From 5b2125b6dd714cd51461ee115bfa7ec7d518210e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: PRUVOST Florent <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 14:19:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] doc installing: add guix and spack recipes

 doc/orgmode/chapters/ | 224 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 215 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/orgmode/chapters/ b/doc/orgmode/chapters/
index 7675856d6..52e7a23e1 100644
--- a/doc/orgmode/chapters/
+++ b/doc/orgmode/chapters/
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ we encourage users to use [[sec:spack][Spack]].
    # Install StarPU (with MPI and FxT enabled)
    mkdir -p $HOME/install
    cd $HOME/install
-   wget
-   tar xvzf starpu-1.2.6.tar.gz
-   cd starpu-1.2.6/
+   wget
+   tar xvzf starpu-1.3.3.tar.gz
+   cd starpu-1.3.3/
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-fxt=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    make -j5
    sudo make install
@@ -262,25 +262,231 @@ we encourage users to use [[sec:spack][Spack]].
      with CUDA releases from versions 4 to 7.5.  Your compiler must be
      compatible with CUDA.
+** Distribution of Chameleon using GNU Guix
+   <<sec:guix>>
+   We provide [[][Guix]] packages to install Chameleon with its dependencies
+   in a reproducible way on GNU/Linux systems. For MacOSX please refer
+   to the next section about Spack packaging.
+   If you are "root" on the system you can install Guix and directly
+   use it to install the libraries. On supercomputers your are not
+   root on you may still be able to use it if Docker or Singularity
+   are available on the machine because Chameleon can be packaged as
+   Docker/Singularity images with Guix.
+*** Installing Guix
+    Guix requires a running GNU/Linux system, GNU tar and Xz.
+    #+begin_src sh
+    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 3CE464558A84FDC69DB40CFB090B11993D9AEBB5
+    wget
+    chmod +x
+    sudo ./
+    #+end_src
+    The Chameleon packages are not official Guix packages. It is then
+    necessary to add a channel to get additional packages.  Create a
+    ~/.config/guix/channels.scm file with the following snippet:
+    #+begin_example
+    (cons (channel
+        (name 'guix-hpc-non-free)
+        (url ""))
+      %default-channels)
+    #+end_example
+    Update guix package definition
+    #+begin_src sh
+    guix pull
+    #+end_src
+    Update new guix in the path
+    #+begin_src sh
+    PATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH"
+    hash guix
+    #+end_src
+    For further shell sessions, add this to the ~/.bash_profile file
+    #+begin_example
+    export PATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH"
+    export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
+    #+end_example
+    Chameleon packages are now available
+    #+begin_src sh
+    guix search ^chameleon
+    #+end_src
+    Refer to the [[][official documentation of Guix]] to learn the basic
+    commands.
+*** Installing Chameleon with Guix
+    Standard Chameleon, last release
+    #+begin_src sh
+    guix install chameleon
+    #+end_src
+    Notice that there exist several build variants
+    - chameleon (default) : with starpu - with mpi
+    - chameleon-cuda : with starpu - with mpi - with cuda
+    - chameleon-fxt : with starpu - with mpi - with fxt
+    - chameleon-simgrid : with starpu - with mpi - with simgrid
+    - chameleon-openmp : with openmp - without mpi
+    - chameleon-parsec : with parsec - without mpi
+    - chameleon-quark : with quark - without mpi
+    Change the version
+    #+begin_src sh
+    guix install chameleon --with-branch=chameleon=master
+    guix install chameleon --with-commit=chameleon=b31d7575fb7d9c0e1ba2d8ec633e16cb83778e8b
+    guix install chameleon --with-git-url=chameleon=
+    guix install chameleon --with-git-url=chameleon=$HOME/git/chameleon
+    #+end_src
+    Notice also that default mpi is OpenMPI and default blas/lapack is
+    Openblas. This can be changed with a [[][transformation option]].
+    Change some dependencies
+    #+begin_src sh
+    # install chameleon with intel mkl to replace openblas and nmad to replace openmpi
+    guix install chameleon --with-input=openblas=mkl --with-input=openmpi=nmad
+    #+end_src
+*** Generate a Chameleon Docker image with Guix
+    To install Chameleon and its dependencies within a docker image
+    (OpenMPI stack)
+    #+begin_src sh
+    docker_chameleon=`guix pack -f docker chameleon chameleon --with-branch=chameleon=master --with-input=openblas=mkl mkl starpu hwloc openmpi openssh slurm bash coreutils inetutils util-linux procps git grep tar sed gzip which gawk perl emacs-minimal vim gcc-toolchain make cmake pkg-config -S /bin=bin --entry-point=/bin/bash`
+    # Load the generated tarball as a docker image
+    docker_chameleon_tag=`docker load --input $docker_chameleon | grep "Loaded image: " | cut -d " " -f 3-`
+    # Change tag name, see the existing image name with "docker images" command, then change to a more simple name
+    docker tag $docker_chameleon_tag guix/chameleon-tmp
+    #+end_src
+    Create a Dockerfile inheriting from the image (renamed
+    =guix/chameleon= here):
+    #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle Dockerfile :export none
+    FROM guix/chameleon-tmp
+    # Create a directory for user 1000
+    RUN mkdir -p /builds
+    RUN chown -R 1000 /builds
+    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-l"]
+    # Enter the image as user 1000 in /builds
+    USER 1000
+    WORKDIR /builds
+    ENV HOME /builds
+    #+end_src
+    Then create the final docker image from this docker file.
+    #+begin_src sh
+    docker build -t guix/chameleon .
+    #+end_src
+    Test the image
+    #+begin_src sh
+    docker run -it guix/chameleon
+    # test starpu
+    STARPU=`pkg-config --variable=prefix libstarpu`
+    mpiexec -np 4 $STARPU/lib/starpu/mpi/comm
+    # test chameleon
+    CHAMELEON=`pkg-config --variable=prefix chameleon`
+    mpiexec -np 2 $CHAMELEON/bin/new-testing/snew-testing -H -o gemm -P 2 -t 2 -m 2000 -n 2000 -k 2000
+    #+end_src
+*** Generate a Chameleon Singularity image with Guix
+    To package Chameleon and its dependencies within a singularity image
+    (OpenMPI stack)
+    #+begin_src sh
+    singularity_chameleon=`guix pack -f squashfs chameleon --with-branch=chameleon=master --with-input=openblas=mkl mkl starpu hwloc openmpi openssh slurm hdf5 zlib bash coreutils inetutils util-linux procps git grep tar sed gzip which gawk perl emacs-minimal vim gcc-toolchain make cmake pkg-config -S /bin=bin --entry-point=/bin/bash`
+    cp $singularity_chameleon chameleon-pack.gz.squashfs
+    # copy the singularity image on the supercomputer, e.g. 'supercomputer'
+    scp chameleon-pack.gz.squashfs supercomputer:
+    #+end_src
+    On a machine where Singularity is installed Chameleon can then be
+    called as follows
+    #+begin_src sh
+    # at least openmpi and singularity are required here, e.g. module add openmpi singularity
+    mpiexec -np 2 singularity exec chameleon-pack.gz.squashfs /bin/new-testing/snew-testing -H -o gemm -P 2 -t 2 -m 2000 -n 2000 -k 2000
+    #+end_src
 ** Distribution of Chameleon using Spack
-   To get support to install a full distribution (Chameleon +
-   dependencies) we encourage users to use *Spack*. Please refer to our
-   [[][Spack Repository]].
+*** Installing Spack
+    To get support to install a full distribution, Chameleon plus
+    dependencies, we encourage users to use [[][Spack]]. Please refer to our
+    [[][Spack Repository]].
-*** Usage example for a simple distribution of Chameleon
     #+begin_src sh
     git clone
     export SPACK_ROOT=$PWD/spack
+    cd spack/
+    git checkout v0.13.2
     . $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/
-    git clone
-    spack repo add spack-repo
+    git clone ./var/spack/repos/solverstack
+    spack repo add ./var/spack/repos/solverstack
+    #+end_src
+    Chameleon is then available
+    #+begin_src sh
+    spack info chameleon
+    spack spec chameleon
+    #+end_src
+    Refer to te [[][official documentation of Spack]] to learn the basic
+    commands.
+*** Installing Chameleon with Spack
+    Standard Chameleon, last state on the 'master' branch
+    #+begin_src sh
     spack install -v chameleon
     # chameleon is installed here:
     `spack location -i chameleon`
+    Notice that there exist several build variants
+    - chameleon (default) : with starpu - with mpi
+    - tune the build type (CMake) with build_type=RelWithDebInfo|Debug|Release
+    - enable/disable shared libraries with +/- shared
+    - enable/disable mpi with +/- mpi
+    - enable/disable cuda with +/- cuda
+    - enable/disable fxt with +/- fxt
+    - enable/disable simgrid with +/- simgrid
+    - +openmp~starpu : with openmp - without starpu
+    - +quark~starpu : with quark - without starpu
+    Change the version
+    #+begin_src sh
+    spack install -v chameleon@0.9.2
+    #+end_src
+    Notice also that default mpi is OpenMPI and default blas/lapack is
+    Openblas. This can be changed by adding some [[][constraints on
+    virtual packages]].
+    Change some dependencies
+    #+begin_src sh
+    # see lapack providers
+    spack providers lapack
+    # see mpi providers
+    spack providers mpi
+    # install chameleon with intel mkl to replace openblas
+    spack install -v chameleon ^intel-mkl
+    # install chameleon with nmad to replace openmpi
+    spack install -v chameleon ^nmad
+    #+end_src
 ** Build and install Chameleon with CMake
    Compilation of Chameleon libraries and executables are done with
    CMake ( This version has been tested with