diff --git a/compute/CMakeLists.txt b/compute/CMakeLists.txt
index 8fff5fd79dd5a16ab87b6e6de68045ab6feb1a27..d8bc6b1c56b6a107670e2704f9906f861aeb2bec 100644
--- a/compute/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/compute/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ set(ZSRC
+    zgelqf_param.c
diff --git a/compute/zgelqf_param.c b/compute/zgelqf_param.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92860796cc723bc9ea429a9bed43f6969a9ee565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute/zgelqf_param.c
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ *
+ * @copyright (c) 2009-2014 The University of Tennessee and The University
+ *                          of Tennessee Research Foundation.
+ *                          All rights reserved.
+ * @copyright (c) 2012-2014 Inria. All rights reserved.
+ * @copyright (c) 2012-2014 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria, Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ **/
+ *
+ * @file zgelqf_param.c
+ *
+ *  MORSE computational routines
+ *  MORSE is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,
+ *  Univ. of California Berkeley and Univ. of Colorado Denver
+ *
+ * @version 2.5.0
+ * @comment This file has been automatically generated
+ *          from Plasma 2.5.0 for MORSE 1.0.0
+ * @author Jakub Kurzak
+ * @author Dulceneia Becker
+ * @author Mathieu Faverge
+ * @author Emmanuel Agullo
+ * @author Cedric Castagnede
+ * @date 2010-11-15
+ * @precisions normal z -> s d c
+ *
+ **/
+#include "control/common.h"
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup MORSE_Complex64_t
+ *
+ *  MORSE_zgelqf_param - Computes the tile LQ factorization of a complex M-by-N matrix A: A = L * Q.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] M
+ *          The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0.
+ *
+ * @param[in] N
+ *          The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] A
+ *          On entry, the M-by-N matrix A.
+ *          On exit, the elements on and below the diagonal of the array contain the m-by-min(M,N)
+ *          lower trapezoidal matrix L (L is lower triangular if M <= N); the elements above the
+ *          diagonal represent the unitary matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors, stored
+ *          by tiles.
+ *
+ * @param[in] LDA
+ *          The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M).
+ *
+ * @param[out] descT
+ *          On exit, auxiliary factorization data, required by MORSE_zgelqs to solve the system
+ *          of equations.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return
+ *          \retval MORSE_SUCCESS successful exit
+ *          \retval <0 if -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async
+ * @sa MORSE_cgelqf
+ * @sa MORSE_dgelqf
+ * @sa MORSE_sgelqf
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqs
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+int MORSE_zgelqf_param(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, int M, int N,
+                       MORSE_Complex64_t *A, int LDA,
+                       MORSE_desc_t *descTS, MORSE_desc_t *descTT)
+    int NB;
+    int status;
+    MORSE_context_t *morse;
+    MORSE_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    MORSE_request_t request = MORSE_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    MORSE_desc_t descA;
+    morse = morse_context_self();
+    if (morse == NULL) {
+        morse_fatal_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param", "MORSE not initialized");
+    }
+    /* Check input arguments */
+    if (M < 0) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param", "illegal value of M");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (N < 0) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param", "illegal value of N");
+        return -2;
+    }
+    if (LDA < chameleon_max(1, M)) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param", "illegal value of LDA");
+        return -4;
+    }
+    /* Quick return */
+    if (chameleon_min(M, N) == 0)
+        return MORSE_SUCCESS;
+    /* Tune NB & IB depending on M, N & NRHS; Set NBNBSIZE */
+    status = morse_tune(MORSE_FUNC_ZGELS, M, N, 0);
+    if (status != MORSE_SUCCESS) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param", "morse_tune() failed");
+        return status;
+    }
+    /* Set NT */
+    NB = MORSE_NB;
+    morse_sequence_create(morse, &sequence);
+        morse_zooplap2tile( descA, A, NB, NB, LDA, N, 0, 0, M, N, sequence, &request,
+                             morse_desc_mat_free(&(descA)) );
+/*    } else {*/
+/*        morse_ziplap2tile( descA, A, NB, NB, LDA, N, 0, 0, M, N,*/
+/*                            sequence, &request);*/
+/*    }*/
+    /* Call the tile interface */
+    MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async(qrtree, &descA, descTS, descTT, sequence, &request);
+        morse_zooptile2lap(descA, A, NB, NB, LDA, N,  sequence, &request);
+        morse_sequence_wait(morse, sequence);
+        morse_desc_mat_free(&descA);
+/*    } else {*/
+/*        morse_ziptile2lap( descA, A, NB, NB, LDA, N,  sequence, &request);*/
+/*        morse_sequence_wait(morse, sequence);*/
+/*    }*/
+    status = sequence->status;
+    morse_sequence_destroy(morse, sequence);
+    return status;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup MORSE_Complex64_t_Tile
+ *
+ *  MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile - Computes the tile LQ factorization of a matrix.
+ *  Tile equivalent of MORSE_zgelqf_param().
+ *  Operates on matrices stored by tiles.
+ *  All matrices are passed through descriptors.
+ *  All dimensions are taken from the descriptors.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] A
+ *          On entry, the M-by-N matrix A.
+ *          On exit, the elements on and below the diagonal of the array contain the m-by-min(M,N)
+ *          lower trapezoidal matrix L (L is lower triangular if M <= N); the elements above the
+ *          diagonal represent the unitary matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors, stored
+ *          by tiles.
+ *
+ * @param[out] T
+ *          On exit, auxiliary factorization data, required by MORSE_zgelqs to solve the system
+ *          of equations.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @return
+ *          \retval MORSE_SUCCESS successful exit
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqf_param
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async
+ * @sa MORSE_cgelqf_Tile
+ * @sa MORSE_dgelqf_Tile
+ * @sa MORSE_sgelqf_Tile
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqs_Tile
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+int MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT)
+    MORSE_context_t *morse;
+    MORSE_sequence_t *sequence = NULL;
+    MORSE_request_t request = MORSE_REQUEST_INITIALIZER;
+    int status;
+    morse = morse_context_self();
+    if (morse == NULL) {
+        morse_fatal_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "MORSE not initialized");
+    }
+    morse_sequence_create(morse, &sequence);
+    MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async(qrtree, A, TS, TT, sequence, &request);
+    morse_sequence_wait(morse, sequence);
+    RUNTIME_desc_getoncpu(A);
+    status = sequence->status;
+    morse_sequence_destroy(morse, sequence);
+    return status;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @ingroup MORSE_Complex64_t_Tile_Async
+ *
+ *  MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async - Computes the tile LQ factorization of a matrix.
+ *  Non-blocking equivalent of MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile().
+ *  May return before the computation is finished.
+ *  Allows for pipelining of operations at runtime.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @param[in] sequence
+ *          Identifies the sequence of function calls that this call belongs to
+ *          (for completion checks and exception handling purposes).
+ *
+ * @param[out] request
+ *          Identifies this function call (for exception handling purposes).
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqf_param
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile
+ * @sa MORSE_cgelqf_Tile_Async
+ * @sa MORSE_dgelqf_Tile_Async
+ * @sa MORSE_sgelqf_Tile_Async
+ * @sa MORSE_zgelqs_Tile_Async
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+int MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT,
+                                  MORSE_sequence_t *sequence, MORSE_request_t *request)
+    MORSE_context_t *morse;
+    morse = morse_context_self();
+    if (morse == NULL) {
+        morse_fatal_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "MORSE not initialized");
+    }
+    if (sequence == NULL) {
+        morse_fatal_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "NULL sequence");
+        return MORSE_ERR_UNALLOCATED;
+    }
+    if (request == NULL) {
+        morse_fatal_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "NULL request");
+        return MORSE_ERR_UNALLOCATED;
+    }
+    /* Check sequence status */
+    if (sequence->status == MORSE_SUCCESS)
+        request->status = MORSE_SUCCESS;
+    else
+        return morse_request_fail(sequence, request, MORSE_ERR_SEQUENCE_FLUSHED);
+    /* Check descriptors for correctness */
+    if (morse_desc_check(A) != MORSE_SUCCESS) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "invalid first descriptor");
+        return morse_request_fail(sequence, request, MORSE_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
+    }
+    if (morse_desc_check(TS) != MORSE_SUCCESS) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "invalid second descriptor");
+        return morse_request_fail(sequence, request, MORSE_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
+    }
+    if (morse_desc_check(TT) != MORSE_SUCCESS) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "invalid third descriptor");
+        return morse_request_fail(sequence, request, MORSE_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
+    }
+    /* Check input arguments */
+    if (A->nb != A->mb) {
+        morse_error("MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile", "only square tiles supported");
+        return morse_request_fail(sequence, request, MORSE_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
+    }
+    /* Quick return */
+    if (chameleon_min(M, N) == 0)
+        return MORSE_SUCCESS;
+    morse_pzgelqf_param(qrtree, A, TS, TT, sequence, request);
+    return MORSE_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/include/morse_z.h b/include/morse_z.h
index cca059a22ce13ffade1706cc2003a771e82e8375..8e3c3b399aa537c6c86dd580639cef9ddd41b4f5 100644
--- a/include/morse_z.h
+++ b/include/morse_z.h
@@ -280,6 +280,9 @@ int MORSE_zunmqr_Tile_Async(MORSE_enum side, MORSE_enum trans, MORSE_desc_t *A,
 int MORSE_zgels_param(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_enum trans, int M, int N, int NRHS, MORSE_Complex64_t *A, int LDA, MORSE_desc_t *descTS, MORSE_desc_t *descTT, MORSE_Complex64_t *B, int LDB);
 int MORSE_zgels_param_Tile(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_enum trans, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT, MORSE_desc_t *B);
 int MORSE_zgels_param_Tile_Async(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_enum trans, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT, MORSE_desc_t *B, MORSE_sequence_t *sequence, MORSE_request_t *request);
+int MORSE_zgelqf_param(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, int M, int N, MORSE_Complex64_t *A, int LDA, MORSE_desc_t *descTS, MORSE_desc_t *descTT);
+int MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT);
+int MORSE_zgelqf_param_Tile_Async(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT, MORSE_sequence_t *sequence, MORSE_request_t *request);
 int MORSE_zgeqrf_param(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, int M, int N, MORSE_Complex64_t *A, int LDA, MORSE_desc_t *descTS, MORSE_desc_t *descTT);
 int MORSE_zgeqrf_param_Tile(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT);
 int MORSE_zgeqrf_param_Tile_Async(const libhqr_tree_t *qrtree, MORSE_desc_t *A, MORSE_desc_t *TS, MORSE_desc_t *TT, MORSE_sequence_t *sequence, MORSE_request_t *request);