From bd54493cd313f909fcbc3b140a0619958e8524a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthieu Kuhn <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 18:06:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] starpu/codelet/getrf_nopiv: move nopiv percol codelets to a
 dedicated file and rename them (remove panel)

 compute/pzgetrf.c                             | 14 ++---
 compute/zgetrf.c                              |  1 +
 include/chameleon/tasks_z.h                   | 20 +++----
 runtime/CMakeLists.txt                        |  5 +-
 .../codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c    | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
 runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c      | 60 -------------------
 .../codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c    | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
 runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c      | 60 -------------------
 .../codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c    | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
 runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c       | 60 -------------------
 ...zpanel.c => codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c} | 37 ++++++------
 11 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
 delete mode 100644 runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
 create mode 100644 runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
 delete mode 100644 runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
 create mode 100644 runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
 delete mode 100644 runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
 rename runtime/starpu/codelets/{codelet_zpanel.c => codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c} (79%)

diff --git a/compute/pzgetrf.c b/compute/pzgetrf.c
index 1d93acc5e..368a3d46f 100644
--- a/compute/pzgetrf.c
+++ b/compute/pzgetrf.c
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
  * @brief Chameleon zgetrf parallel algorithm
- * @version 1.2.0
+ * @version 1.3.0
  * @author Omar Zenati
  * @author Mathieu Faverge
  * @author Emmanuel Agullo
  * @author Matthieu Kuhn
- * @date 2023-02-21
+ * @date 2023-08-22
  * @precisions normal z -> s d c
 #include "control/common.h"
-#define A(m,n) A,  m,  n
-#define U(m,n) &(ws->U),  m,  n
-#define IPIV(m) IPIV,  m,  1
+#define A(m,n)  A,        m, n
+#define U(m,n)  &(ws->U), m, n
+#define IPIV(m) IPIV,     m, 1
  * Static variable to know how to handle the data within the kernel
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ chameleon_pzgetrf_panel_facto_nopiv_percol( struct chameleon_pzgetrf_s *ws,
      * Algorithm per column without pivoting
     for(h=0; h<minmn; h++){
-        INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag(
+        INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag(
             options, tempkm, tempkn, h,
             A( k, k ), U( k, k ), A->mb * k );
         for (m = k+1; m < A->mt; m++) {
             tempmm = (m == (A->mt - 1)) ? A->m - m * A->mb : A->mb;
-            INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm(
+            INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm(
                 options, tempmm, tempkn, h,
                 A( m, k ), U( k, k ) );
diff --git a/compute/zgetrf.c b/compute/zgetrf.c
index 3c0821911..9d1b19806 100644
--- a/compute/zgetrf.c
+++ b/compute/zgetrf.c
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ CHAMELEON_zgetrf( int M, int N, CHAMELEON_Complex64_t *A, int LDA, int *IPIV )
     /* Allocate workspace for partial pivoting */
     ws = CHAMELEON_zgetrf_WS_Alloc( &descAt );
     /* Call the tile interface */
     CHAMELEON_zgetrf_Tile_Async( &descAt, ws, sequence, &request );
diff --git a/include/chameleon/tasks_z.h b/include/chameleon/tasks_z.h
index b58895aa4..7027be42d 100644
--- a/include/chameleon/tasks_z.h
+++ b/include/chameleon/tasks_z.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
  * @author Alycia Lisito
  * @author Romain Peressoni
  * @author Matthieu Kuhn
- * @date 2023-07-06
+ * @date 2023-08-22
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
@@ -486,15 +486,15 @@ void RUNTIME_zgersum_submit_tree( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
  * Tasks for LU factorization with partial pivoting
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
-                                                 int iinfo );
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
+                                           int iinfo );
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un );
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un );
 #endif /* _chameleon_tasks_z_h_ */
diff --git a/runtime/CMakeLists.txt b/runtime/CMakeLists.txt
index fc1aac335..dcab800af 100644
--- a/runtime/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/runtime/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 #     Univ. of California Berkeley,
 #     Univ. of Colorado Denver.
-# @version 1.2.0
+# @version 1.3.0
 #  @author Cedric Castagnede
 #  @author Emmanuel Agullo
 #  @author Mathieu Faverge
 #  @author Florent Pruvost
 #  @author Philippe Virouleau
 #  @author Matthieu Kuhn
-#  @date 2023-02-21
+#  @date 2023-08-22
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ set(CODELETS_ZSRC
+    codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
diff --git a/runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c b/runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..589bce56f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ *
+ * @file openmp/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon zgetrf_nopiv_percol OpenMP codelets
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
+ *
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @author Matthieu Kuhn
+ * @date 2023-08-22
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include "chameleon_openmp.h"
+#include "chameleon/tasks_z.h"
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
+                                           int iinfo )
+    assert( 0 );
+    (void)options;
+    (void)m;
+    (void)n;
+    (void)k;
+    (void)A;
+    (void)Am;
+    (void)An;
+    (void)U;
+    (void)Um;
+    (void)Un;
+    (void)iinfo;
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
+    assert( 0 );
+    (void)options;
+    (void)m;
+    (void)n;
+    (void)k;
+    (void)A;
+    (void)Am;
+    (void)An;
+    (void)U;
+    (void)Um;
+    (void)Un;
diff --git a/runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c b/runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c321a849..000000000
--- a/runtime/openmp/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file openmp/codelet_zpanel.c
- *
- * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
- *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
- *
- ***
- *
- * @brief Chameleon zpanel OpenMP codelets
- *
- * @version 1.2.0
- * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
- *
- * @author Mathieu Faverge
- * @date 2023-02-21
- * @precisions normal z -> c d s
- *
- */
-#include "chameleon_openmp.h"
-#include "chameleon/tasks_z.h"
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
-                                                 int iinfo )
-    assert( 0 );
-    (void)options;
-    (void)m;
-    (void)n;
-    (void)k;
-    (void)A;
-    (void)Am;
-    (void)An;
-    (void)U;
-    (void)Um;
-    (void)Un;
-    (void)iinfo;
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
-    assert( 0 );
-    (void)options;
-    (void)m;
-    (void)n;
-    (void)k;
-    (void)A;
-    (void)Am;
-    (void)An;
-    (void)U;
-    (void)Um;
-    (void)Un;
diff --git a/runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c b/runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8cf82053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ *
+ * @file parsec/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon zgetrf_nopiv_percol Parsec codelets
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
+ *
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @author Matthieu Kuhn
+ * @date 2023-08-22
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include "chameleon_parsec.h"
+#include "chameleon/tasks_z.h"
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
+                                           int iinfo )
+    assert( 0 );
+    (void)options;
+    (void)m;
+    (void)n;
+    (void)k;
+    (void)A;
+    (void)Am;
+    (void)An;
+    (void)U;
+    (void)Um;
+    (void)Un;
+    (void)iinfo;
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
+    assert( 0 );
+    (void)options;
+    (void)m;
+    (void)n;
+    (void)k;
+    (void)A;
+    (void)Am;
+    (void)An;
+    (void)U;
+    (void)Um;
+    (void)Un;
diff --git a/runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c b/runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e9e2b5f..000000000
--- a/runtime/parsec/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file parsec/codelet_zpanel.c
- *
- * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
- *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
- *
- ***
- *
- * @brief Chameleon zpanel Parsec codelets
- *
- * @version 1.2.0
- * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
- *
- * @author Mathieu Faverge
- * @date 2023-02-21
- * @precisions normal z -> c d s
- *
- */
-#include "chameleon_parsec.h"
-#include "chameleon/tasks_z.h"
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
-                                                 int iinfo )
-    assert( 0 );
-    (void)options;
-    (void)m;
-    (void)n;
-    (void)k;
-    (void)A;
-    (void)Am;
-    (void)An;
-    (void)U;
-    (void)Um;
-    (void)Un;
-    (void)iinfo;
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
-    assert( 0 );
-    (void)options;
-    (void)m;
-    (void)n;
-    (void)k;
-    (void)A;
-    (void)Am;
-    (void)An;
-    (void)U;
-    (void)Um;
-    (void)Un;
diff --git a/runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c b/runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc1d00d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ *
+ * @file quark/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon zgetrf_nopiv_percol Quark codelets
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
+ *
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @author Matthieu Kuhn
+ * @date 2023-08-22
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include "chameleon_quark.h"
+#include "chameleon/tasks_z.h"
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
+                                           int iinfo )
+    assert( 0 );
+    (void)options;
+    (void)m;
+    (void)n;
+    (void)k;
+    (void)A;
+    (void)Am;
+    (void)An;
+    (void)U;
+    (void)Um;
+    (void)Un;
+    (void)iinfo;
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+                                           int m, int n, int k,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
+                                           const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
+    assert( 0 );
+    (void)options;
+    (void)m;
+    (void)n;
+    (void)k;
+    (void)A;
+    (void)Am;
+    (void)An;
+    (void)U;
+    (void)Um;
+    (void)Un;
diff --git a/runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c b/runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 015ea31c7..000000000
--- a/runtime/quark/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file quark/codelet_zpanel.c
- *
- * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
- *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
- *
- ***
- *
- * @brief Chameleon zpanel Quark codelets
- *
- * @version 1.2.0
- * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
- *
- * @author Mathieu Faverge
- * @date 2023-02-21
- * @precisions normal z -> c d s
- *
- */
-#include "chameleon_quark.h"
-#include "chameleon/tasks_z.h"
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
-                                                 int iinfo )
-    assert( 0 );
-    (void)options;
-    (void)m;
-    (void)n;
-    (void)k;
-    (void)A;
-    (void)Am;
-    (void)An;
-    (void)U;
-    (void)Um;
-    (void)Un;
-    (void)iinfo;
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
-                                                 int m, int n, int k,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
-                                                 const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
-    assert( 0 );
-    (void)options;
-    (void)m;
-    (void)n;
-    (void)k;
-    (void)A;
-    (void)Am;
-    (void)An;
-    (void)U;
-    (void)Um;
-    (void)Un;
diff --git a/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c b/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
similarity index 79%
rename from runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
rename to runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
index 7e450986c..554735a47 100644
--- a/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpanel.c
+++ b/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
- * @file starpu/codelet_zpanel.c
+ * @file starpu/codelet_zgetrf_nopiv_percol.c
  * @copyright 2012-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
  *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
- * @brief Chameleon zpanel StarPU codelets
+ * @brief Chameleon getrf codelets to factorize the panel with no pivoting
  * @version 1.3.0
- * @comment Codelets to perform panel factorization with partial pivoting
  * @author Mathieu Faverge
  * @author Matthieu Kuhn
- * @date 2023-07-06
+ * @date 2023-08-22
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
@@ -22,11 +21,14 @@
 #include "runtime_codelet_z.h"
 #include <coreblas/cblas_wrapper.h>
+CHAMELEON_CL_CB( zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag, cti_handle_get_m(task->handles[0]), 0, 0, M );
+CHAMELEON_CL_CB( zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm, cti_handle_get_m(task->handles[0]), 0, 0, M );
 static const CHAMELEON_Complex64_t zone  = (CHAMELEON_Complex64_t) 1.0;
 static const CHAMELEON_Complex64_t mzone = (CHAMELEON_Complex64_t)-1.0;
-static void cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag_cpu_func( void *descr[], void *cl_arg )
+static void cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag_cpu_func( void *descr[], void *cl_arg )
     CHAM_tile_t           *tileA, *tileU;
     int                    m, n, k, lda, iinfo;
@@ -71,17 +73,16 @@ static void cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag_cpu_func( void *descr[], void *cl_
  * Codelet definition
-CODELETS_CPU( zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag, cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag_cpu_func );
+CODELETS_CPU( zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag, cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag_cpu_func );
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                                  int m, int n, int k,
                                                  const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
                                                  const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un,
                                                  int iinfo )
-    struct starpu_codelet *codelet = &cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag;
-    // void (*callback)(void*) = options->profiling ? cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag_callback : NULL;
-    void (*callback)(void*) = NULL;
+    struct starpu_codelet *codelet = &cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag;
+    void (*callback)(void*) = options->profiling ? cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag_callback : NULL;
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options
         STARPU_CALLBACK,          callback,
         STARPU_EXECUTE_ON_WORKER, options->workerid,
-        STARPU_NAME,              "zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag",
+        STARPU_NAME,              "zgetrf_nopiv_percol_diag",
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_diag( const RUNTIME_option_t *options
  * Update column blocs
-static void cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm_cpu_func( void *descr[], void *cl_arg )
+static void cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm_cpu_func( void *descr[], void *cl_arg )
     CHAM_tile_t           *tileA, *tileU;
     int                    m, n, k, lda;
@@ -144,16 +145,15 @@ static void cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm_cpu_func( void *descr[], void *cl_
  * Codelet definition
-CODELETS_CPU( zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm, cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm_cpu_func );
+CODELETS_CPU( zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm, cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm_cpu_func );
-void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
+void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options,
                                                  int m, int n, int k,
                                                  const CHAM_desc_t *A, int Am, int An,
                                                  const CHAM_desc_t *U, int Um, int Un )
-    struct starpu_codelet *codelet = &cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm;
-    // void (*callback)(void*) = options->profiling ? cl_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm_callback : NULL;
-    void (*callback)(void*) = NULL;
+    struct starpu_codelet *codelet = &cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm;
+    void (*callback)(void*) = options->profiling ? cl_zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm_callback : NULL;
@@ -171,8 +171,7 @@ void INSERT_TASK_zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm( const RUNTIME_option_t *options
         STARPU_CALLBACK,          callback,
         STARPU_EXECUTE_ON_WORKER, options->workerid,
-        STARPU_NAME, "zgetrf_panel_nopiv_percol_trsm",
+        STARPU_NAME, "zgetrf_nopiv_percol_trsm",