From 73bdfe2395b48897b4b426f82426809284b28d98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florent Pruvost <>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 12:38:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove this quark codelet which lies in starpu directory

 runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpamm.c | 244 ------------------------
 1 file changed, 244 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpamm.c

diff --git a/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpamm.c b/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpamm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fbb29f3e4..000000000
--- a/runtime/starpu/codelets/codelet_zpamm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @copyright (c) 2009-2014 The University of Tennessee and The University
- *                          of Tennessee Research Foundation.
- *                          All rights reserved.
- * @copyright (c) 2012-2014 Inria. All rights reserved.
- * @copyright (c) 2012-2014, 2016 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria, Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
- *
- **/
- *
- * @file codelet_zpamm.c
- *
- *  MORSE codelets kernel
- *  MORSE is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,
- *  Univ. of California Berkeley and Univ. of Colorado Denver
- *
- * @version 2.5.0
- * @comment This file has been automatically generated
- *          from Plasma 2.5.0 for MORSE 1.0.0
- * @author Dulceneia Becker
- * @author Mathieu Faverge
- * @author Emmanuel Agullo
- * @author Cedric Castagnede
- * @date 2011-06-14
- * @precisions normal z -> c d s
- *
- **/
-#include "coreblas/include/cblas.h"
-#include "runtime/starpu/include/morse_starpu.h"
-#include "runtime/starpu/include/runtime_codelet_z.h"
- *
- * @ingroup CORE_MORSE_Complex64_t
- *
- *  ZPAMM  performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
- *
- *                    LEFT                      RIGHT
- *     OP MorseW  :  W  = A1 + op(V) * A2  or  W  = A1 + A2 * op(V)
- *     OP MorseA2 :  A2 = A2 - op(V) * W   or  A2 = A2 - W * op(V)
- *
- *  where  op( V ) is one of
- *
- *     op( V ) = V   or   op( V ) = V**T   or   op( V ) = V**H,
- *
- *  A1, A2 and W are general matrices, and V is:
- *
- *        l = k: rectangle + triangle
- *        l < k: rectangle + trapezoid
- *        l = 0: rectangle
- *
- *  Size of V, both rowwise and columnwise, is:
- *
- *         ----------------------
- *          side   trans    size
- *         ----------------------
- *          left     N     M x K
- *                   T     K x M
- *          right    N     K x N
- *                   T     N x K
- *         ----------------------
- *
- *  LEFT (columnwise and rowwise):
- *
- *              |    K    |                 |         M         |
- *           _  __________   _              _______________        _
- *              |    |    |                 |             | \
- *     V:       |    |    |            V':  |_____________|___\    K
- *              |    |    | M-L             |                  |
- *           M  |    |    |                 |__________________|   _
- *              |____|    |  _
- *              \    |    |                 |    M - L    | L  |
- *                \  |    |  L
- *           _      \|____|  _
- *
- *
- *  RIGHT (columnwise and rowwise):
- *
- *          |         K         |                   |    N    |
- *          _______________        _             _  __________   _
- *          |             | \                       |    |    |
- *     V':  |_____________|___\    N        V:      |    |    |
- *          |                  |                    |    |    | K-L
- *          |__________________|   _             K  |    |    |
- *                                                  |____|    |  _
- *          |    K - L    | L  |                    \    |    |
- *                                                    \  |    |  L
- *                                               _      \|____|  _
- *
- *  Arguments
- *  ==========
- *
- * @param[in] op
- *
- *         OP specifies which operation to perform:
- *
- *         @arg MorseW  : W  = A1 + op(V) * A2  or  W  = A1 + A2 * op(V)
- *         @arg MorseA2 : A2 = A2 - op(V) * W   or  A2 = A2 - W * op(V)
- *
- * @param[in] side
- *
- *         SIDE specifies whether  op( V ) multiplies A2
- *         or W from the left or right as follows:
- *
- *         @arg MorseLeft  : multiply op( V ) from the left
- *                            OP MorseW  :  W  = A1 + op(V) * A2
- *                            OP MorseA2 :  A2 = A2 - op(V) * W
- *
- *         @arg MorseRight : multiply op( V ) from the right
- *                            OP MorseW  :  W  = A1 + A2 * op(V)
- *                            OP MorseA2 :  A2 = A2 - W * op(V)
- *
- * @param[in] storev
- *
- *         Indicates how the vectors which define the elementary
- *         reflectors are stored in V:
- *
- *         @arg MorseColumnwise
- *         @arg MorseRowwise
- *
- * @param[in] M
- *         The number of rows of the A1, A2 and W
- *         If SIDE is MorseLeft, the number of rows of op( V )
- *
- * @param[in] N
- *         The number of columns of the A1, A2 and W
- *         If SIDE is MorseRight, the number of columns of op( V )
- *
- * @param[in] K
- *         If SIDE is MorseLeft, the number of columns of op( V )
- *         If SIDE is MorseRight, the number of rows of op( V )
- *
- * @param[in] L
- *         The size of the triangular part of V
- *
- * @param[in] A1
- *         On entry, the M-by-N tile A1.
- *
- * @param[in] LDA1
- *         The leading dimension of the array A1. LDA1 >= max(1,M).
- *
- * @param[in,out] A2
- *         On entry, the M-by-N tile A2.
- *         On exit, if OP is MorseA2 A2 is overwritten
- *
- * @param[in] LDA2
- *         The leading dimension of the tile A2. LDA2 >= max(1,M).
- *
- * @param[in] V
- *         The matrix V as described above.
- *         If SIDE is MorseLeft : op( V ) is M-by-K
- *         If SIDE is MorseRight: op( V ) is K-by-N
- *
- * @param[in] LDV
- *         The leading dimension of the array V.
- *
- * @param[in,out] W
- *         On entry, the M-by-N matrix W.
- *         On exit, W is overwritten either if OP is MorseA2 or MorseW.
- *         If OP is MorseA2, W is an input and is used as a workspace.
- *
- * @param[in] LDW
- *         The leading dimension of array WORK.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- *
- * @return
- *          \retval MORSE_SUCCESS successful exit
- *          \retval <0 if -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
- *
- *********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
-MORSE_TASK_zpamm(const MORSE_option_t *options,
-                 int op, MORSE_enum side, int storev,
-                 int m, int n, int k, int l,
-                 const MORSE_desc_t *A1, int A1m, int A1n, int lda1,
-                 const MORSE_desc_t *A2, int A2m, int A2n, int lda2,
-                 const MORSE_desc_t *V, int Vm, int Vn, int ldv,
-                 const MORSE_desc_t *W, int Wm, int Wn, int ldw)
-    (void)nb;
-    struct starpu_codelet *codelet = &cl_zpamm;
-    void (*callback)(void*) = options->profiling ? cl_zpamm_callback : NULL;
-    if ( morse_desc_islocal( A1, A1m, A1n ) ||
-         morse_desc_islocal( A2, A2m, A2n ) ||
-         morse_desc_islocal( V,  Vm,  Vn  ) ||
-         morse_desc_islocal( W,  Wm,  Wn  ) )
-    {
-        starpu_insert_task(
-            codelet,
-            STARPU_VALUE,      &op,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_VALUE,    &side,                sizeof(MORSE_enum),
-            STARPU_VALUE,  &storev,                sizeof(MORSE_enum),
-            STARPU_VALUE,       &m,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_VALUE,       &n,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_VALUE,       &k,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_VALUE,       &l,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_R,           RTBLKADDR(A1, MORSE_Complex64_t, A1m, A1n),
-            STARPU_VALUE,    &lda1,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_RW,           RTBLKADDR(A2, MORSE_Complex64_t, A2m, A2n),
-            STARPU_VALUE,    &lda2,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_R,            RTBLKADDR(V, MORSE_Complex64_t, Vm, Vn),
-            STARPU_VALUE,     &ldv,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_RW,            RTBLKADDR(W, MORSE_Complex64_t, Wm, Wn),
-            STARPU_VALUE,     &ldw,                        sizeof(int),
-            STARPU_PRIORITY,    options->priority,
-            STARPU_CALLBACK,    callback,
-            0);
-    }
-CORE_zpamm_quark(Quark *quark)
-    int op;
-    MORSE_enum side;
-    int storev;
-    int M;
-    int N;
-    int K;
-    int L;
-    MORSE_Complex64_t *A1;
-    int LDA1;
-    MORSE_Complex64_t *A2;
-    int LDA2;
-    MORSE_Complex64_t *V;
-    int LDV;
-    MORSE_Complex64_t *W;
-    int LDW;
-    A1 = (MORSE_Complex64_t *)STARPU_MATRIX_GET_PTR(descr[0]);
-    A2 = (MORSE_Complex64_t *)STARPU_MATRIX_GET_PTR(descr[1]);
-    V = (MORSE_Complex64_t *)STARPU_MATRIX_GET_PTR(descr[2]);
-    W = (MORSE_Complex64_t *)STARPU_MATRIX_GET_PTR(descr[3]);
-    starpu_codelet_unpack_args(cl_arg, &op, &side, &storev, &M, &N, &K, &L, &LDA1, &LDA2, &LDV, &LDW);
-    CORE_zpamm( op, side, storev, M, N, K, L, A1, LDA1, A2, LDA2, V, LDV, W, LDW);