diff --git a/compute/CMakeLists.txt b/compute/CMakeLists.txt
index a97a9cd37b150a32cedfeed7e244334e9f659891..6dfa83891f9f2ded3dfb3252e5365d375508f3c6 100644
--- a/compute/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/compute/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #  @author Alycia Lisito
 #  @author Loris Lucido
 #  @author Matthieu Kuhn
-#  @date 2023-08-22
+#  @date 2024-04-03
@@ -261,6 +261,16 @@ set(ZSRC
+    ##################
+    # Batch
+    ##################
+    zplghe_batch.c
+    #
+    zgemm_batch.c
+    zherk_batch.c
+    ztrsm_batch.c
+    #
+    zpotrf_batch.c
 precisions_rules_py(CHAMELEON_SRCS_GENERATED "${ZSRC}"
diff --git a/compute/zgeadd.c b/compute/zgeadd.c
index 7011aef88fbf25ccaad62bb09e6236b3883cae3f..441753c99be954ab961b2d0f38de57d96b12c728 100644
--- a/compute/zgeadd.c
+++ b/compute/zgeadd.c
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
  * @brief Chameleon zgeadd wrappers
- * @version 1.2.0
+ * @version 1.3.0
  * @comment This file has been automatically generated
  *          from Plasma 2.5.0 for CHAMELEON 0.9.2
  * @author Mathieu Faverge
  * @author Florent Pruvost
- * @date 2022-02-22
+ * @date 2024-04-03
  * @precisions normal z -> s d c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
  *  CHAMELEON_zgeadd - Performs a matrix addition similarly to the pzgeadd()
  *  function from the PBLAS library:
- *    \f[ C = \alpha op( A ) + \beta B \f],
+ *    \f[ B = \alpha op( A ) + \beta B \f],
  *  where op( X ) is one of
diff --git a/compute/zgemm_batch.c b/compute/zgemm_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab1ed4062062172c2d63b517485246763ac1e821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute/zgemm_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ *
+ * @file zgemm_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon batch zgemm wrappers
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> s d c
+ *
+ */
+#include "control/common.h"
+#include "coreblas/coreblas_ztile.h"
+#if defined(CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA)
+#include "gpucublas/gpucublas_z.h"
+struct zgemm_batch_args_s {
+    cham_trans_t          transA;
+    cham_trans_t          transB;
+    CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha;
+    CHAMELEON_Complex64_t beta;
+typedef struct zgemm_batch_args_s zgemm_batch_args_t;
+static inline int
+zgemm_batch_cpu( void *op_args,
+                 cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                 const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    zgemm_batch_args_t *args = (zgemm_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descB;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileB;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descC;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileC;
+    va_list             ap;
+    int                 tempmm, tempnn, tempkk;
+    if ( ndata != 3 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zgemm_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+        if ( ndata < 3 ) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Get the second desc */
+    va_start(ap, tileA);
+    descB = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileB = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    descC = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileC = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    va_end(ap);
+    tempmm = m == descC->mt-1 ? descC->m - m * descC->mb : descC->mb;
+    tempnn = n == descC->nt-1 ? descC->n - n * descC->nb : descC->nb;
+    if ( args->transA == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        tempkk = n == descA->nt-1 ? descA->n - n * descA->nb : descA->nb;
+    }
+    else {
+        tempkk = m == descA->mt-1 ? descA->m - m * descA->mb : descA->mb;
+    }
+    TCORE_zgemm(
+        args->transA, args->transB, tempmm, tempnn, tempkk,
+        args->alpha, tileA, tileB, args->beta, tileC );
+    (void)descB;
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define zgemm_batch_cpu NULL
+static inline int
+zgemm_batch_cuda( cublasHandle_t handle, void *op_args,
+                  cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                  const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    zgemm_batch_args_t *args = (zgemm_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descB;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileB;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descC;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileC;
+    va_list             ap;
+    int                 tempmm, tempnn, tempkk;
+    if ( ndata != 3 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zgemm_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+        if ( ndata < 3 ) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Get the second desc */
+    va_start(ap, tileA);
+    descB = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileB = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    descC = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileC = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    va_end(ap);
+    tempmm = m == descC->mt-1 ? descC->m - m * descC->mb : descC->mb;
+    tempnn = n == descC->nt-1 ? descC->n - n * descC->nb : descC->nb;
+    if ( args->transA == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        tempkk = n == descA->nt-1 ? descA->n - n * descA->nb : descA->nb;
+    }
+    else {
+        tempkk = m == descA->mt-1 ? descA->m - m * descA->mb : descA->mb;
+    }
+    CUDA_zgemm( args->transA, args->transB, tempmm, tempnn, tempkk,
+                (cuDoubleComplex*)&(args->alpha),
+                tileA->mat, tileA->ld,
+                tileB->mat, tileB->ld,
+                (cuDoubleComplex*)&(args->beta),
+                tileC->mat, tileC->ld,
+                handle );
+    (void)descB;
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define zgemm_batch_cuda NULL
+static cham_map_operator_t zgemm_batch_map = {
+    .name     = "zgemm",
+    .cpufunc  = zgemm_batch_cpu,
+    .cudafunc = zgemm_batch_cuda,
+    .hipfunc  = NULL,
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup CHAMELEON_Complex64_t_Tile
+ *
+ *  CHAMELEON_zgemm_batch_Tile - Performs multiple matrix multiplication in parallel.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] transA
+ *          Specifies whether the tiles from A are transposed, not transposed or conjugate transposed:
+ *          = ChamNoTrans:   tiles from A are not transposed;
+ *          = ChamTrans:     tiles from A are transposed;
+ *          = ChamConjTrans: tiles from A are conjugate transposed.
+ *
+ * @param[in] transB
+ *          Specifies whether the tiles from B are transposed, not transposed or conjugate transposed:
+ *          = ChamNoTrans:   tiles from B are not transposed;
+ *          = ChamTrans:     tiles from B are transposed;
+ *          = ChamConjTrans: tiles from B are conjugate transposed.
+ *
+ * @param[in] alpha
+ *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
+ *
+ * @param[in] A
+ *          A is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size A->mb by A->nb
+ *
+ * @param[in] B
+ *          B is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size B->mb by B->nb
+ *
+ * @param[in] beta
+ *          beta specifies the scalar beta
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] C
+ *          C is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size C->mb by C->nb
+ *          On exit, each tile Cij is overwritten by the matrix:
+ *          \f[ alpha * op( A[i,j] )*op( B[i,j] ) * C[i,j] \f]
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return CHAMELEON_SUCCESS on successful exit
+ * @return CHAMELEON_ERR_... on error
+ *
+ */
+int CHAMELEON_zgemm_batch_Tile( cham_trans_t transA, cham_trans_t transB,
+                                CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha, CHAM_desc_t *A, CHAM_desc_t *B,
+                                CHAMELEON_Complex64_t beta,  CHAM_desc_t *C )
+    CHAM_context_t     *chamctxt;
+    RUNTIME_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    RUNTIME_request_t   request  = RUNTIME_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    cham_map_data_t     data[3];
+    zgemm_batch_args_t  params = { transA, transB, alpha, beta };
+    int                 status;
+    chamctxt = chameleon_context_self();
+    if (chamctxt == NULL) {
+        chameleon_fatal_error("CHAMELEON_zgemm_Tile", "CHAMELEON not initialized");
+    }
+    chameleon_sequence_create( chamctxt, &sequence );
+    data[0].access = ChamR;
+    data[0].desc   = A;
+    data[1].access = ChamR;
+    data[1].desc   = B;
+    data[2].access = ( beta == 0. ) ? ChamW : ChamRW;
+    data[2].desc   = C;
+    chameleon_pmap( ChamUpperLower, 3, data, &zgemm_batch_map, &params, sequence, &request );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( A, sequence );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( B, sequence );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( C, sequence );
+    chameleon_sequence_wait( chamctxt, sequence );
+    status = sequence->status;
+    chameleon_sequence_destroy( chamctxt, sequence );
+    return status;
diff --git a/compute/zherk_batch.c b/compute/zherk_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bff967e9f0afe0b4d2242ef8184a0574f3f96501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute/zherk_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ *
+ * @file zherk_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon batch zherk wrappers
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> s d c
+ *
+ */
+#include "control/common.h"
+#include "coreblas/coreblas_ztile.h"
+#if defined(CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA)
+#include "gpucublas/gpucublas_z.h"
+struct zherk_batch_args_s {
+    cham_uplo_t  uplo;
+    cham_trans_t trans;
+    double       alpha;
+    double       beta;
+typedef struct zherk_batch_args_s zherk_batch_args_t;
+static inline int
+zherk_batch_cpu( void *op_args,
+                 cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                 const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    zherk_batch_args_t *args = (zherk_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descC;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileC;
+    va_list             ap;
+    int                 tempnn, tempkk;
+    if ( ndata != 2 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zherk_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+        if ( ndata < 2 ) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Get the second desc */
+    va_start(ap, tileA);
+    descC = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileC = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    va_end(ap);
+    tempnn = n == descC->nt-1 ? descC->n - n * descC->nb : descC->nb;
+    if ( args->trans == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        tempkk = n == descA->nt-1 ? descA->n - n * descA->nb : descA->nb;
+    }
+    else {
+        tempkk = m == descA->mt-1 ? descA->m - m * descA->mb : descA->mb;
+    }
+    TCORE_zherk(
+        args->uplo, args->trans, tempnn, tempkk,
+        args->alpha, tileA, args->beta, tileC );
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define zherk_batch_cpu NULL
+static inline int
+zherk_batch_cuda( cublasHandle_t handle, void *op_args,
+                  cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                  const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    zherk_batch_args_t *args = (zherk_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descC;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileC;
+    va_list             ap;
+    int                 tempnn, tempkk;
+    if ( ndata != 2 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zherk_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+        if ( ndata < 2 ) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Get the second desc */
+    va_start(ap, tileA);
+    descC = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileC = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    va_end(ap);
+    tempnn = n == descC->nt-1 ? descC->n - n * descC->nb : descC->nb;
+    if ( args->trans == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        tempkk = n == descA->nt-1 ? descA->n - n * descA->nb : descA->nb;
+    }
+    else {
+        tempkk = m == descA->mt-1 ? descA->m - m * descA->mb : descA->mb;
+    }
+    CUDA_zherk( args->uplo, args->trans, tempnn, tempkk,
+                &(args->alpha), tileA->mat, tileA->ld,
+                &(args->beta),  tileC->mat, tileC->ld,
+                handle );
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define zherk_batch_cuda NULL
+static cham_map_operator_t zherk_batch_map = {
+    .name     = "zherk",
+    .cpufunc  = zherk_batch_cpu,
+    .cudafunc = zherk_batch_cuda,
+    .hipfunc  = NULL,
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup CHAMELEON_Complex64_t_Tile
+ *
+ *  CHAMELEON_zherk_batch_Tile - Performs multiple rank-k update in parallel.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] uplo
+ *          = ChamUpper: Upper triangle of C tiles are stored;
+ *          = ChamLower: Lower triangle of C tiles are stored.
+ *
+ * @param[in] trans
+ *          Specifies whether the tiles of A are transposed or conjugate transposed:
+ *          = ChamNoTrans:   tiles of A are not transposed;
+ *          = ChamConjTrans: tiles of A are conjugate transposed.
+ *
+ * @param[in] alpha
+ *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
+ *
+ * @param[in] A
+ *          A is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size A->mb by A->nb
+ *
+ * @param[in] beta
+ *          beta specifies the scalar beta
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] B
+ *          B is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size B->mb by B->nb
+ *          On exit, each tile B[i,j] is overwritten by
+ *          \f[ B = \alpha [ op( A ) \times conjg( op( A )' )] + \beta B \f],
+ *
+ *  where op( X ) is one of
+ *
+ *    op( X ) = X  or op( X ) = conjg( X' )
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return CHAMELEON_SUCCESS on successful exit
+ * @return CHAMELEON_ERR_... on error
+ *
+ */
+int CHAMELEON_zherk_batch_Tile( cham_uplo_t uplo, cham_trans_t trans,
+                                double alpha, CHAM_desc_t *A,
+                                double beta,  CHAM_desc_t *C )
+    CHAM_context_t     *chamctxt;
+    RUNTIME_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    RUNTIME_request_t   request  = RUNTIME_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    cham_map_data_t     data[2];
+    zherk_batch_args_t  params = { uplo, trans, alpha, beta };
+    int                 status;
+    chamctxt = chameleon_context_self();
+    if (chamctxt == NULL) {
+        chameleon_fatal_error("CHAMELEON_zherk_Tile", "CHAMELEON not initialized");
+    }
+    chameleon_sequence_create( chamctxt, &sequence );
+    data[0].access = ChamR;
+    data[0].desc   = A;
+    data[1].access = ( beta == 0. ) ? ChamW : ChamRW;
+    data[1].desc   = C;
+    chameleon_pmap( ChamUpperLower, 2, data, &zherk_batch_map, &params, sequence, &request );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( A, sequence );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( C, sequence );
+    chameleon_sequence_wait( chamctxt, sequence );
+    status = sequence->status;
+    chameleon_sequence_destroy( chamctxt, sequence );
+    return status;
diff --git a/compute/zplghe_batch.c b/compute/zplghe_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92a0a071ee77dbe136e91241a0226fe0e4d21f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute/zplghe_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ *
+ * @file zplghe_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon batch zplghe wrappers
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> s d c
+ *
+ */
+#include "control/common.h"
+#include "coreblas/coreblas_ztile.h"
+#if defined(CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA)
+#include "gpucublas/gpucublas_z.h"
+struct zplghe_batch_args_s {
+    double                 bump;
+    unsigned long long int seed;
+typedef struct zplghe_batch_args_s zplghe_batch_args_t;
+static inline int
+zplghe_batch_cpu( void *op_args,
+                 cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                 const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    zplghe_batch_args_t *args = (zplghe_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    int                 tempnn, m0;
+    if ( ndata != 1 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zplghe_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+    }
+    tempnn = n == descA->nt-1 ? descA->n - n * descA->nb : descA->nb;
+    /**
+     * Let's fo the math to give the right bigM:
+     * jump for the first value is defined as j = m0 + n0 * bigM
+     * We need to set (m*n) matrices of size A->mb*A->nb, and we want j, m0, n0 to be defined as:
+     *   j = m0 = n0 = (n * A->mt + m) * (A->mb * A->nb)
+     * Thus:
+     *   bigM = 0;
+     */
+    m0 = ( n * descA->mt + m ) * (descA->mb * descA->nb );
+    TCORE_zplghe( args->bump, tempnn, tempnn, tileA,
+                  0, m0, m0, args->seed );
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define zplghe_batch_cpu NULL
+static cham_map_operator_t zplghe_batch_map = {
+    .name     = "zplghe",
+    .cpufunc  = zplghe_batch_cpu,
+    .cudafunc = NULL,
+    .hipfunc  = NULL,
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup CHAMELEON_Complex64_t_Tile
+ *
+ *  CHAMELEON_zplghe_batch_Tile - Performs multiple hermitian matrix generation
+ *  in parallel.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] bump
+ *          The value to add to the diagonal of each tile to be sure
+ *          they are positive definite matrices.
+ *
+ * @param[in] seed
+ *          The seed used in the random generation.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] A
+ *          A is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size A->mb by A->nb
+ *          On exit, each tile is initialized as an hermitian matrix.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return CHAMELEON_SUCCESS on successful exit
+ * @return CHAMELEON_ERR_... on error
+ *
+ */
+int CHAMELEON_zplghe_batch_Tile( double bump, CHAM_desc_t *A,
+                                 unsigned long long int seed )
+    CHAM_context_t     *chamctxt;
+    RUNTIME_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    RUNTIME_request_t   request  = RUNTIME_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    cham_map_data_t     data[1];
+    zplghe_batch_args_t params = { bump, seed };
+    int                 status;
+    chamctxt = chameleon_context_self();
+    if (chamctxt == NULL) {
+        chameleon_fatal_error("CHAMELEON_zplghe_Tile", "CHAMELEON not initialized");
+    }
+    chameleon_sequence_create( chamctxt, &sequence );
+    data[0].access = ChamW;
+    data[0].desc   = A;
+    chameleon_pmap( ChamUpperLower, 1, data,
+                    &zplghe_batch_map, &params,
+                    sequence, &request );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( A, sequence );
+    chameleon_sequence_wait( chamctxt, sequence );
+    status = sequence->status;
+    chameleon_sequence_destroy( chamctxt, sequence );
+    return status;
diff --git a/compute/zpotrf_batch.c b/compute/zpotrf_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..983a9d92fa3ba72645b47d0dbe78dd1346ad59f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute/zpotrf_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ *
+ * @file zpotrf_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon batch zpotrf wrappers
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> s d c
+ *
+ */
+#include "control/common.h"
+#include "coreblas/coreblas_ztile.h"
+#if defined(CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA)
+#include "gpucublas/gpucublas_z.h"
+static inline int
+zpotrf_batch_cpu( void *op_args,
+                 cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                 const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    cham_uplo_t luplo = (intptr_t)op_args;
+    int         info  = 0;
+    int         tempnn;
+    if ( ndata != 1 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zpotrf_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+    }
+    tempnn = n == descA->nt-1 ? descA->n - n * descA->nb : descA->nb;
+    TCORE_zpotrf(
+        luplo, tempnn, tileA, &info );
+    if ( info != 0 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "zpotrf_batch_cpu: Failed to correctly factorize the tile (info = %d)\n", info );
+    }
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define zpotrf_batch_cpu NULL
+static cham_map_operator_t zpotrf_batch_map = {
+    .name     = "zpotrf",
+    .cpufunc  = zpotrf_batch_cpu,
+    .cudafunc = NULL,
+    .hipfunc  = NULL,
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup CHAMELEON_Complex64_t_Tile
+ *
+ *  CHAMELEON_zpotrf_batch_Tile - Performs multiple Cholesky factorization in parallel.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] uplo
+ *          = ChamUpper: Upper triangle of A tiles are stored;
+ *          = ChamLower: Lower triangle of A tiles are stored.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] A
+ *          A is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size A->mb by A->nb
+ *          On exit, each tile is factorized with Cholesky factorization.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return CHAMELEON_SUCCESS on successful exit
+ * @return CHAMELEON_ERR_... on error
+ *
+ */
+int CHAMELEON_zpotrf_batch_Tile( cham_uplo_t uplo, CHAM_desc_t *A )
+    CHAM_context_t     *chamctxt;
+    RUNTIME_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    RUNTIME_request_t   request  = RUNTIME_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    cham_map_data_t     data[1];
+    int                 status;
+    chamctxt = chameleon_context_self();
+    if (chamctxt == NULL) {
+        chameleon_fatal_error("CHAMELEON_zpotrf_Tile", "CHAMELEON not initialized");
+    }
+    chameleon_sequence_create( chamctxt, &sequence );
+    data[0].access = ChamRW;
+    data[0].desc   = A;
+    chameleon_pmap( ChamUpperLower, 1, data,
+                    &zpotrf_batch_map, (void*)((intptr_t)uplo),
+                    sequence, &request );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( A, sequence );
+    chameleon_sequence_wait( chamctxt, sequence );
+    status = sequence->status;
+    chameleon_sequence_destroy( chamctxt, sequence );
+    return status;
diff --git a/compute/ztrsm_batch.c b/compute/ztrsm_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d426737b3bc3678892e452173ae05cfe5a26298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute/ztrsm_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ *
+ * @file ztrsm_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon batch ztrsm wrappers
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> s d c
+ *
+ */
+#include "control/common.h"
+#include "coreblas/coreblas_ztile.h"
+#if defined(CHAMELEON_USE_CUDA)
+#include "gpucublas/gpucublas_z.h"
+struct ztrsm_batch_args_s {
+    cham_side_t           side;
+    cham_uplo_t           uplo;
+    cham_trans_t          transA;
+    cham_diag_t           diag;
+    CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha;
+typedef struct ztrsm_batch_args_s ztrsm_batch_args_t;
+static inline int
+ztrsm_batch_cpu( void *op_args,
+                 cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                 const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    ztrsm_batch_args_t *args = (ztrsm_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descB;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileB;
+    va_list             ap;
+    int                 tempmm, tempnn;
+    if ( ndata != 2 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "ztrsm_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+        if ( ndata < 2 ) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Get the second desc */
+    va_start(ap, tileA);
+    descB = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileB = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    va_end(ap);
+    tempmm = m == descB->mt-1 ? descB->m - m * descB->mb : descB->mb;
+    tempnn = n == descB->nt-1 ? descB->n - n * descB->nb : descB->nb;
+    TCORE_ztrsm(
+        args->side, args->uplo, args->transA, args->diag,
+        tempmm, tempnn, args->alpha, tileA, tileB );
+    (void)descA;
+    (void)descB;
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define ztrsm_batch_cpu NULL
+static inline int
+ztrsm_batch_cuda( cublasHandle_t handle, void *op_args,
+                  cham_uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, int ndata,
+                  const CHAM_desc_t *descA, CHAM_tile_t *tileA, ... )
+    ztrsm_batch_args_t *args = (ztrsm_batch_args_t*)op_args;
+    const CHAM_desc_t  *descB;
+    CHAM_tile_t        *tileB;
+    va_list             ap;
+    int                 tempmm, tempnn;
+    if ( ndata != 2 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "ztrsm_batch_cpu: requires two pieces of data and %d have been given\n", ndata );
+        if ( ndata < 2 ) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Get the second desc */
+    va_start(ap, tileA);
+    descB = va_arg(ap, const CHAM_desc_t *);
+    tileB = va_arg(ap, CHAM_tile_t *);
+    va_end(ap);
+    assert( tileA->format & CHAMELEON_TILE_FULLRANK );
+    assert( tileB->format & CHAMELEON_TILE_FULLRANK );
+    tempmm = m == descB->mt-1 ? descB->m - m * descB->mb : descB->mb;
+    tempnn = n == descB->nt-1 ? descB->n - n * descB->nb : descB->nb;
+    CUDA_ztrsm(
+            args->side, args->uplo, args->transA, args->diag,
+            tempmm, tempnn, (cuDoubleComplex*)&(args->alpha),
+            tileA->mat, tileA->ld,
+            tileB->mat, tileB->ld,
+            handle );
+    (void)descA;
+    (void)descB;
+    (void)uplo;
+    return 0;
+#define ztrsm_batch_cuda NULL
+static cham_map_operator_t ztrsm_batch_map = {
+    .name     = "ztrsm",
+    .cpufunc  = ztrsm_batch_cpu,
+    .cudafunc = ztrsm_batch_cuda,
+    .hipfunc  = NULL,
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup CHAMELEON_Complex64_t_Tile
+ *
+ *  CHAMELEON_ztrsm_batch_Tile - Performs multiple triangular solves in parallel.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] side
+ *          Specifies whether tiles of A appears on the left or on the right of tiles of X:
+ *          = ChamLeft:  A[i,j] * X[i,j]  = B[i,j]
+ *          = ChamRight: X[i,j] * A[i,j]  = B[i,j]
+ *
+ * @param[in] uplo
+ *          Specifies whether the matrix A is upper triangular or lower triangular:
+ *          = ChamUpper: Upper triangle of tiles of A are stored;
+ *          = ChamLower: Lower triangle of tiles of A are stored.
+ *
+ * @param[in] trans
+ *          Specifies whether the matrix A is transposed, not transposed or conjugate transposed:
+ *          = ChamNoTrans:   tiles of A are transposed;
+ *          = ChamTrans:     tiles of A are not transposed;
+ *          = ChamConjTrans: tiles of A are conjugate transposed.
+ *
+ * @param[in] diag
+ *          Specifies whether or not A is unit triangular:
+ *          = ChamNonUnit: tiles of A are non unit;
+ *          = ChamUnit:    tiles of A are unit.
+ *
+ * @param[in] alpha
+ *          alpha specifies the scalar alpha
+ *
+ * @param[in] A
+ *          A is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size A->mb by A->nb
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] B
+ *          B is a collection of mt-by-nt tiles of size B->mb by B->nb
+ *          On exit, each tile B[i,j] is overwritten by X[i,j]
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return CHAMELEON_SUCCESS on successful exit
+ * @return CHAMELEON_ERR_... on error
+ *
+ */
+int CHAMELEON_ztrsm_batch_Tile( cham_side_t side, cham_uplo_t uplo,
+                                cham_trans_t trans, cham_diag_t diag,
+                                CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha, CHAM_desc_t *A, CHAM_desc_t *B )
+    CHAM_context_t     *chamctxt;
+    RUNTIME_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    RUNTIME_request_t   request  = RUNTIME_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    cham_map_data_t     data[2];
+    ztrsm_batch_args_t  params = { side, uplo, trans, diag, alpha };
+    int                 status;
+    chamctxt = chameleon_context_self();
+    if (chamctxt == NULL) {
+        chameleon_fatal_error("CHAMELEON_ztrsm_batch_Tile", "CHAMELEON not initialized");
+    }
+    chameleon_sequence_create( chamctxt, &sequence );
+    data[0].access = ChamR;
+    data[0].desc   = A;
+    data[1].access = ChamRW;
+    data[1].desc   = B;
+    chameleon_pmap( ChamUpperLower, 2, data, &ztrsm_batch_map, &params, sequence, &request );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( A, sequence );
+    CHAMELEON_Desc_Flush( B, sequence );
+    chameleon_sequence_wait( chamctxt, sequence );
+    status = sequence->status;
+    chameleon_sequence_destroy( chamctxt, sequence );
+    return status;
diff --git a/include/chameleon/chameleon_z.h b/include/chameleon/chameleon_z.h
index 166feeef619018307a7f0873d0dc3ccf1b4983b4..5d667cca39e1fe42eb61d29257ac45e38e2f3075 100644
--- a/include/chameleon/chameleon_z.h
+++ b/include/chameleon/chameleon_z.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  * @author Florent Pruvost
  * @author Alycia Lisito
  * @author Matthieu Kuhn
- * @date 2024-03-14
+ * @date 2024-04-03
  * @precisions normal z -> c d s
@@ -394,6 +394,15 @@ int CHAMELEON_zgram_Tile_Async( cham_uplo_t uplo, CHAM_desc_t *A, void *user_ws,
 int CHAMELEON_zprint( FILE *file, const char *header, cham_uplo_t uplo, int M, int N, CHAMELEON_Complex64_t *A, int LDA );
 int CHAMELEON_zprint_Tile( FILE *file, const char *header, cham_uplo_t uplo, CHAM_desc_t *descA );
+ * Batch function prototypes - Tile interface
+ */
+int CHAMELEON_zgemm_batch_Tile( cham_trans_t transA, cham_trans_t transB, CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha, CHAM_desc_t *A, CHAM_desc_t *B, CHAMELEON_Complex64_t beta, CHAM_desc_t *C );
+int CHAMELEON_zherk_batch_Tile( cham_uplo_t uplo, cham_trans_t trans, double alpha, CHAM_desc_t *A, double beta,  CHAM_desc_t *C );
+int CHAMELEON_zplghe_batch_Tile( double bump, CHAM_desc_t *A, unsigned long long int seed );
+int CHAMELEON_zpotrf_batch_Tile( cham_uplo_t uplo, CHAM_desc_t *A );
+int CHAMELEON_ztrsm_batch_Tile( cham_side_t side, cham_uplo_t uplo, cham_trans_t trans, cham_diag_t diag, CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha, CHAM_desc_t *A, CHAM_desc_t *B );
 #endif /* _chameleon_z_h_ */
diff --git a/testing/CMakeLists.txt b/testing/CMakeLists.txt
index c9fc1b73189bbfe15f3f301911a533c360ad55ec..aed35c62f6dec5ca0b753784bb7432ff3feda450 100644
--- a/testing/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/testing/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #     Univ. of California Berkeley,
 #     Univ. of Colorado Denver.
-# @version 1.2.0
+# @version 1.3.0
 #  @author Cedric Castagnede
 #  @author Emmanuel Agullo
 #  @author Mathieu Faverge
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #  @author Florent Pruvost
 #  @author Alycia Lisito
 #  @author Matthieu Kuhn
-#  @date 2022-02-22
+#  @date 2024-04-03
@@ -105,7 +105,14 @@ set(ZSRC_WO_STDAPI
+  #
+  # Batch kernels
+  #
+  testing_zgemm_batch.c
+  testing_zherk_batch.c
+  testing_zpotrf_batch.c
+  testing_ztrsm_batch.c
+  )
 foreach(_precision ${CHAMELEON_PRECISION} )
diff --git a/testing/testing_zgemm_batch.c b/testing/testing_zgemm_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed335643adebc62f34e09494438b0dd2c71fd7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/testing_zgemm_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ *
+ * @file testing_zgemm_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon zgemm_batch testing
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include <chameleon.h>
+#include <chameleon_lapack.h>
+#include "testings.h"
+#include "testing_zcheck.h"
+#include <chameleon/flops.h>
+#include <coreblas.h>
+static cham_fixdbl_t
+flops_zgemm_batch( int nb, int M, int N, int K )
+    return flops_zgemm( M, N, K ) * nb;
+testing_zgemm_batch_desc( run_arg_list_t *args, int check )
+    testdata_t test_data = { .args = args };
+    int        hres      = 0;
+    /* Read arguments */
+    int                   async  = parameters_getvalue_int( "async" );
+    int                   nb     = run_arg_get_int( args, "nb", 10 );
+    int                   ib     = run_arg_get_int( args, "ib", 10 );
+    int                   P      = parameters_getvalue_int( "P" );
+    cham_trans_t          transA = run_arg_get_trans( args, "transA", ChamNoTrans );
+    cham_trans_t          transB = run_arg_get_trans( args, "transB", ChamNoTrans );
+    int                   N      = run_arg_get_int( args, "N", 320 );
+    int                   M      = run_arg_get_int( args, "M", N );
+    int                   K      = run_arg_get_int( args, "K", N );
+    CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha  = testing_zalea();
+    CHAMELEON_Complex64_t beta   = testing_zalea();
+    int                   seedA  = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedA", random() );
+    int                   seedB  = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedB", random() );
+    int                   seedC  = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedC", random() );
+    /* Descriptors */
+    int          Am, An, Bm, Bn;
+    CHAM_desc_t *descA, *descB, *descC;
+    alpha = run_arg_get_complex64( args, "alpha", alpha );
+    beta  = run_arg_get_complex64( args, "beta",  beta  );
+    /* Calculate the dimensions according to the transposition */
+    if ( transA == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        Am = M;
+        An = K;
+    }
+    else {
+        Am = K;
+        An = M;
+    }
+    if ( transB == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        Bm = K;
+        Bn = N;
+    }
+    else {
+        Bm = N;
+        Bn = K;
+    }
+    /* Create the matrices */
+    parameters_desc_create( "A", &descA, ChamComplexDouble, Am, An, nb * Am, ib * An, nb * Am, ib * An );
+    parameters_desc_create( "B", &descB, ChamComplexDouble, Bm, Bn, nb * Bm, ib * Bn, nb * Bm, ib * Bn );
+    parameters_desc_create( "C", &descC, ChamComplexDouble, M,  N,  nb * M,  ib * N,  nb * M,  ib * N  );
+    /* Fill the matrices with random values */
+    CHAMELEON_zplrnt_Tile( descA, seedA );
+    CHAMELEON_zplrnt_Tile( descB, seedB );
+    CHAMELEON_zplrnt_Tile( descC, seedC );
+    /* Start measurement */
+    testing_start( &test_data );
+    if ( async ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Async unavailable yet\n" );
+    }
+    hres = CHAMELEON_zgemm_batch_Tile( transA, transB, alpha, descA, descB, beta, descC );
+    /* Stop measurement */
+    test_data.hres = hres;
+    testing_stop( &test_data, flops_zgemm_batch( nb*ib, M, N, K ) );
+    /* Check the solution */
+    if ( check ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Check is not available for zgemm_batch\n" );
+    }
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descA );
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descB );
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descC );
+    return hres;
+testing_t   test_zgemm_batch;
+const char *zgemm_batch_params[] = { "nb", "ib", "transA", "transB", "m", "n", "k",
+                                     "alpha", "beta", "seedA", "seedB", "seedC", NULL };
+const char *zgemm_batch_output[] = { NULL };
+const char *zgemm_batch_outchk[] = { "RETURN", NULL };
+ * @brief Testing registration function
+ */
+void testing_zgemm_batch_init( void ) __attribute__( ( constructor ) );
+testing_zgemm_batch_init( void )
+    test_zgemm_batch.name      = "zgemm_batch";
+    test_zgemm_batch.helper    = "Perform nb*ib general matrix-matrix multiply of size MxNxK";
+    test_zgemm_batch.params    = zgemm_batch_params;
+    test_zgemm_batch.output    = zgemm_batch_output;
+    test_zgemm_batch.outchk    = zgemm_batch_outchk;
+    test_zgemm_batch.fptr_desc = testing_zgemm_batch_desc;
+    test_zgemm_batch.fptr_std  = NULL;
+    test_zgemm_batch.next      = NULL;
+    testing_register( &test_zgemm_batch );
diff --git a/testing/testing_zherk_batch.c b/testing/testing_zherk_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47a6bc86a8a317649116046f4f47dbe938a17bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/testing_zherk_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ *
+ * @file testing_zherk_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon zherk_batch testing
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include <chameleon.h>
+#include <chameleon_lapack.h>
+#include "testings.h"
+#include "testing_zcheck.h"
+#include <chameleon/flops.h>
+#include <coreblas.h>
+static cham_fixdbl_t
+flops_zherk_batch( int nb, int K, int N )
+    return flops_zherk( K, N ) * nb;
+testing_zherk_batch_desc( run_arg_list_t *args, int check )
+    testdata_t test_data = { .args = args };
+    int        hres      = 0;
+    /* Read arguments */
+    int           async = parameters_getvalue_int( "async" );
+    int           nb    = run_arg_get_int( args, "nb", 10 );
+    int           ib    = run_arg_get_int( args, "ib", 10 );
+    int           P     = parameters_getvalue_int( "P" );
+    cham_trans_t  trans = run_arg_get_trans( args, "trans", ChamNoTrans );
+    cham_uplo_t   uplo  = run_arg_get_uplo( args, "uplo", ChamUpper );
+    int           N     = run_arg_get_int( args, "N", 320 );
+    int           K     = run_arg_get_int( args, "K", N );
+    double        alpha = testing_dalea();
+    double        beta  = testing_dalea();
+    double        bump  = 0.;
+    int           seedA = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedA", random() );
+    int           seedC = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedC", random() );
+    /* Descriptors */
+    int          Am, An;
+    CHAM_desc_t *descA, *descC;
+    alpha = run_arg_get_double( args, "alpha", alpha );
+    beta  = run_arg_get_double( args, "beta",  beta  );
+    bump  = run_arg_get_double( args, "bump",  0.    );
+    /* Calculate the dimensions according to the transposition */
+    if ( trans == ChamNoTrans ) {
+        Am = N;
+        An = K;
+    }
+    else {
+        Am = K;
+        An = N;
+    }
+    /* Create the matrices */
+    parameters_desc_create( "A", &descA, ChamComplexDouble, Am, An, nb * Am, ib * An, nb * Am, ib * An );
+    parameters_desc_create( "C", &descC, ChamComplexDouble, N,  N,  nb * N,  ib * N,  nb * N,  ib * N  );
+    /* Fill the matrices with random values */
+    CHAMELEON_zplrnt_Tile( descA, seedA );
+    CHAMELEON_zplghe_batch_Tile( bump, descC, seedC );
+    /* Start measurement */
+    testing_start( &test_data );
+    if ( async ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Async unavailable yet\n" );
+    }
+    hres = CHAMELEON_zherk_batch_Tile( uplo, trans, alpha, descA, beta, descC );
+    /* Stop measurement */
+    test_data.hres = hres;
+    testing_stop( &test_data, flops_zherk_batch( nb*ib, K, N ) );
+    /* Check the solution */
+    if ( check ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Check is not available for zherk_batch\n" );
+    }
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descA );
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descC );
+    return hres;
+testing_t   test_zherk_batch;
+const char *zherk_batch_params[] = { "nb", "ib", "trans", "uplo", "n", "k",
+                                     "alpha", "beta", "seedA", "seedC", "bump", NULL };
+const char *zherk_batch_output[] = { NULL };
+const char *zherk_batch_outchk[] = { "RETURN", NULL };
+ * @brief Testing registration function
+ */
+void testing_zherk_batch_init( void ) __attribute__( ( constructor ) );
+testing_zherk_batch_init( void )
+    test_zherk_batch.name      = "zherk_batch";
+    test_zherk_batch.helper    = "Perform nb*ib rank-k updates zherk( uplo, trans, N, K, ... )";
+    test_zherk_batch.params    = zherk_batch_params;
+    test_zherk_batch.output    = zherk_batch_output;
+    test_zherk_batch.outchk    = zherk_batch_outchk;
+    test_zherk_batch.fptr_desc = testing_zherk_batch_desc;
+    test_zherk_batch.fptr_std  = NULL;
+    test_zherk_batch.next      = NULL;
+    testing_register( &test_zherk_batch );
diff --git a/testing/testing_zpotrf_batch.c b/testing/testing_zpotrf_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb4b6d1156c0bea4c0bdc18ebc839eb8d98f0be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/testing_zpotrf_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ *
+ * @file testing_zpotrf_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon zpotrf_batch testing
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include <chameleon.h>
+#include <chameleon_lapack.h>
+#include "testings.h"
+#include "testing_zcheck.h"
+#include <chameleon/flops.h>
+#include <coreblas.h>
+static cham_fixdbl_t
+flops_zpotrf_batch( int nb, int N )
+    return flops_zpotrf( N ) * nb;
+testing_zpotrf_batch_desc( run_arg_list_t *args, int check )
+    testdata_t test_data = { .args = args };
+    int        hres      = 0;
+    /* Read arguments */
+    int           async = parameters_getvalue_int( "async" );
+    int           nb    = run_arg_get_int( args, "nb", 10 );
+    int           ib    = run_arg_get_int( args, "ib", 10 );
+    int           P     = parameters_getvalue_int( "P" );
+    cham_uplo_t   uplo  = run_arg_get_uplo( args, "uplo", ChamUpper );
+    int           N     = run_arg_get_int( args, "N", 320 );
+    int           seedA = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedA", random() );
+    int           Q     = parameters_compute_q( P );
+    /* Descriptors */
+    CHAM_desc_t *descA;
+    /* Create the matrices */
+    parameters_desc_create( "A", &descA, ChamComplexDouble, N, N, nb * N, ib * N, nb * N, ib * N );
+    /* Fill the matrices with random values */
+    CHAMELEON_zplghe_batch_Tile( (double)N, descA, seedA );
+    /* Start measurement */
+    testing_start( &test_data );
+    if ( async ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Async unavailable yet\n" );
+    }
+    hres = CHAMELEON_zpotrf_batch_Tile( uplo, descA );
+    /* Stop measurement */
+    test_data.hres = hres;
+    testing_stop( &test_data, flops_zpotrf_batch( nb*ib, N ) );
+    /* Check the solution */
+    if ( check ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Check is not available for gemm_batch\n" );
+    }
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descA );
+    return hres;
+testing_t   test_zpotrf_batch;
+const char *zpotrf_batch_params[] = { "nb", "ib",  "uplo", "n", "seedA", NULL };
+const char *zpotrf_batch_output[] = { NULL };
+const char *zpotrf_batch_outchk[] = { "RETURN", NULL };
+ * @brief Testing registration function
+ */
+void testing_zpotrf_batch_init( void ) __attribute__( ( constructor ) );
+testing_zpotrf_batch_init( void )
+    test_zpotrf_batch.name      = "zpotrf_batch";
+    test_zpotrf_batch.helper    = "Perform nb*ib Cholesky factorization potrf( uplo, N, ... )";
+    test_zpotrf_batch.params    = zpotrf_batch_params;
+    test_zpotrf_batch.output    = zpotrf_batch_output;
+    test_zpotrf_batch.outchk    = zpotrf_batch_outchk;
+    test_zpotrf_batch.fptr_desc = testing_zpotrf_batch_desc;
+    test_zpotrf_batch.fptr_std  = NULL;
+    test_zpotrf_batch.next      = NULL;
+    testing_register( &test_zpotrf_batch );
diff --git a/testing/testing_ztrsm_batch.c b/testing/testing_ztrsm_batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44702794fb75f56d247c507165e8aeac6be11081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/testing_ztrsm_batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ *
+ * @file testing_ztrsm_batch.c
+ *
+ * @copyright 2019-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
+ *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * @brief Chameleon ztrsm_batch testing
+ *
+ * @version 1.3.0
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @date 2024-04-03
+ * @precisions normal z -> c d s
+ *
+ */
+#include <chameleon.h>
+#include <chameleon_lapack.h>
+#include "testings.h"
+#include "testing_zcheck.h"
+#include <chameleon/flops.h>
+#include <coreblas.h>
+static cham_fixdbl_t
+flops_ztrsm_batch( int nb, cham_side_t side, int M, int N )
+    return flops_ztrsm( side, M, N ) * nb;
+testing_ztrsm_batch_desc( run_arg_list_t *args, int check )
+    testdata_t test_data = { .args = args };
+    int        hres      = 0;
+    /* Read arguments */
+    int                   async = parameters_getvalue_int( "async" );
+    int                   nb    = run_arg_get_int( args, "nb", 10 );
+    int                   ib    = run_arg_get_int( args, "ib", 10 );
+    int                   P     = parameters_getvalue_int( "P" );
+    cham_trans_t          trans = run_arg_get_trans( args, "trans", ChamNoTrans );
+    cham_side_t           side  = run_arg_get_side( args, "side", ChamLeft );
+    cham_uplo_t           uplo  = run_arg_get_uplo( args, "uplo", ChamUpper );
+    cham_diag_t           diag  = run_arg_get_diag( args, "diag", ChamNonUnit );
+    int                   N     = run_arg_get_int( args, "N", 320 );
+    int                   M     = run_arg_get_int( args, "M", N );
+    CHAMELEON_Complex64_t alpha = testing_zalea();
+    int                   seedA = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedA", random() );
+    int                   seedB = run_arg_get_int( args, "seedB", random() );
+    /* Descriptors */
+    int          Am, An, Bm, Bn;
+    CHAM_desc_t *descA, *descB, *descC;
+    alpha = run_arg_get_complex64( args, "alpha", alpha );
+    /* Calculate the dimensions according to the transposition */
+    if ( side == ChamLeft ) {
+        Am = M;
+        An = M;
+    }
+    else {
+        Am = N;
+        An = N;
+    }
+    /* Create the matrices */
+    parameters_desc_create( "A", &descA, ChamComplexDouble, Am, An, nb * Am, ib * An, nb * Am, ib * An );
+    parameters_desc_create( "B", &descB, ChamComplexDouble, M,  N,  nb * M,  ib * N,  nb * M,  ib * N  );
+    /* Fill the matrices with random values */
+    CHAMELEON_zplrnt_Tile( descA, seedA );
+    CHAMELEON_zplrnt_Tile( descB, seedB );
+    /* Start measurement */
+    testing_start( &test_data );
+    if ( async ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Async unavailable yet\n" );
+    }
+    hres = CHAMELEON_ztrsm_batch_Tile( side, uplo, trans, diag, alpha, descA, descB );
+     /* Stop measurement */
+    test_data.hres = hres;
+    testing_stop( &test_data, flops_ztrsm_batch( nb*ib, side, M, N ) );
+    /* Check the solution */
+    if ( check ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Check is not available for ztrsm_batch\n" );
+    }
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descA );
+    parameters_desc_destroy( &descB );
+    return hres;
+testing_t   test_ztrsm_batch;
+const char *ztrsm_batch_params[] = { "nb", "ib", "side",  "uplo", "trans", "diag", "m", "n",
+                                     "alpha", "seedA", "seedB", NULL };
+const char *ztrsm_batch_output[] = { NULL };
+const char *ztrsm_batch_outchk[] = { "RETURN", NULL };
+ * @brief Testing registration function
+ */
+void testing_ztrsm_batch_init( void ) __attribute__( ( constructor ) );
+testing_ztrsm_batch_init( void )
+    test_ztrsm_batch.name      = "ztrsm_batch";
+    test_ztrsm_batch.helper    = "Perform nb*ib triangular solve trsm( side, uplo, trns, diag, M, N, ... )";
+    test_ztrsm_batch.params    = ztrsm_batch_params;
+    test_ztrsm_batch.output    = ztrsm_batch_output;
+    test_ztrsm_batch.outchk    = ztrsm_batch_outchk;
+    test_ztrsm_batch.fptr_desc = testing_ztrsm_batch_desc;
+    test_ztrsm_batch.fptr_std  = NULL;
+    test_ztrsm_batch.next      = NULL;
+    testing_register( &test_ztrsm_batch );