: Whether the matrix B is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
 # alpha: Scalar alpha
 # beta: Scalar beta
diff --git a/testing/input/tradd.in b/testing/input/tradd.in
index a574f03519847cf4183b360ba06e743d2c243492..37ea4599f506f8e4a7104428ee0dec7265ee1351 100644
--- a/testing/input/tradd.in
+++ b/testing/input/tradd.in
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # N: Number of columns of matrix B
 # LDA: Leading dimension of matrix A
 # LDB: Leading dimension of matrix B
-# trans: Wether the matrix A is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
+# trans: Whether the matrix A is not tranposed, transposed or conjugate transposed (0: not transposed, 1: transposed, 2: conjugate transposed)
 # uplo: matrix parte to be considered (0: Upper, 1: Lower)
 # alpha: Scalar alpha
 # beta: Scalar beta