diff --git a/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_z.h b/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_z.h
index f404348b6489b03564a2d377b4057ec4e4e1f30b..7a3f4178be57360004ebe889cf216d6408129d1f 100644
--- a/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_z.h
+++ b/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_z.h
@@ -30,20 +30,20 @@
  *  Declarations of QUARK wrappers (called by CHAMELEON) - alphabetical order
-void InsertTask_dzasum( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_dzasum( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum storev, MORSE_enum uplo, int M, int N,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_zgeadd( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgeadd( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum trans, int m, int n, int nb,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t beta,  const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_zlascal( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlascal( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum uplo,
                          int m, int n, int nb,
                          MORSE_Complex64_t alpha,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda );
-void InsertTask_zbrdalg( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zbrdalg( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum uplo,
                          int N, int NB,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *A,
@@ -51,23 +51,23 @@ void InsertTask_zbrdalg( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *S, int Sm, int Sn,
                          int i, int j, int m, int grsiz, int BAND,
                          int *PCOL, int *ACOL, int *MCOL );
-void InsertTask_zgelqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgelqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_zgemm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgemm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum transB,
                        int m, int n, int k, int nb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zgemm2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgemm2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum transB,
                         int m, int n, int k, int nb,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zgemm_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgemm_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                           MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum transB,
                           int m, int n, int k, int nb,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
@@ -75,257 +75,257 @@ void InsertTask_zgemm_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc,
                           const MORSE_desc_t *fake1, int fake1m, int fake1n, int szefake1, int flag1,
                           const MORSE_desc_t *fake2, int fake2m, int fake2n, int szefake2, int flag2 );
-void InsertTask_zgemm_p2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgemm_p2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                           MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum transB,
                           int m, int n, int k, int nb,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                           const MORSE_Complex64_t **B, int ldb,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zgemm_p2f1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgemm_p2f1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                             MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum transB,
                             int m, int n, int k, int nb,
                             MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                             const MORSE_Complex64_t **B, int ldb,
                             MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc,
                             const MORSE_desc_t *fake1, int fake1m, int fake1n, int szefake1, int flag1 );
-void InsertTask_zgemm_p3( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgemm_p3( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                           MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum transB,
                           int m, int n, int k, int nb,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                           const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t beta, MORSE_Complex64_t **C, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zgeqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgeqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_zgessm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgessm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         int *IPIV,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *L, int Lm, int Ln, int ldl,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *D, int Dm, int Dn, int ldd,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda );
-void InsertTask_zgessq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgessq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *SCALESUMSQ, int SCALESUMSQm, int SCALESUMSQn );
-void InsertTask_zgetrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int *IPIV,
                         MORSE_bool check_info, int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zgetrf_incpiv( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_incpiv( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *L, int Lm, int Ln, int ldl,
                                int *IPIV,
                                MORSE_bool check_info, int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zgetrf_nopiv( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                               int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                               const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda, int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zgetrf_reclap( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_reclap( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                int m, int n, int nb,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                                int *IPIV,
                                MORSE_bool check_info, int iinfo,
                                int nbthread );
-void InsertTask_zgetrf_rectil( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_rectil( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                const MORSE_desc_t A, const MORSE_desc_t *Amn, int Amnm, int Amnn, int size,
                                int *IPIV,
                                MORSE_bool check_info, int iinfo,
                                int nbthread );
-void InsertTask_zgetrip( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrip( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          int m, int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int szeA );
-void InsertTask_zgetrip_f1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrip_f1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                             int m, int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int szeA,
                             const MORSE_desc_t *fake, int fakem, int faken, int szeF, int paramF );
-void InsertTask_zgetrip_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrip_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                             int m, int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int szeA,
                             const MORSE_desc_t *fake1, int fake1m, int fake1n, int szeF1, int paramF1,
                             const MORSE_desc_t *fake2, int fake2m, int fake2n, int szeF2, int paramF2 );
-void InsertTask_zhe2ge( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zhe2ge( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo,
                         int m, int n, int mb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_zhemm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zhemm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum uplo,
                        int m, int n, int nb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zhegst( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zhegst( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int itype, MORSE_enum uplo, int N,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int LDA,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int LDB,
                         int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zherk( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zherk( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum trans,
                        int n, int k, int nb,
                        double alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        double beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zher2k( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zher2k( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int n, int k, int nb,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int LDB,
                         double beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zherfb( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zherfb( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo,
                         int n, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zlacpy( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlacpy( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, int m, int n, int mb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_zlacpyx( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlacpyx( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum uplo, int m, int n, int mb,
                          int displA, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                          int displB, const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_zlange( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlange( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum norm, int M, int N, int NB,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int LDA,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_zlange_max( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlange_max( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                             const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
                             const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_zhessq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zhessq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, int n,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *SCALESUMSQ, int SCALESUMSQm, int SCALESUMSQn );
-void InsertTask_zlanhe( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlanhe( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum norm, MORSE_enum uplo, int N, int NB,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int LDA,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_zlansy( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlansy( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum norm, MORSE_enum uplo, int N, int NB,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int LDA,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_zlantr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlantr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum norm, MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum diag,
                         int M, int N, int NB,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int LDA,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_zlaset( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaset( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, int n1, int n2, MORSE_Complex64_t alpha,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *tileA, int tileAm, int tileAn, int ldtilea );
-void InsertTask_zlaset2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaset2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum uplo, int n1, int n2, MORSE_Complex64_t alpha,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *tileA, int tileAm, int tileAn, int ldtilea );
-void InsertTask_zlaswp( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaswp( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int i1,  int i2, int *ipiv, int inc );
-void InsertTask_zlaswp_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaswp_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                            int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                            int i1,  int i2, int *ipiv, int inc,
                            const MORSE_desc_t *fake1, int fake1m, int fake1n, int szefake1, int flag1,
                            const MORSE_desc_t *fake2, int fake2m, int fake2n, int szefake2, int flag2 );
-void InsertTask_zlaswp_ontile( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaswp_ontile( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                const MORSE_desc_t descA, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
                                int i1,  int i2, int *ipiv, int inc, MORSE_Complex64_t *fakepanel );
-void InsertTask_zlaswp_ontile_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaswp_ontile_f2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                   const MORSE_desc_t descA, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
                                   int i1,  int i2, int *ipiv, int inc,
                                   const MORSE_desc_t *fake1, int fake1m, int fake1n, int szefake1, int flag1,
                                   const MORSE_desc_t *fake2, int fake2m, int fake2n, int szefake2, int flag2 );
-void InsertTask_zlaswpc_ontile( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlaswpc_ontile( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                 const MORSE_desc_t descA, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
                                 int i1,  int i2, int *ipiv, int inc, MORSE_Complex64_t *fakepanel );
-void InsertTask_zlatro( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlatro( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum trans, int m, int n, int mb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_zlauum( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlauum( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, int n, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda );
-void InsertTask_zplghe( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zplghe( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         double bump, int m, int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int bigM, int m0, int n0, unsigned long long int seed );
-void InsertTask_zplgsy( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zplgsy( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t bump, int m, int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int bigM, int m0, int n0, unsigned long long int seed );
-void InsertTask_zplrnt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zplrnt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int bigM, int m0, int n0, unsigned long long int seed );
-void InsertTask_zpotrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zpotrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, int n, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zshift( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zshift( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int s, int m, int n, int L,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t *A );
-void InsertTask_zshiftw( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zshiftw( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          int s, int cl, int m, int n, int L,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, MORSE_Complex64_t *W );
-void InsertTask_zssssm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zssssm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *L1, int L1m, int L1n, int ldl1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *L2, int L2m, int L2n, int ldl2,
                         const int *IPIV );
-void InsertTask_zsymm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zsymm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum uplo,
                        int m, int n, int nb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zsyrk( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zsyrk( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum trans,
                        int n, int k, int nb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zsyr2k( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zsyr2k( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int n, int k, int nb,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int LDB,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t beta, const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zsyssq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zsyssq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, int n,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *SCALESUMSQ, int SCALESUMSQm, int SCALESUMSQn );
-void InsertTask_zsytrf_nopiv( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zsytrf_nopiv( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                               MORSE_enum uplo, int n, int nb,
                               const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                               int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zswpab( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zswpab( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int i, int n1, int n2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int szeA );
-void InsertTask_zswptr_ontile( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zswptr_ontile( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                const MORSE_desc_t descA, const MORSE_desc_t *Aij, int Aijm, int Aijn,
                                int i1,  int i2, int *ipiv, int inc,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *Akk, int Akkm, int Akkn, int ldak );
-void InsertTask_ztplqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztplqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int l, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztpmlqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztpmlqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                          int M, int N, int K, int L, int ib, int nb,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_ztpmqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztpmqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                          int m, int n, int k, int l, int ib, int nb,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_ztpqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztpqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int l, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztrdalg( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrdalg( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          MORSE_enum uplo,
                          int N, int NB,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *A,
@@ -333,78 +333,78 @@ void InsertTask_ztrdalg( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *S, int Sm, int Sn,
                          int i, int j, int m, int grsiz, int BAND,
                          int *PCOL, int *ACOL, int *MCOL );
-void InsertTask_ztradd( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztradd( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum trans, int m, int n, int nb,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         MORSE_Complex64_t beta,  const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_ztrasm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrasm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum storev, MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum diag, int M, int N,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn );
-void InsertTask_ztrmm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrmm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum diag,
                        int m, int n, int nb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_ztrmm_p2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrmm_p2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                           MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum diag,
                           int m, int n, int nb,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                           MORSE_Complex64_t **B, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_ztrsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum transA, MORSE_enum diag,
                        int m, int n, int nb,
                        MORSE_Complex64_t alpha, const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_ztrssq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrssq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum diag,
                         int m, int n,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *SCALESUMSQ, int SCALESUMSQm, int SCALESUMSQn );
-void InsertTask_ztrtri( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztrtri( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum uplo, MORSE_enum diag, int n, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_ztslqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztslqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztsmlq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztsmlq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztsmlq_hetra1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztsmlq_hetra1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                                int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztsmqr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztsmqr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztsmqr_hetra1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztsmqr_hetra1( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                                int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                                const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztsqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztsqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_ztstrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_ztstrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un, int ldu,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
@@ -412,55 +412,55 @@ void InsertTask_ztstrf( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int *IPIV,
                         MORSE_bool check_info, int iinfo );
-void InsertTask_zttmqr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zttmqr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_zttqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zttqrt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_zttmlq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zttmlq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_zttlqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zttlqt( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt );
-void InsertTask_zpamm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zpamm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                        int op, MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum storev,
                        int m, int n, int k, int l,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
                        const MORSE_desc_t *W, int Wm, int Wn, int ldw );
-void InsertTask_zplssq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zplssq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *SCALESUMSQ, int SCALESUMSQm, int SCALESUMSQn,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *SCLSSQ,     int SCLSSQm,     int SCLSSQn );
-void InsertTask_zplssq2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zplssq2( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                          const MORSE_desc_t *RESULT, int RESULTm, int RESULTn );
-void InsertTask_zunmlq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zunmlq( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int m, int n, int ib,  int nb, int k,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zunmqr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zunmqr( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans,
                         int m, int n, int k, int ib, int nb,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *T, int Tm, int Tn, int ldt,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *C, int Cm, int Cn, int ldc );
-void InsertTask_zbuild( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zbuild( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         const MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         void *user_data, void* user_build_callback );
diff --git a/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_zc.h b/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_zc.h
index 3864cddaffd353b5e0bb8639a14a08ecd757e9e4..aeb38cccfab2e11eb569cd45bb049d187842e1d1 100644
--- a/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_zc.h
+++ b/include/chameleon/chameleon_tasks_zc.h
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
  *  Declarations of QUARK wrappers (called by CHAMELEON) - alphabetical order
-void InsertTask_clag2z( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_clag2z( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int nb,
                         MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );
-void InsertTask_zlag2c( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zlag2c( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                         int m, int n, int nb,
                         MORSE_desc_t *A, int Am, int An, int lda,
                         MORSE_desc_t *B, int Bm, int Bn, int ldb );